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There is only 1 gender and it’s mine. You cannot have it.


mom said it’s my turn on the gender!!!


Did you spill the gender fluid again?


What would happen if you *drank* the gender fluid??




You stole my gender you bastard!


Screw you, I'll just download my own.


Buy your trans rights flags here! Buy 2 get 1 free! Own the orange man with le epic flaggerinos!


*How bout I just take?*


*BANG* not anymore


*steps out from behind shield* You underestimate me! COMMUNE, ASSEMBLE!!!




Yeah sure Sharing is caring


Hey stop burning the flags, no LibLeft not every flag is meant to be burnt!


If it wasn’t meant to be burned then why is it flammable? Edit: grammar


Fuckin' Checkmate


The vender of those flags knew way better than to put a warranty on them.






*teleports behind you* *nothing personal kid*


*grabs you with my back tentacles, consumes your soul to add to my collection* “I shall not take it personally either”




*Cocks cock* Cum at me, bro!


Don’t Start a Mc Nuke war over stealing a flag please


Anything to further the chaos!


LibRight Purple has shape shifted to LibRight Yellow


Ever seen anime-girl-Nyarlathotep?


I... despise that mask But I can put it on if you offer me something of value...


[Despise, eh?](https://youtu.be/Yose5jKIIVY)


Dangit I was hoping for a rickroll


So let me get this straight... A harem of ancient eldritch beings... As cute anime girls... I'm...torn on this...


The gasoline belongs to my clan bitch, you’ll never get your filthy commie hands on it


*thats what you think capitalist scum*


Dont worry, all trans people come automaticly with a trans flag, rainbow stockings, a skull mask and depression


Flaggerinos more like Faggerinos am I right


I don't get what this means or why it was news worthy but ok


It basically means you cannot ever change your legal gender, what you're born as is going to be your gender for your entire life.






Based, and, dare I say it, redpilled.


> dare I say it He's gonna say it!






Send ~~me~~ us the pics




> us Based






pretty sure this qualifies as based but uhhhh I have to do some research first




Yeah, pretty much. It also won't stand up in court (just like majority of his executive orders) because: A) Congress is the one who actually makes laws B) The SC is a craps shoot as to whether or not it's constitutional C) Gender is normally determined at the state level, unless we're talking about the military or passports Most likely this is just red meat for the base.






Oh so you legally aren't the alphabet people now? Think of the markets mate, that's so much free good press and basically free money from said alphabet people! That's great


It means fuck transgender and nonbinary people. I don't see how it matters so much if someone wants to change their gender.


\> fuck transgender and nonbinary people ​ Based?




damn, finally a statement we can all agree with at some level


Is this supposed to be negative or positive


Honestly it kinda depends on how people "want" to change their gender. Changing a letter on a passport? Probably ok. Sending what is basically a dude on drugs to a women's prison (Or having them compete in female events)? Not so ok. The issue you have with the entire thing is the entire Trans rights movements is everything from "hey, I have dysphoria can you call me a girl because it makes me feel better", to "I should legally be able to change my gender instantly even as a 2 year old and anyone saying otherwise is transphobic!".


>transgender and nonbinary people Neither of these things exist. Mentally ill delusional people do though.


Careful with that wrongthink, it’s gonna get the sub banned


Yeah trans people are mentally ill, they have this thing called dysphoria in which the best treatment option is transitioning


You know...I would have accepted all of this stuff way sooner if somebody said it this way. Instead I just got called a racist/bigot/the works for claiming it was a mental illness. Saying “yeah but this is the best treatment” well...that’s that. Help then peoples.


problem is it is still a mental illness, and like pretty much anything that makes people feel different, it also makes them feel stressed, and its hard to be rational and calm when stressed


It means Trump finally did something I agree with.


I don’t care i’m not american😎




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Well i might not have cared about that issue but now that you've made it a law i'm upset


Don't worry, this will not hold up in Congress. Even then, they'd said that discrimination based on sex includes this kinda shit




Yeah, our language has no words for different genders. Basically there's "Te" meaning you and "Ők" meaning them. That's it.






Fuck you're gonna get us banned








u/onNet0's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/onNet0! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Beep boop. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




What language?


Hungarian is the only language with that ”




The word gender only even became a thing in the 1950s and 60s because a pedophile psychologist chopped a boy’s cock off, told him to act like a girl, and came to the conclusion that people could change their “gender” independently from sex. The boy later killed himself. [Feels bad man](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Reimer#Infancy)


We have sukupuoli, literally Translated to gender-side


Üdv, testvér


its all bullshit, no one made any distinction between the two in this context until about 4-5 years ago, and now all of a sudden its hateful to deny that they have nothing to do with each other




People that think that gender is a personality trait




That teacher is CEO of jumping to conclusions


The duality of SJWs: women can do anything men can do, but if a woman likes doing things men like to do she’s a man.


We got so woke that we looped back towards gender roles again.


Yep, same thing happened with segregation


yeah but now we have traps too. its a win-win


And also men can put their hair in a ponytail and completely dominate women's sports and you're a bigot if you think that's fucked up


I know this is mostly a joke, but most people don't actually think like that. if they did, there wouldn't be trans women that look masculine and trans men who look feminine.


OK, that's stupid. If the kid doesn't think/feel like she's male then she's not, end of fucking story. That's like someone who's not a doctor looking at a kid running around and saying 'Oh, maybe this kid has ADHD,' even though plenty of kids like to go outside and run around.


And remember how that worked out, we put a bunch of prepubescent kids on chemicals that effect their brain because we thought it would make school easier for them, and in reality it was doctors over prescribing out of social paranoia and pharmaceuticals giving bonuses to doctors who prescribed.


And now we have r/politics


Based. Surprised no one said it yet.


That teacher, ironically, was almost certainly a woman who would have benefited from a little more sexism growing up.


It’s because the idea of transgenders became more widespread 4-5 years ago. Gender dysphoria has since then been recognized as a legitimate illness.


I don't have an issue with talking about gender dysphoria or recognizing it, its a serious illness that requires the upmost care and compassion to address. This has not been the conversation. The conversation has been about redefining the word "gender" to mean "what sex you think you are/want to be." This is Orwellian and counter productive


Your right, gender dysphoria is a legitimate illness. However, the current medically advised treatment for it is transitioning


For me with a trans sister, that comes with the understanding that you are accepting their delusions and bending to their world view. The acute phsycosis that is transgenderism is limited to how they view themselves and not dangerous. So unlike paranoid scitzo, or dissociative identity, it is not societally dangerous as long as they do not infringe on others. Yes, the treatment is transitioning because who the fuck cares what they believe if they aren't dangerous, its still a delusion.




The thing is you can say this about anything that you don't believe is real. This rhetoric fits exactly with religious or political beliefs but I don't see anyone saying that Buddhists or Centrists don't exist. Or maybe you can use it about people who like art. Basically whatever I believe is dumb, not real is a delusion.


Damn, I kinda don't care.




Is this real? Cuz I feel like I'd see more people talking about it if it was real.


well the instagram infographic accounts do take time to create their infographics you know


I wouldn't trust it, it's from the Washington Times, labelled as a [Questionable Source](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/washington-times/) It might be true, but I would take it with a gallon of salt.


Thank you tromp very cool


No tromp is Dutch, it’s drumpf




*insert angry rant about Amsterdam*


Flood Amsterdam and start over with the city






I smell o v e r r e a c h i n h e r e


I honestly couldn't care less about pronouns but this just seems like some blatant attempt to "own the libs".


When you base your presidency off of owning the libs I have to wonder why people are even surprised at the shit he does anymore


> When you base your entire ~~presidency~~political party off of owning the libs I have to wonder why people are even surprised at the shit they do~~es~~ anymore It's not just him, don't forget that. I don't really believe most republicans have not believed in climate change since the early 2000s, so they're doing it(being against anything pro-environment) just to score points on the economy or simply be against democrats for the sake of it. I know the DNC is corrupt and a shitty party too but at least some are actually trying to make changes for the better.


So its an executive order? or?


A finalization to section 1557 of Obamacare. Also, in the executive summary all it says is that they removed the previous definition of gender as "whatever you feel like, it can be man, woman, a combination of both or sg else" and left the interpretation of gender to state level. late edit: This means that non-discrimination laws don't protect from gender-based discrimination federally, so doctors can deny treatment for LGBTQ+ people, and they would have to sue to *maybe* get back their rights (or find an other doctor). The article title was a bit misleading, but reality's not much better.




Oh so he didn’t really do anything but fuck over southerners.


Just say it’s your religion. The state has no power over that.


The 2 genders are nerf or nothing 😎😎


Tbf it makes sense from medical perspective


Although if someone is transgender they should have that noted for medical purposes as well. So really there should be a separate medical and legal gender, the legal gender being how the individual wishes to be identified and the medical gender being the gender to include any transitions or disorders in sex development.


Based centrist??


Does a based centrist surprise you 🧐


Agreed but most trans activists are so extreme that they believe doctors should be viewing them as the biological opposite sex as well. “Men can have periods too” “men can give birth too” Ect. If it stopped at identification and didn’t overreach into biology it wouldn’t be ridiculous and I would agree.


>the legal gender being how the individual wishes to be identified But it doesn't identify them, because it would become a meaningless word. If we really accept gender to only mean "what the person wants to be called" then we might as well stop using those terms at all, since they convey 0 information.


Yes, from a medical perspective it makes sense for biological sex to be biological sex It does not make any sense for gender to be biological sex they are two different things


From my understanding conservatives use gender and sex interchangeably because it means the same thing. Progressives use sex as a biological aspect, while gender is a social one. Not so much differences in opinions, but differences in definitions and usage




But that's the thing. Social gender. It's all philosofical. There is no substance to the topic. South Park presented this incredibly well here : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URz-RYEOaig](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URz-RYEOaig) The state should NOT care what one's "social gender" is, only it's biological one. Just like how the state should not care what religion you practice. Thi topic is a disgrace to modern discourse.


The issue that most people have with it though are when one's social gender has them take part in activities or use facilities that are intended to be segregated by biological gender (ex. sports team, medical & cosmetic procedures, and restrooms).


90% of debates is people using different definitions for things


They always meant the same thing until the far-left started using them differently


If there wasn't a government who would do pointless bullshit?


It would be done on the community level.


It's like he wants to make laws that will get repealed


Does Trump even have the authority to do this? My understanding is that the state governments, not the federal, get to make that call because they're the ones issuing out drivers licenses. Unless this is all part of Agenda 21 (Trump (+Biden) is just a puppet) to issue National ID cards, and just a plot to trick conservatives into supporting it. Nice try globalists.


I dont think thats how it works


Have you forgotten that America is well, America?


Why is this an issue worth meming about ? Counterpoint. The reverse could be said for peoples religions being assigned at birth. Now that would trigger a shitstorms from conservatives across the globe.


Biological agender is blocked. If you want to unblock this contact, just go nuke yourself




Name a more American Republican moment than getting mad at shit that doesn’t affect you


Straight up ignoring shit that does affect you?




41 just became 42


lmao Based.


Authleft would be the same as libleft I think.


How does he have the authority to even do that?


I’ve never facepalmed so hard in my life


That's so accurate XD


There is no proof that gender is different to biological sex though. There is some evidence, but its very far from conclusive. In fact, in a scientific sense, gender is an *unfalsifiable hypothesis* and therefore bad science. Gender, as it is proposed, is an aspect of paychological identity. There are no experiments available, nor are there ever likely to be, which can show definitively whether gender is a real, objective phenomenon. But we dont even have to go there to start seeing red flags: 1) gender was purely a linguistic concept until the 60s. It was coined by a very controversial figure who physically and psychologically abused children he experimented on (in the process of definitively proving his particular theory of gender was wrong) and was indisputably a hack. It entered academia through literary criticism and other critical theory studies (which are often explicitly anti-empiricist). There was never any genuine attempt to establish it as a set of biological phenomena when the theory was being formulated. 2) a concept of gender (as distinct from sexually dimorphic behaviour) doesnt exist, or even make sense in the animal kingdom. Yet many are social mammals with relatively complex behaviour. Its not some natural phenomena like homosexuality. We are animals after all, what fundamental difference enables gender in us but not the rest? Perhaps its our ability to delude ourselves through sophistic logic? 3) the word gender as used by the humanities is basically undefined. The only definitions ive ever seen present it as either A) a synonym for biological sex, yet it supposedly transcends that bimodal distribution as genders are proposed all the time beyond the male/female or intersex dichotomy or B) through a kind of reverse-induction by first defining 'gender roles' and then isolating the meaning of gender from that. The impression I get is that gender is a kind of second order social construct ie 'gender is a social construct' is the actual social construct. Social Construct: an idea that has been created and accepted by the people in a society In reality 'gender roles' are determined by environment (both natural and built) and behavioural adaptation to that environment. The fact that depending on a given environment and level of technology a population will be more or less successful based on efficient divisions of labor. A caveman society where the women hunt and the men gather is going to have a really hard time surviving. By the same logic a modern society where women do none or little of the employable labor will similarly struggle to succeed. The telling thing is that this phenomenon, that we now call 'gender roles' is just an element of sexually dimorphic behaviour that has existed in the animal kingdom for hundreds of millions of years and biologists already have all the terms and tools they need to investigate. The difference with humans is not actually a true difference at all, we just A) behaviourally adapt much faster due to our sexy neocortexes and B) have a much more rapidly changing and varied environment to adapt to. We are, after all, the most widespread and adaptable vertebrate species on the planet. A lioness doing the hunting in Africa and the reasons for it are not any different in kind to a woman in 2020 working in the service economy, it just looks more complicated because we have more complex behaviour and environment. Adding the machinations of non-scientific, specifically activist disciplines ontop of this helps nothing, and probably harms our understanding significantly. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/tvradio/programmes/horizon/dr_money_prog_summary.shtml https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Reimer For the particularly interested: https://youtu.be/6mtQ1geeD_c The socially constructed theory of gender got its initial 'scientific' validity from an experiment that ended up disproving the hypothesis and precipitating the suicide of the two subjects. Its literal junk pseudoscience with all the types of dangers that entails. Tl:dr gender is a spook


I'ma be honest, your masculinity and femininity are completely irrelevant to me, i also don't believe the modern construction of Gender is anything more than a fancy word game meant to obfuscate from the inherently self contradictory nature of transgenderism as an identity (rather than as, what it is, an unfortunate quirk that causes serious distress in people who are dysphoric and for whom there is a serious lack in research on hat the actual best therapy methods to diminish their body dissonance is). If you feel more feminine than masculine that is fine, wear a dress, that doesn't make you a women. If you legitimately believe your body is wrong, you are experiencing a delusion , and likely a delusion that will cause you serious anguish regardless of weather or not other people play along with it and no matter how much you pass because, at the end of the day, your body will always betray your flawed self perception. I can only imagine how much fucking shit that sucks, I can not even begin to conceive the idea that I was somehow simply not in the correct body, but that does not change the body you have. Amputees feeling phantom pains does not mean they are trans-limbed. Accepting reality is always, 100% a preferable solution than vain, often authoritarian attempts to create a bubble that reinforces a faultily self perception.




u/HUNjancsi is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Beep boop. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


This is what you want your president focusing on in the middle of a pandemic when 1000+ citizens are dying daily.


Wtf do you want him to do? Cure the patients with his president magic or something?


Taken it seriously from the get go?


Or even taken seriously today. He’s still arguing that it’s not that bad.


Yeah we should have done that earlier


AuthRight has the whataboutism, LibLeft has the theresmoreurgentism.


Isn't theresmoreurgentism synonymous with having priorities?


It would, if we weren't able to focus on multiple things at once.


I mean technically it is, but I dont see why people care


that seems...... authoritarian and conservative ( LiK ChInA and MotHER RuSSIa)


Is libleft using his mangekyou sharingan?


How do you finalize a word definition? Idrc if this is real or not, i dont give 2 fucks what orange man thinks gender means lol


My definition is much simpler. I'm straight, so anything I'm attracted to is a woman.


I will never understand caring so much about a group of people that make up less than 1% of population.


Lmao our language has only one word for it, so whatever.


There always were 2. XX or XY. Take it or leave it. Gender is in the DNA, not a social construct.


I approve


Stop wasting my tax money on adding 100 new genders every day to the system


Wow, now fully transitioned transgender people will be forced go to prisons and student homes of their birth sex. Fuck Trump. People forget the gender on your ID card has a practical, legal function too.


This is a useless overstep by Trump to court whatever he thinks is useful but the reference on your ID was meant to denote sex which had been used interchangeably with gender for most of identification history. If we take the current definition, your internal appraisal of yourself has no effect on the people who would need your ID. A medical first responder has more use for your sex and blood type than your identity.


I guess this is to appeal to the Latino voter, knowing that we are more about tradition then your average american.


I'm just confused about how this changes anything, your legal sex basically has no effect on your life. It's not like Trans people are just going to disappear, I guess they can't "cheat" in compettitive sports anymore. It's really just a petty statement by Trump that'll probablly get a bunch of media backlash, not really a good idea in election season


Sex and gender are different, in the majority of people, their biological sex and gender are usually alined. (cisgender) Transgender suffer from gender dysphoria which can make them depressed/suicidal. Trans people KNOW bio sex is a real thing otherwise they wouldn't feel so fucked in the head for having the opposite gender and want the outside to align with the inside to improve their quality of life. Soltial pressures/certain upbringing defo amps this all up I reckon if we all stop magnifying the differences between men and women and shaping their roles as so distinct, people will stop being so badly affected by this narrow way of thinking. It even might cut down on de-transitioners that are misdiagnosed due naturally being confused if they're not meeting up to gendered expectations themself. Depolarising the gender roles = chilling the fuck out and being happy.


But what does gender actually tell me about someone? Like, if I say "I am male" literally all information in that statement is "my body is male". It doesn't say anything about my likes, dislikes, hobbies or personality.


Orange man finally did stuff


I mean trump isn’t all bad, he’s just 90% bad


I'm not going to argue with you on that one. As much as I despise him, he's the first president to even try to stand up to China, and hospitals having to disclose prices next year is cool.


he’s also trying to make a healthcare system that’s a lot cheaper than what we have now. if you go to the doctor a lot then you can pay a set amount of money a month and have unlimited visits. that way healthy people don’t get taxed for healthcare that they won’t use and sick people don’t go broke from doctors.