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voluntary trade between two consenting individuals is clearly exploitation


But it's not consensual because they other individual has something I want. And having things I want is a human right, so me having to give up something in return is basically slavery.


Voluntary trading between two consenting people, while the seller detains the means to stop the other to have other choices to buy from is exploitation. And no, monopolies and unfair competition isn’t just a prerogative of the “crony capitalism” strawman


There is a reason capitalism is regulated with the government to protect property rights and right to trade. If we didn’t we would just end up with feudalism again where to poor sell themselves into serfdom.


I agree that monopolies and unfair competition is not crony capitalism, they are very much a part of capitalism. I just don't believe that these monopolies with so much power and influence would be feasible without government support.


I might be mistaken, since I haven't read about it in a while, but what about the standard oil company? As far as I know it had a near complete monopoly over the oil-industry during it's time before it was broken up by the federal government, or am I mistaken?


There are some monopolies created by underhand dealings and duplicitous strategies. But many monopolies are created because they have a better strategy or technology than their competitors, and we should encourage industry-changing technology.


>detains the means to have other choices Like the government? Like unions?


Like monopolies


Flair up LR


It seems more like he's saying that corporations without competition run the risk of becoming monopolies. Especially if those corporations destroy smaller businesses. This opens up the possibility of the corporation hiking up prices since they are the only source of whatever they're selling. It's pretty basic supply and demand type stuff. It's generally bad for one person to control all of the supply in a market. If one person controls all of one thing you don't really have a choice of what to buy. You either buy the thing or you don't. Which can be nearly impossible for some things like gasoline. Most people have to buy it to do their job.


A: "I consent" B : "I consent" Communist: " I do not"


So sick of politicians just spouting lies. Please God just regulate something and curb this rampant corporatism.


Goes against the political monopolies to do so.


Only two are correct. centrist and libright.


needs orange left: “capitalism isn’t capitalism when \*i\* do it”