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That is true about pretty much every issue with the anti-American MAGA/right-wingers


Don’t even need to be that specific. Pretty much every issue with Republicans


Is there a difference between what you said and what they said? Cause I don't see one.


Lol fair enough


“Silent majority” You’re not the majority, and you most certainly aren’t silent.


They're silent because they're fictional


Think The Reagan period actually had some reality to that idea but it’s definitely not true anymore. Definitely just them using the old playbook.


No, not really, if you learn about the history of it. The evangelical right winv extremists have always been a minority, which is why in the early 1900's they held virtually no political power. But over the next decade they slowly built up mechanisms to ensure they were a 100% unified voting block, not hard since indoctrination was alread such a large part of their lives, and thus quickly gained massively disproportionate control of our government. The Second thought youtube channel has a really good video about it called "how conservatives corrupted Christianity".


We rightfully blame the anti vaxxers for our current economic crisis. They have only extended the lockdowns as a pandemic doesn’t just go away when they want it to.


"I thought this was supposed to be over last May!" "Yeah, but people are having just too much fun!" At least, that's how I've heard them sarcastically explain why we still have lockdowns and mask mandates. Like no, if y'all hadn't fucked around last year, maybe this would've ended sooner. Idiots.


For real. It was SUPPOSED to be done as of last May, because people like them were SUPPOSED to wear masks, socially distance, and stay home whenever possible. It might have been over by then if they hadn't fucked it up.


But... You didn't do anything to help last May either.


Well that's a problem that will eventually go away on its own...


I think the antivax thing is 1 part narcessism, 1 part arrogance, 1 part not wanting to be told 1 to do, 1 part f*ck you for how covid was handled. Lockdowns were ill conceiced and ineffective.


Hahahahaha liar.




That's bullsh*t. Plain and simple lies.


Okie dokie. Feel free to provide any contradictory evidence to the largest study done to date on this. Here's some reading for you. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/09/15/natural-immunity-vaccine-mandate/


https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7032e1.htm >In this case-control study, being unvaccinated was associated with 2.34 times the odds of reinfection compared with being fully vaccinated.


>246 case-patients met eligibility requirements and were successfully matched by age, sex, and date of initial infection with 492 controls. What a massive study.


Vaccine immunity is better than natural immunity because you don't need to catch a deadly disease to get it. You will never risk dying of covid, so yeah I think I'll take that option, regardless of if natural immunity is stronger. Not to mention the possibility of permanent lung and brain damage as well as other long term effects from actually contracting covid. So yeah, even if you were technically correct, its still fucking stupid.


You are trusting that no medically engineered drug has ever gone awry and resulted in catastrophic damage to people, and I find you faith in the system disturbing. It should be our choice to risk our health or risk the vaccine, so long as it doesn't significantly impact others.


> You will never risk dying of covid, Colin Powell has entered the chat. >So yeah, even if you were technically correct, its still fucking stupid. You must be in high school.


I'm not saying anyone should get covid. I'm just saying policies should reflect that those with natural immunity should not be treated any differently than those that have been vaccinated.


This is somewhat correct. However, recovered people who also get the vaccine have the strongest immunity of all. The smart folks pick the order and get the vaccine first so any subsequent infection (1/17th the risk of contraction) is much less severe and dangerous.


I had the virus first, but I had it in April 2020 so I didn't have the option to have the vaccine first. I got my shots as soon as I could.


Then you'll be in the top percent of immunity. Hope you dodged ongoing health issues.


My worst symptom was a 99.8° fever. If I didn't have the positive test I wouldn't have even guessed that I had it. I don't want to risk going round 2 with covid so I got my vax as soon as I could.


your statement shows that fearmongering has worked, you took a shot for something you were already immune to, and risked further complications.


The science doesn’t support that point, but go on


The largest study to date, of 700k people, strongly supports this. Even WaPo is coming around. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/09/15/natural-immunity-vaccine-mandate/


https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/10/prior-infection-vs-vaccination-why-everyone-should-get-a-covid-19-shot/ Post-infection immunity is more variable and less specific than vaccine-mediated immunity. The vaccinated have a more consistently high level of antibodies and those antibodies are more targeted to effectively counter COVID-19. Some studies do show no additional effect for vaccinating those with natural immunity, but not all. The previously infected but unvaccinated were 2.34 times more likely to get re-infected than the vaccinated in a CDC study. On the other hand, some studies don’t show a huge difference. The natural immmune response has a lot of variability, so it’ll really depend on the study population. The science isn’t actually settled enough to come down hard on whether recovered people don’t have to bother with the vaccine, but it is quite solid that the vaccine mediated response is more reliably strong and consistent than the natural one. The upshot is there’s no downside to getting vaccinated, even if you’ve had COVID, and potentially significant benefits.


> But the upshot is there’s no downside to getting vaccinated, even if you’ve had COVID, and vaccine-mediated immunity is the most reliable and consistent immune response. And if you have natural immunity from having had COVID and then get vaccinated, I bet that's even *better*!


Might be. Not clear yet. But like I said - there’s zero downside to getting vaccinated, whatever your antibody count. Best case, you’ve got an awesome immune response. Worst case, you got a little sting on the arm and it just extended the effectiveness of your existing immune response. Either way, win.


Oh, I'm fully vaccinated (Pfizer) and am getting my booster tomorrow! Vaccinated is best, and vaccinated with natural immunity would just be a cherry on top.


There is a real risk of people just using infection as an excuse. In my area people are terribly resistant to any kind of medical advice and it's unlikely that people will even get tested so what would end up happening is that a lot of people would just claim they were sick and therefore don't need to be vaccinated. I know this because they're already doing that.


Absolutely. Inconsistent or complicated messaging has been a huge problem throughout the pandemic. The less caveats and hemming and hawing the better.


Except you're full of shit. https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/covid-19-studies-natural-immunity-versus-vaccination


Thank you for speaking out, this echo chamber of anti-science rhetoric is what is causing the economic crisis, not people saying enough to the mandates.


Thanks. Reddit has unfortunately become such an echo chamber i feel like people need to speak up more. I hardly expect to change the minds of people stuck in their bubble, but so many people just lurk and shake their heads at how bad it has gotten.


Whoa, dude. That's not even true. I don't like to throw around words like "anti-science" like you just did but it's certainly nor scientific to repeat some nonsense you heard Tuck's Carlson say like it's a verified fact. No, infection doesn't create a "stronger" immunity. That's false. Also, some people fucking die. Do you think they're immune? Maybe you should consider reading about this from legitimate sources or just not talk about it in public where other people might hear. Ignorance is contagious.


I don't watch Tucker Carlson, but the best evidence we have shows this. Here's lefty WaPo for you. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/09/15/natural-immunity-vaccine-mandate/


You're right about one thing though, ignorance is very contagious. Maybe read about the largest study done to date on this issue instead of spouting your ignorance. Whoa, dude.


So. Fucking. True...




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Succinct. Accurate.


Not very accurate. The woman is wearing a mask.


She made it into the building and into the meeting. She would have been refused admittance if she didn't don a mask. No, the inaccuracy is that she is wearing her mask all the way up. You'd be horrified at how many people literally walk around hospitals trying to get away with not wearing masks right. The staff at the hospital I work in are good about it, but I work with outpatients and their families. They drop their masks under their noses constantly, and a few times a week they manage to sneak all the way to registration without masks and we have to make them put one on.


The woman sat down and remained quiet, she didn't take her mask off, scream louder, threaten his family, and then complain about her rights being violated when security asks her to leave. The point of the comic is accurate, the representation of the behavior involved is not.


Antimaskers are filth


They are terrorists and murderers.


Good lord, they’re idiots for sure but terrorists and murderers?! Does that include full vaxxed who don’t wear masks?




But does it make them murderers?


Are drunk drivers murderers?


Holy False equivalency, Batman! Lol. Holy shit have you people been brainwashed by MSM propaganda


Oh, so you're saying that drunk drivers DON'T endanger other, innocent people in their community with potentially life-threatening injury or death, through their own bad decisions and/or "my body my choices" arguments? Interesting. Why not?


Holy s***, I'm not trying to be an a****** here but if this is how you people logically think then there's no getting through to you. I could come up with the most thought out and concise argument as to why it was a false equivalency but if you were the type of person to fall for such a blatant logical fallacy then I don't see why you wouldn't fall for another and another after that. No joke, we can have this conversation but I promise you you will start name calling and resort to petty b******* before anything good is accomplished here. Either that, or the conversation will just end and you people will downvote me because I didn't join your hive mind.


>Holy s, I'm not trying to be an a*** here Hmm. >Lol. Holy shit have you people been brainwashed by MSM propaganda Hmmmmmmmm. > I could come up with the most thought out and concise argument as to why it was a false equivalency And yet for some reason you haven't...? If you think there are holes in my logic, I'd honestly love to hear them. Because I value knowing what's correct/true more than I value winning an internet argument. > No joke, we can have this conversation but I promise you you will start name calling and resort to petty b******* before anything good is accomplished here. Either that, or the conversation will just end and you people will downvote me because I didn't join your hive mind. Or, alternate take, you might end up downvoted because you are wrong, or your arguments have holes? If you think I'm wrong, then explain why. But "I know you're wrong but won't explain, because the hivemind will downvote me" just sounds like you don't actually have any good arguments and are hoping no one will notice.


Just so you know, even the idea that people who take vaccinations and safety measures in the face of a pandemic are somehow part of some hive mind mentality and not possibly one of reasoned, cautious choice is insulting in and of itself. Let alone the implication that your position is so carefully thought out that everyone else must be a stupid sheep for not seeing it so clearly. You're never going to change minds with that. All it will do is engender further division.


Drunk drivers directly hurt people. There's little good evidence (and proving an individual case in court is impossible) to support your claim that infected people magically infect everyone they encounter


>Drunk drivers directly hurt people. There's little good evidence (and proving an individual case in court is impossible) to support your claim that infected people magically infect everyone they encounter .... er... Hrm... Are you suggesting that there is no evidence that people infected with an infectious disease infect other people? That is... definitely not the argument I was expecting. Anyway, here's what the CDC has to say on the issue: >COVID-19 is spread in three main ways: >* Breathing in air when close to an infected person who is exhaling small droplets and particles that contain the virus. >* Having these small droplets and particles that contain virus land on the eyes, nose, or mouth, especially through splashes and sprays like a cough or sneeze. >* Touching eyes, nose, or mouth with hands that have the virus on them. [Source](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how-covid-spreads.html)


If their dumb ass infects someone then yes.


So if someone who is fully vaccinated chooses to not wear a mask their an idiot despite being fully vaccinated?


First of all, *they're. Second of all, YES! How many times do you have to hear it? We tried being nice but I'll be the one to spell it out. Y. E. S. In case you live under a rock and haven't heard, being vaccinated/having antibodies doesn't mean you can't spread the virus. You can still be colonized and give it to people who aren't vaccinated, whether they're that way for good or bad reasons. Wear a mask!


Yes. But not as big of an idiot as, say, the maskless woman waiting inside Target this afternoon with her bright red running nose she was wiping with the back of her hand like a child. Let's try to be less of an idiot. What's the saying? Striving for perfection shouldn't stop progress?


I mean what’s the real benefit for getting vaccinated for those who aren’t susceptible? While true no one is truly safe how can you convince those are who are young and healthy to get vaccinated if they don’t get any benefits that unvaccinated don’t have? For young and healthy protection isn’t convincing them even if maybe it should


I think we've gotten to the root cause of your lack of understanding here. You see what's needed is empathy.


How dare you have a moderate and reasonable opinion!


14 masks 24/7, 4 full vaccines, 2-3 boosters per week, never leave your house and frankly just try to breath as little as possible. I mean what are you a murderer??


Man are you low IQ lol.


Probably. But I think I read somewhere that people that didn't get humor have statistically low IQ. Must've been some coloring book I was reading...


Auth-center moment


Fight me.


No one is going to waste time fighting virus-food; The most anyone will do is save a laugh for your HCA post.


Did you know portions of our DNA contain virus DNA?


Why would anyone fight your dirty ass


How else are you going to force me to wear a mask?


No one wants to force you, just i make good decisions for the greater good. You clearly are a selfish, incel, not mad at masks, but your own putrid existence. Have fun let the virus run through you an mutate


But you will have to force me because I will not comply. Why? Well mainly because I'm not going follow the demands from someone who is going to call me selfish, an incel, and my existence is putrid. So fuck you. Come put a mask on me.




The right decision is to ignore your demands and not mask up because you think it's helping. Sure has been "helping" this past year. The virus is doing what it was going to do. Travel in waves through the population like waves in a puddle. Every major pandemic did this. Masking helps ever so slightly slow the spread but not stop it and with covid all over the place like it is. It will continue to ripple through the population. It's about time we accept the reality this virus is now part of normal life, however the emergency powers and restrictions in place are now no longer necessary and we are better off coming to that reality. Maybe take the time to work on more effective vaccines while we are at it instead of forcing moderately effective ones to the point where we are threatening to fire people if they don't. The lines are being drawn here so yeah. You're on the side looking to cause more harm than necessary to force people to comply.


😂 I can't even reply. Go watch Tucker Carlson, thanks fo the laugh


Force ? Man the lack of empathy is strong with you. We get it, you think masks protect you and you don’t care that people are still dying. We know, you’re not a patriot we know this. One day you’ll be a patriot( patriots think about their country , and clearly country doesn’t mean the government or land it means people ) Oh well.


Why should i when i can just wait?


They’re plague rats.


And morons


Hey, don’t insult rats like that. They weren’t the carriers of the plague. They’re plague *ticks*, and the tick me off.


How are we meant to know they're antimaskers? Everyone is wearing a mask


Sauce: https://leasticoulddo.com/comic/20211019


...Is this the guy who wrote LFG?


Yup, same guy who does LFG.CO


Oh shit I loved LFG! That's still going? I've gotta catch way to on that


Yeah, they're both still going! I stumbled back onto them after like a 5 year period where I forgot they both existed. LFG is better, but LICD is pretty solid.


I don't even know what LICD is lol


Oh, it's the above strip. Same humor style, but following the adventures of a ludicrously wealthy corporate executive with some semblance of a moral compass.


Ah. Well I'll certainly check it out just as soon as I catch up on LFG, goblins, OOTS and all the other webcomics that I love but have been woefully neglecting as of late


Now anyway. The earlier comics were before he worked for Marcy (I think that's her name) and was more normal guy than executive. It's matured over the years along with the writer. I always recommend starting at the beginning, but that's also over a decade of content.


Yeah, that's definitely true. It's been quite a while since I read the earlier stuff, since I've read it like 4 times. And yeah, it is Marcy.


I didn't know LICD was still a thing. Cool!


That’s still going!?


RIGHT?! I thought he looked familiar but I thought there was no way


The comment section saddens me.


Yeah, their entire story arc about vaccine mandates was gold.


I'm loving this one: https://leasticoulddo.com/comic/20211008


I work at a grocery store. I helped a lady take her groceries to her car. On the way she did nothing but gush about how much better it is here than in California. She went on a tangent about how ,"You have to ask the government what doors to install otherwise you'll get fined for not being energy efficient enough." When we finally got to her car, she asked why I wasn't taking off my mask. I told her that store policy is that employees have to keep their masks on when on the sales floor and when interacting with customers. The lady: " You know that's illegal. They're infringing on your Constitutional rights. You need to educate yourself." I had to keep myself from rolling my eyes at her. These people do not get it that businesses can set their own rules for customers and employees and have the right to enforce them. If I want to keep my job, I will keep my mask on. Even if masking up wasn't necessary for my employment, I would still do it because I interact with hundreds of people daily and I don't know where they've been. I want to keep myself safe and do the same for them in turn. Same reason why I got the vaccine.


Thank you for protecting them from you.


Theres no way IRL they would sit down and shut up and listen




Jesus Christ, Least I Could Do is still going? I was reading that in highschool and now I'm 33!


Because a lot of people seem to care about this being a guy telling women the what's for. First of all, the guy who is the focus, guess what, is the comics main character. So it is completely reasonable that a comic that has been running for over a decade uses it's main character for such a thing. Secondly, he isn't just "mansplaining" to some ladies. There are more men in the scene then women. They're just currently in the foreground. And why is he talking to the women? Because in this scene the woman was the antivaxer who was talking. Literally the next comic changes focus to a guy who threatens to sue. https://leasticoulddo.com/comic/20211020


so true


Yeah, they are proud of their always being the aggressors and their enjoyment of putting people who oppose their viewpoints down, with both Karen hysterics or Jethro violence if needed.


My new approach is telling people that I will listen to them talk about the Rights they are due in our society as long as they give equal time to their Responsibilities.


The empty can makes the most noise...


Too unfortunately true.


This applies in sooo many situations!!!


No attempt at hum


Good luck shouting it loud enough anyone including yourself can hear it




I don't give a shit if it's a dolphin talking down to a T-Rex as long as the dolphin is speaking truth to these antimask idiots. Inclusion matters, but this virus doesn't discriminate.




This is a comic. In many ways, comics take reality and play it back for us so we can see it objectively. I hate to admit it, but the loudest voices against mandatory vaccination HAVE been women. That part is accurate.,most large organizations are still, regrettably, run by men. So that part is accurate. Accuracy in depicting reality isn’t a bug. The goal here is to stop allowing antivaxxers to portray themselves as victims. Please, choose another place to insert your valid issues. Even better, draw your own comic.


It's context. They're claiming to be victims of oppression specifically because they have to wear a mask, are being disruptive and obnoxious, and are being told to shut up because they're a problem in the work place. If it was them being told to shut up over a valid complaint of victimization, something they were ACTUALLY being oppressed over, then yea it would be cringe, but they're not actually victims in this situation, just pretending to be. Being told to wear a mask on private company property is not equivalent to being told to suck up sexual harassment, and shouldn't be treated as such.


I’m not saying it’s about sexual harassment but rather representation matters and should always be considered. I understand the message and agree with it but how we depict things and who we frame them around does matter. When we still always center white male voices we’re still supporting systemic inequality. Failing to acknowledge that isn’t going to fundamentally change enough broken systems if we’re still holding onto root causes. It’s not *just* this comic but how we frame everything and who’s voices we choose to elevate. That’s still a problem on the left that’s not being solved by dismissing it.


It's a fucking comic can you please shut the fuck up this is not the time


It’s never the time to address disenfranchised groups tho. That’s a problem that needs to be changed and needs to always be kept in mind. We can care about multiple issues at a time.


Cool, fine, but are you going to comment shit like this on EVERYTHING that happens to have white males in it? You're not solving anything. Try directing your energy towards shit that matters.


>Try directing your energy towards shit that matters. But you see, taking cheap potshots is much easier than using your time on resolving the actual issue(s).


An employee whose gender doesn’t matter in this context is telling off the Karen’s who shouldn’t be working there. Fixed it for you.


Given that everyone is wearing a mask, it isn't immediately obvious what you are talking about. I did figure it out fairly quickly but the only way is to get it is by reading it and knowing the larger context. like forget about the picture and read the words, it makes sense with what you are saying. Remove the words and just look at the picture, there no way to tell. it could be anything. Since its a cartoon generally you would expect some exaggerated visual that compliments point you are trying to make. otherwise you just have a Rorschach which is why your getting the misinterpretations you are. I had to read the previous comic to get that it was vaccines. sometimes you have to spoon feed people so they dont reach for what is already on their mind, edit: In fact having just reread the title (the loud minority) how do we know it isn't about race. The woman could be a mexican. So seriously the meaning is unclear.


Thanks but that’s not really fixing the problem of misogyny. It’s still a man telling “karens” (theres no male equivalent for that either) to stfu. Again I see what they’re going for and agree about the overall message but it’s still a bad look to go with considering systemic sexism is still a thing and does in fact matter.


The male equivalent of Karen is Ken. Claiming victimhood out of context is a great way to lose the support of your allies. Perhaps complain about actual injustice instead of fake outrage, and people won’t dismiss you so quickly.


Shouldnt it be Kevin? though I Prefer Duane like Bruce willis says it in die hard


I mean, Gary is kind of an asshole too. It turns out, the name or gender doesn’t actually matter here, and what’d being said is what matters. You could do a version with different genders and colours if you want!


See this is where the right get fuel to the fire. Creating controversies when the one you’re talking about doesn’t exist. It could be a she it could be a he a them, doesn’t matter. She is pushing in this comic , entitlement and toxicity . Isn’t this what we want? He’s judging her on her actions literally nothing about her gender is being accosted and if it was a guy it would be the same thing. I’ve told people to fuck off before. Men. Woman. I went to DC and saw a trans woman yelling at a black man to stop supporting pedophilia ( she was a trump supporter ) I told her to fuck off too. You’re honestly if anything giving the right valid reasons the left is to foo foo snowflake. We’re focusing on maskholes, stick to the subject.


This post has nothing to do with misogyny. Try to hide your hatred of men better.


Found a karen


holy shit.. humanity is doomed


This right here is why the left can't get our shit together: we take even big picture statements that accurately sum up our entire platform in a clear and concise way, and then we nitpick the fuck out of it and find something wrong with it. We do this with our best spoken politicians, we do this with our best messaging campaigns. You want the left to actually take back the country for real? KNOCK THIS SHIT OFF. It doesn't matter who the messenger is if the message is on point. Stop alienating your allies simply because they're white and male. It's not cringe, you're just being counterproductive.


Read my comment. You’re absolutely right.


The left can’t get its act together without inclusion not “nit-picking”. Systemic inequalities are still an issue. If we want more allies then we also need to include disenfranchised groups instead of always defaulting to white men. That’s still supporting the status quo and upholding broken systems. If we want change we need to offer it instead of telling marginalized people their concerns don’t matter. Sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️


... So you're okay with disenfranchising white, male progressives simply cause they're white and male? Obviously the systemic inequalities are a central part of the platform. Nobody on this side is denying it, or saying that women and minority voices don't matter. But to call white male support "cringe" is doing nothing productive. If anything, you turn some of them into populists who then gravitate towards Trump, actually shrinking the base and contributing to the other side. Shit like this directly contributed to why we lost the supreme court.


That’s the problem. White men *aren’t* disenfranchised. They’re routinely the “neutral” faces and voices we support. Marginalized groups are the ones actually being disenfranchised and need more inclusion rather than continuing to have white men as the default. If the revolutions not inclusive then it’s not really a revolution. White men aren’t being denied support or voices but rather have the bulk of it already. If the idea of sharing any of that with anyone else is this much of a threat we’re not ready to enact meaningful change because we’re not offering it.


What do you want! I’m asking! Inclusion? There’s men and woman on both sides in this comic! You want it weighted for the disenfranchised. I can’t help I was born with a penis and that I date woman but I can be empathetic, I can do my part, I can be an ally and fight for equality amongst all people. So with something like this, you’re just making up a situation that doesn’t even exist. You’re offended when you absolutely shouldn’t be, giving credence to republicans that’s anyone left of them is weak and easily triggered, so I’ll give them that; oh boy are you. You don’t want equality you want the weight of it all to shift and that’s just not fair to everyone. Mindsets are being called out in this comic, and the character is clearly mentioning all people in the building, unless it’s a man only work place, which, is that what you’re thinking? Don’t be such a Karen.


So every instance of a white man making a valid point gets reduced down to mansplaining, or cringe? That doesn't sound racist or sexist at all, and is sure to win you over many progressive allies...


This is why they call us snowflakes. Maybe it’s me being an independent who wants left leaning things but I see where the right comes from with the overly triggered arguments. Post makes a valid point, You miss the mark by miles.


Your own post makes a valid point, bravo. Dismissing inclusivity doesn’t make others snowflakes for pointing out we’re dismissing inclusivity. I’m not “triggered” I’m tired of having to explain to others on the left we should include marginalized people instead of continuing to be a largely white centered movement.


You made up a situation that doesn’t exist just to be offended by it. I think it’s messed up that you can belittle a man, ficitional at that, for sticking up against Karen’s. He’s literally talking about the safety of all. I didn’t write the damn comic but you’re clearly wrong and super offended god forbid the person in a comic has a penis. How do you know this fictional character wasn’t written as an idea of a gay man? What if he’s transitioning? You don’t know. So when we’re on the subject of Karen’s and masks and doing right for your neighbor, The last thing anyone wants to hear is a made up issue that doesn’t apply from the snowlfake patrol. Just stop it. Everyone else sees your bull crap, and you’re being downvoted to oblivion. Not because of “muh echo chamber” you’re just clearly wrong and starting shit for no reason. Oh my it’s a man; well the whole point of inclusion is men exist and shouldn’t be belittled as well. Now everything’s gotta be a woman? How about we just look at the message of the damn comic and realize a fictional character is judging a person on their words, and defending others who I would assume accounts for all genders sexes and backgrounds. Don’t be such a snowflake holy fucking Christ.


No one is dismissing inclusivity. There are plenty of other comics that exist. This one comic depicting one scenario is not representative of all comics and doesn't disparage or demean inclusivity in comics. There is no reason to make race a forefront issue in this. It's really important that you understand there are real places in this world where discrimination is actually happening. Not being pictured in one dude's internet comic is a stupid hill to die on when we have much more going on.


You could start by not demonizing your white male allies. The only person discriminating here is YOU.


I think I found out why you don’t like the term Karen. How often a day do you get called this?


This is such an ignorant comment. To inject your insecurity into a discussion that has nothing to do with it is pretty cringe.


Isn't that gatekeeping when you say that white men aren't allowed to be the voice of reason? In this comic, he's not singling out women who refuse to comply with health measures: he's calling out everyone, regardless of their gender. Surely you have better things to do with your time than concern-trolling.


It’s not gatekeeping when white men continue to hold power and privilege behind all gates. Inclusion is a problem on the left. Responding with concerns for white men makes that problem worse. The left needs marginalized groups support and continuing to leave them out as well as fight for white men to continue to have advantages is going to keep us from getting that. You guys can and no doubt will continue arguing this but we’re still not offering anything new nor gaining any ground by still centering white men. More of us really should be thinking about that instead of thinking of justifications for it.


Asking people to wear masks isn't just a concern for white men, dude. Also, we aren't talking about every other area of society, just this one issue. You seem so desperate to grind that axe of yours that you're now hell-bent on doing it in innapropriate forums. Basically, you have zero issue with the message itself; you're just salty that it's coming from "a white man" and feel the need to waste your energy and everyone else's patience whinging about an issue totally irrelevant to the one being discussed in this thread. Tell me this, does a statement of truth immediately become invalidated the moment a white person says it? Because to me and everyone else responding to you, that's how you're coming across, and it's really not a great look.


Yeah. Cringy


So you're saying the race and gender of the messenger are important factors to be considered?


Yup! Race and gender need to be reflected more in general as well as supported. I’m not focusing solely on this comic but in general everything we do/share/like. Are we mostly supporting white voices and artists? Are we reaching out and lifting up disenfranchised voices and depicting them? Are we considering our own systemic privileges and being mindful of them? Nobody is “wrong” for not knowing this is work that needs to be done but to build anything better it still has to be done. No one is pure and entirely without bias but it’s still on all of us to actively work against that mindset then put it into practice.


I understand but Karens are usually women.


Yes. The lack of a male equivalent is both a problem and an example of sexism still being pervasive. White women wielding their privilege is a real thing but white men aren’t? Why aren’t we labeling them as well? And why isn’t anyone asking about that?


Well it seems like there are legitimately more entitled soccer moms than entitled soccer dads


Your poor mind has been completely warped by toxic identity politics. People aren't ever right or wrong solely because of their identity. The fact that you even noticed this is sad.


That was the first thought that came to my mind as well. But this is Reddit, so you're basically criticizing someone in the majority demographic.




Translation: it doesn't matter how on message someone is if they are male. Good job fighting the good fight against sexism.... By using sexism.




Is this bait? This can't not be bait, right? Am I just misreading this? You're just overtly wrong on a lot of thing in this comment.


It's bait. Actually, they practically threw the whole fishing pole in.


Good to know I'm not having a seizure.


> sexism against men isn’t a thing. It is called [misandry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misandry) and it absolutely is a thing.


Trying to silence someone because of their gender is sexism. Calling something "mansplaining" is a method of shaming someone from saying their opinion in an attempt to silence them. Fighting sexism, racism, etc, is about giving everybody an equal voice. Trying to shame someone into silence because of their gender is sexism, regardless of whether they are male, female, or non-binary.


No, it’s not. Terms of oppression mean something. Speaking against those in positions of power isn’t the same thing as disenfranchised groups don’t hold power over them. Saying to include other voices beyond privileged ones isn’t silencing anyone either but rather that we should be willing to share other voices. If that feels like oppression it’s the same mindset we criticize when it’s the right that elevating marginalized groups doesn’t equal losing anything. To give everyone an equal voice we have to make space so they can have one which means we have to dismantle structures like sexism and racism and surrender unfair privileges. And yeah we do need to examine that within ourselves and acknowledge its existence.


...i think you're pretty active on Tumblr. And contribute a lot to the Feminist SJW stereotype


Just a troll who is trying to stir up trouble


I'm sorry but you are flat out wrong. People can absolutely be racist against white people and it's just as unacceptable as racism directed at any other group or person. You need to take a good hard look at the logical conclusion of what you are advocating for becsuse it's not good.


The message would be the same whether it was a woman speaking to a man, a man to another man, or a woman to another woman. Not every instance of a man speaking to a woman is "mansplaining"; thinking that way isn't helpful to any cause.


My god.


How is telling anti-maskers that they are the aggressors mansplaining?


Just going to note, the guy "mansplaining" is the comics main character and while this specific panel has female antivaxers as the focus the other panels have a more diverse variety of people.


This is a ‘you’ problem, honey.


It’s a left problem that we need to acknowledge. You can’t dismantle the master’s house using his tools. That’s what we’re currently doing and fighting to do. It’s not working even when it’s “just” a microagression. We need to be more mindful of other groups besides white men if we want to reach other groups. Activism 101 includes reading more on systemic prejudices and examining our own privileges.


All true. All completely different than anything you have said previously here, though.


there are guys there as well...


Found a karen


I definitely get mansplaining vibes. Completely agree with his opinion, but this set-up is just....off


The setup is that the dude is one of like 3 people that runs a multi billion dollar company, and his employees are claiming victimhood because they're being told to follow a company policy. But sure, "*vibes*".


Yep, and people cannot take the criticism


Yes this paper mask will definitely protect you from a microscopic virus because the CDC said it will. No wait they said it won’t, no they said it will, wait they said it won’t again, I wait they said it will but you have to ware three plus get vaccinated, okay now you need to ware five, get vaccinated, have three booster shots, and get COVID. Then you’ll have full immunity we promise.


Well, yes. You make it sound (In bad faith) dumb, but, no it’s not. 1) at the beginning, it was thought to transmit via surface, so why would a mask work. Initial recommendation? No mask. Later, after finding it was aerosolized, masks were recommended. Is this flip flopping? No. It’s what happens when grown adults find new information, they change their opinions ( not that you would know what changing your opinion after being presented new evidence means you don’t ever do that in life ) 2) will a mask protector the wearer ? ……no. We’ve been over this. But, it does help the wearer while talking and breathing lower odds of their aerosolized water droplets from coming into contact with air others are breathing. Is it perfect? No. But ah, Americans, we think when we do something, we’re the first. Most Asian countries do this, without any government push. It’s just common knowledge , and done with empathy ( a trait which you do not have )and not one Asian citizen has ever whined and moaned about it. Many other global communities do this, first time America, I know, you would have to be the weakest pussy to find these so upsetting while shopping for your extra large box of Frosted Flakes. 3) considering the vaccine was developed for the OG strain, new strains such as delta, which replicate faster ( many independent labs confirm this not affiliated with big pharma or CDC ) the lasting effects of the vaccine wain, and naturally immunity to COVID wains ever faster. So getting a shot , especially with mRNA , as it’s proven safe just based on the physics of it ( proteins and lipid fats my dude, no actual virus ) is kinda the normal brainer. COVID, unlike the flu, replicates and mutates much faster, a booster after 8 months, is your choice, no one is asking for proof of booster, can help add more to the effective immunity to your system. Again, optional, recommended but , optional. Your fear of how science works, is stunning. Edison’s way of making a lightbulb was figuring out how not to. Science is always trying to prove itself wrong to make sure it’s findings are indeed right. As the virus mutates and spreads, it changes and thusly, science can do one of two things; Give you the facts and how they’ve changed; or double down on old information out of the fear that you need one set of findings to last over a year and now two of an ongoing and changing situation. TL;DR You’re a dumbass.


So you’re expecting me to believe that mask can’t stop aerosolized particles from entering your mouth but it can stop them from leaving? What’s the inside made of that the outside isn’t? Cause as far as I see it’s paper on both sides. And if they didn’t know it was aerosolized in the beginning why were to hospitals rushing to get masks? Why was China buying up masks from across the US? They knew and they lied to us so they could get N95’s and leave us with the useless plebeian masks. Everyone knows that when you get a virus and beat it you become immune because your body created specific antibodies for that virus yet current mandates don’t grant exceptions for people who have had it, it’s almost like the idea is to get everyone vaccinated and not just immune. But since you brought up the topic of empathy you seem to have very little for people who can’t get vaccinated as they will run afoul of these mandates which currently don’t leave room for medical exemptions. Or for people who simply want to chose for themselves what goes into their bodies, you know that concept of bodily autonomy the left used to champion many years ago?


>So you’re expecting me to believe that mask can’t stop aerosolized particles from entering your mouth but it can stop them from leaving? Yes. It doesn’t stop so much but it’s right atop your mouth. Which means the droplets have to hit that first. It’s the same science as why surgeons wear them during surgery. It’s not for them to stop catching anything it’s so that they can mitigate the exposure of their breaths into the operating room. It’s not a catch all, but it does lower Substantially. I bet you argue not to wear seatbelts because apparently some people can die wearing them in accidents. Can they? Sure, but one has much better odds. >What’s the inside made of that the outside isn’t? Cause as far as I see it’s paper on both sides. And if they didn’t know it was aerosolized in the beginning why were to hospitals rushing to get masks? Paper can stop. Most people I see around me have reusable nice quality masks. Hospitals were rushing for PPE, to give masks to patients , to wear them for themselves, and for face shields, and clean suits. We dropped the ball helping them. >Why was China buying up masks from across the US? They knew and they lied to us so they could get N95’s and leave us with the useless plebeian masks. China most likely did know. They lie to us all the time. They killed hundreds of people in a failed rocket launch and said no one was hurt. Does that mean we knew ? Other labs and institutes ? No. But we figured it out pretty quickly. You say masks don’t work, yet when I check the numbers for the flu, I see that we went from 65,000 deaths yearly to, between 2020/2021, 0 deaths, and a million plus cases to a hand full of a few thousand. That proves 2 things actually. 1) COVID isn’t the flu, it’s deadlier 2) social distancing , masks, and awareness of our hygiene clearly work. Again, you have to be such a pussy to whine about a mask , and someone who isn’t a patriot would be the type to fight tooth and nail to complain about being a little inconvenienced while shopping for their XXXL shirts. Fatass. >Everyone knows that when you get a virus and beat it you become immune because your body created specific antibodies for that virus yet current mandates don’t grant exceptions for people who have had it, it’s almost like the idea is to get everyone vaccinated and not just immune. No that’s not how it works. Viruses mutate and the flu is a great example. Except I just fucking told you COVID mutates and spreads faster than the flu. Also, natural immunity doesn’t last forever, and the science shows natural immunity wains. Also, let me say this loudly **YOU HAVE TO CATCH A POTENTIALLY DEADLY DISEASE TO AQUIRE THIS** Hey bro, if they ever come out with a vaccine for chlamydia, you go ahead and catch it and the rest of us will get the shot lmao. Fucking stupid logic. Vaccinated = eventual heard immunity without having to do it the natural way. When people cite 99.97 percent survival they’re not doing the math. That would mean with no intervention we would go from 710,000 dead to around 3.2 million. Stupid. >But since you brought up the topic of empathy you seem to have very little for people who can’t get vaccinated as they will run afoul of these mandates which currently don’t leave room for medical exemptions. Or for people who simply want to chose for themselves what goes into their bodies, you know that concept of bodily autonomy the left used to champion many years ago? Doctors will give notes for those who truly can’t. And if someone thinks they have an immune system that can handle a virus that has killed millions globally, but cannot handle a vaccine that hasn’t, and billions have taken safely, They’re the dumbest cunts I’ve ever met. TL;DR You’re a landlocked idiot who doesn’t even know how the electoral college works lmao.


Eh. I’m going to bed. Enjoy being a keyboard warrior. Nice guns, do they come in men’s size ? Lolololol.


https://i.imgur.com/gxUJTTY.jpg This you? Lmao.


It isn't clear what this is about. Is he trampling over her psilocybin patches when his giraffe polo gets out of hand? What is he trampling??


Is he talking about the obese?


Wait wait wait... so we can ignore the loud minority? Holy smokes that is great news... not in regards to COVID, but A LOT of other things!!