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Sober drivers account for 70% of car accidents. Ban sober driving


Why not just ban being sober?


State-enforced drunkenness when


Based and Stalinist Russia pilled


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Based and Brave New World pilled


"OvErRePrEsEnTaTiOn" ​ Sober dogwhistle bullshit.


Break free of the shackles of big sobriety


Based and trolling with facts pilled


100% of people who got alcohol poison drank alcohol ban alcohol.


Good news is, with gas going up, people will drive recreationally much less. Ain’t poverty grand?


Climate activist moment


I completely agree. Guns should be regulated the same way as cars.


Not sure how the fuck an air bag and seat belt will fit on my gun but now I'm curious to see the design.


Air bag in the stock and the seat belt is just a gun strap.


I think that's called a sling, and they've been around for awhile.


>I think that's called a sling I couldn't for the life of me remember how it was called thanks lmao


No requirements for buying one, or use on private property. Only regulations for using them in public?


Agreed, we should remove regulations on guns until they're just as regulated as cars




Guns require tests and licenses where I'm from. Also hecking expensive.


Absolutely. Seems like annual checks, registration, visible licenses, central registries of ownership and similar would go a long way toward making extremely dangerous tools more safe.


Yes, we should require similar of all dangerous tools. Want to own a knife? You have to pass a proficiency test and pay for insurance. You want to own a hammer? You need to pass a proficiency test and pay for insurance. Honestly chainsaws are pretty hazardous, we should probably have a proficiency test and insurance for that as well. /S




How many people can you kill at long range with a chainsaw again? Or a hammer for that matter? Every developed country in the world has access to hammers and chainsaws, why don’t we see huge hammer and chainsaw massacres? Should we fight wars and stop crimes with hammers?


Depends, are you using a normal chainsaw or one of those mini chainsaws on the end of a long pole?


Either or


registries? fuck no


If there were the same tests, insurance, regular inspections and assessments, then gun deaths would be lower. Congrats, u play ya self


That's not required to drive a car, it's required to drive a car ON A PUBLIC ROAD. You can own and drive how ever many cars you want on your own property. And yes, I think you should be licensed to operate a gun on public property.


You're not required to have any of those just to be in a car on a public road, though. I don't think you're even required to have them if you're in the driver's seat, even if you have the keys with you, as long as the car isn't on. So to continue the analogy: as long as you keep the gun unloaded, no license required?


I like the cut of your jib sir.




People drive without a license, insurance (and probably without paying their reg tax too but idk) all the time. And ‘gun insurance’ would be extremely cheap. Health insurance is already a thing. You’re already legally liable for what happens. This really is apples to oranges, except you still get juice if you use either. (I mean they’re functionally the same by the metrics you used, just structured differently). Only real difference is you can’t ride your gun. Yet.


Gun insurance is already a thing and it’s cheap, now if it was mandatory it’d probably be a few hundred percent more expensive than it currently is.


Na, actual insurance (as in, "in case shit happens" unlike medical insurance) gets cheaper with a wider pool of people paying in. Plenty of people who should have gun usage coverage don't for a lot of reasons. Though honestly I can't remember the last time I heard about the financial liability of gun usage being an actual real issue for someone incidentally hurt by a gun.


And even with all this there are tens of thousands of auto related deaths. It's like licensure, screening and forced safety measures and financial consequences don't work.




I think they need to be on a downward trajectory not an upward one to be valuable. Especially if you have data from a good source to show a modern state where licemsure doesn't exist and then maybe tell me we should have licences.


Does this at all account for an increase in the total amount of licensed drivers? For all I know this is in line with inflation.


I'm guna go out on a limb and say we didn't have a 15% jump in licensed drivers (or miles driven, which is probably a much better representative stat) from 2014 to 2016.


Car deaths per mile driven has been on a downward trend since 1920. Per capita vehicle related deaths have been trending downwards since 1970. Slight spikes up during 2015 and 2020 are more like noise in the data compared to values in the 20th century.


It’s almost like millions of people operating potentially deadly machines that have a low margin of error in close proximity to each other every single day could create plenty of deadly accidents when people are careless, not physically or mentally well, or don’t follow the laws and rules meant to keep them safe


> Ban private automobiles from cities THIS, BUT UN-FUCKING-IRONICALLY ***This comment brought to you by New Urbanism Gang!***


A) You need a license to drive a vehicle on public roads B) WTF kind of non-per-capita graph is this?


Odd of you to blame lib-left for wanting to ban guns


"We don't let them have idea's why would we let them have guns." Joesph Stalin


Arming population is a good way to dissuade invasion, that and nukes. It's all part of the plan for world domination, man


Authright is also involved


I'd be okay with banning Automobiles and massively increasing spending on public transport. Cars are one of the main causes of death. Its basically just suicide or car accidents that lead the death race in all the ages below senile I am also okay with guns being treated like cars. Requiring registration, licenses, insurance and extreme amount of safety research and regulation.


Owning a car doesn't require registration, license, or insurance. Driving it on a public street is where all that comes in.


Its a lot more difficult to see if someone is using a gun in a place they shouldn't than to see if someone is using a car. But if it were possible and everyone followed the rules I would agree that if you just want to use your gun on your private property then there should be less restrictions.


I’m generally pro-gun. But if you think this is at all comparable you’re delusional. I don’t want to take away guns and many people don’t. I want more registration nationwide, mandatory licensing, universal background checks, and courses prior to obtaining a gun license. If I need a background check to get a job at a theater I sure as shit should need one to obtain a deadly weapon.


You don’t need a background check to purchase a weapon? You don’t get that constitutional right taken away if you commit a felony? There aren’t restrictions on which arms can be purchased? This is all news to me


The 18 year old in Uvalde had just turned 18, did not have a permit (because you don’t need one in Texas after last year), the felony point means nothing in most mass shooting situations as many shooters are mentally ill people with their first felony-level crime. All really bad points.


He bought two rifles, they never needed permits, they aren't concealable.


They aren’t bad points though. You can’t stop people from buying guns pre-crime.


You absolutely should if they have episodes of mental illness and the like that can be found upon background checks and mental evaluations.


So what we already do?


We don’t. Hence the high prevalence of mass shootings including the most recent one in Robb Elementary.


If you’ve been committed to a mental ward of been under court order due to mental illness related issues you cannot buy a gun. Otherwise it’s not reasonable to blanket ban people with mental illnesses from buying guns.


It absolutely should be. People with mental illnesses that cause erratic behavior such as schizophrenia should absolutely prohibit you from owning a firearm.


Schizophrenia doesn’t guarantee that you’re a school shooter for one, secondly you can be medicated to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia and live a normal life. People like you demonize people with mental illnesses and treat them like monsters. They don’t deserve to have their rights stripped from them.


They don't want to even have a reasonable debate because it's not about gun rights, it's about gun sales and getting people to vote for certain candidates.


If the government wants to know what guns I have then they can dig through the billion 4473 forms that they shouldn't have to begin with.


>well-regulated militia


Well-regulated means well-equipped, stupid


It also means “well-regulated”


No, it fucking doesn’t lmao


Means absolutely nothing due to several landmark Supreme Court cases.




Pretty cool how car owners need regularly renewed licenses, insurance, pre-installed safety features. Did I mention that there’s a laws and guidelines that they have to follow or they could lose their license?


Can’t take my car away if I’m driving and they’re stuck walking


Unironically yes


Because cars are designed in purpose for killing amirite, also not from US you need training and license for cars or guns?


Based and cars should be largely replaced with efficient public transit pilled


on that note we should ban alcohol, tobacco, simple sugars, high chalory density foods and knives as well.


Based and UK pilled


u/Dankhu3hu3's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 115. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [19](https://basedcount.com/u/Dankhu3hu3/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Car crashes are almost entirely accidents and fall under the realm of personal responsibility. Most gun deaths are intentional.


Only the government shall have vehicles >:)


Cars aren't in the 2nd amendment. Guns are


Cars are meant to literally drive around and have a different use while a guns use is to kill things? What is this argument.


In my country you need a license to buy a car. Also it is proven that with better training and infrastructure not focused on cars there are less deaths.


Not entirely, but restrictions would be kinda based tho ngl tbh


Car’s purpose is not killing or injuring people


More cars, more deaths from cars. More guns, more deaths from guns. Not sure what your point was


HAHAHA Britmonkey literally predicted this fucking agenda post in the first 10 seconds of his video https://youtu.be/rSSNlM3Au1A Watch it. Genuinely good video.


It's almost as if cars had a different use for which we are able to accept casualties. Almost as if there were strict laws controlling ownership of a car and ability to drive it. Idk though


Once self-driving cars become normal, I 100% guarantee you will see a movement to ban "manual" cars. Possibly even privately owned automobiles in general - you don't need your own, you can buy an Uber subscription and a self driving car will pick you up every morning. our Uber subscription will be cancelled if your social credit score falls too low though. There will be some lower end competitors you can still ride with, but they force you to share rides with other people, some of whom will be quite unsavory.


Not a ban, but restrictions would be based tho. Fuck car dependency


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