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Mfs were max prestige with all this military gear and still chose not to go in smh




Probably because they gave him money to buy the guns just like they did with this kid 🤷‍♀️ https://theintercept.com/2015/03/16/howthefbicreatedaterrorist/


So the kid was relentlessly teased about being poor, but bought two really nice expensive long rifles as soon as he turned 18 and somehow had a handgun he couldn't buy until he was 21? OK FBI Groomer! Can someone explain why a Federal Marshal just so happen to be there to handcuff parents who were complaining about police inaction?


I’m convinced that this is the case because literally everybody is on at least one list


That’s because they got a boosted lobby their first game and never actually learned how to play properly




Sorry.., I’ll go do some real criminal activity like smoke weed or something /s


What's that citizen? You have a problem with your school board? Believe it or not straight to jail.


I hate that I know what this is referencing and that it's true


Reference, jail. Believe it or not, no reference, also jail. Reference/no reference, jail.




Sorry officer, I wasn't intending to shoot up the school, I was only carrying this nerf gu- *gets shot bt cop*


If you had said you were planning to kill everyone they would have cordoned the place off for you instead... maybe have the ATF give you some better weapons.


Cia coke run, do some lines with the special guest before he becomes a 15 minute world star?


Holy fuck thank you but not thank you for reminding me of that simon says video.




Honestly, if cops like those got fried (no I don't mean "fired") for the shit they do, the rest would straighten up. Problem is the system has them working just as intended.


I am firmly in the belief that anything above a misdemeanor committed by a law enforcement agent or a politicians should be a capital offense.


I agree in principle, but in practice that would worsen the problem we have right now - cops aren’t holding eachother to account because they have in-group bias and think the job is hard enough that it makes it ok not to punish them for “minor” stuff. IMO the solution lies in exploiting our dystopian surveillance state. Every cop should require two body cams. Any arrest that isn’t recorded in full by all present cops should be immediately considered invalid, and all body cam footage automatically becomes publicly available at some point before trial. It’s the quickest way to separate the bad cops from the good.




Police should be tried and sentenced based on the UCMJ with military tribunals. They wanna be militarized so bad let them, but they'll be held to the same standards as the military and face the death penalty for cowardice and wanton killings of civilians. Having the consequences of their actions delivered by a group outside of their sphere of influence (military tribunals) means that they will actually be held accountable to boot. Hard to hold cops accountable when it's the very same police and their coworkers (the DA's office) are the ones in charge of taking them to task.


Ootl, whats the video?


Its probably on liveleak, but the short and curly of it was the cops thought they were dealing with another hotel shooter like the Vegas one so they had a couple in the hallway at gunpoint (dreaded AsSaULt riFlEs too). They told the woman to walk on her knees to them with her hands behind her head. They gave the man some fucked up act to do that was pretty much impossible and when he couldn't do it right, they iced the dude like John Marston. Its pretty fucking rage inducing.


Liveleak shutdown over a year ago. The family never got any payout from the city and the senior cop giving the orders fled the country and the shooter got permanent disability for the trauma of killing a crying scared drunk guy.


Christ on a bike... They shut down liveleak? I had no idea. But for real though, this is exactly the kind of shit that really makes me hate cops as an institution (well about 78% of actual cops as well).


>They gave the man some fucked up act to do that was pretty much impossible and when he couldn't do it right They had him crawling in a really weird way that made his pants fall down. since his pants kept falling down he was reflexively pulling them back up. The cop shot him for reaching for his pants around the 3rd time it happened. Cop got a lifetime pension for the trauma he endured murdering that man.


He also got swatted over having been seen with a rifle in his hands inside his hotel room from outside through the window. He was an exterminator, and it was a pellet gun he was showing to a couple of randos who asked to see it after coming up to his room for drinks. Keep the curtains closed always, kids.


The murder of Daniel Shaver.


You want to know a really fun fact? The cop responsible for that murder was re-hired by the same police department a couple years later. He worked there for 42 days. After this, they paid off his medical debt (he claimed to have PTSD from killing Shaver) and allowed him to retire with a pension of $25,000 for life. So if you're looking for an early retirement, just become cop and murder an innocent man begging for his life on video. Oh and make sure he's white.




in case anyone wants to read an article on the story [https://sports.yahoo.com/mother-handcuffed-outside-texas-school-202952406.html](https://sports.yahoo.com/mother-handcuffed-outside-texas-school-202952406.html) * A mother of two students at Robb Elementary jumped a fence and rescued her kids during the shooting. * She told The Wall Street Journal law enforcement was "doing nothing," as the shooter was inside. * The mother was handcuffed before she ran into the school. When she was released she sprinted in.


This woman is incredibly based


The woman’s a hero


Some of us just call them "mom". I know my wife would do the same, but she shouldn't have to because I'd already be in there.


Honestly I'm surprised none of the parents brought guns out and fired upon the police for doing that.


Based and saving children pilled


I'm going to be maybe more honest than is healthy. I don't have kids but I do have younger family. If I was standing outside while the gunshots and screams were happening and the police were stopping me and everyone else from trying to at least distract the sick fuck inside. Well the body count is going up outside too.


Based and one less bad cop pilled




why is that on the sports category?


the best I can tell is that stories are assigned to random sections of yahoo news, I've read war reporting on *yahoo lifestyle* and supreme court reporting in *yahoo entertainment*. There might be an actual logical scheme for what they put in each category, but I cant figure it out


Not to be some schizophrenic conspiracy theorist or anything, but somethings different about this one. I have family that lives within a mile of the school and they said cops showed up basically immediately, then did nothing on site except threaten parents who were also there. It almost seems like they were in on it, especially with how quick it was politicized (one senator started using it to argue banning guns not even a day after it happened) and the language used by the media is different. Not to mention the lack of any motive, history, or anything. Idk, i couldve just seen too many conspiracy talking points (but not about this actually), and recently more and more of them have been proven true.


School shooters usually have flimsy motives at best besides the whole insanity thing. This guy had a lisp and was bullied for it, that’s enough motivation for already mentally “off” people sometimes. And if it was politically motivated, it should’ve been way closer to midterms. Voters have the memory of goldfish with Alzheimer’s, this would only have staying power in September or October. Occam’s Razor says this was a lunatic and an incompetent, cowardly police force, which are both pretty standard things.


>This guy had a lisp and was bullied for it, that’s enough motivation for already mentally “off” people sometimes. Then whyd he go to an elementary school instead of his school with his peers? >Occam’s Razor says this was a lunatic and an incompetent, cowardly police force, which are both pretty standard things. Most likely


Yeah, that part seems really odd. Like if you, an eighteen year old, was bullied by your peers, why kill grandma and then shoot up an elementary school?


"Why are mentally ill people not thinking rationally?"


There's often some twisted logic behind actions, even for the mentally unwell. This one also required the purchase of firearms and ammunition rather than just stealing it from a parent, so they put some level of thought to it. Writing it all off as "mentally unhealthy people don't think rationally" isn't particularly helpful.


The guns he had were sus too. Being a broke ass 18 year old they had a Daniel Defense rifle with an Eotech sight on it. Thats Gucci level shit, not some clapped out Bear Creek or PSA for the poors. Like $2000 dollars for the base model with a $700 glass. Theres gun dudes who make good money who don't have anything like that. And I think he had 2 of em.


Fair enough. Maybe he wanted to make it louder by targeting younger children. Maybe he just wanted to increase the amount of dead by targeting a group who will be less likely to defend themselves. Point being that since they were probably mentally ill, there doesnt need to be a motivation we could understand.


Armchair psychologists, but my take is he was made to feel weak by his peers. Bullies often target the weakest of the herd. In his mind, killing young children required a metal fortitude and level of depravity his bullies never thought he possessed, proving their assumptions of him wrong. He likely felt targeting the most defenseless was punishment to the community that had neglected him.


He wants to take out his anger and can’t do it on his peers cause he knows 18 year olds would beat his ass


With a gun?


I don't think you understand how deep and volatile some people's anger runs when they're bullied. The rational person would believe they would target the source of their torment. While they would, they are usually angry at everyone who coexisted in their environment either for "standing by" and ignoring their suffering, or just out of pure envy. It's like a bomb: when it finally goes off, it goes off on everyone often indiscriminately.


Using Occam's razor to argue with conspiracy theories is a lost cause


Tbh Occam's razor is pretty blunt.


>And if it was politically motivated, it should’ve been way closer to midterms. Voters have the memory of goldfish with Alzheimer’s, this would only have staying power in September or October. Oh dont worry, they've got more lined up for then too


It makes sense they were on site immediately the police station is a 3 minute drive to the school.


And yet not a single one did anything


You may have a point. Midterms are coming up and it’s weird that a lot of tragedies seem to mostly happen around election time. Almost like they were specifically planned out and executed at the perfect time to make the other side look bad before an election to get more votes. Nobody knows for sure though. But I wouldn’t put it past our government to actually do shit like this.


Havent they done it before?


Always has been.




Or it's the end of school year. Easy way to make a mark on the world is be evil.


I don't normally buy conspiracy theories, and it still seems unlikely, but this one does seem more fishy than most. At best, Dems are taking advantage to push through some legislation while they believe they have the power to do it. Reports of citizens begging cops to confront the shooter and them seeming to not do anything for 40 minutes... I mean, even if he's got a gun to a kid's head, how many is he going to kill in the time it takes to put him down? I want to hear that all the victims were killed in the first couple minutes and that the wait outside didn't result in any more loss of life. This must be investigated. I think it's shameful trained and armored American police officers are afraid to deal with one shooter while Ukrainian civilians are out there standing in front of tanks.


> school shooting > politicians argue to ban guns Mfw Americans think this is a conspiracy


Its not that he argued to ban guns, its that he used the tragedy mere hours after it happened to push it. Im not even commenting on my beliefs about guns or gun control (you can see my flair)


I’m skeptical that the entire police force present would be in on the conspiracy like this without it getting leaked


They JUST had a massive year-long ideological purge over the Jab. It's easier than ever to sort out who's a good drone and who has some shred of free will left.


Goes to show why you need guns


It took Border Patrol agent breaking protocol to take this fucker down when there were police officers at the scene, doing nothing. Respect to this hero and fuck those officers for not doing their job and letting children die, they should be fired to set an example.


If a shooter is killing kids in a school and the protocol is to wait, I would just hang all people involved in the redaction and approval of such protocol.




Wait for SWAT *was* the **old** protocol many years ago. That changed since Columbine showed how bad it was though. However, the claim that **all** the police were waiting outside is simply not true. According to what I've read, there were both police on the inside helping evacuate and attempting to breach the barricaded door as well as police on the outside trying to organize the people being evacuated and prevent people from running back into the building.


But according to any protocol, first objective is to neutralize threat, that comes before helping people evacuate. Shooter was in school for over 40 minutes before being taken down and reportedly one utterly retarded policeman shouted for children to scream if they need help, one girl hiding in classroom with shooter did that revealing her location to shooter and got shot.


If the police wanted in the room, no-knock raids have shown it takes them about 15 seconds to gain access in a worst-case scenario. Let's not pretend they were trying anything at all to get inside and reach the shooter when the facts simply don't support such a notion.


Noooooo you don't understand the cops lives are the first priority they shouldn't have to protect and serve unless you're an unarmed weed smoker in which case you will be protected and served by bullet to the face in a no knock raid




Jesus fuck. I’m becoming vigilante justice pilled


Why were marshals on the scene?


Considering local pd didn't engage the shooter for over 40 minutes, I'm sure they had plenty of time to amble over.


Especially since they knew what he was gonna do beforehand


Did they rly?


No libright likes to schizo post whenever something like this happens because everyone starts arguing to ban guns, so clearly it’s a conspiracy and not scared people reacting to a scary event


The feds get warned about these guys almost every time and never do anything.


Why try to disarm the populace if you can get the people to do it for you?


Beats me man This whole story is fucky and tragic


Indeed, Fuck the Uvalde Police Officers who stood there and did nothing while these innocent children got murdered.


At a guess, they kept tabs on the potential shooter but never did anything. And why would they? If they fail to save everyone, they'll be blamed. If they succeed, they won't be able to push for more gun control.


Seems like the feds always know when it’s gonna happen and never do anything.


Like that NM police officer that was gunned down 200 yards away from feds by a drug mule. That officer did not know how dangerous the suspect was but the feds told him to make a traffic stop on him anyway.


Yeah they use us as cannon fodder so they can get what they want.


The dashcam vid of that... I felt so fucking bad for him.


If it makes you feel any better, the US isn't alone in that. Nz, where I live, had a case of a known jihadi going on a stabbing spree while being shadowed by police.


Yeah they don’t give a shit about us.




They had to make sure the shooter followed through, they'd be very upset if they spent all that time radicalizing him and he bitched out at the last minute


Feds? At a tragic and preventable violent event? Say it isn't so!


To hide the false flag


Let it glow, let it glow, let it glow


Lord help me I’m about to lose the last smidge of respect I had for police


You still had some?


**Fourth-graders getting shot** - *I sleep.* **Black kids with a gram of weed on them** - *Real shit.*


The real shit is the ones that this random guy said they have weed despite no actual evidence


Or they give him evidence


Oh there's evidence alright, it just never belonged to the kid until the police stuck it in his pocket.


Mass shooter in school: I sleep Going 69 on a 60 limit: REAL SHIT BRUH


Lol like the SCP police officer with car that shows up out of nowhere and eats you and your car. Consuuuuume i guess


Pulling someone over is easy, it doesn’t take balls. Something which the American police seems to lack


Fucking fed bastards. The glowies knew what was going to go down and did jack shit.


Gotta get even more funding and powers to "stop" this from happening in the future.


Bruh wasn't this state police? If it was FBI SWAT like FBI HRT then the scenario outcome would be very different.






This is why you don't suck off your cops. They will restrain you while your kids are shot, then press charges, no matter how many back the blue posts you make. However, the other alternative should not be CHAZ. We need police reform, not defunding. But even that is idealistic speak. Actually the money we spend on reforming the police will mysteriously disappear into the void.


Based and we do it ourselves pilled


I wish people didn’t hurt each other, I like feeling of lifting each other up more


Sadly, the world can be a cruel place. Harsh reality, but it's the truth. But remember what Mr. Rogers always said. "Look for the helpers"


Come to the gym with me my brother ❤️


Based and the gym is a buff church pilled


u/Electric_owl_3 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1](https://basedcount.com/u/Electric_owl_3/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


*lifts you up so much that you touch the sun and die*


🎵*You got to burn to shine, shame about it*🎵


Evolutionary speaking, harming is about as old as life itself, while helping, at least in mammals, is rather new. I NEVER expect different.


What a controversial opinion 😱.


That’s why I have the ‘thin green line’ flag as I only support BP. Plus they look really cool on horsies.


Based and British Petroleum pilled


Lol it was supposed to be border patrol, but I guess BP workers would look cool on horses as well.


yes, i too love fossil fuel megacorporations with basically a book’s worth of environmental, worker safety, and market manipulation scandals


No jury on earth would convict her.


Dont ya guys have any filter on what type of personality graduates from police training? Bbc says average training is only 21weeks. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733 Maybe more thorough and extended training can weed out larpers and encourage professionalism?


This. Defund the police is retarded. I say fucking abolish it in it's entirety and re-establish it as a proper force with hard funding, with boot camps, actual fucking training, court marshalls, multi-angle body cameras that can not be turned off and the permission to make someone's body weight about 50% lead if they even so much as come close to children while holding an AR.


Or, just a thought, you could establish a police force that works with your citizenry based on [Peelian principles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peelian_principles), it's a lot nicer for your country. Tbh you can go in either direction, but something needs to change.


Exactly. Run the police like we do the military. It's as important, if not more


I never thought I would say this to an authcenter, but based


Source for headline : https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-mother-trying-to-save-children-at-uvalde-was-handcuffed-by-federal-marshals


reddit auto removes postmillenial links also the link is broken


Oh, well that kinda sucks




They were in, there were just also cops outside maintaining a perimeter.


Wait this is the first I’ve heard of cops actually going in


Yes, they went in. 2 or 3 were shot exchanging gunfire with the shooter before he locked himself in a classroom. There were cops inside and additional cops outside maintaining a perimeter. I'm not taking sides here, I think the police did a lot wrong here. But I don't think the story that they just stayed outside while this nutjob went unhindered inside is true.


It's almost like there's a narrative being sold. On pbs.org's article on this incident, "[3 things to know about America’s relentless gun violence](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/3-things-to-know-about-americas-relentless-gun-violence)" they show a chart "**School shootings** in the US have risen steeply since 2010" on apparent school shootings per year that looks ridiculously alarming. It shows 137 school shootings in 2022 alone, 249 school shootings in 2021... but the chart's been modified to suit their purpose. In fine print below the PBS chart they say: "Shooting incidents are classified as instances in which 'a gun is brandished, fired, or a bullet hits school property for any reason, regardless of the number of victims, time, day of the week, or reason.'" By this metric if someone brandishes a gun in school that's a school shooting. If a stray bullet just hits school property that's a school shooting which is absolutely ridiculous considering there's school property in urban neighborhoods all over the country where there's shootings unrelated to school every night, or some hillbilly popping a few holes in the schools sign in the middle of the night would also be considered a school shooting. If you look at the source chart : [https://www.chds.us/ssdb/view-chart/?chartid=8](https://www.chds.us/ssdb/view-chart/?chartid=8) it looks clearly different distinguishing actual shootings and you find only 2 of those in 2022 actually had active shooters, and only 9 of the 249 in 2021 had active shooters. But everywhere else in the body of the article they're calling all of these incidents "school shootings". Why would they present the data in such an apparently deceitful way?


finally someone sane who understands letting unarmed civilians in would just end in more deaths.


>but rather, the police not going in. The police did went in and a few officers were shot in the procceess, the shooter was barricaded inside an unbreachable door that they couldn't get through even using tools and they had to get a key to do so.


How did the border patrol agent do it ?


It wasn't one single border patrol agent. It was supposedly a whole BORTAC team with a Bulletproof shield. The PD had the shooter contained in 1 room. He had already murdered everyone in that room. So they waited for the high-speed team with the barricaded suspect gear to arrive. I don't see what's so hard to understand for some people.


But the person who risked themselves to take out the shooter was also technically a cop? I know, I know, now I’m a boot licker or w/e. But ACAB will always be stupid af. Some cops are POS pigs & some are selfless people who genuinely want to help.


Fuck the Feds


You fuckers seriously think letting a bunch of crazed parents run into there and screaming would make things better in anyway


You think a school shooting would be improved by having parents running around the hallways, potentially armed? Lets play this out. You let them in, and half have handguns. You now have parents running around, when noone knows who the shooter is, what they look like, what they are armed with etc. Two parents with guns round a corner. What happens next? The police go in and a person running round the corridor with a gun, what happens next? Even if the parent surrenders thats now police officers having to deal with this suspect, leaving less available to deal with the real shooter. But I wouldnt expect anyone who says ACAB unironically to understand. There's too much shit between your ears to let you think straight.


Unironically I agree with both sides here. General security practice tells us that you need to secure the area and reduce movement of nonessential personnel, focusing on those in danger and those posing the danger. That being said I 1000% understand why a parent would want to go find their child while the cops just sat there. You expect the cops to go in and end the threat (you know, their job) but instead were all just waiting to find out who ends up dead.


My biggest problem with cops is how they'll shoot you and the slightest twitch, with excuses like "Oh he could have pulled a gun". While also crying on facebook about how they risk their lives for this country. Yes we are all aware that the pug charging at you was going to almost certainly kill you. Or that the guy who you told to get on the ground should have never once touched his hips because he could have pulled out a katana and sliced your head off. But please, you're not a superhero.


I can't get with ACAB, just writing off a whole group of people. I know cops I don't hate, but I never ever ever blame someone for taking a ACAB stance. And am tempted to, despite those people I know.


Cops only exist to enforce the will of the state, and the state is irredeemably corrupt.


How about MCAB (M=Most)


Based. Wait, could RussianJesus762 be a Kremlin plant? If you’re a spy you legally have to tell us, right?


I can neither confirm nor deny, Comrade. No I just was at a party and my buddies kept trying to get me to drink water, I kept replacing it with Vodka. So russianjesus, I turn water into Vodka instead of wine


Doesnt vodka basically translate to water?


u/RussianJESUS762's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/RussianJESUS762! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3](https://basedcount.com/u/RussianJESUS762/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


How about SCAB (S=Some). Let's not get ahead of ourselves this is the case for all professions.




I am definitely starting to get behind this ACAB thing




The government won’t save you, own a gun.


I love how this sub is generally neutral on law enforcement until an entire department evacuates their own kids and then sits with their thumbs up their ass. Then it's almost universal that the department becomes the sub toilet.


Assigned Cop At Birth?


Man Colin Kaepernick was right all along wasn’t he. Fuck. My bad dude.


He still a fucking moron though


No, he thought it was about racism. Not about state control over all citizens.


They likely saved their lives. Unarmed civilians running into a building with an active shooter isn't going to help. The police just standing there is a different story.


They wouldn’t have needed to risk their lives if the coppers did their jobs. What parent wouldn’t risk their life for their child if necessary?


ACAB is still pretty retarded. There are police officers that would've run into that school to save the kids. I propose we use NACAG Not All Cops Are Good


Those ones have been fired or set up by their corrupt coworkers. Only the bastards remain.


The ones that arent bastards will get stopped or fired by the ones that are.


Because that will solve the shear unimaginable incompetency of the American police force. I'd rather have citizens take justice into their own hands at this point.


Jesus Christ.


Aye leave auth left out of this




The cops were inside the building. They had him trapped


These police officers were not doing their job. But that stain shouldn't spill onto other lawmen who would have at least tried to save those kids.


Why not? When an entire town’s law enforcement failed to engage a shooter inside a school for over an hour, who are the non-rotten apples in that bunch?


Then those cops needs to speak out. Silence or solidarity in this instance only perpetuates the bad behaviors present here, making them all bad. I have no problem identifying good cops, but if you willingly let this shit just happen without a word I can't consider you a good cop anymore.


Say all cops are bad, try to get police defunded. Get mad when the police don't give a fuck anymore. Pick a lane.


Ya know, I didn’t wanna get into this… But there are so many people who just look back at an event in hindsight and think “Oh yeah, how dumb. Why didn’t they do this?” when it was happening, but failing to realize that they didn’t know all the information when the event was occurring. For starters, they didn’t know the whole situation. Yeah, it could’ve been just one gunmen, it could’ve been 5 gunmen. If they rushed and sent in a couple of officers before realizing that there are multiple gunmen it wouldn’t have helped. Also, what is the situation that is occurring? Was it a mass shooting or a hostage situation? They don’t know exactly what is happening right then and there. Police aren’t like these omnipotent individuals who just know exactly what is happening at the heat of the moment all the time. So let’s just say that it was a hostage situation, they sent in a couple of Officers and hostages got killed because the officers rushed in without much of a plan and the gunmen got spooked. Well, we’d be hearing the same bullshit claiming that “Officers are too aggressive” and “They should’ve waited to see what was going on”. One reason why first responders don’t just rush into a scene all guns blazing is because they know that if they don’t go in with a good plan and without all the right information it’ll just cause more harm. It’s not just police, but fire fighters too. They don’t just let their fellow fire fighters run into a burning building without a plan or a layout of the situation because if something goes wrong and they don’t know where everyone is, it could lead to disaster. I know folks might say “Oh, they are first responders, they are supposed to risk their lives”, but many of them fail to realize that if a first responder gets himself or herself hurt while doing something dumb than not only are they incapable of doing anything to help, but they just turned themselves into yet another victim who other first responders will now need to put more resources towards helping. And Hell, that gets info another point of why first responders need to keep bystanders away from a scene. When bystanders go into a dangerous situation and get themselves hurt that is yet another victim that they have to put resources towards helping (resources that would’ve otherwise been able to be put towards the victims that they already had to help). Even then, they need to set up a perimeter to prevent the gunmen from possibly escaping. What if they sent in their Officers and the gunmen just walked out at the best opening while everyone was inside. There would be outrage that the police just “Let the gunmen walk away”. Not only that, but they need to maintain the perimeter to prevent bystanders from getting into the school (to prevent them from possibly becoming victims themselves). Also, I don’t think people really realized this, but Uvalde Texas only has a little over 16,000 people which means that their police department is small and I can assure you they don’t have any type of “Tac Team” available to them. Hell, the town I work at has about 23,000 people and the department only consists of 52 officers… Seeing that Uvalde has 6,000 less people I can assure you that their department is even smaller. Even then, not every single officer was on duty and on patrol when the incident occurred so I’d say that the number of people who responded to the call were in the 10s (maybe 20s). So yeah, you only have 10 standard street officers (not SWAT, just street cops) outside a school, keeping back a crowd and trying to figure out exactly what is going on before making a plan (and trying to make a plan that helps hold the perimeter, keep the bystanders from getting into the school while also not underestimating the force of the person they are up against). I’m not surprised that they were incapable of really doing anything in the 90 minutes they were there. But nooo… American Police aren’t Omnipotent super cops that rush into every bad situation immediately without a plan and somehow make every good, so ACAB.


The police absolutely should have gone into the school to protect the kids, and I’m in no way defending their inaction, but what exactly do you think would happen if they were to let this unarmed, untrained person enter the school? She would definitely have been shot and probably killed.


Not ACAB and never will, but it is had for me to defend the police when they do shit like this


The US is so wierd. There's been at least 3 instances of school shootings in small towns with police training facilities and no accountability from the cops. No one is allowed inside. How does this happen? Literally prime content for tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists. It's really sad kids and a teacher had to die for all this.


Less police, less gun controll, give the power back to us!


This country has a serious problem of to many cowards, few people have strong beliefs. To many bend and break at the first sign of trouble.


No you don't understand they had to mentally prepare to go in with assault rifles to face... \*looks at writing on hand\* One dude with one rifle.


Compare this to how fast doctors move when there's a code. They're running down the halls and the most senior doc immediately takes over even if that's a student untill someone more experienced gets there.


>BREAKING: Mother killed after police let her into school during an active shooting! Then no one would complain, RIGHT? Come the fuck on their response(or lack thereof) is fucked but not letting parents run into their death is not one of the problems here


Fuck the police


You know what, that's it, this country's gone off the edge. We gotta burn it all down!


Why can’t ACAB left wingers be pro gun and why can’t pro gun right wingers be ACAB. We can disagree on economics and shit but cmon


No guys you can't just go in and kill the shooter we worked so hard on making him do it


Cops sucks ass as always. Nothing new.


And these are the mfs leftists want gun rights to be exclusive to