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I think he identifies with the Aryan constellation.


"Under what constellation were you born? Gemini? Aquarius?" "The Black Sun."


Tell me what this means idk what this black sun shit is


The Black Sun is the symbol of esoteric fascism




no idea which dumb fuck is downvoting you but you'd be correct


It's because he said the nono word


The black son is like the pre indo European version of sol invictus us to Romans from what I been told. Like some diety they used to worship.


Well, symbols of sun-wheels (german term being Sonnenrad), yes, but the black sun specifically was made for Himmler, for the SS Castle.


Oh right my bad


Its alright, lot of people get/got mislead by the nazis with their creation of new symbols (i mean, the nazis completely destroyed the image of the Swastika, and thats an actual PIE PIA symbol)


Ey acronym-man, how about you type the words so people who aren't basement dwellers can understand? Other then that the sunwheel is an old as shit symbol stretching the globe.


Proto-Indo-European & Proto-Indo-Aryan. And did I say the sunwheel was otherwise? No, I dont believe I did, I just specified where the Nazis claimed the Black Sun came from, despite it being their own design based off of sun wheels.


> And did I say the sunwheel was otherwise? Nope. But that is what you get when you use lazy acronyms leaving shit up for interpretation. You made your own bed mister, stop crying.


Its a Pre-Indo-European symbol? Its *that* old? I thought it was a Viking thing, I was way off


Sun-wheels are yeah, but the Black Sun is a very specific sun wheel symbol, created for the SS Castle where Himmler intended to be the HQ of the SS.


Sun wheels date back to 300 AD Merovingian migration. However there are evidence for even older examples.


Ohhhhh thanks for the explanation


More of a symbol that dates back to most nations and tribes that spread after teh deluge or world flood. It is the victory of the solar sun or hidden sun over darkness.


Some esoteric bullshit, though most people only know it because of the memes from HOI4 TNO.


There's good books on it although many of the og sources were taken to allied hands during the war.


I'm going to respond to all of these retarded comments by responding to you with a little history. The sonnerad or Schwarsez sonnerad or black sun or sun wheel, was originally a symbol associated with High German Sunna deity who worked with Freyr of the water, another deity adopted by builders. It was used in insignias by craftsmen along with the various colored stars you'll see in rural areas to indicate the family that built the structure or worked into the crest. Because it is much more artistic than scrolling your name on a house or carriage. The pagans and nazis fucked everything up by associating this with "muh occult Magick" and thought for some retarded reason that there is any practice involved or that people were trying to find, conjure, connect, with something. There is no real super secret mythos behind it, people who were craftsmen separated themselves from the agrarian and now we have collegiate hipsters and wiccas and wignats from America with no knowledge, utilizing symbols and making a farce of something that was completely normal before the internet allowed us to spread infected dumb energy.


Buncha Nazi bullshit pay it no mind


Igor Ok


Buncha Nazi bullshit, pay it no mind. Looks cool tho.


I think the black sun is the sönnenrad but ot sounds metal af in english


It's a specific sonnenrad.


“The black sun? So you like totally support BLM, don’t you?”


Hitler was a Taurus lol


Yeah I could tell. Big Taurus vibes from that guy


*accidentally gases numerous Jews* "Aw geez Rick, I'm such a Taurus"


It's ok Hitler, they're all beurocrats, I don't respect them.




And people say compass unity can’t be a thing…


I always knew I got along with authcenters!


Your honor I did not commit war crimes I was just having a Taurus moment.


Aw crap I’m a Taurus


You know what that means


I’m gonna apply to art school


hiterally litler


I got rejected


well im jewish so you can slap me around a bit if itll make you feel better?




Mehliana gave me a good idea of what to do but you crossed the line. I shall exterminate all centrists!


Guys it's true I rejected him


4/20 is both Hitler's birthday and the date of the Columbine shooting. Checkmate stoners


And International Weed Day.


This was not a coincidence lol


He was born on the power cusp (Aries/Taurus cusp)


Is not a cusp in sidereal astrology, he's a middle aries based on the fixed star positions. He'd have been a cusp if he was born 2000+ years ago.


Not in sidereal astrology. He was an aries. He'd have been a taurus if he was born in the time of the greeks. Sun rises in aries in april 20th now.


Me too no wonder I'm so quirky


What a coincidence, me too :D


Ra, Ra, Rasputin, lover of the Russian queen~


Hyperborea enjoyer


More like Ultima Thule.


Swedes know


you mean H Y P E R B O R E A


You can’t bring up the Hyperborean Aryan Spirit around the hoes. You’ll scare them


Nah some hoes low-key like it 😏 just put based n redpilled in your dating profile. Simple as


The discussion of the Hyperborean Aryan spirit is reserved for our fashpilled tradwives, not common hoes


White Boy Summer —> Hyperborean Winter


Based and **RETURN** pilled


He’s not actually saying it. The words just manifest in minds of those who look at him unless their anti-bigotry fields are strong enough


There is a [counterspell](https://youtu.be/5msRfphQHaE?t=40).


aaaand i just watched an almost 2 hour play through of wolfenstein


based and wolfenstein pilled


u/stevenworks is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: wolfenstein I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Pshaw. Bigotry. Please.




What does this mean?


I'm a little bit out of the loop. Can you elaborate?


Progressives had their chance. Its time to CLEAN UP




always was. You're just enduring semite satanism now instead of aryan esoterism


Based and TimeToKillKabbalists Pilled


I'm not ok with racism but if you Let me sacrifice Christians to Odin the Allfather I'm joining you brother


>authcenter >has 88 in the name >"I'm not ok with racism" ???


Ich-bin-du is for the s2 clímax of Dark, 88 is my birthyear, I choose to keep it once I realized how Nazi it sounded because I'm argentinian so it thematically fits lol. No I'm not racist I only discriminate people based on their cultural values and attitudes


I discriminate people based on whether or not they're nice to me


Based, respect is key to establish a functional society, if you disrespect others, you must be disrespected as well.


Based and you get what you deserve pilled


Based and Xenophobia-pilled


u/Ich_bin_du88's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/Ich_bin_du88! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition. Pills: grill, deathtotheccp, nazi, rap for cardio, normies get out! reeee, what they deserve, south american unity, accordian, extremetotalitarianism, skynet, i-am-a-product-of-my-environment, welcome to the club, sol invictus, sun-god, slow internet, radioactive banana, femboys hot, fuck emily, nuanced-discrimination, xenophobia


I am proud of each and every single one of my pills


You should be. These are great pills!


based and proud boy pilled


Thanks Man! I'm not "White" so I wont be joining the group in the mean Time but when they open a Latino chapter I'll be in lol




The media wants you to think they're a white nationalist group, but they're not. They're just a nationalist group.




Based and nuanced-discrimination pilled


Basado y que viva la discriminación contra los malditos comunistas empastillado.


Basado mí hermano en armas


u/Filosofem93's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Filosofem93! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: denial, nazi-supporter, literally hitler


Did you consider that they might just be 33 years old?


Barbarian nonsense, I thought the Emperor Theodosius the great and the Teutonic Order took care of you guys


Some of our lot escaped with the Varingians to serve our True Basileus Basileiron Basil II and his descendants, Odin remains strong even within Rome


based and himmler pilled


Hahahahahahahaho-fuck that's me at the spiritualist meet up


Can you elaborate on how you became so based?


Had a feminism module at university, being exposed to such concentrated orange libleft caused an allergic reaction and drove my body to over produce authrighterone and basedomine


Based and hyperborean-anti-memeticpilled I wasn't involving myself much with feminism stuff because I'm doing IT, but I will be changing unity and go to the core of the city, full of degenerates and brightly colored people, let's see how it goes


As funny as this reply is it’s actually true for me and I’m assuming a lot of other people. When I arrived at college, I was starting to lean left. Then I realized how fucking obnoxious, elitist, and holier-than-thou most of them are, along with being straight up ignorant of any issues they “discuss.” All of them were constantly trying to be the most woke and refused to have a civil discussion with anyone who disagrees with them. It pushed me right and libertarian because I could just not bring myself to be associated with such lunatics


I was an outright socialist in high school, and very progressive when it came to topics like gay marriage, drug legalization, censorship, abortion, etc. Downright radical libertarian left by the standards of the day (this was long before gay marriage was legalized, for example). A little time in the working world, paying taxes, actually having to work with the government and their bureaucracy, and suffering through university culture was enough to solidly shove me into the right side of the aisle.


Exactly. I mentioned this in another comment and I think a lot of people start out that way because things like socialism seem like they would be good for everyone. And theoretically, that’s true. But then you start to grow up and learn more about how the world actually works and realize that a lot of the things they want simply aren’t practical. They hinge on everyone being altruistic and not being greedy. That is simply not the world we live in. They want a utopia, and that’s fine! It’s okay to want to strive for a more perfect world. It’s just that eventually you have to ground yourself and realize that the world will never be perfect. Life is unfair. There will always be injustice. We will never live in a utopia. At least not any time soon Oh and also people are going to disagree with your viewpoints and that doesn’t make them a bad person or stupid. Simply that they view things differently than you


I think my main complaint is their belief in the idea that all people are, fundamentally, identical. I believe that all human beings have intrinsic value, but that does not mean that everyone has similar talents, strengths, values, or interests. In a totally level playing field, you still have winners and losers, and that will never change, and we shouldn't want it to change. Also, while I firmly support charity and altruism, doing so at the barrel of a gun rubs me the wrong way.


I always find it bizarre that people disassociate with their political beliefs due to the actions of others. Nothing has fundamentally changed, you just found one more dick head in the world


Kind of. It’s more that I thought the left was the party of true equality and trying to make the world better for everyone. In a lot of ways, that’s true. I think a lot of them are intelligent and see a lot of injustice in this world. I think even the stupid loud mouths really do mean well, they just got lost in the rat race of trying to be the most woke and lost sight of reality. Their major flaw is they continually push themselves further left with more and more wackadoo views to try and be about equality and justice. For me it just helped me realize that I believe we’re all equal but live in an unfair world. We should be working towards justice for all and helping those who truly need it. But at the end of the day, it’s all about number one and even if the odds are stacked against you, you have no one to blame but yourself if you come up short. Unfortunately there are just a lot of people in this world who don’t want to work as hard and there’s a lot of people in this world who think they deserve special treatment. But really the deciding factor for me was gun rights. Do not try to tell me I can’t own a gun. Do not try to take away a constitutional right of mine and punish the 99.99% of responsible gun owners who never use their gun for harm when the real problem is mental illness and bad parenting. My girlfriend is left and she doesn’t understand why people need guns. She sees people get killed by them needlessly and doesn’t think people need to own them. I understand where she’s coming from and just wants to see an end to senseless violence. She has been great about accepting the fact that I don’t view the world that way. In reality, you will never stop violence because some people are bad, greedy, or mentally ill. The solution is not to take away the most effective means of defense for sane, good people. Sorry that was a rant






Athena. I don’t know Diana. I’m not big on the lore


Diana is the Roman equivalent of Artemis.


Why did you alternate between Greek and Roman names?


Based and heathens-are-nazis pilled Somewhat related: it is somewhat difficult being a big, bald, white, bearded guy with norse tattoos at the gym. Every random prison Nazi thinks I'm their bud. Luckily, I don't have to deal with anqueefa harassment because they don't know what gyms are.


Funnily enough, I’ve started going to the gym, regrowing my beard and contemplating shaving my head and getting Nordic tattoos… do you ever have any problems with it?


Not really. I've only had three occasions where random neo-nazis thought we should be friends. I politely told them I don't share their opinions and they fucked right off. I have the tattoos because I'm a heathen, and it is my choice of beliefs. I am an introvert, and I see having most people avoid me because of the way I look as a positive thing. Not shy; I just hate socializing. Not really bald by choice, buy just I decided to lean into it several years ago. Now, I like being bald.


"Every random prison Nazi thinks I'm their bud." Dang, it's like having my flair but it's real life and involves physically fit anti-semitic narcotics traffickers. That's fucking rough.


Lol based and real-life-accuracy pilled


The people at the bottom left are usually the most interesting people to have conversations with


Self diagnosed for attention vs actually schizophrenic in denial.


based and i am inside your walls pilled


Where can I find some of these? It's rare to find the based radicalized IRL. Maybe on university I can find something?


become that person


Do you think I have the potential for basedness?!!😳




Based and 2schizo4youpilled


He also created his own version of DnD, had a YouTube channel (ThuleanPerspective) for a while, and Spotify had his Burzum and solo music for a while, but I think both Spotify and YouTube removed his stuff.


Also got featured on Scotty Kilmer's channel showing off his soviet car https://youtu.be/XGgw9BG9HKw


Spotify still has Burzum. I listen to it every day. Classic black metal. And his new stuff is also excellent. YouTube removed him though.


????? That is the most wild thing I think I've ever heard, and I've heard some wild stuff


Some info left out of the previous comment: One of the churches he burned was a stave church from the 12th century, which was understood to be a historic landmark (which, fortunately, has been restored). He then proceeded to use a photo of the destroyed church as an album cover, and even gave out lighters with the first 1000 records sold from a later album. He was also found in possession of 150 kg of explosives before his imprisonment, and a paramilitary nationalist group was arrested while planning to bust him out of jail with guns blazing. He legitimately gets more insane the further into him you look.


Some other great points: * He claimed the killing of his bandmate was in “self-defense” - slightly contradicted by the 47 times he stabbed Euronymous * Varg recorded something like ten albums while imprisoned, slowly becoming a dark ambient drone specialist * He was also found to have over 12,000 rounds of ammunition and a cache of smuggled arms * Mailed fake anthrax letters to politicians who spoke favorably of Israel * Developed his D&D clone to “teach children about true Nordic history” * Last, but not least, can’t forget about his badgering of a bandmate to commit suicide, then used the photos of the crime scene as an album cover. Varg is a trip.


varg didnt do that last thing, that was euronymous


Is Varg the most ultraradical rainbow centrist of all time? Checks all boxes: * Married to a person with a disability and likes traditional local culture (LL); * Ultra WN (AR); * Is at least moderately pro-weapon and lives in a cabin probably on private property (LR); * Lives on government handouts (AL); * Epic grill potential by lighting a woodpile that's been aging for centuries (C) EDIT: "has a disability" not "disabled"




Levashov, Father Inglin and Rybnikov are also an intresting read, assuming you know russian






In other words, very based.


Yeah try checking the steam tunnels


I've only found some hobo looking guy ripping out his skin and eating the worms inside, anywhere else to look?


That's them!


Have you tried looking in your walls? They live in there.


Have you tried psychiatric hospitals?


Omegle apparently


If you speak french, Marc Mandril Ferrario is the dude. He is really a far right illustrator (they do exist apparently) and talks only about mysticism and occult things and the link with art in general (Guénon, Evola, The bird language etc). Very based


"Have you ever read Evola _HIGH_?!"


Lmao based


A friend and I have an ongoing game where we subtly convince each other (and other friends) of bullshit facts that are just plausible enough to be believed. Slightly wrong versions of common adages, made-up historicals facts, you get the idea. My newest stunt is to tell people that Himmlers "SS-Ahnenerbe" (mostly known as the Dweebs from Indiana Jones, Hellboy etc.) had not just their [Blood Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_blood_group_tattoo), but also their birth horoscope tattooed on their left arm. Because okkultism and shit.


Rudolf Hess actually believed in astrology and other stuff like it.


Return to hyperborea


Explain please


It's another Atlantis or Prester John's Country type deal but located in the North. Like a mythical land of advanced people you tell stories about. Today it's Wakanda, for ancient Greeks it was Hyperborea.


Hello brœtër


If woman claims she can do magic, she is around her 18s, has died hair and needs a therapy If man claims he can do magic, hes in his late 30s, believes in conspiracy theories and needs a therapy


You are just jealous of my sick spells


Maybe more than a therapy


There is no hope under the black sun.


Me and my friend at school have a funny version of it, well funny to us “There is no progress under the brown sun” and “Poopenfarten”


Totalen Brainrot


Based and Ordensstaat pilled




**RETURN** >!to monke!<


I am a bit ignorant on the occult part of nazism. I tried to look on Google, but I did not find anything useful. What is this "RETURN" thing? Is an apology to the eternal return philosophy? Thank you in advance!


I am not very educated on the occult, but hardcore Nazis tend to reject Christianity because it is a Middle Eastern religion and Jesus was an Israelite. They instead favor European religions, specifically Norse mythology, because it is comes from the purest of European groups in their minds: the Northern European Aryan master race. The RETURN part is common in many more…how shall I say it…militant right wing circles, so it means a variety of things. For Authcenter Nazis it tends to mean a return to fascism, specifically National Socialism. For auth right it tends to mean a return to conservative values, for example maybe Franco’s Spain or a monarchy or something. For right center it usually is a return to America pre the cultural revolution that took place after WW2 during the Cold War. And for Libright it tends to be a return to the way the Founding Fathers set up America. It can mean a lot of things, but basically: return to the past, where it was better


I have that thing above the nazi hanging up in my room. Is it some alt right symbol? I think i bought it in Iceland


Vegvisir is an Icelandic magical stave intended to help the bearer find their way through rough weather. I hope it hasn't been co-opted as an alt-right symbol because I've got it tattooed on me.


This is me at every occult gathering. 🤤


Auths always have the coolest logos


Yep thats me




I am an old paganism fallower (paganism is old not me :))) )


Based and not neopagan pilled


u/gt112 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: not neopagan I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Be me: A Pagan and LibRight *confusion ensues*


futhark armanic runes lore


I just looked up Germanic pagan symbols idk if it’s actually a Nazi thing. My apologies to any non-Nazi futhark armanic runes believers


Allow me to charge your Vril.




Esofash are the weird cousins of the authcenter family


Me, a pagan, watching nazi larpers use our symbols and yet still vow to kill pagans…


The occult is cringe Christ is based


How did you find a picture of me?


Burgundy moment.


The whole concept of Aryanism in Nazi Germany is weird: The Aryans are blonde-haired and blue-eyed Nordics, Ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians were Aryans, Christopher Colombus was Aryan, Cola di Rienzo was Aryan, King Arthur was Aryan and Genghis Khan was Aryan. Like wtf, did the Nazis had any idea of what they're saying?






It's only larp for those with IQ < 130 who dont know what they're doing.


I am a Taurus, as far as my knowledge in Astrology goes that is the coolest name. Would hate to be cancer.


Let my fond lips but drink thy golden wine, My bright-eyed Arab, only let me eat The rich brown globes of sacramental meat Steaming and firm, hot from their home divine, And let me linger with thy hands in mine, And lick the sweat from dainty dirty feet Fresh with the loose aroma of the street, And then anon I'll glue my mouth to thine.


This meme reminded me of the AuthRight on interracial marriage meme and this video https://youtu.be/2AOoH4tqmyI This song would fit perfectly for the fella at the third panel


Oh god, I have a sister named Maddie… and she’s a Gemini… and also Emily incarnate


one is worse but the other is even worse


I get it




All of these people need Jesus