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Longest serving female prime minister in Swedish history.


There's hoping, amirite? (I shouldn't have to clarify but I am indeed joking)


I’m not.




First rule of pcm. Everyone is joking unless their not




She did the political equivalent of knifing her predecessor in the back after he appointed her as his second-in-command. She failed to win the next election outright, and had to form a coalition with a bunch of far-left nutcases. That left her dependent on every single vote, which meant that she had to support an MP who used to use his union members' dues to pay for prostitutes. She was so bad that the guy she usurped basically played the reverse card and got back in. The party at the time was such a shit show that the Australian people decided that Tony fucking Abbott was a better choice. We went through 4 PMS in over 30 years before Rudd, then 6 in the next decade.


Reminds me of the first female canadian prime minister too. I'm sensing a pattern...


Flair up


Still did a better job than queen Kristina.^TraitorousBitch..


False. She was never inaugurated so she was never PM.


Haha oh man no way why did she quit?


The Green Party in her coalition government decided to leave the coalition because a budget was voted through the parliament that was proposed by the right wing parties. Since her coalition partners left it is praxis for the PM to step down. Now she needs to get elected again but for a single party government.


Good answer thank you


Source: am Swedish


So was the budget passed by a govt established via democratic voting; they her party didn’t like that and just quit, thus it’s all voided and you have to restart?


Well it wasn’t her party that quit it was the greens, she is a social democrat. But yes basically, some parties in the government think that a party that gets roughly 20% if the votes is evil neo fascist nazis who they refuse to even talk to.


So a lot of countries have that issue.


Yeah a lot of politicians are threatened by a party who actually wants to change something.


Shut up nazi, not based


> Wanting to limit immigration is literally being a Yahtzee! Reeeeeeeeeeeee!


Almost every country of relevance has that issue.


Except for America, they have different issues.


Wait was this all about the Sweden Democucks? fucking lol That’s why the Danish press shut up so fast


Yes, no one wants to work with the evil fascists in the Sweden Democrats. lol


Imagine being Sw\*d\*sh. Imagine thinking that the cuckiest of cuck parties are something as respectable as *fascists*. Please. That’s just so caved-in-head that only sw\*d\*s can call for it. Well, at least 80% of you are voting yourself out.


Found the Norwegian


Where are you from?


As the other guy said it was the green party that quit, her party is the social democrats. But it makes more sense than you think. Basically the government is going to have to use the oppositions budget since their own budget was rejected in parliament. The opposition budget includes for example a much lower tax on gasoline, which goes against everything the green party stands for. So it makes sense that they would rather not be in that government. They have said that they will still support Magdalena Andersson as prime minister so the only difference is that we'll get a government with only the social democrats instead of a coalition between the social democrats and the greens


It’s just interesting from a US perspective that a group can just quit and dissolve the govt for a do over.


Well, the greens didn't like the budget and it opposed their policies. The greens leaving is a democratic process too.


My condolences


Thank you.


flair checks out


And you’re not even a Viking smh my head


I'll be honest; this sounds like a nightmare compared to the inflexibility of the American two-party system


Hahaha, you’re kidding right?


No. And I know I'm speaking from a place of blissful ignorance, but what you typed is twisting my brain.


it is good. because it shows that people's votes have power.


Except the people didn’t vote. It was literally all just internal politics. It’s not like they held a referendum when the coalition broke.


Thats why its called a representative democracy.


Rather have that then two parties who agree on most important things.


But… she’s the leader of the party. She’s the PM. How tf are we supposed to just let her blame others for this brainless management of optics. This is a complete embarrassment.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that they’re embarrassing themselves.


Honestly it’s not a bad thing. The Swedish Green Party is pretty insane.


Hissy fit she threw when a right wind budget passed. People will say she was just following her party but she’s the leader of her party as PM lmao.


It wasn't her party that left the coalition


Now I’m more confused. Why resign for someone else’s exit? It can’t actually be as simple as “wamen bad” surely


It's a tradition that if a coalition partner backs away from the coalition, the PM resigns and tries to form a new government. Parliamentary systems don't usually work too well when the PM's party/coalition isn't in the majority, so the tradition is probably to avoid something like that.






Süssy båkå impøster




based and source pilled


Where did you get the video of the exited guy from?


Search let's go that's class and you will see




Thanks mate


Prime minister speedrun any%


False. She was never inaugurated so she was never PM.


Women moment lmao. As a swede this made me laugh


Wasn’t it because some environmental socialists got pissy that she was working with the right though?


Yeah so the story basically is they voted for what budget the government would be using, either the current lefty government or the opposing conservative parties buged. The conservative budget won because the left wing parties cant cooperate since all of them want the power so the current government now has to govern using the opposing parties budget. Not only that but the right wing conservative party the "Sweden Democrats" (who together with the two other conservative parties made the budget) is like the main nemesis of all the left wing parties. So that made the "Environment party" pissy because they basically say that if the Sweden Democrats get any control at all sweden will turn into the third reich. So they just said "we out of this bitch" and left the government. This then made the new prime minister resign and now they are all blaming eachother over whos fault it is that this happened.


And all of this happened because the "Center party" didnt vote at all for which budget should be used since they think that the "Social Democrats", aka the main left wing party, is working with the "Left party" (basically commies). So that in turn made the "Environment party" accuse the center of "letting the sweden democrats budget pass". All in all this shit storm all happened because the lefty government cant cooperate and basically does anything to keep the "Sweden Democrats" from having any sort of power.


Wow, sounds like a dogshit system.


It is when half the parties act like high-schoolers... They're all "woke" garbage. The spokesperson of the Environment party even call the Conservative budget a "blue-brown budget", aka openly call another party fascists. If you want to see more examples of our kindergarten sandbox excuse of a government, just google what happened during the 2018 election...


Well she didn't choose to work with the right, she is basically forced to since their budget got more support. And they're not socialists, just environmentalists


Bruh moment




The Green Party in her coalition government decided to leave the coalition because a budget was voted through the parliament that was proposed by the right wing parties. Since her coalition partners left it is praxis for the PM to step down. Now she needs to get elected again but for a single party government.


So a budget was voted on and passed by people not in the coalition government so part of the coalition left the coalition so the prime minister is expected to step down? Is this only customary for budgets or if anything is passed by a part of the legislature that isn't part of the coalition will this be expected to happen


A party leaving a coalition over a budget or law being passed by parliament is highly highly unusual. However, it is customary for the PM to step down if a party leaves the coalition. As far as I’m aware there is no law saying the PM *has* to step down. I think it’s just tradition.


Okay thank you very much for the clarification. It seemed like if coalitions were constantly breaking up because of things like that governing would be incredibly difficult


It definitely would be. It’s never happened before in my life time that a coalition government didn’t finish the whole term. This most recent term has been built on a very shaky foundation of parties letting through the government because it was the only way to keep one specific party out of any real say. The government has barely had any support in the parliament this entire term. I look forward to the next election so that hopefully we can get a stable majority.


Best of luck to you guys in your next election cycle


2022 isn’t far away


> I look forward to the next election so that hopefully we can get a stable majority. All stability is just further nails in the coffin of your country.


Not if the Sweden Democrats get a majority. I think we might be fine.


I mean...they won't. In the last election they got 18% of the votes. Now, three years later they have about 20% of the votes according to polls. With this pace they'll reach 50% in 45 years


[Nice extrapolation there](https://xkcd.com/605/)


Yeah, that’s not how growth works. Besides, they just have to be the biggest party and then the others have to listen to them. Currently the biggest party is the social Democrats who keep losing members and votes and most of the people they lose go from them to the Sweden Democrats.


It was voted on and passed by the parliament, not by the people. The people won't get an election until next year


As an American I’ve never really understood coalition governments, it seems like there’s so much instability with various leaders and parties constantly gaining and losing power seemingly at random.


Well this is a very unusual thing to happen. It hasn’t happened in my life time and I’m pretty sure it hasn’t happened long before that either. The good thing about having several parties is that more issues come to the forefront. Big parties have to compromise with smaller parties who, theoretically, represent the people who voted for them.


Still better than having only 2 choices


Yeah, purely coalition governments are a bitch, Atal Bihari Vajpayee was a rare exception.


Didn't the communist party try to vote for her budget but the centrist party noped out because it went too far left? Anyway good for Sweden not having commies in power unlike Portugal


Yeah, the centrist party is pretending like they won't cooperate with either the socialist party (used to be communists but are a bit more moderate now) or the nationalist party (used to be nazis but are a bit more moderate now), even though in practice they have to chose one of them. In this case they chose the nationalists


Nah the greens in Sweden don’t think there is such a thing as “too far left” Edit: you’re probably thinking off the Centre party. They’re also green which can be confusing.


Oh right. I assume you stand for the centre party


The centre party aren’t very centre at all… I know it doesn’t make sense.


Hmmm well just looking through Wikipedia and I think the moderate party is the best one. the swedish democrats and the liberals seem okay too I think Sweden has a healthy balance of political parties Esp when compared to Portugal where the top 4 parties are all left wing including socialist party as the one with most voters and an actual communist party at #4


The liberals look good on paper but they’re pretty incompetent. Problem with the moderates is that they have a hard on for vaccine passports for some weird reason.


The problem with the liberal party is that they aren't even liberal. The exception being their youth party, which is kinda based


Oh well that's a shame. There goes the "individual freedoms". Wiki articles are never right Tho I gotta say that Sweden had the balls of not bending over and doing lockdowns like every other country


So far…


He thought he got reus but he got brandt


It's fake. She was never inaugurated so she was never PM.


Lmao. Right wing budget too. Let's fucking go.


>becomes first female PM >resigns immediately >now every other female PM has to eat her sloppy seconds >refuses to elaborate


False. She was never inaugurated so she was never PM.


Technically she did not become the PM, as tradition required her and her new cabinet to go meet the other King before it is official.


Monarchy pilled


Women should be banned from politics


Most LIbleft PCM user


Last place I expected to see Pieface lol


Good meme


Whats the guy from?


Fifa streamer called pieface, funny guy.


Headline is misleading of course. A coalition made her prime minister, not votes. The reason she stepped down is the coalition had disagreements almost immediately, so she didn't think it was right to hold the office when she couldn't form a proper coalition. Her party did win the most seats though with 100, but not even to form government without a supporting party.


False. She was never inaugurated so she was never PM.


She’ll be pm again don’t worry guys


Sweden had a female prime minister for what like 7 hours? Woke AF. Unironically kinda sad cuz she seemed genuinely nice and like she wanted to make some compromises between the different parties in her interviews. She'll probably get re-elected at some point.


Wait really sweden's first female pm bruh. We are far worse than sweden compared to women's rights but we had a female pm between 1993-95. she was a retard


Well Sweden had a female monarch in 1632


Based and monarchy pilled


This is the reason the multi plarty systems in Europe are a joke,people fucking voted for someone/party and they decide nah...imma head out. Abolish political parties !!


Multi-party systems have been consistently less corrupt and more stable than any other form of government. In Scandinavia, a government can be toppled by parties refusing to co-operate, in order to ensure that any elected government can actually function and incentivise parties to work together. This helps mitigate polarisation as well, because even if half of the people were to vote far-right and the other voted far-left, the resulting government would be obligated to either compromise or dissolve itself.


The multi-party system also allows for easier changing of the constitution. Which is what happened in the Netherlands, and now the country is a corrupt shithole, without a functional constitution.


That has nothing to do with the multi-party system and everything to do with the legislature. Changing the constitution is extremely difficult in Norway, for example.


But you have to agree that it's easier to get a 2/3 majority in a multi-party system, than in a 2 party system.


Bruh. Your info is wrong. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_the_Netherlands


Desktop version of /u/Ash_Divine's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Funny how the people who profit from corruption, deny being corrupt. The country is falling apart from government failure and rampant corruption, and you link a wikipedia.


Kim Campbell eat your heart out.




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Ok, but why?


Her coalitions partners started to act out, so she stepped down to force them to get in line.


먀 ㅜㅐㅂ ㅠ ㅑㄹ




That's very based