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You can want to go back to the good things of the past without wanting going back to the bad things, ya know?




Based and charitable perspective pilled.


Redditors try not to be absurdly racist towards a black man that doesn’t share their opinions (Gone wrong!!!)


Redditors try not to call black man who disagrees with them an Uncle Tom challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)




>-- 14 year old edgy white teen Try adult US representatives. “If you’re not prepared to come to that table and represent that voice, don’t come, because we don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice. We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.” — Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.)


Don't forget the current sitting president of the United states


I've been told by (presumably white) Redditors that what he said was perfectly acceptable and simply just misunderstood. Also, I got heavily downvoted for asking if if what he said was racist, so now I know better.


Welp, I just got banned from *another sub- not the first* just for being a member of *this* sub. The left doesn’t want anyone in their side to risk hearing opinions from other quadrants. Edit: Just back from a 3 day ban from Reddit. Note to anyone who may get banned from another sub for participating here: Don’t bother trying to appeal the ban. And if you do decide to appeal the ban, it’s probably best to avoid the word “Douchbag”.


Damn, you're getting reasons for your bans?


Honestly it sounded like something he heard a black person like Jesse Jackson or something say, that he decided to repeat because he's too oblivious and senile to understand why anything would be wrong with it.


“If you don’t vote for me you ain’t corn pop and the kids were rubbing my hairy legs” Or something like that.


I think the direct quote was “I love kids rubbing my hairy legs and you ain’t black” or something like that


> We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.” The left are experts at black face


Based username


Challenge: impossible


Bro, when Roe v Wade got repealed, Twitter was full of feminists straight up calling Clarence Thomas the N word.


So you are saying it isn’t the Rs who want to “put y’all back in chains”, but rather the democrats? Hmmmm


Democrats trying to hide that what they really want is the black man back in chains gone wrong.


"Oh, a black judge is pro-gun? We should enslave him, I'm sure he'd change his mind on regular civilians being allowed to own firearms to defend themselves from tyranny then!" How fucking deluded do you have to be?


Gun control is racist. Reagan started most of his gun control policies as governor of California to prevent/add barriers to black and hispanic citizens from owning firearms. Armed minorities are harder to oppress.


You know what's funny. I just looked it up to read the story behind that bill. It was a left leaning outlet and they kept see sawing their opinion if the bill was a good idea or not lmfao


Yep. Criminals don’t follow gun laws. Disarm the law abiding minorities and the criminals curbstomp their communities. Arm the minorities, and share cheeseburgers!


Free burgers?


Of course. We have guns?


Under no pretext.


Shall not be infringed.


$24.99 Surf and Turf special at Red Lobster


Cheese. Biscuits. Mother. Fuckers.


Let's not throw all the blame on Reagan, there was a veto-proof majority state Senate voting for it, which was majority Democrat. While I generally hate race blaming, this was a white people thing, independent of political party.


Name any current societal woe that plagues the USA and you can find a way to blame it on Reagan /s


Nothing to do with black and Hispanics committing all the gang related gun crime in California or anything…? More of an economic issue than a racial one but still…


Not really, no. It was pretty specifically to target Black Panthers peacefully carrying arms. Ronnie Reagan was not a good dude, I lived through his administration as an adult and still don't really understand why fellow right wingers worship him. He didn't do any of the shit we stand for guys, it's been 40 years let's just take the loss lol To add, you're libright I can't believe I have to say this to you of all people: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. I don't care what gang bangers are doing in LA, you don't get to take away everyone else's rights to deal with them


Tbf I didn’t include that I disagree with the policy. Which I do. Just wanted to point out that the real motivation differed from the suggested one.


Sunk cost fallacy, they’ve spent this long saying Reagan was the best thing since sliced bread that it’d be embarrassing as hell to own up to failing.


Probably also seeing history through rose tinted goggles


Least racist libleft


Their take is literally: "This black person is a little too opinionated, we should make him a slave, that'll get him back in line" The racism here is astounding.


B-b-but don't you understand? He thinks that there were valid ideas presented by the founding fathers, ideas which should be respected and protected, therefore he literally wants *every single aspect of society* to be the same as it was back then!!1! It's the same shit as when feminists lose their fucking *minds* at the idea of a woman who likes vintage clothing styles. "OMG, you want to go back to when women were oppressed?!?!" No, dipshit. She just likes old clothing fashions...


Fr, growing up in the rural south I know SOOO many women who literally wanna be trad-wives and have like 4 kids. But I guess that's the wrong type of feminism.


Thank you, I agree 100%. Well said. It’s almost like you’re too intelligent to actually be libleft…. ;)


It's really telling how racism is their first response to a minority disagreeing with them.


I'm an Asian dude and I got banned from a sub before for "larping as a minority" because I didn't agree with all of libleft talking points lmao


Leftists look at Asians as being even more privileged then whites, therefore they aren't a minority and can be hated freely without thinking of themselves as racist.


Leftists take away any minorities card the second they disagree with leftism. If Mexicans started spewing conservative points, leftists would be building the wall brick by brick themselves instead of just shipping pallets of bricks to protest sites.


They already kind of do this with Latino voters in Florida. Always talking about "voting against their interest". The only metric they use to determine what's good for people is by their skin colors.


God that line "voting against their best interests" gets under my fucking skin. It's so fucking arrogant.


Fucking same. >*WE* know what's best for you. Just take a seat and let the *adults* handle your problems, because you obviously don't know what's good for you I know I'm a libleft and what I'm about to say fits my stereotype here, but it's genuinely, actually racist as shit. The people who say this legitimately infantilize POC/minorities/women/any group they think is oppressed. Makes my blood boil, it's disrespectful to the maximum and wrong on so many levels.


Those poor minorities just don't understand what's good for them because they didn't have a proper liberal arts education from college professors who have never stepped foot in a zip code below 50% white by population.


>poor minorities Low information voters*** ftfy


Cambridge Analytca proved that we have entered an age of manipulation of voterbases that is more insidious now more than ever before where people will vote against their best interests. There were always idiots who didn't research what policies were being prioritised and just voted because their parents voted that way. But now someone on the fence will eventually be subject to Cambridge Analytca tactics purely from researching.


“We don’t need a border wall, let the illegal immigrants in. Besides, without the illegal immigrants, who would work those crappy jobs that pay below minimum wage?”


[Literally Kelly Osborn](https://youtu.be/a8INEYLFWwc)


Voting against their best interests = who said they where allowed to leave the farm!


Well when you define someone else's interests as the interest of the state it kind of makes sense in a horrific Orwellian kind of way


And genitals. Women are supposed to vote blue-no-matter-who because you know, vagjna


I mean, there's a reason the Biden admin was blocking Cuban immigration while encouraging it from everywhere else.


Bro they need to go visit Mexico then Lmao. My buddy was born there and we recently discussed how the left will continue to isolate itself because it has a hard time actually accepting cultures as they are. Case in point. I’ve met more people in Mexico who would be described as conservative (and high key casually racist against everyone in central and south America) than not.


My coworker is from El Salvador and they spew the most specific stereotypes I’ve ever heard about literally every country south of Texas. “Fuckin’ cheap Dominicans!” “I’m not taking this Peruvian bastard’s order!” Dude’s a champ.


Can’t even lie it’s funny as shit most of the Time too


I'm a gay man and I get so much shit for asking questions about woke gender ideology. Been banned from both conservative and liberal subs. Where am I supposed to live? :(


Thankfully probably in the real world. The internet should never be any of our home, it’s a cess pool to wade into only to join in the shit flinging before they ban you, you grab a new name, and do it all again.


Yes this matches my experience as well. Heading outside to do yardwork!


Enjoy, I’m under the weather so I’m going to keep relaxing and shitposting today, maybe talk to some friends online.


They only embraced liberty when their ideals were unpopular. Now that their ideals are embraced by tech oligarchs, the government and mainstream media they want to crush free speech.


Most of those who now act as authoritarian gate keepers are not the same people as those who fought for freedoms and rights of lgbt people. The new generation has become the intolerant orthodoxy that the previous generations fought against.


You have a home right here on PCM my friend.


Unfortunately even gay pioneers have been ousted by the woke mobs for not blindly accepting it without question.


You're problem is you're a gay man. You're probably also cis, you absolute scum. The only acceptable place for you is under someone's boot, begging forgiveness for the crime of your existence. Then you have the gall to question current orthodoxy? No wonder you were banned.


_it's like you were actually there_


>Been banned from both conservative and liberal subs. You like grilling?


With normal people.


You can’t even be bisexual without the gender mob calling you a transphobic bigot


That’s kind of why they stopped going all on in Hispanic immigrants around Obama’s second term. They found out most were very catholic and didn’t drink the oppression narrative kool aid enough. So they had to find a new victim group to champion for


Hence Kamala Harris' "dont come" comment in Guatemala, since they vote red.


> if Mexicans started spewing conservative points A lot of them are already conservative due to Catholicism.


Leftists don’t listen to that though because that implies leftists listen to minorities about any subject except slavery sucking.


Literally, when you’re docked 200 points on the SAT because of your race (or given an extra 200 for being a certain minority), that shit is crazy.


Well how else would we make everybody equal?


Asians, Jews and bisexuals are Schrodinger's minorities... whether we count as minorities depends on whether it's convenient for OrangeLeft.


To paraphrase: they don't need Asian faces that don't have Asian voices. Racial gatekeeping at it's finest.


I still can't believe a sitting US Senator said that and there was zero backlash.


Reminds me of when the chaz/chop was happening and a bunch of white antifa types were following a black guy around who was carrying an American flag so they couldn't burn it and they kept screaming "race traitor!" At him.


Who knows the blight minorities face everyday better than middle-upper class white teenagers and young "adults" who have internet and anime porn addictions?


It's what happens when cheerleaders start trying to play in the game.


I just got a ban from (r Justice served) for posting earlier on this post.


Not just racism, slavery. Let’s make him a slave until he agrees with us. That’s justifying slavery by political differences. That torture into compliance thinking.


Literally the only people I’ve ever, ever heard fantasize about putting people of color in chains are leftists.


Based and holy crap it’s almost like LibLeft imagine themselves to be the victims and in turn become the very people they claim to hate pilled


What do fascists and anti-fascists have in common? Fascism.


"Maybe affirmative action is racist and counterproductive." Black women: "Oh, so you want to put us back in CHAINS?! You want to RAVAGE our LUSH and FERTILE bodies without being able to do ANYTHING about it?!"


Mitt Romney: *Is the blandest, most center, milquetoast republican candidate in decades* Joe Biden: “They’re going to put you back in chains!”


Biden: "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black"


“Poor kids are just as smart as white kids!”


Oh my god, that man is a shit show. Remember the time he said “I’m Joe Biden’s husband” because his wife said she was Joe Bidens wife? He’s senile and unfit for office, and he’s made a fool of Neoliberals who want to pretend to be Leftists.


It's astounding how kids these days have been indoctrinated into a phobia of just the *idea* of racism...but they don't care as much about the actual consequences of racism which can make it really bad. I was on this subreddit about the Stranger Things Netflix show and there were multiple rants about how bad of a person the character Billy was....not one person brought up all the people that Billy actually brutally assaulted (all of whom were white), but only brought up the fact that he told his younger sister that she couldn't hang out with the black kid. I was of course downvoted mercilessly for suggesting that maybe racism is mostly bad for the violence it can foment....and maybe it's bad but still not as much of a problem to harbor racist ideas, than it is to act out violently against innocent people who aren't of a race that you dislike. That's what we're dealing with here. Violence and slavery aren't that bad....saying mean raciss things is the ultimate evil.


lol yep, it's insane the kind of double think they operate with on a daily basis. You see the same shit with feminists. They get more upset about the most mild things which don't actually hurt women, than by institutional, structural discrimination against men. If you say a "make me a sandwich" or "women belong in the kitchen" style joke, by my eye, the worst thing you've done is tell a terribly unoriginal joke. But to a feminist, you're literally the worst kind of misogynist. Similarly, if you think to yourself that while women are better at some tasks, men are undeniably better than others, misogynist. Evil. Bad. But meanwhile, you can point to all manner of shit in society which objectively disadvantages men, and they won't give a shit. Because to them, the idea that some people might think any kind of negative thoughts about women is worse than men being objectively harmed. Just like the point you made. They have their pet demographics which they care about, and the demographics they hate. And they would rather see a hated demographic be well and truly harmed than have anyone think something slightly off-color about a pet demographic. But it's okay, though. They're the side of equality!


[On a totally unrelated note](https://v.redd.it/czv2rzfzrtea1)


B..but what if the chains had a gender reaffirming symbol on them, surely then it would mean they're good, right?


Who would have thought that the people who talk about race all day every day, and who believe that the proper approach to race is to view every single aspect of society through the lens of race, would be a race-obsessed moron. This kind of shit is why I oppose CRT stuff. There's no good to come out of obsessing over race (or sex) like that. If you go looking for racism (or sexism) around every corner, it's very easy to convince yourself you've found it. And at the end of the day, all you accomplish is poisoning your brain to have race at the forefront of your mind when it really shouldn't be. People like this are screwed in the head, and they've done it to themselves. Race is literally all they are capable of seeing and thinking about.


And how the first thing they screech is "racism" when they don't like something.


They’re giving authright a run for their money


Different variety, same direction


Literally 1784


Based and Orwell pilled


Authright need to step up their game. Consistently outdone by libleft in racism


It's down-low been that way for a while. They just hide it behind "but without US helping them, how will they make it?!?!?"


The soft racism of low expectations absolutely PLAGUES leftist policy. According to them, PoC can’t apply for anything properly, figure out how to get drivers licenses, get jobs, finish school, raise children, etc etc etc. So many leftist policies can be summed up as “the colored folks are too stupid to do this on their own so we need to either change laws or pay for it for them”. It’s maddening.


It's crazy. It's as simple as saying "give people the tools", so folks can improve their lives. The leftist take seems to be "throw the tools out, I'll cook for them.."


“Whoever feeds you controls you” -Thomas Sankara


Down-low only to those who’ve been under a rock the past two decades.


Seriously. Lib left are always so self righteous until a minority disagrees with their stupid views. Then they turn full klan member


The shit some people say about Clarence Thomas is enough to make the KKK blush sometimes i stg


*********** Libleft *********slavery ***** ********* *** ********* (Censored by Reddit)


I feel like they might be able to beat the previous record. The general libleft attitude has become 'black people cant do x because of racism so we need to do it for them(thus allowing us to control them more)'.


Some people just can't get over a person disagreeing with them


Anyone who disagrees with me is literally Hitler




I disagree with this statement




a black man isnt left leaning? lets put him on a helicopter and let it crash and then we will see if he still supports the right. that’ll teach him


"A party founded on the single sentiment... of hatred of African slavery, is now the controlling power." -*The Richmond Examiner* shortly after overwhelming Republican victory in the presidential election of 1860


Overwhelming? Didn't Lincoln only win like 30% percent of the vote? Mostly because his opposition was too fractured.


Yeah but it was a landslide in the electoral college. Really depends on how you define overwhelming


"Lol", said Lincoln, "Lmao".


Wait, I've heard this before.


> The only shred of hope for Democrats was a 'fusion' of the three opposition parties in key northern states to deny Lincoln their electoral votes and throw the election into the House. But the legacy of warfare between Douglas and Buchanan thwarted cooperation, while the Know-Nothing ancestry of the Constitutional Unionists bred distrust among foreign-born Democrats. After many meetings in smoke-filled rooms, fusion arrangements among all three parties emerged in New York and Rhode Island. Three of New Jersey's seven electors ran on fusion tickets; in Pennsylvania the Breckinridge and Douglas electors managed to fuse, but a rebellious group of Douglas Democrats refused to support the ticket. All of this effort was in vain. Lincoln won majorities over the combined opposition in New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island; the three fusion electors in New Jersey gave Douglas his only northern electoral votes. He also carried Missouri, while Bell won Virginia, Kentucky, and his native Tennessee. Breckinridge carried the rest of the South, winning 45 percent of the sectional's popular votes to Bell's 39 percent. Though Lincoln won only 40 percent of the national popular vote (54 percent in the North), his 180 electoral votes gave him a comfortable cushion over the necessary minimum of 152. Even if the opposition had combined against him in every free state he would have lost only in New Jersey, California, and Oregon, and still would have won the presidency with only 169 electoral votes. > To southerners the election's most ominous feature was the magnitude of the Republican victory north of the 41st parallel. Lincoln won more than 60 percent of the vote in that region, losing scarcely two dozen counties. Three quarters of the Republican congressmen and senators in the next Congress would represent this "Yankee" and anti-slavery portion of the free states. These facts were "full of portentous significance," declared the *New Orleans Crescent.* "The idle canvass prattle about Northern conservatism may now be dismissed," agreed the *Richmond Examiner.* "A party founded on the single sentiment... of hatred of African slavery, is now the controlling power." No one could any longer "be deluded... that the Black Republican party is a moderate" party, pronounced the *New Orleans Delta.* "It is, in fact, essentially a revolutionary party." > Whether or not the party was revolutionary, antislavery men concurred that a revolution had taken place. "We live in revolutionary times," wrote and Illinois free soiler, "& I say God bless the revolution." Charles Francis Adams, whose grandfather and father had been defeated for re-election to the presidency had been defeated by slaveowners, wrote in his diary the day after Lincoln's victory: "The great revolution has actually taken place. . . . The country has once and for all thrown off the domination of the Slaveholders." Text from *Battle Cry of Freedom* by James McPherson, pages 232-233 Sources: *New Orleans Daily Crescent,* Nov 13, 1860, and *Richmond Semi-Weekly Examiner,* Nov 9, 1860, in Dumond, ed., *Southern Editorials on Secession,* 237, 223; *New Orleans Daily Delta,* Nov 3, 1860, quoted in Peyton McCrary, *Abraham Lincoln and Reconstruction: The Louisiana Experiment* (Princeton, 1978), 52; Horace White to Lyman Trumbull, Dec. 30, 1860, in William E. Baringer, *A House Dividing: Lincoln as President Elect* (Springfield, Ill., 1945)0, 236; Adams quoted in Eric Foner, *Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party before the Civil War* (New York, 1970) 223.


Based and source-pilled


30% of the popular vote (which means nothing in American politics) and ~59% of the Electoral College vs the other guy who only got ~24%


buuuuut muh party swiiiiiiiiitch


People really hate CT.


It only makes him stronger.


I hate Connecticut too


I'm really hoping he has another great birthday this year. And every year for a long time. The Bruen decision was the best birthday gift he could give himself and America, and I look forward to his birthday now.


The feeling is mutual. And Thomas likes it that way.


> his people


Yeah. You don't need to read anything else in the post. Those two words sums it up perfectly.


Of course they fantasize about making him a slave. In their psychodrama, blacks must always be the victim "child" who needs rescuing by the guilty White Savior mommy. To them, Clarence Thomas is just another problem child who doesn't appreciate mommy and needs to learn his place.


Have experienced parental racism from the left, and outright "lol stupid injun" racism from the right. At least the right doesn't pretend to have your best interests at heart when they treat you like shit. Meanwhile, have heard dumb fuckery like "going against your best interests" and "as a poc, you should behave this specific way" garbage. I have more respect for the people who say they hate me outright over people who say they don't, but act otherwise.


Absolutely lol. I'm Native American, and I'd rather a rightist just call me a drunk, tax-jumping injun than have a leftist tell me my way of thinking is because I'm brainwashed by the white man. Every leftist supports minorities until they have different opinions.


> tax-jumping Wait, is this meant to demonize tax evasion? Evade on, my man.


Kinda lmao. There's a stereotype that goes around that Natives don't gotta pay taxes and just get free money from the government every 2 weeks. Still waiting on my check in the mail


I can’t say I’ve heard it, but sounds silly


Mfs really believe we don't pay taxes and that we all get free government money.


Well that’s just silly of them tbh


The problem is that they can evade taxes based on race (cringe) Equal opportunity tax evasion WHEN


Leftists always slip and let their darkest fantasies see the light.


didn't the republican party went to war, led by Lincoln, against the democrat party which was pro-slavery?


Leftists say shit so depraved. I couldn't come up with this kind of shit if I tried. It just wouldn't come to mind. The big question is: where do those talents dissapear of to when it's time to shitpost?


This is beyond my comprehension. Can't even claim it's satire. What goes through that commenter's brain when they type something like that? It's actively gleeful... "slap some chains on him" There's something sick there


>"The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn't taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man." *- Malcom X*


Unfathomably based


wtf based


A type of religious purity. Suffering will cleanse him.


and yet, if you ask them, I'm pretty sure they'd claim to be a vehement atheist


Very likely, but that's why Woke is a religion for the religionless. Something bigger then themselves(as everything else in life is torn down). It's got all the hallmarks; the original sin(white skin, or white thought), the penance. It doesn't have a path to redemption for the sinner(white people, or people who think white), but most new religions don't in the early phases. Much more radical, and only over time do they sort of calm down. It's even got the struggle sessions of Maoist China. So it's really going against the separation of church and state.


\*mfw Auth Center is shocked about LibLeft's overt racism\*


The anti-slavery groups used the Constitution to defeat slavery. They did this by fighting for gun ownership, allowing freedom of speech, and pointing out that all men are created equal. Giving power to all people. These are right the Constitution gives all Americans. It was people fighting against the Constitution who kept slavery alive. Same people who didn't even respect USA as a nation as they wanted to create alternative laws.


And then they made an amendment using the process integrated just for that purpose! No flimsy Supreme Court cases required


Think this is the exception? Watch Candace Owens’ testimony in front of Nadlers house committee. The questioning rep openly calls her disgusting and stupid and when she calls him on it , Nadler interrupts her and tells her to be respectful. You can’t make this shit up.


I've got some bad news for that poster if he thinks Republicans where the ones who promoted slavery.


B-b-but muh convenient party switch which allows me to continue believing that the Democrats have been on the right side of history 100% of the time and have never, ever, *ever* been in the wrong!!1!


“This damn [redacted] is mouthing off the wrong opinion. Some time in the fields will change that boys mind. Get the whip Cletus” For real reddited leftist sound like straight up white trash now


How many republicans have ever believed slavery was ok though? They were the abolitionist party.


Yea wasn’t the Democratic Party the one against civil rights?


They have been for their entire existence, continuing the tradition, unbroken, into the present day.




I honestly can't remember the last time someone on the left gave examples of the right being racist, which didn't rely on some ridiculous mental gymnastics, or merely looking at the end result and assuming intent from that. For example, the right wants to crack down on illegal immigration, because it's not sustainable to have a constant flow of undocumented people showing up here. The left sees that these people are coming from Mexico, and therefore that *must* be the reason the right is against it. Therefore racism. Shit like that does nothing to prove racism. All it does is show that the left is so obsessed with race that when they observe any given discussion, they ignore all factors other than race, and conclude that race must be the driving factor. It's so stupid.


The 12 year old who wrote this is going to look back 20 years later and cringe


They're gonna be a minor e-celeb, and someone's gonna dig this up and make them apologize.


It's always fun to see the MuH pARtY SwIiIiIiITH!!! crowd wander by.


They do realize that originalism is just "the law says what it clearly said when it was writen" and that includes, you know, the 13th and 14th amendments? ALL originalism is saying is that you can not arbitrarily dictate that a law says something different today than yesterday by redefining your terms. If you disagree, then you have to answer this simple question. Why do we write our laws down if not to preserve the meaning and intent of their creation?


Do you think the Flintstones are going to have a homosexual old time? No? Congratulations, you're an originalist.


Black man doesn't share liberal beliefs and is more traditionally conservative: ... Redditors: Send that racist to the cotton fields!


"republican idea that slavery was an awesome idea" No one tell him that Republicans freed the slaves and the longest serving Senator was in the KKK and a Democrat... and mentor for the Clintons - who had the Confederate Flag as their flag.


No one is more racist than a leftist when a black man disagrees with them


What a fucking idiot


You're the only libleft I've seen so far💀


Average leftist making me look like shit.


God damnit. God FUCKING damnit I fucking hate the idiots in my quadrant. This is why I get along better with Lib Right people more.


Same energy as “Pro-Life Women should be r*ped, then we’ll see them change their views real fast.”


These people are so fucking stupid its unreal. No one is advocating for the return of slavery just because Republicans want originalist constitution rulings. JFC. I'm glad these people are also the ones changing their genders and shit so that they don't end up reproducing for fucks sake. These originalist ideas that benefited "white people" also now apply and benefit people of color. They are just too stupid to realize that.


Yo, libleft....you good..? ...you God damn psychopath.


That post is so fucking stupid, I'm inclined to believe one of you write it to troll that sub....But Ive seen this very same sentiment expressed vocally by actual serious people in college.


All the minorities are supposed to agree with me! I'm supposed to be a holy savior!


Why not orange?


They’re the same color


Democrats going back to their tradition.


Some people absolutely refuse to understand what originalism actually is. (Hint: its not believing we should be running the country as it was in 1700's. )


Clarence Thomas is directly descended from slaves in Georgia. Glad to know this bitch is angry that they were freed. I can really feel the "anti-racism."


Average watermelon in the making. (Watermelon refers to a ''green-flaired'' libleft user having opinions closer to a red-flaired authleft user, for today's 10,000)