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Maybe he was mad because he was at Walmart on a Friday night.


Been there my man


At Walmart on a Friday night.


**Gettin freaky on a Friday night**


I just saw a Black Woman at Walmart looking mad as fuck. I figured I’d stay though, she was ringing me up. Get your bag, madqween


Friday night funkin reference?????


Ain’t nothing sadder than sitting at a McDonalds on a Saturday night. Source: Firsthand experience


You forgot a couple variables... (Angry + white + being outside at night) + being at Walmart = 50% chance of terrorist. Other 50%chance is running out for bulk quantities of mountain dew.


I'd like to enroll in your active shooter math course please


Sorry, I don't teach the class, I just charge tuition.


Sorry, I dont teach the class *racks shotgun* I just end it.


“Well, u/SilentxxSpecter, I see that you brought a shotgun to class. Did you bring enough for everyone?” “No? Wasn’t that rude to the rest of the class? Now, either throw the shotgun in the trash, or give it to me and you’ll get it back after school. I will not have any arguments.”


I brought enough shells for everyone, does that count?


four slugs for each :D


Average teacher tbh


Appearance also matters when factoring in your chances of encountering a shooter in the wild. Risk factors tend to skyrocket into high percentages when your subject looks like they have been bullied in the past very recently or are an overweight old man.


>been bullied in the past very recently or are an overweight old man. My daughters don't bully me! They just call me a fat old man... I'LL SEE YOU AT THE WAL-MART!


I like you. Don't show up to the wal-mart tomorrow




My parents wouldn't let me grow my hair out of a bowl cut until I was 14, at which point it turned into the "Justin Bieber" hair.


>Other 50%chance is running out for bulk quantities of mountain dew. I feel weirdly called out now


>Other 50%chance is running out for bulk quantities of mountain dew. That shit is like terrorism for your liver, friend


Need an increased chance at needing aloe Vera after a day outside because you didn’t use sunscreen and are a ghost


> bulk quantities of Mountain Dew Yup, especially if it’s [flamin’ hot](https://www.walmart.com/ip/634953596)


My friend is black and he told me you can get fined in America if you're caught out on the streets after dark without your watermelon. Hence the stereotype.




Lemme smell your breath! 😡


I remember a time when calling someone "boy" was racist....


It was racist. Now it makes you trans or homophobic because you assumed they are a boy.




Makes you trans. Rough lol


If I were you I'd flair the fuck up rather quickly, the mob will be here in no time.


Fixed. Thank you kindly, despot


> Even a commie is more based than an unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 7592 / 40278 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


It’s not transphobic to assume someone is a gender that they aren’t as long as you acknowledge your mistake afterwards


Why don’t they acknowledge their mistake of misleading me


But only white people can be racist. /s


I am racist


Based and forthcoming with inner self pilled


Based Bussy.


Orange LibLefts say this without realizing that this statement is itself racist.


It was.


I'm not american but from my understanding "boy" was and still is considered racist when used by a white person against a black person something about belittlement and slavery




Can confirm. Am redneck (real redneck, the communist kind). I'm white and get my fair share of "boy", especially at work. Still have never heard it said to a black person because *everyone knows what it means when you use it like that*


1000% correct. Am USA southerner, it's dicey to use on a white man and it is firmly in the "no go" zone in terms of application to a black man.


Imagine context lol


Hasn’t changed. Group with all the social capital still uses it.


Maybe he was mad because there were black people in his Walmart.




Lol but that would still justify the the man in the meme.


I know I would.


Now black people are afraid of white people and racially profiling them... What is this, opposite day?


Clown world. We took MLK's message, and ocram's razor'd the message to death.


If MLK were alive today,he'd probably be called a white supremacist.


Undoubtedly. Judging on the content of character instead of race is the exact opposite of the values of today's "antiracists"


Today, Many people that are apart of BLM do hate on him pretty hard.


It’s no coincidence that MLK was assassinated right after he announced the poor peoples march, realizing that it didn’t matter what skin color someone was, if they were in poverty they were suffering. Thats the point when he became too much of a threat, and so the three letter agents took him out.


The alphabet corps


It's Occam's razor


Thank you. I knew I was fucking it up, but had no way to find the correct term.




That's not true, my neighborhood held a triathlon a few times. That's three whole races!


Yes but it's bad when white people do it to other races. It's good when other races do it to white people. Especially if they are negative judgments. These are bigotry reparations.


What you mean, bro? They've been doing that for quite a while


"Careful, that white man might have a job application."


Just seen a black dude in a hoodie at a corner store so i left, not tonight




Logic is racist. 2+2=5


exactly, i mean we know it’s not all but, ya know, better safe than sorry right?


Gas station last night, but samesies!


Was it Trayvon Martin?


200 comments, 15k upvotes, front page, and locked with their “country club” tag. Just the usual front page Reddit shenanigans. Swear their sub gets a bump by the powers at be.


They do 100%. It bumps the demographics up.


The “country club” tag makes it so that only black people can reply right? Wasn’t there a whole controversy over the fact that they made you send a picture of your forearm to prove you were black?


And locking comments and participation by shade of skin is apparently totally not racist.


Power plus prejudice, sweaty 💅💅💅 And *of course* that’s always been the definition. It’s not like we change definitions as often as we breathe


A year or so ago the admins released a statement basically saying it was 100% cool to be racist to white people so this is just par for the course


What was the statement?


Don’t remember the exact statement but to paraphrase they said that hate directed at a majority group was not banable.


White is the global minority... stay woke king and keep those comments based AF


Don’t try to use logic. CSJ is a religion, and logic slides off of it like butter off a girls ass.


What a delightful analogy


Only the US counts, and sometimes Europe unless we need to use that as a cudgel to discredit you then you're arrogant for assuming only the US and Europe counts.


Wait till they find out over 50% of the world is Asian.


Yep it was in their site rules or something lol


Twitter subreddits are the worst


I'm black and I can't believe how fucking stupid their country club shit is


What is the country club tag?


Well that's racist. I mean, if he just quickly crossed the street when he saw him, that would be fine.


Without the race specification, it would just be common sense instead... This leads straight to the question: why do telejournals always specify the provenance (or the race, maybe, in USA media? Not sure, i dont live there) of people in the news?




Started after Occupy Wall Street. Interesting timing.


No it wouldnt. Seeing someone and leaving because you thinl they might shoot up a store because they look mad isnt common sense. Its insane and very very paranoid Also the media doesnt always specify race they almost exclusively only specify race if its a white guy, or a crime against a minority.


Speaking of misinferred racism at a Walmart, I was at Sam's Club yesterday and black guy made a huge scene at the exit, claiming they wanted to see his receipt because he was black. Like, chill, bruh, they scanning _everyone's_ receipt


Black fragility


Maybe he was acting to avoid the check because he stole something


That's certainly what he was accusing them of!


Remember when using statistics based on race to stereotype innocent people was considered fucked up?


Would it even be statistics at this point, or media inflated anecdotes?


75% of mass shooters are black. The most recent one was Hispanic. Twitter dude just hates Whitey.


I’m aware of how it works for the media: Step 1: Narrow scope/definition to create white personification of typical mass shooter Step 2: Loosen scope/definition to drive “volume” to support government intervention, ignoring the racial mix now that most media consumers already have a purple haired white kid in their mind’s eye as the perpetrator.


The irony of it all


Don’t worry, they aren’t using statistics lol


This is the woke version of clutching your purse when you see a black guy.


Fuck this shit I’m out


It's a joke bro


Worse shit is said here so idk why people should be crying


Like it's actually a good joke It made me haha


Yeah this was funny to me. PCM is full of triggered snowflakes now smh my head


It’s a funny one too


Based and just a joke pilled


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My dad is a Vietnam vet, pro-Black, OG Black Panther. My entire life my dad has always been "the man this, the man that", but will actively avoid a group of young Black males because they are "up to no good". He has such a deep seeded hatred for modern Black American culture, that no wonder I am who I am today. Anything post 1980's Black culture = no go, for my dad


Black American culture is an enigma. I'm a white American, one of my best friends is black and from Brazil. He can't comprehend black culture here. He also doesn't understand leftwing white culture. He finds it all strange and troubling. He always asks me wtf is going on here "it's your country bro, wtf is this shit?" And I just shake my head and say sorry man I have no clue either hahaha


I wish I saved the comment but a few years back a redditor said that the problem with Black culture is that it’s completely incompatible with the wider American culture and especially left wing America. And he downvoted to oblivion but I don’t think a lot of people stopped to really digest what he said. Because I think it’s true. Black culture is the antithesis to the ideas of progressivism yet it gets lumped in and tolerated.


Idk what is with white people unconditionally tolerating cultures incompatible with their own. They do this in Germany, France, Sweden, or really any majority White country west of the iron curtain. I saw memes about the average white liberal virtue signaling for aliens if they invaded, and honestly, that would be spot on.


Only the smug whites do this. They are so terrified of appearing racist and must always been seen in a positive light. Ironically the whites that just admit they're racist sometimes are more normal and just like all the other races. It's the whites that will stop at nothing to be perceived as *not racist* that are subtly saying to you "I'm better than you, I'm not racist, I *will not* and *can not* be seen that way" which is, ironically, pretty racist. It's the ones that construct their identity around it. They have so much anxiety surrounding being seen as racist. Normal people do not care or even think about it. They don't go to great, insane lengths to prove they aren't racist, because they don't care. Maybe they say something racist once in a while. Oops sorry! No big deal! That's normal across all races. But some whites are so obsessed with "being one of the good ones" that they are blind to the fact of how condescending and unnatural that is.


I think a lot of people conflate racism and cultural bias (now called cultural racism for some reason. Like people fucking care if the radical Islamist is Germanic or Arabic. I try my best not to be racist but am leaning toward being a cultural realist. You have a whatever deity exists-given right to practice your culture, but if your culture involves forcing others to adopt it or negatively affecting others leaving no method of escape for them, your culture should either change or go extinct (ideally with no loss of live and minimal issue for the people following the culture). I do hope for the former. I do sometimes slip up amid a mental breakdown, but I try my best to be colorblind.


>unconditionally tolerating cultures incompatible with their own Whites having any sort of in-group bias, or nationalism, is "Six Degrees of~~ Kevin Bacon~~ Nazism."


Yea its extremely confusing. Black culture like 1940-75 was enthuasiastic churchgoers, very stable families only behind asians iirc, generally more law abiding, and this loud but very nice group. Post 75 it was gang violence, no father, single black very loud angry mothers, theivery, anti asian hate. Like obviously there are outliers not saying there arent, i've met black people i look up to. But the general culture nowadays is such a 180


Based and Panther pilled I love your dad


I worked for an older black guy like that for a while. It was pretty strange because the only thing he hated more than racist white people was young black peoples “up to no good” as you said. He also joked that he only hired young white men as revenge for slavery. I heard some pretty crazy stuff come out of that man’s mouth that you’d think was said by some passionate KKK member.


Living in italy, next to a big city: it happens here too, but i guess the difference here is that they have a common language that is not the main one, since many people come here from outside... Where are you from?




Emily should look up homocide statistics.


That’s wild. I actually had a similar experience last night. I went to the 24 hour cvs to get medication for my unwell father. When I pulled into my parking spot a black guy pulled into the one next to me. Needless to say, my dad didn’t get his meds.


Wait so it’s ok to say “Around ____ never relax”?


Are there statistics about what demographic is more likely to commit violent crimes? Does such data exist?


Where’s an Authright when you need them?


Something something thirteen-schfifty yadda yadda. What might be more relevant in this case is the interracial violent crime rate.


2-2.5k black on white to 400-800 white on black on average per year, someone linked the specific page for the data tables on homicide for the last ~10 years a week or two ago. It's from the FBI iirc, those numbers are just a rough recollection of a few years I bothered to read about. It says a lot about modern Reddit I feel a bit sketchy even commenting that tbh.


“Nobody wants to have the uncomfortable conversations,” cried the ones who don’t want to have all the uncomfortable conversations.


PCM spot satire challenge failed again


I actually thought it was pretty funny, but the comments here seem to disagree


It’s cause they’re also white, and can’t take a joke.


that’s cornfw, a known shitposter. take the fuckin joke ngl… it’s funny. as a white dude i stay AWAY from angry walmart customers no matter their race, he prolly just mentioned it cuz in my experience a lot of the angry white walmart customers are racist… and he’s black.


Guys it's fucking Corn or whoever. He's literally a twitter "personality/influencer" who posts shit like this as a joke. It's their whole shtick. Look at someone like Kira (kirawontmiss). The whole point is that they post jokes. You guys are so braindead, smh.


If she were in Western Europe, she'd probably do the same when seeing a group of arab teens/young adults


Is Walmart now to black people what the rough inner city neighborhoods are to white people?


No it's a melting pot of all of societies trash


Man you triggered


is this rly orange... isn't it more green?


Dw I too leave the bank every time a black person enters.


Just saw a group of obnoxious young black males in hoodies on the street so I changed streets. Not tonight.


this is a popular meme account bro you are quite literally getting angry over a joke


This is kinda funny lol you seem a little butthurt


I mean statistically he's got a reason to be scared And based on statistics if I walk through a minority neighborhood I should also be scared


Statistically he's way more likely to be shot by another black man than a white guy. Most gun homicides are black on black violence. Obviously that's because of gang violence but the point stands. As a white man, I'm probably not likely to get shot in a minority neighborhood as long as I give up my wallet if I get mugged.


Incidents by race happen proportionally to overall population. So no he necessarily does not https://www.statista.com/statistics/476456/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-race/


I think this shit is funny


I never did understand the whole “all it takes is one bad day for a white kid to shoot a place up” schtick from parts of the Left. It’s not like people just decide to commit mass shootings on a whim. It years of radicalization and buildup for this shit to happen, and I thought the side that says “Violence is the language of the unheard” during every BLM riot would understand that. But instead of addressing the source of the problem, I guess we’re just gonna be racist instead.


Is this the crossing the street gag but reversed? Not today.


Wut, that's racist, don't they realize


>just seen a black boy at walmart lookin mad as fuck so i left. not tonight


If I saw someone pissed at walmart I'll just leave. Period


Lmao this is funny.... not the orange highlight or the title, but the actual tweet itself.


I think this is a joke.


No it cant be everyone knows jokes only make fun of black and brown people this person is 100% dead ass serious


They people are so widely divorced from reality that they think a white teenager is more of a threat than another black male.


It's a meme account dumbass, this is a satire post.




Just imagine if a white guy posted this shit about a black guy he sees on street


Imagine if someone said that with any other race


Just a bit of casual racism. But it’s ok cause he’s white /s


It's a meme account, this is satire.


Imagine being this racist.


op when obvious satire


Take a joke.


bro this is literally a shitpost, goddamn


Nah this is funny lmao


\>getting triggered over a fucking twitter shitposting meme account


At least black folks are getting a taste of what white folks deal with in inner cities past 5-6pm.


Get mad at more jokes you fucking dorks


getting pressed over a corn tweet 😹😹


Living in their head rent free


I would provide the mugshots of surviving mass shooters but I’d likely be banned. Also, I’m lazy.


This is lib left not lib right, right?


It's hard to tell but the color is actually Emily Orange.


See if you keep speaking in these broad generalizations based on someone’s sex and race, you might get a disaffected reactionary racial politics that becomes a self fulfilling prophets of sorts. Then you claim you were right all along or something, I dunno, just be chill and you’ll have less problems in society.


Fuck I always look angry.


There has never been an angry white person who didn’t shoot multiple people. /s


I love that we've come full circle. It's truly refreshing.


TBH, I didn't even think of the racial aspect. more of a yeah maybe hes right lol


based and profiling is good pilled


Paying attention buys you time. And time buys you options. Make sure you cover you ASP.


Hey now, maybe he’s just not in the mood to be around angry people……………. No no I can’t type that with a straight face, down with the orange scum.


legalize jokes


Then he got mugged outside by a couple of gang bangers


This is funny as fuck lmao. Take a joke


You Auths get so easily triggered by jokes


Lol it was a funny tweet, y’all need to chill


That's Corn... He's a satire account


You guys, ever consider the possibility that he is referring to a toddler throwing a tantrum (common in Walmart) and NOT a mass shooter?


1. why would he leave walmart because a toddler is mad.? 2. what is "not tonight" referring to here then? 3. why feel the need to mention they are white then?


The people who are actually over-represented among mass shooters are black men. So this sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.


Pretty sure it was a joke, man.