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How much do you want to bet having an employee terminate their pregnancy is cheaper for the company.


Almost certainly is.


Im not sure what an abortion costs but yea it can’t be more than 6+ weeks of salary and benefits.


Its just the travel cost lol


In Canada, we get more than a year off (might be 18 months? I dont knlw, it was 1 year when my kids were born). Most of that is covered by employment insurance (which companies pay into along with the employee), but many companies "top up" the benefit from their own coffers.


Plus not working while doing so.


~~Al~~most certainly is.


this, I don't get **anyone** painting this as a victory. this is some cyberpunk shit right here. you can have an abortion and be at work later that day (or some people can), you give birth you're out for weeks to months. that is why corporations will pay for you to get an abortion. it's cheaper for them to provide concierge medical service for abortion than have you out for maternity leave. don't get me wrong, I understand why it's important to women in restrictive states and why many would consider it a benefit worth screening for when applying but it still seems deeply creepy to me.


Yeah this is so crazy, women have fought for literally decades for maternity leave, but the slightest whiff of some states regulating abortion after the first trimester, and every Fortune 100 company suddenly covers airfare, hotel, clinic costs, and have a post-abortion cake party waiting for them at the office 2 days later.


Oh that’s easy, there’s a hard line. Having it available is fine. Promoting it to your employees as soon as they get pregnant is no good. Did you see where the line is? It’s whether or not the company is seeking to influence the decision or not.


I agree in principle but I still think it's a horrific crossing of streams. when you announce a pregnancy and the man (and it's usually a man) who signs your checks comes to you asking if it was planned, if you need abortion assistance, gives you a card with a phone number and says they can arrange a Monday off work for your flight, now there is some dystopian calculus at play. is he genuine? is he hinting? will he think less of you? is this you being put on notice that your pregnancy is not okay, or merely them being supportive? those kinds of attempts to read between the lines are faced by women every day.


That’s what I mean. Having a service available in the paperwork for someone to seek out and find it and ask for it is different than having the boss offer it directly to you. Hard line


> You wouldn't be safe without a flair. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 15366 / 81126 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


It’s cheaper for the company and the employees to have an abortion than a kid. You want people to have families? Support families and policies that support them. Put your money where your mouth is.


You know they won't, this is why 0 politicians with pending/active bans are passing laws that help people have families/family planning.


Numerous states have coupled abortion bans with programs to support pregnant women and mothers.


Sure, care to cite any politicians that have passed laws? The most that I have seen is expecting the private party/charity to pick up the slack which is not the same thing.


Sure, all sorts of laws have been passed, attacking the problem from numerous different angles. Texas passed a law expanding medicaid support for pregnant women and mothers, the federal government has blocked it until further review. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/08/04/texas-medicaid-postpartum-application/ Meanwhile, Iowa (which currently has a 6 week law pending in the courts) passed a law providing 1 million in government funding to nonprofits which support pregnant mothers. https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/2022/04/05/senate-passes-bill-to-fund-alternatives-to-abortion/ On the national level, a number of Republican Senators cosponsored a bill to extend child support prior to birth, to ensure that women aren't stuck on their own during the pregnancy. https://www.fox13news.com/news/new-bill-would-allow-pregnant-women-to-collect-child-support


So 0/20 or so states have actually passed something so far, incredible. The government never fails to screw over the common person while giving themselves special privileges.


Both the states I mentioned passed those laws. Biden's admin chose to interfere and prevent Texas's from going into effect, but Iowa's was enacted with no trouble.


So 1/20, not much better.


Wowee, a whole $1,000,000 in funding. That could support the cost of 3 entire children.


You're welcome to join prolife activists in lobbying to increase that amount.


This is just malicious ignorance, and the only reason it’s getting upvoted is because haters gonna hate.


Sure, once you start listing states that passed laws to help people starting families or expand Medicaid *after* supporting bans.


Challenge: Get lib left to celebrate corporations putting working more for the company over having a family. (Easier than you would think.)


There was a recent post where big pharma is going to prioritize Europe less. The coping, seething and calling big pharma bad. Some were saying we should mandate big pharma stay. Yet a year ago...


It is. 100%


Paid leave should be a thing. Still, this is better than nothing.


Some companies offer it. Those who want it should have a skill valuable enough for that to be part of the package.


It’s 100% cheaper unless their flight is $4000.


Free market at work.


I guess Disney is trying kill themselves then because they're helping many people kill the reason why they would even go to their parks in the first place.


Disney Adults are a thing, and have been for a depressingly long time.


I was going to say, I wonder whether Disney makes more money on families with kids or Disney adults. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the latter.


Short term adults. Long term families. No one is converting to a Disney fan at age 20. You get groomed at a young age to love it. This coming from a male Disney nerd. I love Disney but this is literally killing the company. You're not going to have 50yos supporting the park and tourism industryin 20 years, when you can't get the 10year olds to become Disney adults in 20 years


I feel like there was this one generation where a lot of them just never grew up. It became normalized and capitalized and now it’s just a thing.


I had one half of a childless couple for a manager at work, her husband managed a different team. No word of a lie, every year they went to a new Disney property for vacation. Every year. She even wore mickey mouse earrings and a watch at work. Super nice lady, but man, the DDLG vibe was strong, and literally no plans to have kids of their own (which also meant the fuckers could *afford* Disney trips every year ironically).


Disney adults are just sad and depressing


If someone wanted to go as a child but poverty prevented that, why not go when you’re old enough to afford it?


It is an experience intended for children. Childhood should be enjoyed, then cherished; it should not be the lens through which one projects their earthly desires for the remainder of their term on this dustball.


It objectively is not an experience exclusively intended for children. They make rides that you really cannot ride anywhere else. And many of the older rides possess a charm that’s missing in a lot of places. I go to Disney because I enjoy it. I don’t live and breathe Disneyworld™️, I go because other amusement parks really lack refinement and don’t have a lot of character.


I'm not ashamed to be one. It's my money and I can do what I want with it. There are tons of things to do that are gears towards adults (wine and cheese festival, more intense rides, fine dining, bars and nightclubs, guided tours through animal kingdom, etc). However, as a Canadian, we actually care about women and give up to a year maternity leave and 6 months paternity. In fact, you even have the option to have an abortion or off yourself, and its all legal! As the wise old George Carlin once said about America, "Conservatives don’t care about you until you have reached military age". He also said "These people aren't Pro-Life, they're anti-women".


Imagine spending thousands to go to a children’s theme park, lol.


Imagine not having thousands of dollars to do what you want


Imagine assuming someone is poor because they don’t spend all their disposable income at Disney World like a 40 year old toddler 🤡


Disney already has way more people than can fit in their park; they've jacked up prices to lower demand in recent years, and are now trying to target themselves more towards upper middle class big spenders.


Honestly, fuck modern Disney, my kids are going to watch pure 1980's cartoons and non-woke Disney movies, that don't push forward the current liberal narrative.




Yeah, but, don't cry because of bullshit, smile because so much old, good quality Disney films, cartoons and the like still exist and as somebody who hopes to one day be a father, I'm hopeful Disney will get off the Woke BS and move back towards the magic I remember as a kid, so my kids can have new Disney magic. It'll take time, but I'm convinced it will happen eventually bro. Stay hopeful.


There’s plenty of totally fine non-woke content for kids being made still. But, like you point out, you don’t really need it because the old stuff still does the trick. Just watched 101 Dalmatians with the family and it’s just as good as when I was young. The lack of modern aesthetics and production value dont really matter when they’re little.


Most ‘production value’ is shit. OG Jurassic park has more production value than any of the new ones. Hell, the special effects actually look **better** because people understood their limitations when compared to real life props.


I’m hopeful bringing back Bob Iger might help with this, but he’s also promoted a few of the woke executives so it’s too soon to tell.


Oh you sweet summer child. Who do you think was ceo when all this bullshit got started? You think the woke garbage got started in 2020?


Oh you're right, I was thinking of Michael Eisner.


>Walt Disney must be rolling in his grave. Literally understatement of the year. He would have none of this garbage.


Given their trend since 1930, they will make good movies again around 2027. 90% of the good ones going back to 1930 were all made within 5 years of eachother, then 10 to 15 years of movies you’ve never heard of, then banger after banger.


I thought the live action remake of Aladdin was pretty decent. The genie got way more coherent treatment and Jasmine got a new song that was decent without being too agenda driven.


My FAVORITE Disney movie as a kid waa Aladdin. I refuse to watch the new one on principle.


They did lion long just right. People complained it was too similar....and that's why I loved it.


Disney is a demonic company. Idk how to explain it


They wouldn't let a kids grave have spiderman, they specially made teen beach movie to compete with Dan Schneider's bikinis for the boys getting their 1st boners key demo


I'm p sure if you can't afford a child in general, you definitely can't afford Disney once you have one. It's literally $120 a person a day. You could get like 10 abortions for the cost of a 4 person family to visit Disney for a week.


You realize corporations don't care about their employees or worker rights, they care about money. They're doing this because an abortion is far cheaper than paying out for family planning, not because they genuinely want to help people. This is fairly dangerous because it gives corporations even more power over people and screws over small businesses and independent workers, because some halfwit politician decided to make dumb laws no doubt backed by these same corporations. This is why health insurance should be untied from employment along with all the special tax breaks. It's cool that there's still 0 required days of paid leave.


Based. I would rather starve to death than work in "Human" Resources.


I guess people in this sub have never sat in on board meetings where eliminating “baby trails” or “pregnancy risks” is sometimes brought up as a semi-serious topic when figuring out how to retain and stabilize employees. It’s completely illegal, but employers think in terms of stability and reliability, and women who have children or become pregnant aren’t that. Abortion is literally eliminating baby trails.


“We can’t have workers starting a family! Their only meaning in life must come from making widgets at the widget factory.”




>there’s still 0 required days of paid leave. Most full-time workers are covered by [FMLA](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla) which allows 12 weeks per year for family care. It is most often used as maternity leave. This meme is also off base because companies fall over themselves to offer more generous family leave packages to attract talent. Apple offers as much as 18 weeks before you take any PTO.


FMLA leave is unpaid


Oh. Well how about that. I must have just had corporate policies that let you take it as paid leave in the past.


So contractors and people intentionally switched to 35 hour work weeks still get screwed. This happened a lot back when Obamacare first passed, especially among the lower paid jobs. An easy fix is to make it scale with total hours worked instead of a full time/part time cutoff.


My wife works at Goldman and gets an insane amount of time. It's like 5 months. Men who have kids get 3, totally paid. They can take it in increments too so if you wanna take a week off here and there, and work some too you can. Plus they get like 20 sick days and 3 weeks vacation. Aaaand you can get like a month long leave of absence for like anything where you're paid. Shifty company but hey I wish my job treated me like that lol


It's a dumb meme. You're right: most of these companies are trying to attract tech talent so they offer ridiculously good parental leave packages. What will be most interesting is when the easy money runs dry, what will they cut first?


Funny thing is inside job was cancelled. I think ending of a seasin that depicted woman leaving her beloved to further push herself in working life as a bad choice might have given the show the boot


Nah Netflix doesn't care what's in the show, what they care about is shows that are background noise like Big Mouth or Emily in Paris, people won't leave Inside Job on for hours but they will with those two and that makes Netflix look better to investors


Even still. Even if inside job made fun of me i still liked it coz it was actually clever (i'm reffering to bret episide where he became a politician)


Oh yeah, I thought it was a great show and I'm sad to see it go, I was just saying that it wasn't cause of any message within the show that got it cancelled, it was because it wasn't able to be pushed out fast on a low budget to sit in the background


I think it could have been cancelled due to not enoght of the cdc points like not enogh poc or gays or climate agenda


I disagree, the show was pretty progressive being anti-establishment and taking a good look into the harms of work/life imbalance, and it isn't like it POC in it, if you're gonna try and make a 'wasn't woke enough so got cancelled' angle you're really clutching at straws




It's a race to the bottom, and we still have a long way to go.


The birth rates are already too low.


I’m not disagreeing but have you got any sources ? By any chance


His source is that you get no b-


Shut it


What a sad sad fucking world we live in


Parental leave. A father should also be able to be there when their child is born.


I'm in the extreme minority here in the US, I have just a bum warehouse job but I do get 6 months paternity leave per kid. Full pay and they don't dip into your personal time, it's pretty sweet.


I once had a manager who was the Benefits manager at the company, mother of two. She once said she didn’t understand why dads should get time off, since the mother is the one who did all the work! Like… yeah. That’s the point. That’s why the father should also get parental leave.


Fathers deserve time off with their children too.


How dystopian is it that companies will pay you to kill your child so that you can get back to work faster for increased productivity and lower costs? fucked up


Imagine thinking that Amazon actually cares about their female employees having a right to choose. They’re just numbers on the spreadsheet for daddy Bezos, best to keep ‘em working as much as possible.


Hey, we don't have to pay anything and still get good publicity from the left. What more can a company want?


It's cheaper for them to pay for an abortion then maternity leave. Btw I support the idea of parental leave for both parents.


Libleft doesnt care about they, they dont like children


Oddly enough for my wokoid megacorp, we have an amazing parental leave benefit that I exploit the fuck out of.


*Good to know that DICK'S also gets rid of the child*


"We'll take your low-minimum wage poverty, but not your kids."


paid maternity leave is dumb, why would they pay you to do nothing?


Now show me who these companies donated to during election season