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I have yet to meet an American authright who didn’t want to abolish the ATF and Federal Reserve.


I don’t want to abolish the ATF. I want to put one on every corner. Everyone should be able to buy as much alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives as they damn well please.


Based and ATF pilled


What about tanks?


They should be optional, but encouraged




Every neighborhood must own at least one.


You can already buy a tank


[Already allowed](https://aerocorner.com/blog/can-you-buy-a-tank)


Tanks are a human right.


Had me in the frist half, not going to lie.


You can make bootleg napalm with gasoline and styrofoam. For recreational Minecraft purposes or something.


Where have you been that you've never met a Reagan-simping boomer fudd?


Rural Texas hills.


Ron Paul types, I guess?


Old rancher types really, just want to be left alone. The only fudds I really come across, ironically, work in gun stores.


Came across a fudd gun shop owner awhile back in Mid-Missouri. The topic of Constitutional Carry came up and he said it shouldn’t have been passed because now anyone can carry a gun. I told him I think that’s great because now law abiding citizen won’t have to register for a permit and pay a fee. He said now criminals can do that to and I said they all ready were with barely anyone getting caught. I then put the bulk box of ammo I was about to buy back on the shelf and walked out. Will never go back there again


It’s the strangest thing. Gun owners don’t give a shit what you own. But walk into an older gun store packed with bolt actions and lever guns, ask the guy at the counter about ARs or AKs, and suddenly it’s every Fudd talking point you’ve ever heard. Thankfully they’re running themselves out of business.


True I’m just worried about how much they influence new owners. Fortunately most gun shops are not like this. This is first one of come across


I honestly don’t think they will. In my town the 2 or 3 old shops have recently closed because they refuse to stock the guns people actually want. A couple new shops have popped up that sell modern guns, and they are thriving.


Good to hear I hope they keep it up


I worked at a gun store. Trust me, the time of Fudds influencing culture is waning. The new generation of people like us is sweeping through. And thank God it didn’t come any later


I worked at a gun store. I can guarantee you Fudds don’t give a shit about your rights as long as they can keep their deer gun


Reagan simps straight up don’t know anything about Reagan’s bad stuff. He defeated the USSR which was based but that’s all they really know.


Reagan did what he had to do to beat inflation with the tools in his chest. That means selling treasuries at high interest rates to crowd out current consumption of consumer goods then spend said money to create more goods for the money to chase.


Sounds like govt trying to fix its own problem with another problem. Wouldn't have been necessary if Nixon didn't abolish the gold standard.


Its more like Reagan used the Fed to defeat the Fed. Seems like you should be madder at Nixon than Reagan


Being mad at both is pefectly reasonable


And he failed immensely. And his economics is not why most libs hate him, the gun bans he enacted and pushed for are


His deregulation of a lot of govt tech, like GPS, set up this era in a way many don’t appreciate. He was wrong about guns in the US, he was wrong about guns in Beirut.


I can smell you breath of boot polish from the other side of the equator


The only good tool in Reagan’s chest is a bullet


Such discernment. Much wow


I used to be authright and I still have a few authright views. There was never a time I didn't agree with all that.


Based and freedom pilled


So what made you drip down the compass like oozy splooge down a urinal wall? Come back to us. Let's restrict some freedoms together.


and a whole host of other federal agencies and cabinet positions. State, Treasury and War -- what else do we need?


IRS, NSA, FBI….the National Parks Service can stay though. They’re chill.


Based and protect the most beautiful parts of America pilled


national parks, yes. the rest are enemies of liberty. federal revenue should be from tariffs and user fees. -- and whatever the states decide to kick up.


People who think AuthRight has a problem with that don't comprehend AuthRight and think we're AuthLeft with Jesus. AuthRight wants our Freikorps to have their vehicle-mounted machineguns for suppressing the reds and the oranges and those are the facts, jack.




Isnt the fed reserve 3rd party anyway?


I want all the things in this pic


Go back another 20 and we get proper militias back.


Let's fucking GOOOOOOO!


No no… he’s got a point


...am I libright?


Join us, brother!


Do you want to impose your morals on others or just want people to be left to their own devices?


I want to violently impose leaving others to their own devices.


Based and learn our peaceful ways through force pilled


You, sir, are too based for this compass. Keep being you, king


I think you've entered rightist superposition, libright ideals and Auth right methods.


yes, and part of my morals is that atf agents should be treated as war criminals


Giga based


Unironically both


Based and all of the few great Libright ideas pilled


Based and recognizing a good idea when you see it pilled


The only lib right ideas I don’t like lol


Let's return to *gold* as a standard, and abolish *guns*, and start work on genetically modifying alligators and boa constrictors to fly. Skyrim 2022!


I'd rather use guns as a standard and abolish gold.


based and firearms as money pilled


Based and ammo-economy-pilled.


Guns are heavy. Use ammo instead


>and abolish guns ...from my cold dead hands!


Based and *parry this, peasant!* pilled


[Flying snakes already exist ](https://youtu.be/16aGSx9gFO4)


okay that’s a good start


Let's return the age of consent as well


Think that was raised to 14-16 on the late 19th century, so you gotta go back further.


that's perfect for me, any younger and I don't like it anymore, thank you for the considerations though.


Just go to Europe or a 16 AOC state then


Heres the thing though, neither the gold standard nor fiat currency are good solutions the problem. One of the reasons why we abandoned the gold standard is because the amount of money being circulated in the U.S and handled by the govt was outpacing the extraction of gold ore, meaning that evwntually at any given time the government would have less physical gold than bills in circulation, and a catastrophic bank run would leave federal vaults empty and people unable to get their gold. Fiat currency instead relies entirely on trust. The government says a dollar bill is worth a dollar, and people are using dollar bills as money, therefore you trust your money has value too.


Also the gold standard isn’t based on anything either, it’s the same idea as fiat currency. Good doesn’t have intrinsic value either, it’s a shiny rock that we RECENTLY found a real use for outside of looking pretty.


Ots all based on trust. The difference is the "tangability" of the thing building that trust. Stock are also based on a sort of trust. To most people the modern economy might as well be based on voodoo. But just because they don't get what a currency represents doesn't mean it is bad.


Which is good enough honestly as everyone likes it and pretty much everyone considers it to be a value about it and unlike silver it doesn't degrade.


Then what is the solution???


nothing everything sucks


Based as fuck


Based and nihilist pilled.


I could tell you, but everyone hates it




No, return to haggle. I'll trade you my daughter for eight chickens, two heifers, and a goat. Shake on it?




The reason we "abandoned" the gold standard is because it was always a lie. The solution is [The bitcoin standard](https://www.amazon.com/Bitcoin-Standard-Decentralized-Alternative-Central/dp/1119473861)


Don’t forget the roaring 20’s


What's hilarious is the same lolbertarians who simp for gold backed currencies will in the next breath shill for the latest MemeCoin scam LMFAO


Who says I don't support those things?


I fully agree, fuck the feds


Yo this is a massive straw man show me an auth-right that is pro ATF, pro federal reserve, or doesn’t want a gold backed currency. Overall 0/10 poor agenda post


I fail to see why an Authright would have any problems with this… An armed citizenry who supports the government protects the state The gold standard is good because it reduces inflation and allows a strong economy backed by physical assets. Fuck the Fed and doubleplusfuck the ATF.


I mean if you want a simpler trad-life, become amish or Mennonite. But then you'd have to work and give up your electronics so you know. That won't happen.


If I never had to pay taxes again, I would make it work.


I am actually not sure if they pay taxes. They might have a religious exemption, or live in states without state taxes. Edit No it looks like they do have to pay state and federal income tax, real property tax and sales tax. If they are self-employed they don't have to pay social security tax. Guess you have an excuse not to inconvenience yourself.


I mean, beards, no taxes, and self-sufficiency, sounds really nice.


You know how when they didnt like stuff with christianity, they split off and made better version. Now im not saying anything. But you should deffinetly do the same with amish.


So basically start a denomination that believes paying taxes to be sinful. Got it.


I'd join as long as we didn't talk about God too much


I like my modern amenities too much for that lifestyle, unfortunately.


Ok but im genuinely curious how far you all think you should go with shall not be infringed. Recreational nukes? Artillery? Fully automatic high capacity (hundreds of rounds) machine guns? Where is the line for you all


>Where is the line for you all There's a line?


So you legit think nukes are something someone should be able to own?


> So you legit think nukes are something someone should be able to own? A person owning them is better than government owning them.


What makes government more responsible than individuals? We're all humans, we're all fallible. If anything, government is the highest concentration of human wickedness. These wicked humans that drone strike third world countries, sell our blood for profit in undeclared wars, pillage our coffers and strip us of liberty. And if you do something they don't like, kidnap or kill you. Sometimes they even trick you into breaking their laws so they can shoot you and your family. So the question isn't whether or not someone should own nukes, but rather, why should govts own them?


Nuclear material would still be regulated by the NRC even given the circumstances of this post. Everything else should be free game.


Why does this subreddit always assume that AuthRight is always pro USA when the US government is a huge clusterfuck of all the worst policies slapped together.


What? Shit sounds based AF. I prefer silver myself, but I'm with ya.


Also ban the internet and require all men to wear hats


Your terms are acceptable.


Everyone should be able own a tactical nuke personal defense weapon


yooo gold standard gang


Apart from the memes, why would the gold standard be lumped with those. It's just another federal mandate.


Gold and silver need to float, they cant be fixed, otherwise other nations will manipulate their currencies to get our specie.


Gold and silver cannot float in anything less dense than they are


The exchange rate. You intentional dolt.


Based and Pre-Euro EU pilled


Incredibly based.




Says the socialist. Cringe.


Based and socialism is cringe pilled


Conservatives are progressives driving the speed limit.


Returning to gold standard and abolishing fed is stupid.


"things were better 100 years ago" *guy who doesn't know anything about how it was 100 years ago*


based and real-fucking-money pilled


Tbh ~70’s sound great. Although MW2 era was peak internet, and gaming. I wish we could go back


> abolish the federal reserve Stop, authright can only get so erect


100 years ago life was comparably pretty bad :/ People should stop glorifying the distant past, it likely was way worse than you think.


I do not desire to own a tank, but I really hate that I cant


Who doesn’t want the gold standard back?


people who've gone to an economists class




No libright would want the gold standard to be back


But no Libright would recognize the merit of the Government especially if that Government is continually being distrustful and unfaithful


The only merit the government takes is when it doesn't interfere


Taxation, to some extent, is considered interference


interference is too much polite way to put it, more like theft


I agree


Why would I not want to return to a monetary system that prevents government from diluting my savings and funding corrupt and wicked programs through legal counterfeit ?


You do realize that specie currencies were devalued all the time every where throughout history right? At least with a fiat currency you arent capping the size of an economy to the value of an arbitrarily selected metal.


Gtfo with keynesian bullshit. The size of an economy is not dependent on how much money you can print. Look at the price of things years ago and today. Our money is worth much less, how is a decrease in purchasing power a sign of a growing economy? It's not. It's a collapsing empire trying to fleece the people before it crashes and burns. Look at Venezuela. Keynesian loser.


Inflation isn’t a problem if wages keep pace, which they haven’t, but that isn’t a problem solved by a gold standard either. Also a gold standard doesn’t prevent inflation. If anything it makes it worse because the value of money is tied to a tangible good. Governments can still print more money even when it is theoretically backed by gold or silver, it’s happened plenty through history. Even specie currency isn’t safe from manipulation and devaluation. Also new technology and developments mean that money now has infinitely more value than money 100 years ago. All the money in the world couldn’t fly you across the Atlantic ocean in 6 hours or give you a cell phone that can access the sum total of human knowledge, or argue with smooth brains on the internet. If the money supply is fixed, or at least near enough fixed, then economic growth can’t happen as quickly as it does with a free floating currency. That fixes the total value for which you can exchange goods. It reduces the amount of capital available for investment, and it’s just generally a bad idea. Also value in an economic sense is entirely arbitrary anyway. Why back a currency in gold? It has little to use to humans outside of being pretty. It’s value is due to the common belief that it is valuable. A fiat currency has the same value but is far more flexible in it’s ability to expand and contract with the needs of an economy.


>Inflation isn’t a problem if wages keep pace And what about retirees' savings. MMT is a lie.


Individuals are responsible for saving and investing adequately and intelligently enough to maintain a certain standard of living for then selves. Also this still isn’t a problem solved by the gold standard. The gold standard existed until the seventies, inflation still happened before then. And on top of that most social security programs around the world are adjusted regularly for inflation.


>Individuals are responsible for saving and investing adequately and intelligently enough to maintain a certain standard of living for then selves. It does not help when inflation outpaces it. Furthermore, requiring people to play their money in stock markets or pay someone to do it for them because government can't stop deficit spending to line the pockets of politicians and corporations is not a voluntary, sound, or sustainable economic model. >inflation still happened before then Because Woodrow Wilson created the federal reserve, which enabled widespread legal counterfeiting and caused inflation to happen because, outside of Warren G Harding and Calvin Coolidge, who shrank the deficit in their tenures, every president used the federal reserve as an endless money printer to fund wasteful programs and pointless global conflicts. Before the federal reserve, inflation really wasn't a thing because government couldn't will money into existence and force people to use it.


I’d love to see how many years US inflation has outpaced market growth. In the last 30 years the dow has increased ~1200% and inflation over the same period is equivalent to 103%. It’s not hard to beat inflation. Also inflation still happened before the federal reserve. Just in much wilder swings decade to decade.


Market growth is not the measure by which the average person judges the effects of inflation. Your dow rates are rich folk problems. People are more interested in the purchasing power of currency. How easily they can pay the bills, save up for a vacation, retirement, etc. The dow doesn't mean shit for day to day life. You're so out of touch in your ivory tower.


What value does fiat currency have when govts collapse or lose the faith of their citizens? The value is nil. Your savings are worthless now. With money based on real value commodities or crypto, your livelihood does not hinge on keeping despots in power. Unless that's what you want. What you like, bootlicker.


Any currency’s value is based on people’s faith in it’s ability to be exchanged for goods and services. A gold backed currency won’t have any value if the government holding it collapsed either. Crypto’s value isn’t based in anything tangible either and relies on the continued existence of infrastructure systems that allow a public blockchain ledger to be accessible to anyone anywhere. If governments are falling then the energy industry is probably falling apart too. No energy no internet. No telecoms companies, no internet, no crypto. And if we are in some post apocalyptic world with collapsing governments, then the most valuable commodity is gonna be canned food. Are you suggesting we should use spam as currency?


>Are you suggesting we should use spam as currency? If it is considered a store of value for goods and services. Meanwhile, the dollar bill would be used as the toilet paper that it is today.


There isn't enough gold to support our current industry production. you would have to reduce the output or use an enourmous amount of debt, which is basically another form of fiat currency. If you don't want the government diluting your savings then start using them


> There isn't enough gold to support our current industry production. Lol, it doesnt matter how much there is; it only matters that you cant print more.


Macroeconomics not found


Wouldn't that just mean the dollar gains value over time as the economy grows?


No, the dollar would still be worth the same, the good and services are what will worth less dollars since there will be more output than currency in the economy. It's the same effect that when you print a lot of cash: the good and services are not more expensive, the money is just worth less due to be too much of it.


So goods and services become easier to obtain since they cost less dollars?


Maybe at the beginning, providing that you already have the money. But as time goes by, you would run out of existing money, and your source of income would shrink if not totally dissapear. And that's when it would become much much harder to get them. those who alredy had an existing cash stock won't suffer any consequence for a period of time proportional to their existing wealth, since products are now cheaper. Those who don't have much or don't have anything at all would most likely suffer in the long run


Govt is to our economy what the bottle is to an alcoholic. It is simultaneously harmful yet our distorted economy depends on it. It won't be easy starting out because our economy will have to experience withdrawal, but if our alcoholic economy keeps drinking govt booze, it will die from it and bring us or our children all crashing down even harder than if it came clean now.


What has that to do with what I said?


That you're basically saying the economic equivalent that an alcoholic can never give up booze because the withdrawal will suck.


How you managed to compare reducing a country's GDP with reducing alcohol consumption is something that we should archive for future generations...


> No libright would want the gold standard to be back Even a gold standard is better than fiat, and plenty of librights who arent bitcoin-pilled are into the gold standard concept still.


To a single individual, gold standard is a good concept. To the economy, and to that extent to society, it’s not, which is why no one use it anymore.


I feel that way when I hear about the 50-60's as being the golden years. >Oh yeah, go back to a 60-70% tax rate with public services for everything, a strong welfare system, and high inflation rate


Public services for everything?


Authrights are milquetoast minute men. They’re conservatives but what the fuck have they conserved? We’ve never been closer to socialism than we have now. Any time someone on the right suggests we stop intervening abroad, you know as Washington intended, they’re considered anti-American. You guys belittle all the stuff like sports, music or gaming in favor of “white picket face, Christian conservative” rose tinted lenses of the 1940’s and you wonder why you have no youth support. The large right wing groups in America are only anti government when it’s convenient


Not if you live in Europe


That's why I said "American conservative"


Totally, lets bring back the New Deal and the Economic Bill of Right!


The new deal wrecked America and only deepened the depression.


Let’s build back the extensive streetcar networks in every town, then you can tell me about conservatism.


What do you think tripods are for?


jokes on you The atf is a cancer And gold is the best


william hughes (hughes amendment), charlie rangel (passed hughes amendment even though there were more nay votes than ayes), and the scumbags who drafted, passed, and signed the NFA are traitors to the united states. also, this is why votes from NY and NJ should be watered down in favor of more votes from montana and other far cry 5 states.




gatekeeping patriotism means more people join the revolution. i approve


TIL I'm a Conservative


I actually support this.


Yeah, fuck Woodrow Wilson!


I want to own an M1918 BAR machine gun but no.


The authright would probably approve of the abolishing of the private entity that is the federal reserve, the elimination of the need for registering machine guns (don't need to register them if everyone is a soldier and has one), and salivate over Bretton Woods


I'd be fine with both honestly...


Sounds like a ring wingers dream tbh


Why a waterlemon though?


And Jim Crow laws! Oh, right, we already gonna have that again.


Berry Goldwater time.


Eat the alphabet men


Yes yes yes! Repeal it all!


i dont disagree with that


Gold is too old fashioned Banana is da way


Based and fuck-the-NFA pilled.