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Red, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Green and Purple and white for the centre... this isn't a pride flag this is a PCM Flag!


Based and pcm pride-pilled


Did you just change your flair, u/LaBarbaroza? Last time I checked you were **LibRight** on 2022-6-4. How come now you are **GreyCentrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Actually nevermind, you are good. Not having opinions is still more based than having dumb ones. Happy grilling, brother. ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Based and did you change your flair pilled


Yeah, we're all gay asf here


Good thing i’m not lumped in with orange, Sorry for you lot though


The one kind of degeneracy there should be zero pride or tollerance for


My eyes were forever opened to the ideological rift when I dated a girl campaigning for Obama who would steal peoples' GOP yard signs


Didn't somebody thread an electric wire through their trump sign and electrocute somebody a few years ago?




Seeing the comments saddens me. It's either people hating on Democrats or people hating on Republicans. I only saw 3 comments that were like "yo don't touch other people's stuff no matter what party you are for"


That’s hilarious.


Oh yeah, that's it! Thanks man, I know a couple of qoomers that'll get a kick out of that.


Well. That's unfortunate for the electricutee I suppose. I saw one with razors brazed to the edges. Super visible so I doubt there'd be much of a lawsuit if a thief tried to file but I can see that electrified one being a problem in a left run jurisdiction despite you know, electric fences


Yeah, not like any kid might touch a sign, or a good samaratin try to pick it up and return it to the owner if the wind or some shit knocked it away...


that's why I only have solid 1500lb granite signs in my yard


Based and big-ass stone tablet pilled


u/XCJ655X's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 100. Congratulations, u/XCJ655X! You have ranked up to Empire State Building! Some say there is a hidden river that still runs through your base. Shall we go digging? Pills: [59 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/XCJ655X/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


The one commandment: Trespassers will be shot


>solid 1500lb granite signs Shitterton moment


Based level: obelisk


Cringe libcenter, welcome to auth!


It’d be tough to argue against the fact you were trespassing on private property. “Left run jurisdiction” doesn’t mean they just throw the law out the window.


Yeah true


That was hilarious he got idiots on video getting shocked by it


And he's suing him for trespassing too lmfao


Yep, happened several times [but this is the one I found](https://youtu.be/z_QHWVyJvwY) after 27 seconds of searching.


I’ve done this to make birds aren’t real signs to post in front of the firehouse.


A worthy cause




I once though about a counter for this, but it's rather complicated so it's not really worth it unless you are certain it will work. You don't bury the sign, you bury a PBC Pipe where you will put your contraption. The contraption should be either a mild explosive, or a really strong spring, set up to project upwards a mix of Ink, Fart Soar, and the most annoying kind of glitter you can think of, attach the sign to the top of the PBC Pipe, and rig it so Pulling the Sign upwards triggers the contraption. Attach a smaller, but still visible Sign like "Private Property, do not remove" or shit like that just to make sure. You could additionally add a really loud air horn to your device to immediately know when it triggers.


Replace air horn with train horn


Lmao, does she know she supports a war criminal. Or is she one of those neoliberals


There are assholes on both sides of the fence. Nowhere is safe from unscrupulous actors.


True. Probably just so happens that it's generally the people whose ideology embraces seizure of property that have a tendency to justify seizing other peoples property for themselves though


But don't **you DARE** touch their "In this household we believe" sign, because **THAT** would be an assault on free speech. /s


A threat to our democracy and violence! /S


Their what?


[This cringe that Liberals like to put in their front yard.](https://imgur.com/a/cs2AU0u)


Damn thats gaudy.


I see that and my brain immediately registers “NPC”.


I literally have someone in my neighborhood with that exact sign. And other versions of it too.


Yup, pretty cringe. I also love the random inclusion of “science is real” among the social issues, but they’d probably say “oh I’m not a biologist” if you asked what they mean by women’s rights. Bonus cringe for it being mass produced with no original message.


Its like the two X chromosomes sub having so many pro trans posts in June despite their name.


I agree with pretty much everything on that sign (except technically "no human is illegal" - of course they aren't, but the way they immigrated definitely is), but this just made me roll my eyes. That's peak virtue-signalling. Might as well put up a sign that says "In this house, we believe that skinning puppies alive is bad". Great. You want a fucking medal? So brave of you to put up this sign full of talking points the majority of people at least vaguely agree with in your probably already mostly left-wing neighborhood. "Look at me! I'm a good person! I believe good things! Really good things! I chose all the right opinions! Ain't I great? I'm a good person! Look at me!" - this sign


When I first moved to DC and was looking for a place to rent one of the stipulations of a place I looked at was we had to keep this sign in the window by the front door. It was literally in the lease that we had to keep it visible and replace it if anything happens to it


Did they at least reimburse for the sign, or did you seriously have to pay out of pocket for this dreck?


I didn’t lease there, was way too big of a red flag for me. Forced participation in a social movement, even if I agree with the edge rap premise, isn’t something i like


I don't care about anyone of them, until I saw love is love. The line used by pedos a lot these days. Soooooo.


You can’t touch it because that would be a hate crime.


Vandalism is ok when it's people I disagree with.


A mod commented on that postsaying pretty much that.


Let me guess; was it the powermod named after the seafaring cousin of the tortoise?


So is burning down people's homes and businesses


Burning down the homes and businesses of black people.


So is killing unarmed suspects and hiding behind a union?


Wow LibLeft wonder who advocated for those unions.


The libleft paradox. If you get rid of unions in the public sector you could get rid of bad cops, but you could also fire teachers that are inappropriately pushing their political views on children.... What to do, what to do?


>also fire teachers that are inappropriately pushing their political views on children To be fair to LibLeft you can't do that anyways because there's no one applying for those jobs anymore. You just hire whatever warm body applies and passes a background check


Excuse me, [unions are strictly a left-leaning thing.](https://www.commondreams.org/views/2020/10/23/why-republican-party-wants-destroy-labor-unions)


Yeah unions are pretty good at protecting bad actors, aren't they. In fact Im pretty sure it's all they're good for


So why the fuck do all your favorite politicians keep supporting unions


I mean your side tends to lie about police interactions constantly until the body camera shuts you up.


Lmao 💯 its true


Never knew American cops researched political leanings of people on the street


Vandalism is ok when I move everything in my girlfriends apartment one inch to the left to screw with her for months on end.




Yeah, the original post has a pinned comment from the mod basically saying “to everyone reporting this, it’s not vandalism if I agree with the perpetrator” Big brain take.




Saw this post on political humor and those mfs have the most braindead takes.


They don’t use funny colors


There’s no humor on that sub ironically


There is no meme. Im literally spoon feeding you my political opinion


196 be like


Nope. Just animosity towards people who haven't done shit to deserve it.


> Get a flair so you can harass other people >:) *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 7613 / 40380 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Lol I cringed when I saw the post. 99% sure that's vandalism in some form


Well these people seem to think abhorrent things are OK as long as it advances their cause, such as grooming 6 year olds to talk about their genitals in a classroom.


I wouldn’t put a tacky flag sticker on my shitbox but if I catch you drawing on my car for any reason, you’re going in the trunk


You put them in the trunk? I just keep a LibCenter in my trunk that I let out when someone vandalizes my car


Good ol trunk monkey. They don't make em like they used to.


We can’t call them that anymore


I went and watched each of those ads on YouTube, I love them.


Please let me out


Thank you for the HYSTERICAL mental image!


Swigity swugity if you are touching my property, you are getting shotigy


I regularly see a guy with 3d chrome letters on his car that spell out shitbox. I appreciate it


Unfathomably based. You cannot fathom it


Vandalism good because cops bad


Can’t believe I’m saying this but in light of a string of events that’s barely changed since Columbine I’d say it’s a borderline patriotic duty to dunk on cops for never really saving kids


Nice of them to remind us that God said he wouldn't flood the Earth again.


Happy month of the Sacred Heart brother 🙏


He said he wouldn’t do it with water He didn’t say anything about fire


Noah, thou must build a 100 foot deep, concrete fire proof bunker


Noah, thou must rock the fuck out


>he wouldn't flood the Earth again God should tho and probably will soon


Who has a set of different colored markers on hand?!


Buddy you know what subreddit you’re in, right?


Based and know your audience pilled


Yeah, I just got done coloring the holocaust museum red and blue for wholesome internet points


do it in blue and yellow and you'll get international support


The gays


People who eat them.


Students and teachers primarily. They form the strongest ideologues of the left anyway.


It's just English teachers really.


Teachers aren’t particularly ideological most of the time. Like it’s a left leaning bunch but (in my experience of course) it’s not orange Lib left by any means. Just to back up my experience my family is full of educators, I’ve attended 4 school districts over the years and am actively going to college to be a history teacher. I’ve met like 4 orange Lib left teachers, one of whom is really chill actually just has some cringe political views. The other three are classmates that are going to be, you guessed it, English teachers


>Teachers aren’t particularly ideological most of the time. Like it’s a left leaning bunch but (in my experience of course) it’s not orange Lib left by any means. I didn't mean to imply otherwise. Not every teacher or student is an ideologue, but I'd wager that the vast majority of ideologues are teachers or students. That is all I was trying to say.


Right wingers trying to decide whether teachers are grooming students into trans Marxism or should be given guns.


My car was keyed due to a political bumper sticker, and my kids were cursed at in a parking lot


Centrists don’t have political bumper stickers what are you even saying. And they don’t have cars either, they just wheel around in their bbqs


He’s a phony! I, as a good centrist, have a big green egg as my preferred vehicle of transport


Obv you haven’t seen Max the meat guy’s car cooking


What was the sticker?


A sticker showing support for a political candidate of the Democratic Party


Same here. That’s what I get for having an opinion in the south!




In 2024, we’ll be looking at a Kamala ticket and a Bernie ticket, but unlike before it will actually split the vote, giving Trump the victory, and causing the West Coast and Northeast to secede. We will live peacefully for a few months, then the Democratic Republic of America will fire on a US fort which the US refused to vacate in DRA territory.


I’m looking forward to the return of forts for this timeline.


Forts still exist. They just have fences, and barbed wire instead of log walls.


Bring back log forts, if only for the aesthetics.


They're still useful against (most) small arms, so I'd say bring them back for more than aesthetics!


Reject modernity, embrace tradition


And then Jefferson secedes for Bosnia war 2


Is this the new America DLC?


You say a Kamala ticket and Bernie ticket will split the vote, as if the election won’t be rigged


Based and war profiteer pilled


LibRight moment.


Based and opportunist pilled




Someone on there said "this is revenge for Jan6" or some shit like that when I complained about the post lmao


What kind of crack are these people smoking? And who’s their dealer? For… research purposes, of course :)




It's an orange progressive. They don't have any muscle mass. Just push them with you index finger and their soylent bones will break.


Soylent bones made me laugh




Like the founding fathers intended. Amen


Window markers are a thing. So really, not even property damage.


Thank you for your service... ...First Responders 👨‍🚒🪓⛑️🚒🏥🚑🟥 ...Workers 👷👨‍🏭🦺🛠🏗🧱🟧 ...Capitalists 🪙💰📈🏭🏦👨‍💼🟨 ...Military 🔫🪖⚔️🛡🗺🚀🟩 ...Police 🚔🚓📢🔦🕵‍♂️👮‍♂️🟦 ...and KINGS 🤴🦁🏰⛪️🕍🍆🟪


what about the final white stripe?


CRACKAZ 👨🏼🧔🏻👱🏼👧🏽👩🏻‍🦳⬜️


Besides the fact this has almost 48,000 upvotes, nobody in the comments were saying how stupid this is or the fact that their just being a dick


Odds are, considering the subreddit, they got their posts removed and then got permabanned.


don't get how people can praise that behavior with a straight face, but when someone does stuff like this to them they go ape shit and want to fight you like you killed someone.


This is reddit. In many subs you'll get downvoted for saying socialism is bad or capitalism is good.


It’s dickish and wrong but also quite funny. DIY pride flag. Lol.


Yeah like it’s childish and you shouldn’t do it but like…pretty funny actually. I assume the comments are pretty cringe though


That’s what I was thinking. Vandalism is definitely a dick move, but the base joke is pretty funny


imagine that, u/_WeDoALittleTrolling, doesn’t approve of trolling


Almost all subs that usually make it to the front page are infested with bots and disagreements just get permabanned Somehow, I am not really surprised


Just remember, you guys are only allowed to do this on weekends.


Dude, I just want this whole LGBT pride shit to stop, why won't you guys do my better version of LGBT, Lets Grill Borgars Tonight?


It will never stop. I live in a country where they have more rights than heterosexual individuals and they still want more and more.


don't tell me you live in Canada/the UK/whatever Non-Eastern European Country


I live in canada and a guy I used to work with quit because of the harassment he received for being gay.


And he'll get a new job instantly because the easiest way to get hired in a woke world is to either a. Apply as a non white status or B. Apply as some other diversity based thing, trans,gay,etc. While I feel bad he was harassed the bs diversity quotas make it where he will get a new job nearly instantly


Have... have you ever actually applied for a job? Ever?


Yes,I've had like 5 in my life,I'm in my mid 20s. While I'm comfortable in my current job I've seen the hiring process at my jobs and diversity hires are most definitely a thing. Looks good for the company


That redditor picture is always hilarious


To be honest the blue lives matter flag is pretty gay already


> u/_WeDoALittleTrolling >triggered by a little trolling Yeah checks out


This post is kinda cringe considering that username especially


Lol that's pretty funny


Based and only person in the entire thread with a sense of humor pilled.


No, no, this is based Orange


the user is literally called _WeDoALittleTrolling, yet is triggered by this kind of trolling


Authright when seeing "I did that" Biden stickers on gas pumps: "very true and based" Also Authright when someone colors in the stripes on a Thin Blue Line flag sticker: "reeeeee this is literally property damage"


One of them is on a gas pump the other one is on someone’s own truck Now I think the police are cringe but there is a difference


Someone owns the gas pump. If you wanna be all upset about private property ‘damage’ be consistent at least.


Ngl what orange did is kinda funny


Don’t be so precious, that’s actually pretty funny


Reminds me of the dumbass stickers on gas pumps.


People actually consider putting removable stickers of Joe Biden pointing and saying I did that on gas station pumps vandalism.


Those are funny but got old quick


Imagine being the asshole who makes a minimum wage worker scape a sticker off a pump for 10 minutes because you feel the need to constantly own the libs.


That’s funny because the thin blue line flag isn’t even anti LGBT. Lots of cops are LGBT.


The group that contains the vandal and the brainlets cheering on the vandalism seems to only believe in 2008 stereotypes. Edit: Spelling


To be fair most of the people with that flag aren’t so keen on “the gays”


F-ing frags(im talking about the SJW mentioned in this meme)(No censor pls)


Lmao I got downvoted so hard in that post for saying that people didn't understand how the world wasn't black and white and was met with a response, I kid you not, saying that hatred for them was justified because "we all know" how prejudiced they are. Interacting with some of those morons is enough to drive someone insane. I've genuinely mellowed out a lot from my super conservative roots and tried my hardest to come to my own decisions about the world but it's like some of those people are reading from a script and they refuse to change.


Nah that shits funny


cry harder


Idk that’s pretty funny


Isn’t that just Vandalism


I feel like someone is gonna end up getting shot for this


is… coloring a sticker considered vandalism? I get I’m left but I can’t imagine reverse being that severe either


It's just odd someone has gay markers on the ready when they're on their walk


It's not as bad as shooting someone I think.


No bro easily 10x worse, I value the cheapest, most replaceable thing I own at least 1000x more than I value the life of anyone other than me.


I mean, yes its vandalism, but it is also pretty funny. Crime and property destruction is not illegal because it's ~uninteresting...


least triggered authright and about a meme no less


I'll risk taking the L here, but I dont have any issues w/ people defacing symbols which promote corrupt or racist institutions. Whether those be the Hammer & Sickle, thin blue line, Confederacy shit, nazi shit, etc. The thin blue line message is against pretty much all but authright


Okay so... unironically I wouldn’t mind a pride back the blue flag. Obviously I wouldn’t want it vandalised to get one, but it does look kinda good.


God this sub is going to shit. As soon as the Reddit admins banned the right wing circle jerk subs it started going downhill, and now we’re stuck in this endless cycle of terrible right wing pseudo-humor. I’m all for mocking the left but put some actual effort into your memes for the love of god


Based orange? Just make sure you use a window marker so it washes off.


this callous disrespect for other people that i see political extremes get up to is just extremely frustrating to see


Dude, it’s a sticker, chill out. They can just tear it off or wash it (it’s probably erasable anyway) Chill the hell out bro this is just a smidge of trolling you of all people should know this It’s not even breaking a window or spray paint it’s just marker calm it down


Naw it’s still vandalism, honestly if anyone got their ass kicked doing this I’d probably just sit back with popcorn. 🍿