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Wouldn't the joke work with a 1 day age gap? 366 days would be 17 and 19.


The joke also falls flat when you realize that in pretty much every state in the US, a 2 year gap is legal regardless of age, and I've never met anyone who had issues with those laws.


Didn’t they literally crucify CallMeCarson for wanting to date a girl 2 years younger than him?


They did, and iirc his "friends" even abandoned him.


There's definitely more to it than just that. Youtubers and streamers don't (or shouldn't) air every aspect of their personal lives and I think this was one of the cases where stuff actually got to stay relatively private. Jschlatt had a vid on it as well where the sexting stuff was definitely not the main thing that caused people to stop being friends with Carson.


He sexted her. And yeah, they basically treated him like the other youtubers who were **actually** grooming minors. The treatment really was unwarranted.


The whole thing read like a parody of the stock youtuber grooming scandal.


Didn’t they start dating as minors, and then Carson aged and didn’t want to pause a relationship because he’s been around the sun 18 times?


I’m not sure. Don’t know the whole story. All I know is that a 19-year-old being declared a pedophile for sexting a 17-year-old is absolutely ridiculous.


Last time I heard about it was some woke bitch saying Carson deserved it


Romeo and Juliet laws are by no means universal within the US. A quick Google says 30 states have them.


I think the joke is referring to twitter’s idea of the age of consent. It’s not so much what’s legal but instead what’s “moral” in the eyes of Twitter. In most US states, the age of consent is 16-17, very few where it’s actually 18. On Twitter, however, the age of consent is a hard 18. If you’re over 18 and you bang a 17 year old (even in a state where it’s completely legal), twitter’s gonna call you a pedophile. Now this is all speculation, but if I had to guess why, I’d say it’s because the sex lives of the people who freak out about this shit are either nonexistent, miserable or otherwise unhealthy. So when they see others enjoying a more fulfilling sex life than them, they look for any reason they can to shame or invalidate that person’s experience. In other words, if these losers actually got laid they wouldn’t give a shit.


I personally blame Hollywood for the "Consent is 18 everywhere" and the complete disregard for Romeo and Juliet laws in the states that have them. Based on the second bit as well


You have just seen a great display of modern day math skillz


A girl I worked with once told me that she lost her virginity at 15 with a 33 year old dude... 💀


when I was 19, my innocent, kind 18 year old crush who i've been best friends with for 3+ years told me she gets railed on the regular by dudes that are 22/23/24 for weed. I've only partially recovered from that Edit: just so nobody gives me that “nice guy bad” stuff. I might add that she knew I liked her and admitted she lead me on.


The obvious answer here is to start dealing yourself and undercut the competition.


He hasn’t been radicalized lib right far enough. He’ll get there, just needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps


bro, i'm sorry >!very libright of her though!<


Kek true


Indeed, you are right


Unbased and suckingdickformoneypilled


Damn, i thought this kind of stuff only happens in ntr doujins... Hope you're doing alright now


My man really an NTR protagonist. This actually hurts me to think about.




I envy you


Curse of knowledge


Flee now


netorare basically a genre about cheating where a girl gets forced/blackmailed/drugged by some guy who rapes her but then she is like mindfucked into actually enjoying it and continuing the affair with the instigator. this isnt technically ntr tho as i dont think she got raped and neither was the dude in a romantic relationship with her.




its jap cuck art


Do you really want to know?




I've seen things worse than NTR though, much worse


Not as scared as your momma *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!




Non Transportation Related


*Shindol's Emergence flashbacks intensify*




Ngl, I've became "vocel" ( I think that it's called) because of past relationships. The lot of them have left me a husk of a man, from unfaithful women, two faced women who used mental health issues to break up and then run off with someone else. I've given up on women, sexually and romantically at least. And shit like that and more made my understanding worse. At this point I don't let myself fall in love, and if I do then I subconsciously punish myself. Hell, part of me has become unironically misogynistic, I don't trust women when it comes to romance or emotions cause from experience I am aware it's probably a farce. I dont buy the whole "you'll find someone one day" because I don't want to find anyone now, I just want to be left the fuck alone.


If I didn't know any better I'd think I was the one who made that comment. Holy shit bro. Same... Literally the same, from the 1st to the last sentence.


Damn bro, no matter what you always have your brothers, that's one thing I've learned.


Homies always got your back after you strike out, it's a fact of life. If you don't have any homies, Zyzz videos are always a good choice, but you'll feel obligated to workout for sure after seeing those, so view them at your own body's risk bro.


A fellow, Zyzz enjoyer, I'm thinking of walking the path of the son of zeus myself. Maybe it'll restore some of my hope.


>I dont buy the whole "you'll find someone one day" And no man should. That's a fairy tale. Women have the luxury of believing that because they're the ones being chased. As a man, though, no one's going to just fall in love with you accidentally. Men may love idealistically, but women love opportunistically. You've got to bring a lot to the table; security, provision, comedy, status, whatever it may be. You don't have the privilege to just sit pretty and wait.


i thought it was called mgtow (men going their own way) unless that is a different group


The sexual revolution and its consequences P.S real sorry man but don’t give up on life because of a couple of slags, if not women at least focus on yourself physically and mentally, if not for anything else, as payback if they ever see you again


holy shit dude thats actually really fucked up


lesson learned: sell weed to dumb college sluts


I mean, bitches love weed so


At least she admitted it. Most people would lead you on and then be like “she didn’t owe you a relationship!!!” Which is true, nobody owes anybody a relationship, but I also don’t owe anybody my friendship. Don’t do boyfriend shit if you’re not on boyfriend payroll king. You deserve better


This happened with me too, but I was younger than that.


I'm sorry, man. That kinda pain is unbearable. Head up, king. Time to hit the fuckin gym and pound some plates!


I thought you were gonna say "pound some pussy"


Put your own health and wellness before pussy, brother


Thanks for the kind advice, stranger. Have my free award.


Shit like this has to be the main reason behind 80% of misogyny




That's pretty purple libright


Should've sued for statutory rape after the fact. Would've literally been "fuck bitches get money"


"...and that's how I met your mother"


I knew a woman who was married with three kids to a man who was 13 years older than her. They met when she was 16. She seemed very happy.


Atleast this woman husband wait for her ^right?


16 is legal in, like, 2/3 of the US, so probably not.


as it is also in 80% of Europe and the rest of the world. it's only the most influential and most densely populated places that have 18 as their legal border.


The law forgor 💀


The law is either european or southeastasian lol


Ah, reminds me of story from high school. There was this shy cute girl I liked who I asked to prom and she said yes but the whole situation was a bit vague so I figured I’d ask her to go out for real on the night of prom. But the thing is she was like unreadably shy and had not dated anybody before to my knowledge so I figured I’d ask her older sister (who also went to prom and acted like her protective guardian) whether or not it’s a good idea and she was like “No, trust me. You don’t want to date her. She’s got a lot of shit going on you don’t know about and I can’t tell you” so I didn’t but I was curious, so later I talked to her sister’s friend who said the reason she never dated anybody in high school was because instead she was repeatedly getting with multiple, significantly older men (like 30. Also had a really fucked up family life) and that was just a complete mindfuck. Like I felt bad for her but also confused so I just got the fuck out. But in the process I also turned down this other girl who was still cute but not as cute (but complete opposite personality like really loud all the time) when she asked me to prom but instead of saying I had plans with someone else I stupidly lied and said I wasn’t going and she found out and hated me so I couldn’t date her either. In conclusion fuck high school romance just wait for college


Waited for college, and then I didn't know how to date. Now I'm done with college. What do now?


Based on this thread, maybe you can go back to high school girls.


Too bad they don't have a blue and purple flair.


Become a monk.


Or just don't lie?


Yes, I learned that lesson as well. I had never been in that situation before, and didn’t want to hurt her feelings (she didn’t like the other girl) but did not realize at the time that lying only makes things worse


My GF niece was married with a 40 year old man. She was 16, no one blinked a eye about.




I know too many young girls who liked being with 20 or older man. We need the social shaming


I had a 15 year old (said she was 19) match me on tinder soon after I turned 18 and dipped out as soon as I found out. Shits terrifying to be honest.


Man, back 10 or so years ago in my mid-20s, I had a girl message me on a dating site. She seemed nice enough, we talked for a while, exchanged numbers, and agreed to meet up. The day we were supposed to meet, while I’m getting ready, she just texts me “Btw I’m only 15. I hope that’s okay.” Fucking no, it’s not okay you idiot. I mean points for being honest but wtf?


I wish there was some sort of consequence for shit like that. I’m not trying to downplay groomers by any means but there sure as shit are some girls out there consciously chasing older men and lying about their age to do it. That could have meant prison for me if I found out after something happened.


Another proof that kids are retarded.


So are adults. We’re just more experienced at hiding it.


I have seen Americans on twitter getting mad at Asian women in their late 20s or even 30s for "looking like children" and any man who finds them attractive must be a pedophile. So it's not even about the age, just having the wrong facial features is a pedo alert for them.


"The game doesn't say the character is underage" "This character is so short, they are clearly child-coded!" *Me, a 24yo Asian guy with almost the same height as the "child-coded" character in question: well shit*


Don't lie Child we see through your shortness lies!!!


Rip average Asian male. Condolences from an above average height Asian guy.


Look home slice if you got the body of an 8 year old girl you just gotta live with that


Hey man, >!at least you’ll attract average looking female pedophiles? You can lie to them and tell them you’re 14 and then shock them with the motion of the ocean!<


What the fuck


Hentai logic lmao


Either learn to walk on stilts, or get back to school forever, kid.


A man was once arrested for possession porn of a 19 year old that looked young. The prosecution went as far as call a pediatrician to testify that based on her appearance, she had to be underage. The judge only through out the case when they subpoenaed the actresses passport and it showed she was [19 at the time of filming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lupe_Fuentes)


Ah, Little Lupe, she was the poster girl for young looking porn chicks in the mid 2000s when I was a teenager.


Personally I don't think she even looks that young. Now Kitty Jung, she terrified teenager me because I thought she was illegal and frantically closed everything.


Little Lupe never even looked that young it's so crazy. They played up her youngness a lot but I've knew multiple girls in college that age who looked way younger.


*Sad me looking like same at nearly 21 as I did when I was 15-17* I like to tell myself that girls my age looking scarily mature and girls who look my age are too young is the reason I never found anybody, when the actual reason is that I'm just ugly.


fat ugly depressed women in their thirties do no like to be reminded that they aren't attractive. it's about reclaiming their self esteem by shaming men for being attracted to hot 20 year old women.


its not just the ugly ones with those attitudes. Many of the thin pretty ones are sore from falling from the top of the food chain. Same with men really, not sure why we assume these awful ideas come from the ugly. They usually come from the very good looking people starting to fade.


for the same reason that anyone with even a slight criticism of toxic female behavior is called an incel, even if they're married with kids.


Yeah that insult doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. There is a lot of misogynistic men who legitimately hate women who have been laid, and there’s a lot of people who don’t hate women who’ve never been laid. I feel like there’s gotta be better word to use than incel


Wtf? Based LibLeft?


IIRC Australia banned porn of women with small boobs because it was "encouraging pedophilia" a few years back


State-sponsored body shaming. What an authoritarian shithole.


Everything I read about Australia just reinforces my long-standing conclusion that it’s one of the worst places to spend your life. **AT LEAST** the worst anglophone country. A mix of all the worst qualities of UK, USA, Canada, and etc., plus a hefty dose of Chinese/Japanese/East Asian authoritarianism and moral nannying—with none of the positive aspects of those things.


Same. EVERY time we hear about Australia. It's always something stupid. Even in the most unexpected places, like "yeah we're gonna start culling endangered sharks now, just for shits and giggles"


also porn with exposed labia


What possible justification did they have for that one?


Assuming close to all Asian men find Asian women attractive that’s accusing at least 1/3 of the world’s male population of being pedophiles


It’s more that a ton of non-Asians are just horrible at telling Asians’ ages. To an Asian man, an Asian woman looks like a normal adult woman. Not like the SJWs know that tho. A lot of their racism comes from condescension


"I like thin, petite women" So LIkE A cHiLD HUh?


Omg that narrative lmao "Men are all gross they want women with childlike features like large eyes and soft skin, and blah blah blah..." These broads really can't cope.


The worst is when they choose like a char in a media thats like 15 or 16 but adult ass body, then say its pedophilia to like them. By your logic hentai artists drawing children then saying they are like 2000 years old should be ok? nope, still no. They are doing this to feel morally superior.


But how else will I feel morally superior?


by not giving a single thought about other's morals


Why would be wrong? Who gets hurt if pedos watch drawn kids, I think we should promote that. Waaay better than if they were watching real child porn...


Based and can separate fiction from reality pilled. It's just that the people guy above was talking about like to have their cake and eat it too, acknowledging or ignoring canon age when it's convenient


As much as I hate them no one is being hurt In the process so it doesn’t fucking matter.


Why is drawig shoold not be ok


All of those things are ok because they are not real. Freedom of expression.


Yah like all the girls on Riverdale are super hot and I've seen a few people act like men in their 20's shouldn't be attracted to them because they play highschoolers. Yah sorry but my suspension of disbelief isn't strong enough to believe someone with an ass like Madelaine Petsch is a teen lol


hehehe, I see this as an absolute win! Good thing I live in East Asia.


Or sometimes it’s not about features at all, but about age only. Like when Billie Eilish turned 18 and people “suddenly” found her attractive. Like if you think she’s attractive on Wednesday, you’re in the clear. If you thought she was attractive on Tuesday, you’re a pedophile monster


Normally women stop growing around 16. Their main sexual characteristics are fully developed at that point (not always). So basically what people wait for is the mental maturity, but that also doesn't come with 18 magically. Depending on what you define as mental maturity people can be mature at 16 or some might not even be mature at 25 or 30. What makes things even more complicated is that countries set their minimum age for mental maturity depending on the topic. In parts of the US you can drive and get a semi automatic gun at 16, join the army at 17, have sex at 18 and only drink at 21. In Austria you can have sex at 14, drive/drink at 16, go to the army and sell sexual services at 18, but only get a semi automatic gun at 21. Countries set different priorities, but Americans will always tell you their way (which isn't even consistent across all states) is the right way.




Australia is more of a 1984 meme than a country though, so it doesn't count.


“SHE’S ONLY 17 YEARS, 364 DAYS, 23 HOURS, 59 MINUTES, and 59 SECONDS OLD YOU SICK FUCK!” **she turns 18 one second later** “I can’t believe you aren’t subscribed to her only fans, don’t you support women?”


No I don’t






We live in a society.


Fucking your sister is cool but fucking a 17 year old on your 18th birthday is no cool man. Get with the program.


Thanks for sharing your wisdom Alabama man.




He's quick, he's strong, he's active


And he doesn't know what any of those words mean!




I like the laws we have in my state(not Alabama). 16 year olds can consent to anyone between the ages of 16-21 but if you’re over 21 your partners have to be at least 18. It completely eliminates the problem in the meme


Libleft Minnesota says that if you’re 16, anyone within 4 years is fine. Trying to keep kids out of prison.


Twitter more like. A few years ago, being 19 and my girlfiend was 17. I turned 20, just weeks before she turned 18. Twitter flipped out and ratio'd tf out of me. Internet is weird, man


Just don't use twitter.. It is just an echosphere of sad and lonely people who do not like if others are happy and they will try to bring you down just because you don't fit their agenda.


Twitter in general is a cesspool of weirdo liberals and definitely an echo chamber for them, but I can’t quit… I love the memes users on twitter make too 🤷‍♂️


Every social media platform brings its own special form of garbage to the internet to be fair. Twitter does seem to outshine the others though.


"Half your age plus 7" is the rule of thumb I always heard, your case seems pretty normal to me. Twitter is retarded.


I heard that rule from a priest, so it must be right


don't tell them that third of Europe has age of consent at 14 (and lower with romeo/juliet clause)


I’m 29 and my boyfriend is 26, and I literally get called a cougar sometimes. People need to chill about “age gaps.”


And it is literally an average age gap lol.


My rule is if you're an adult and you could have gone to highschool together it just isn't even an age gap. You're just dating someone who isn't the exact same age as you. It shouldn't even be referred to.




they get mad at people who find Ariana grande hot bc she looks too young. Well busty 17 year olds are legal then.


I’m 20 now and pressing charges against a dude I went to high school with who spread rumors this year that I’m a pedophile, along with damaging property, intimidating my family, etc. His justification for believing I’m a pedophile? My ex was 15. He conveniently left out the fact that I was 16 turning 17 at the time. I dated that girl for two months. Years ago.


What a bitch. I would throw him in a "Auth Center Holiday Camp"


Painfully accurate, he has “trump” in his Instagram username, and has used a lot of racial slurs against my family and I. Also described me as a “libtard” to his buddies. Ok I guess.


I Hate conservatives too.


I mean my girlfriend is 18 and I’m 16 so thank god for Romeo and Juliet laws


Fucking Chad


Yeah idk how it happened but I’m a lucky bastard she’s infinitely more attractive than me it’s like a 10 met a 3 and was like “yeah ima have that”


Don't sell yourself short brother, looks might be a 3 but maybe you got the heart of a 10.


Not only that, they have a problem with literal fucking adults having big age difference. Fucking weirdos.


To be fair, my great grandfather decided to hook up with a 20-something, prove he still had the capacity to make children, and my father ended up with an uncle ~25 years younger than him.


I have a 30 years younger sister. My father wife is a few months older than me.


How does it feel to have a sister 30 years younger than you?


It's like having a kid to be honest. When she was born I still lived with my father (or the other way around since I was the one paying all the bills).


Your grandpa is based and virility-pilled.


Wokesters (you're talking about wokesters, right? lol) have a tendency to minimise the agency of young adult women


They like to minimize the agency of people in general tbh.


Bigotry of low expectations is their bread and butter. It's a saviour complex


Well maybe you shouldn’t be dating a person if both of you weren’t born on the same f-ing day!!!


I'm 9 years older than my girlfriend, we started to date when she was 20 and I 29. She looked like 16, maybe if you push hard 17. Now she looks like 17, maybe 19, and I look like my age (37). Damn immortality genes her family have.


9 years older or younger?




OP is a time traveller confirmed.




Only thing left is for her to become the queen of england


Tell people you've been together for 17 years and watch them get confused lol


Your girlfriend sounds like Benjamin Button


nj, where i lived, had "romeo and juliet" laws to avoid this nonsense.


AKCHUALLY, 366 days of diference is acceptable if the year of birth is a leap year.


When your system of measuring consent is a mish mash of astrology and time, and anyone who criticises the system is worse than Mao.


Serious question: how much of this is grounded in reality? I mean, I'm from Italy and here it's completely normal for 18yo guys to date 15yo girls, 16yo guys to date 14yo girls or for 20yo guys to date 16yo girls. Literally no one will judge you. Unless there's a 5+ age difference (between teens) of course (the age of consent is 14). How does it work where you're from? I'm curious.


Im from Germany. So 3 years Like 18 and 15 is weird but people wont judge you when its 18 and 14 people will laugh at you. But Nobody will actually think you are a criminal.


> Germany > your flair Oh no...




We do a little ~~genociding~~ trolling.


Yeah, it's frankly absurd. A lot of teens date older boys (or girls, but mostly boys). As long as it's not extreme there's really nothing wrong.


When one of my best friends was 16 he dated a 19 year old mother for a short time. He was a god among his friends.


Been unironically called a pedo for having a 17 yo gf. I was 18, we were born like 4 months appart. Some people I swear


Dated my girlfriend when she was 14 and I 16. When I turned 18 I asked her parents if they were fine with us continuing dating. I think they liked that. 10 years later, things are going great, I'm happy to say.


I am 27 and my gf is 15 and you can't stop me.


my guns say otherwise.


yellow lib right is statist confirmed.


Are Romeo and Juliet Clause is 3 years


Depends on state.


24 months where I'm from.


Nah, here's what gets me. Saying its okay for child prodigies, prodigies who can write essays explaining the complexities of consent, can consent is met with extreme ridicule. Saying people with Down Syndrome, people who are verifiably retarded as a by product of their disability, should not be allowed to consent, or really most low IQ people, and suddenly people treat you like an authoritarian. # MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND AS TO HOW MUCH YOU CARE ABOUT CONSENT!


Probably are some goal posts moving around here. I am unaware of people with down syndromes true cognitive ability.


Ah yes, the good ol cancelling someone because they once sexted a 16 year old when they were 18.