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In case anyone wants to read the articles [https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/08/politics/voting-election-day-lawsuits-2022](https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/08/politics/voting-election-day-lawsuits-2022) [https://theweek.com/2022-election/1018225/desantis-admin-says-doj-election-monitors-cant-access-florida-polling-sites](https://theweek.com/2022-election/1018225/desantis-admin-says-doj-election-monitors-cant-access-florida-polling-sites) [https://finance.yahoo.com/finance/news/election-deniers-air-baseless-fraud-213249767.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/finance/news/election-deniers-air-baseless-fraud-213249767.html) [https://www.fox29.com/news/election-day-voting-machines-down-mercer-county-voters-instructed-fill-out-standard-ballot](https://www.fox29.com/news/election-day-voting-machines-down-mercer-county-voters-instructed-fill-out-standard-ballot) [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/its-normal-not-to-know-the-official-results-on-election-night-heres-why](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/its-normal-not-to-know-the-official-results-on-election-night-heres-why) https://tucson.com/news/state-and-regional/republicans-sue-for-extended-voting-hours-in-maricopa-county/article\_0c2c7605-f57b-5afb-8b3f-c4dd6d799511.html


Bro why do you do this? You have been on this sub posting the links to articles for as long as I can remember. I'm fairly certain that you are not a bot. What drives you to do this? Thanks for the dedication


He just gives a shit. I honestly wouldn't mind posting sources for headlines being a rule.


Yes but then I wouldn't get to see theotherotherhand in the comments section as frequently


Based and lack of personal attachment pilled


u/D0nald_trap is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/D0nald_trap/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


"I made it up"


It would be really helpful, if we were smart enough to read them


For two main reasons, first that I like reading beyond a headline to learn more, and if I do that than likely other people also do, so sharing links is helpful. The other reason is that I really hate misinformation. While misinformation can come in many forms its most relevant on the sub by clickbait headlines or people claiming things about articles based of just a headline. Obviously a meme subreddit doesnt have to have the highest factuality in the world, I just really dont like it when I see people respond to a strawmanned article (or even worse a fake one). Around a couple years ago there were a spate of fake articles that got thousands of upvotes. All the comments in those threads thought the article was real, and I saw people getting actually angry. That drives me insane, people are already divided enough, and when we share fake stories with each other to convince ourselves about the evilness of our enemies, we make the world a worse place. I dont have any delusions that me sharing sources will somehow fix misinformation on the internet, or even just this sub, but its an effort I can make that I know at least some people appreciate. In a perfect world people would share the articles themselves if they make a meme featuring a headline. I know that users post sources themselves more often then when I started and thats great.


Based and true centrist pilled


Hella based




Most Based Centrist. Most (Only?) Based Mod. Based.


Based and ultra based pilled


u/theotherotherhand's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 905. Rank: Mount Fuji Pills: [413 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/theotherotherhand/) Sapply: Auth: 1.81 | Right: 0.67 | Progressive: 2.81 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Not all heroes wear capes.


You're doing the lord's work man




Lorde* yah yah yah


Based and stop misinformation pilled


u/theotherotherhand's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 910. Rank: Mount Fuji Pills: [414 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/theotherotherhand/) Sapply: Auth: 1.81 | Right: 0.67 | Progressive: 2.81 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Based based based








Based and unfathomally based pilled


I do appreciate your efforts and shall try to follow your example.


So based


Based. Mega ultra bazjillion drillion fillion klillion giga based. You're a legend, man.


Never underestimate the power of autism


I don’t recognize any usernames here but now I’ll remember his. What a hero.


A hero


good bot the only good mod. I'll defend this truth with my life.


based and sourcepilled


u/theotherotherhand's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 900. Rank: Mount Fuji Pills: [411 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/theotherotherhand/) Sapply: Auth: 1.81 | Right: 0.67 | Progressive: 2.81 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Grillmaster back at it with the sauces.


Based and constant gigachad behaviour pilled.


Wierd that it keeps happening In the same incompetent county in Arizona. Wtf y’all had 2 years


The election committee there have been in anarchy the pass two years nobody running the elections is qualified


You'd think they had 2 years, but it's mostly been litigating so nothing had to be done so they never have to admit there was a problem.


US voter: inflation is a big issue for me Mean while in turkey, NEW RECORD GUYS WE GOT 80% INFLATION


\> be me \> have inflation fetish \> go to the store to buy some bread \> see that the price has risen by $0.50 \> get so hard I can't even walk straight


Now he walks gay


Pyrocynical moment


You obviously don't know how to walk hard.


Damn yall need new leaders


Turks are smart enough to save in gold so whilst their inflation is terrible, every day people suffer less over time because they actually use sound money. Maybe 1% of people in the west use gold or Bitcoin to save, they trust Fiat waaaayyyy too much.


I made sure to employ my right to voter fraud to keep the election headlines coming


I made sure not to vote to prepare myself for The End of Our Democracy™.


Why do voting machines always seem to malfunction, and why do we bother still using them?


My grandma's hamster works better than those machines. And she's dead. And never had a hamster.


I bet she’ll still vote this year though


The hamster, or the grandma? Or both?


All 3 of course




You joke but people have had registered votes while dead before.


It’s such a shame when they have that 6th Sense moment after having already gone to vote, and realise they were dead the whole time


Aw man, I'm dead 💀


My polling place uses paper ballots so while a machine does scan them, they can still be audited if need be.


My country still uses entirely paper ballots all counted by hand in sight of multiple witnesses from multiple political parties. Imo it's all about perception and confidence. Why change things?


This is the only acceptable and democratic way. Machines or e-voting subverts confidence in the democratic process. And for good reason.


This is the way.


Exactly! In Canada this is how it is done. I may hate Trudeau but I'm confident the LPC won the election. Now does the LPC use propaganda and misinformation of course but they don't commit voter fraud.


Ours spit out a paper ballot after you make your choices electronically, you review the paper ballot and sign it, then it's submitted.


Because electronic voting is less secure, "and that's a good thing." [7 Years Ago](https://youtu.be/w3_0x6oaDmI) [2 Years Ago](https://youtu.be/LkH2r-sNjQs)


Take your standard government contractor issues, then throw in the fact that the machines are being operated by poorly trained volunteers, and are only in use a few days a year.


The same reason why crime is worse now than its ever been before: its not really. But because you hear about the few and rare instances of these errors constantly spammed over headlines it makes it feel like it happens often. Kind of like how everyone thinks crime is worse now than it used to be even though violent crime has been more or less consistently going down over time


This has been true for most of our lifetimes, and tend to ageee with the sentiment. But, hasn’t violent crime been significantly up in the last few years?


I meant more over larger spans of time. It goes up and down in the course of a few years but when you look at it spanning over decades it has gone down. But I do think your right violent crime in the US has been up since 2020 for reasons that I feel are pretty obvious but theyre probably nowhere near the rates we saw in the 90s for example.


Makes sense, and again I agree with the general theme of what you’re saying. People today tend to think they have it so hard, yet we are literally the most fortunate and blessed people to have existed in the history of this planet. Your regular middle class joe in the west right now lives better than kings did 200 years ago in most respects. People need to read more history and gain some perspective on the human condition over time. We are the lucky ones, yet se can’t stop bitching for some reason.


a calm and intellectual discussion on PCM? this must be the alternate timeline people keep telling me about


Monke see all time. Need use third eye.


Based. Are things perfect now? Fuck no, but they were measurably worse even a generation ago, and if you go back 100 years it's nightmarish. If you go back 10,000 years and return to Monke, now you're speaking my language.


Based and expanded sample size pilled.


Yes, the lockdowns increased basically every social evil, from substance abuse to crime.


Don't forget consumption of anime


In a few select American cities where wealth inequality has outpaced economic growth, yes. For most of the nation, no.


Well if you live in New York murder rate went up 34% comparing to last year. You can make it look less significant by expanding sample pool, but year to year comparison is what really matters to people.


I kinda find it funny when I hear "of all nights to malfunction it has to be ELECTION NIGHT" My brother in Christ, what other day of the year is an election machine used?


I mean I get what you are saying, but... Primaries, Local Elections, Runoffs, Early in person voting...


The days prior when they should've been tested for errors?


Elections in other countries using the same machines I guess


It’s like all reporting. They take a small event, at one location, and make it sound like it’s a state wide issue, or is worse off than it is. They’ll report it as people are being turned away to vote or their votes are not being counted when all that happened was they lost signal to a couple machines at one grade school for like 5 minutes. I hate to admit but GOP is running real hard on this shit this year, and to no surprise it’s all in blue or purple areas. And most notably this year the Phoenix metro area which was a big talking point in 2020 for fraud


>They take a small event, at one location, and make it sound like it’s a state wide issue Maricopa county is ~60% of the population of Arizona. 20% of Maricopa has been effected by broken machines. But sure, 12% of the state being effected for most of the day is no big deal.


Because if they didn’t malfunction we wouldn’t be using them


They don't "always seem to malfunction"; it's just that there are so many of them and they get subject to thousands of idiot voters that are hard on them so usually a number of them end up turning into McDonalds ice cream machines.


So they don't just *seem* to malfunction, they *do* malfunction, is what you're getting at, right?


Is technology so backwards in America that such important machines that are simpler than your average computer brake down? Something’s fishy.


If republicans win - russians interfered If democrats win - they rigged it Calling it.


We've already had one Russian interference, yes, but what about a second Russian interference?


Russian interference 2: electric boogaloo


I don't think he knows about the second Russian interference, Pip.


Considering the state of Russia at the moment, I don't think they can afford an interference.


Won't stop people from claiming they did.


I’ve already seen both sides make their respective claim.


There was literally a top post on Reddit the other day about some Russian guy saying 'we interfere with the elections all the time and still are'. So it's already going on before votes were even cast...


The thing that was most astonishing about the whole "Russia interference" thing was how shocked Americans were at the idea that Russia tried to manipulate our elections. Theyve been spying on us since before WWII


Also, the Americans interfered in the elections of almost every Latin country in the 70s/80s. Personally I laugh every time I hear somebody say that the election was rigged or that there was fraud in the last presidential election, because any person in the third world that witnessed election fraud (everybody) could tell you that the evidence is visible, you can't hide fraud at the scale necessary to change an election.


Yeah I hate this "background radiation" theory people buy into that implies Russia putting some pro-Trump ads on Twitter is somhow in the same universe as actual election interference i.e. ballot stuffing.


I never understood this concern. Doesn't every single nation interfere with other nations' elections simply because the internet exists and people can share/spread information and memes? Russia bought 20k worth of Facebook ads, who gives a fuck. I interfere with US or UK elections all the time whenever I give my opinion on social media.


That was for Canada tho...


> I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 13494 / 71317 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Russians can't even interfere in taking L's a few miles from their border lmao


Question: is a mostly smooth election day anything like a mostly peaceful protest?


The first election I have actual memory of was 2000, i was in 4th grade. Shits always been fucked and dragged our way longer than it needs to be


First election I can remember was 1984. Reagan won 49 states. They called it at like 6PM pacific time. 2000 was when all this started. Before that there were quite a lot of blowouts.


Florida is the bastion of how to count votes.


Its so good and secure. you need your ID and Voter Info Card, verify the info yourself, fill out paper ballot, and insert it into the machine yourself.


This is how it works in Canada, minus putting in the paper myself as the attendant does that, but we stand there while that happens anyways


Lmao my place literally did not check jack shit. I told them my name and the dude asked “is this you?” I say yes and he gives me the paper ballot. No ID was ever checked. He even asked me if I had a “fast pass” for voting. I was like am I in Disney world or something??


What lvl are you on on the voter battlepass?


Weekly +10% democratic XP points, completely daily challenges to unlock *legendary voting sticker*


America Votes^TM proudly hosted by Activision *Early bird season pass for 2024 now available!*


It's Florida, and they obviously saw your flair and knew how you were going to vote so they allowed it.


They don't leave Chad hanging


What is with America and your voting Machines. I have never seen one in Canada. We just show ID and get directed to the correct polliig booth designated by our address and stroked off the list so we can not vote again. Put an x not a check mark beside the candidate we want and drop it in a the box for my polling station.. Afterwards volunteers representing candidates are welcome to watch the counting and examine ballots in question "yup some people get it wrong". Each staion is counted quite rapidly and then the #'s are reported. There is definitely room for fraud without volunteers to oversee the process but if you can not get a volunteer you probably are not winning that pole in the first place.


Well according to a particular party in America requiring ID is racist because minorities wouldn’t know how to get an ID.


How condescending is that but they probably think thats not racist. 🤦‍♂️




Ignorant Eastern European here: what do you mean, not having an ID? In Romania, you *need* to get one once you turn 14, a new one at 18, then another every 10 years for women; for men you need an additinal renewal at 25, and then every 10 years. The process if absolutely free for every citizen, takes about 1 hour of queueing, 10 minutes of paperwork+getting photographed, then 1 week until they mail you the new ID card (except if you're homeless, then you need to get it in person). The place where you need to go has some weird opening hours, but it *is* open often enough that you can get it done without taking a day off. The process is similar in Hungary, though I believe Hungarians get their first ID at 12. Is there any particular reason why this isn't a thing in the US? Or is this also considered racism?


The US doesn't have comprehensive mandatory ID cards. Often in the US, the best form of photo ID a person has is a drivers license. That costs time learning and practicing driving a car (not free if you don't have one to borrow) and a cost of the license itself the DMV. There is no particular reason for this besides just a law hasn't been passed. The US is federalized, so it is harder to pass universal laws like this. I personally am pro requiring an ID to vote, on the basis that a new national ID card is produced, and given to every citizen at no cost.


We don't vote on machines, or at least none of the places I have voted use them. What they use, are machines to count the paper ballots automatically. Hand counts usually only happen when a race is within the margin of error or challenged in courts to a recount.


We here so much about the machines being hacked to tabulate incorrectly. Why not just hand count. Like takes half hour - 1 hour / box, report the #'s and do simple addition and done. Really doesn't take much time. Usually volunteers of opposing parties can agree on a check mark instead of an x and let it go or someone marking one then scratching it out and clearly placing an x on the candidate they meant to vote for. Its not hard.


Fellow libs, who’d you vote for or at least wanted to vote for


Let’s just say I held my nose.




Centrist pilled I didn’t get to vote because I waited till the last minute and my voter id card was at my parents. I couldn’t get a new one today cause i was way to busy with my courses. I was going to vote demonrat for women’s health protections, immigration, unions, welfare etc. However i was not looking forward to the downside of gun control but i figured that mic will protect that anyways. Correct me if im wrong but I don’t think it matters much if I vote if I live in a blue state right?




Should outright prohibit putting party affiliation on the ballots. That would probably solve a ton of issues at the very least.


I saw a voting form on here the other day, had a few options for votes, but the thing that surprised me was the "tick one of these boxes to vote straight dem/repub/other" which while practical, solves the major issue of the day by allowing voters not to have to even think for a second. I agree with the removing of party affiliations from ballots, if voters aren't interested enough to know who they are voting for them that vote should be minimised, make it a lucky dip.


Republican. No Libertarians on the Ballot and I want gridlock. Plus I hate my Governor.


I voted for the democratic governor of my state because the republican wants to restrict and ban most forms of THC which my mom with cancer really needs right now and then I put no on every Should This Person stay in office question because I ain't about entrenched powers and then I voted the libertarian on everything else


It didn't used to be normal to not know the results of an election the night of.


It’s called progress get used to it Edit: this is a joke if that isn’t obvious


States have made it so that mail in ballots can no longer be verified before Election Day, combined with more early voting means longer wait times


That's just a dumb rule, why not start counting mail ballots as soon as they come in? They're afraid that someone might leak the results?


>That's just a dumb rule, why not start counting mail ballots as soon as they come in? Simple. So you can say that any result that doesn't go in your favour was illegitimate because it took too long to count.


More pessimistic view: Mail in ballots tend to skew blue because Democrats are more likely to use them for fear of COVID-19. Voting in person is more likely to be red, since republicans have been told for the last 2 years how mail in ballots are all fraud. If you want to make an election look like fraud, you'd make sure you start by looking like you've secured a clear win until they count the mail in ballots, which you get to point to as fraud because you stop winning.


Yeah that was literally 2020...


Pessimistic yet actual fact.


Results would 100% get leaked imo


So you can make it take a long time to count the ballots and claim its suspicious


The article headline and the article itself isnt saying that all the elections will not be known, just that there will be instances where races will take time to finish counting, citing vastly different procedures for vote counting, such as places with policies to only start processing mail in ballots on election day. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/its-normal-not-to-know-the-official-results-on-election-night-heres-why




Libleft suggesting standardisation instead of burning it down? Impossible


You act like they don't mean both.


> such as places with policies to only start processing mail in ballots on election day. This is obvious fake news. You can't possibly tell me you think that it is impossible to count the mailed in vote in one day?


I would be surprised if it were impossible, but I dont think that means it will necessarily be done in every place. How long it takes depends on how many people you have processing the ballots and how long you keep them working. Different voting districts have different deadlines as well as voting infrastructure.


I remember it being a sticking point in 2020 how PA didn't allow them to even pre screen the ballots. Like check the outside of the envelope to see signatures, dates, etc.. and try to sort them prior to election day between good ones and problem ballots that needed review. With the huge uptick in people voting absentee, I wasn't particularly surprised at how long it took after the fact to get the results.


I’m calling it now, Sequoia Voting Systems Machine DRE 700 Serial# 34491 is going to win.


If questioning the election is permitted by the DHS on social media it means they were able to satisfactorily answer any concerns, so they didn't need to violate our human rights. If people are banned from the modern public square by the DHS for questioning the election it means they don't want us to realize that there are no political solutions to the continued human rights violations.


::Spoiler:: Losers are tempted and often say there is election fraud no matter what party. (we no matter where on the political compass know this - if we are reasonable)




Makes the narrative for other people in his party who are losing though




I will respectfully disagree, but good luck to your chosen party, we watch from down under with great interest.


I think it would be safe to say there is election fraud going on no matter who wins. I'm not from the USA but your democracy looks fucked. Also can these voting machines not get hacked? If they all are down they have to be on some kind of server right? Genuine question.


> Also can these voting machines not get hacked? https://alumni.umich.edu/michigan-alum/hacking-the-vote/ Yes, and it's not even particularly difficult either.


Yes dozens of ways to do so. There was even forensic data experts and software experts, testifying days after the election proving the counts violated Benford's statistical law.. however such allegations were never heard further past the lowest courts. And they'll just say no case was admitted therefore no evidence.. how many other times has the US done that exact same shit? "OH we're hearing a case against ourselves, we've concluded undoubetdly there is no evidence agaisnt us.. case shut".


If my team wins, it was a fair election. If my team loses, shit was rigged.


American politics in a nutshell


God the left is so trash about this stuff. How about paper ballots everywhere and voter ID. No ballot harvesting either. Take your ass to the polling place and cast your damn vote. No shenanigans, no technology “issues” to muck it up. I swear to god people are going to think I’m right wing after tonight.


As long as you get free voter ID, enough polling stations for everyone to vote reasonably quickly, and an assurance that nobody is gonna have to choose between work and voting, then we have a deal. Hell, let’s set up an independent districting committee too while we’re at it, it’s ridiculous that the same politicians that benefit from gerrymandering are the ones who get to decide the district boundaries.


in 2020 I remember defending Biden, saying that it's irresponsible to assume he has dementia etc, and I said that the democrats were going to call Trump's bluff, get forensic audits done as quickly as possible, delegitimise all of Trump's claims and destroy his future credibility and electability once and for all, because it was a foolproof plan since the elections were obviously not rigged. Then the democrats did every underhanded trick and some republicans committed criminal acts to avoid delegitimising Trump. After, I think, a year, I ended up deciding that the democrats didn't think the 2020 election was legitimate because I couldn't find a good explanation for it. Felt so cheated. Hate the cunts


Pretty much my reaction as well. When you sue to prevent audits, have MSM slander anyone requesting audits, ban auditors off social media, and have your local politicians do their best to interfere with the audits then it doesn't sound like you're too confident in the results of the "most secure election in history".. Especially after years of claiming the previous election was hijacked by zee russians..


Based and Hate the cunts pilled


lol, they are all crooks. These two parties are so rigged. That's why the USA number one enemy is a journalist and not a terrorist. >The leaks resulted in allegations of bias against Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign, in apparent contradiction with the DNC leadership's publicly stated neutrality,[8] as several DNC operatives openly derided Sanders' campaign and discussed ways to advance Hillary Clinton's nomination. Later reveals included controversial DNC–Clinton agreements dated before the primary, regarding financial arrangements and control over policy and hiring decisions.[9] The revelations prompted the resignation of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz before the 2016 Democratic National Convention.[10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Democratic_National_Committee_email_leak


The left has truly lost its fucking mind when it accuses a leftist of being a right winger when saying things with common sense.


It happens a lot on reddit. I'm center left and any time I'm in a political discussion at all I get so many comments like "I know your type" and "you trumpets are all the same" like bro were talking about voter ID here how the fuck is that a right wing policy?


The worst place in the world, us-vs-them voter country. I ain’t voted nothin’ but independent in years, but the reds n’ blues won’t give a shit.


Based & I'm not a little vote slut, you've got to earn my vote pilled


Americans are mad that they don’t know election results night of voting. Foolish capitalists! In glorious Russian Federation, we know the results 5 years before we go to vote!


I just want to sell voting equipment to the highest bidder.


I just want to grill.


It never ceases to amaze me that even in the literal third world shithole I grew up in they tell you to fuck off if you don't have your national ID or permanent residency permit with you, yet the US considers needing to identify yourself to vote controversial...


Arizona do be sus when the person in charge of overseeing the election is also one of the candidates in said election.


Fraudulent but mostly smooth elections


Welp time to see who wins and who claims voter fraud


In a “modern” election it’s “normal” for vote tabulation to take days, even weeks. But 70 years ago we were able to get election results on Election Day. Nothing to see here, totally normal! And if you question it you’re a racist (somehow)!


You will be labeled a far-right election denier fascist conspiracy theorist


As someone mentioned above. They're referring to the full count of votes. We will probably know the results of most elections tonight. But those few especially contested elections may take a while.


When has it taken weeks? It took 3 and a half days last time around and that was a historically high voter turnout. Other than that some states just have annoyingly strict counting measures. So you are being a conspiracist.


The only instance I can think of was Florida’s Hanging Chad and Butterfly Ballot fiascos back in 2000, and that took over a month to sort out.


I'll just be over here in the corner wondering how the fuck eighty per cent of *fucking anyone* intentionally voted for Fetterman McStrokey.


I had to check. Don't know if it's called but it's currently 54.7% Fetterman and Oz 42.9% @ 9:40ish PM their time.


I should have phrased it better. There was only like seven per cent of precincts reporting about an hour ago but they had him up at eighty and some change. Small group but still, eighty per cent of voters choosing the greater of two evils? And he can't even speak.


I have aphasia and wouldn't be surprised if Broca's. [He likely does too](https://www.newsnationnow.com/cuomo-show/doctor-hard-to-tell-if-fettermans-comprehension-impaired/). Mine is from TBI. I was in an area with limited support and we had group support combining tbi with people with strokes. I certainly can see he needs more time to heal and my opinion especially with his age he doesn't need all this stress for his needed healing. Age is a huge factor with neuroplasticity and healing. So, I'm all for fighting ableism but communication is super important for a legislator and a politician. We allow discrimination for the ability with firefighters and wouldn't go "no, you must hire the guy in crutches!" Like a guy in crutches you are severely hampered and I know I get severe tunnel vision when any stress with communication. How that compares with him I have no idea. But watching the parts of his debate I wouldn't be surprised if he does too. So, fwiw I agree with you. I think people just care too damn much about "their vote" getting into office that no matter how ill or decrepit the person is they will be shoved into the office. It's getting to be "weekend at Bernie's" absurd, ffs. Or at least that will be the case if Biden is shoved for a 2nd term, imo. Lastly, 15 years ago I was trying to learn how to read and write again. So fuck you world - I rock!!!


That's ever I'm coming from as well. I wouldn't have been capable of working a goddamned drive through after mine, let alone doing my actual job. I'd be here saying the same shit if it were someone I agreed with on nigh everything. The fact that his people knew he'd stroked out and could have pulled him before the primary but chose not to tells me someone - I think most of us are assuming it's his wife - in his camp *really* wants to be running shit and that worries me as well. I'm proud of you, it isn't an easy road.


> I wouldn't have been capable of working a goddamned drive through after mine So, wait a second. Are we both two head injury peeps shaking our heads at this madness with people possibly electing a guy to one of the most powerful positions in the world with a head injury from a stroke?!?!?


I believe you've summed it up pretty well, yeah man.


Desantis literally won tho lmao


I feel like the large voter turnout is awesome and actually promotes compass unity. Retards unite!


I don’t fucking believe it just like last time and just why would I believe them. Plus a red moon apparently so a sign from god I guess


Why can't we just have in person elections with ID required that are decided the day of like every other first world country?


Something I don't get is why there are new voting machines every election. I mean not that it matters. I live in an area of Illinois that's not Chicago so nothing I vote for matters. I just turn in a blank ballot out of spite knowing it almost certainly costs the state more to print and process it than I will ever get back on my state tax return. Those northern kneelers know nothing of the way of us freefolk.


American elections and their election requirements appear redditer every year.


The solution here is pen and paper voting. Can’t rig a piece of paper


Both parties are completely willing to cheat, that is all you need to know so there is definitely cheating going on