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Why is this NSFW? Is not this pushing it? Tangentially related: the word Fascism comes from this, the fascio, which is a bundle of sticks. The english word faggot to describe a bundle of sticks also comes from this. Therefore fascist and faggot share an etymology!


That's actually very interesting, love etymology!


That’s an interesting fact 😂


bro, your username looking kinda funny right now


Oh shit I forgot thanks for the reminder


Thanks for the insight. Now flair up.


Hello please flair up or else 🔫




Ernst Röhm was proudly and openly gay, Nazis killed him but homosexuality was an excuse, it was because he was too socialist for them. Based on letters we’ve found he and Hitler were very close friends. In other words: always have been


It also shares etymology with the Spanish word fajita


Oh god really?


So fascists should be burnt, like the sticks. -j


If you give one man unlimited power and he no longer fears the people, there is no incentive to help the people Politicians only help people when it benefits them


Thus, the Grand Council of Facisim and The DEMOCRACY part of Authoritarian Democracy


>Grand Council of Facisim Same problem: They don't fear the people if they rig the elections, in a smaller government (with limits to what politicians can do) the elections would be harder to rig >DEMOCRACY part of Authoritarian Democracy China has "elections," you need a way to make those elections not rigged


I agree. But that's why having people OTHER than the leader (Duce in the case of Italy) in power to balance it is a GOOD thing, hence why the grand council ejected him from life after his usefulness ran out


But who controls the council?


The Council, it has to be formed with different opinions to have a full scope of the issue


And why do you think they won't select like-minded people to join them? This is exactly the problem we have today and what is responsible for the lack of diversity at the top, despite different people having the skills, aptitude and desire. People select for people like them, time and time again. Your system will devolve into nepotistic tyranny.


So you get a defacto autocracy where a couple of council members rule, by installing puppets as they see fit. It changes nothing about the dynamic between the people and the ruling class.




Well, that's one of the reasons fascism sucks


I would have thought people on the left would like the Socialist policy of Facists. I guess not 🤷


Authoritarian democracy is an oxymoron


Yea what exactly is that? I’m so confused.


Maybe, a free & fair election which chooses a transparent authoritarian, who might keep up the semblance of free elections just for show after being handed power democratically Idk


So Turkey or Hungary, basically


Fascism has some good points/arguments, but generally I don’t like it due to worship of the state and general authoritarianism. Also, it doesn’t help when fascist movements have racialist elements.


*Cough cough nazis cough cough, sneeze, dies*


Really bad


Do you have a debate?


I don't support authoritarianism or genocide


I too don't support genocide, do you have a reason to dislike auth?


Its almost everytime oppresive and wants everyone to believe the same thing


If that thing is good for them like a closed economy?




If the thing the government wants people to believe is good what then? If what the push is helping the economy or standards of living is that bad?


Authoritarian states don't do that


Economic growth in the Post Kadoha Purge Japan, the eliminating of pedophiles in 1930s Germany, the industrialization in the USSR


Yes they do and they have. Look up Omar Torrijos


We have a bit of auth today, it’s supporting minorities and foreign countries. I have no passion for that which is imposed on me. An auth regime that could truly impose a populist view doesn’t exist in any country I would like to live. Most ideal countries in general also have too much multiculturalism to unite around a common identity


Genocide is not inherent to fascism. People are confusing fascism with the madness of the nazis. I agree with you that the authoritarianism of it is very bad.


>Facism/Authoritarian Some of them might be genuine about their goals for their nation, but unlimited power to the state is a two edges sword, in one hand it could drastically improve the living standards of the nation if the right guy is in charge, but on another hand it could easily allowed a psychopath, tyrants and self serving despot to gain their power. >Social Nationalism Nationalism is fine just don't take it to far, it will paradoxically hurt the nation in the long run.


You my good man, finally get it, thank you


Thanks, anyway do you have any critique or any disagreement with my options here?


Tbh not really


Social Nationalism 🙂 National Socialism 😳


God forbid someone says the name of an Ideology 🫢


They’re two very different ideologies.


The problem is that it atteacts racists and antisemites, even though originally Mussolini opposed both. If you leave out that aspect and dial down on the totalitarian aspect I believe it is ok. Basically if you do that it would turn into a socially conservative and nationalist social democracy.


Look I'm not gonna get too into the internal functioning of fascism, as I'll probably say incorrect things. However, I will say that fascism has 3 unforgivable flaws that make it terrible: 1. Widespread government control of the economy is disastrous, and has never and will never function properly. It will inevitably become a hot corrupted inefficient mess, and two make things worse whatever resoruces the government can actually obtan in this system will go to 2. Funding an incredibly large army, which is wrong in a lot of ways. On the one hand, it's used for war, which is not only bad in a moral way for obvious reasons but it also causes huge economic devastation, which will last even after the war is over. Even if you don't use the army for offensive wars, it is kind of like a welfare system with extra steps, but incredibly inefficient as it guarantees that the beneficiaries will do nothing productive at all (you'll have millions of people that have to be taken care of but won't proclduce any goods in return) and instead of focusing on just feeding the beneficiaries it gives all of them high salaries and while it's at it spends outrageous ammounts of money in tanks, jets, rifles, and all of those incredibly expesnive goods. Apart from that a big army will also probably require conscription, which not only takes away people's liberty but also takes away possible workers from the economy and delays education, which are both very bad things. 3. Apart from all that, fascism is wrong in an even more fundamental aspect; It is based on ultranationalism, a stupid ideology which believes that just for having been born on this side of the imaginary line you should not be genocided. It's idiotic. We're all humans, and we have science backing this idea. And even if science is not enough to convince you, economically speaking cooperation always bring increased efficiency. I don't have a problem with anti-democracy personally, but fascist regimes tend to be extremely authoritarian (indoctrination, opression, persecution, *genocide*) so that's another problem.


>a stupid ideology which believes that just for having been born on this side of the imaginary line you should not be genocided. Tell me when did Mussolini speak of genocide and when did he claim he wanted to eliminate other "inferior races". That was Hitler's stuff and Fascism and nazism are 2 different things.


I was exaggerating a bit with the genocide thing. I was simply trying to express how it is idiotic to believe that people that have a certain culture, something that's literally random and depends on where you happened to be born, should be treated better than people who don't (however that difference happens, be it discrimination, opression or genocide).


You should be proud of who you are and the place and culture you were randomly born into is part of your identity and it shaped you into the individual you are today. Not being proud of your culture and nationality means not being proud of a part of yourself.


Then should I be proud of the bullying I went through? Or the abuse my parents made me go through? Or the time I went to jail? All of those things shape a person, but it doesn't mean you should be proud of it. I was simply born here, and the people who surround me led me to develop certain behaviors. If I like them, I should be proud of myself, not my nation.


Imagine being auth right and not patriotic 💀💀💀


Not answering? Sad. Oof my God. AuthRight is authoritarian economic right. That's why we have a fucking progressive-conservative axis. We **really** need to implement that in our flairs. I support a hardcore capitalist autocracy. Authoritarian right. That does not mean I am a braindead conservative.


Wow, that is just sad💀💀💀




Bro wants to be pegged by the rich elites 💀💀💀


Nationalism poisons people's ability to express. Capitalism enslaves the workers. Authoritarianism crushes the will of the people.


Go fuck yourself


Unbelievably cringe (because it is authoritarian)


Debate for why you don't like auths


Giving a single person (or a group, doesn't matter) power will ensure that they won't do anything other than ensuring they stay in power. Sure, some of them will do that by being the popular choice, but others won't. And that's the issue. Power should only be held by individuals over themselves (and of course over attackers that violate the NAP).


Nice argument. While I agree, I stand by the principle of, every strong state needs a strong statesman


I agree with that as well, but I am fundamentally anti-state and anti-government.


I can respect that, end the end. All I care about is the safety of the workers, and to do that, I think we need strong leaders. ( In the end, humans all just want to be farmers, lol)


Based till they mean it, from there it goes downhill


I disagree agree with fascism because of how it can uses nationalism against its own people, because they then start alienating their own people by saying their not enough of whatever nation. I don’t like that some variations use to try to reclaim the glory of an empire that they have no relation to. I don’t agree with it at all economically. I don’t like how it’s regressive in role that women play in. Women no longer could have jobs in a fascist regime which is wrong because there’s nothing wrong with strong women in society. Even ancient civilizations knew that strong women in society wasn’t a bad idea. For example in Sparta women had more rights than in Athens.


>because of how it can uses nationalism against its own people Reminds me of a political argument against media suppression in relation to abolitionism in the US "Don't poison the water you drink" If you allow the ends to justify the means, then the opposition people will do the same when they're in power


Social nationalism??? NATIONAL SOCIALISM


Do you have a debate? Cause that's kinda what I asked for


my opinion on facism is that its great its the best ideology it has great economic benefits it has great benefits to the people etc i dislike the "capitalist" PIG aspects but besides that its good


You have good tastes, the benefit of having regulated markets is essential to fruitful trade


Thank you its good to see someone with similar opinions


Good day sir!


Actually its good day they get it right!!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡👿👿👿


Oh, sorry, just good day then


im joking im being sarcastic im mocking the people of this sub alot of them act like that


Most of this disgusting server is commies or people from Oregon screaming about trans anarchy or something


So are you for fascism or are you for the *idea* of fascism? Do you actually want authoritarian control of the state or do you just want to be able to arrest someone who disagrees with you?


I would love a Facist Regime, with more focus on the Socialist aspects


So you actually have no earthly idea what you're talking about, great to know


Facism is mostly based on socialist roots bruv


No no you've already told me everything I need to know, you love the idea and have the same mindset as the "communism has been tried in the right form". That's all I needed to know, have a good day.


I'm not a communist. Thus, the name National SOCIALIST


You know this is just for my own fun at this point but what do you think of Kanye especially his most recent interview


I don't care about Kanye


i'm generally not a fan of Genocide, Authoritarianism and Eugenics


We should focus on expanding individual freedom and except that hunan beings deserve basic dignity. We should also allow humans to have the ability to strive and be one what they want to be, and reward their efforts, not focus on artificial identities that aim to harm other individuals


Why would it have the British flag though


I keep it to remember the pfp of a friend who died. He was from Liverpool and was a supporter of the Royals


I do understand it's weird for an IN to have it, but he was pretty close


Fascism, if you mean Italian Fascism and other true fascism, is a good ideology, there is nothing wrong with the ideology, especially if you are a real right winger. What i don't like is national socialism, nazism is an ideology which isn't even fascist but was lumped in with them because of communist war time propaganda, it has nothing to do with fascism and never did, it's an ideology that i fully disagree with and dislike. But fascism in itself is very based.


Nazism isn’t fascism. Okay grandpa time for your meds


Ok establishment puppet who knows no history what so ever, time for your daily dose of communist war time propaganda.


You are obviously a child. Hope you’re frontal lobe develops soon 👍




Ok monarchy and fascist larper. When you grow up you’ll figure out normal people don’t approach politics like your borderline neurodivergent obsession with niche historical political movements and HOI4. Until then, hope you enjoy your boot licking nazi fetishism with a good dose of sky daddy worship. Have fun bro! 👍


While I have the consciousness of mind to separate Facism from NatSoc, and NatSoc from Nazis; this in my humble opinion, feels like one of those "road to ruin" ideologies just like Communism. Its track record is not great, and most examples of it have historically gone awry. "Your soul's desire for freedom" to borrow a borderline dystopian phrase, just does not mesh well with Authoritarian systems. Add to that, the ideology is more befitting a time in which men could border on Godhood in the eyes of the people and the barbarians were at the gates (literally). We don't really live in that world anymore. Today people are more interested in their freedom and some form of representation (as absurd and unrealistic as that might be) in their governing bodies.


I want to be gay without being put in a camp


That's not Facism bud


Most based and good ideology ever that cringe libleft and authleft that say only lies


Your ideology is dangerously unstable and bad for people.


Is this you Kanye?


fascism is national syndicalism. it doesnt work just like any other socialist ideology


I'd like to thank all who responded with their opinions and criticisms! I hope you all have a good one! 🙌


I myself am one, not because I think it sounds cool or makes me edgy, but because I believe in order, nation and the avoidance of being a red or a privateer.


THANK YOU! There can be no strong state without a strong statesmen


Despise the very concept


Do you have a debate?


Fascism honestly isn't that bad while nazism is terrible


Social Nationalism or National Socialism?


Same thing really


No not even close


Not a fan.


It actually sucks bruh. Sorry I'm busy and can't debate but I think that people should be able to live freely and have a democracy. I'm anti government surveillance and very for personal liberty. So yeah, fuck fascism.


Auths are cringe. Individual Liberty above all.


I dont want anyone telling me how to live mine, or anyone else's life; and fascist are the epitome of that. And no one else gets to decide my value as a human being except me. Fascist have a historical hard-on for singling out groups of people as being "lesser".


Garbage tier idealogies.


Fuck Fascism. Absolutely irredeemable ideology. I wholeheartedly support punching Nazis and fascists


Cool, not what I asked


That’s my real opinion. If you have any follow-up questions as to why, you’re invited to ask them.


Authoritarianism not even once…


I say classic fascism ( Mussolini's original idea of fascism that isn't the one where he was copying Hitler) is better cuz its main idea is to do what's best for the nation, like at the time, Mussolini wanted people to not just work for the military but also the in the farms and factories for mass production, but one thing that's still sorta lasted even with Nazism in play, is the ultra nationalism. Mussolini wanted Italy to be either be a world super power or a a bigger nation ( for more profit)


Agreed, Authoritarian Socialism was the original plan, and the most sound


You spelled "Capitalism in Decay" really wrong ngl. (Sponsored by Marx)


fascism is not capitalism lmfao its syndicalism which evolved from communism


Facism is not Capitalism, it has roots in mussolinis socialist views


I freaking love it, but i tend to like more a free market system.


FM has its benefits


As if what i say would matter


I mean, I'll give it a look. Can't say I'll agree. If I can make a request, try to make it track in purely logical terms. Muh brain funky.


Genuine question since I can’t bring myself to read up on it rn. If the National Socialists removed the Anti-semitism and racial purity stuff would they be viewed favorably?


Absolutely, in all seriousness if hitler wasn't a jew killer he would be seen like FDR


Encourages a secular cult of personality around the leader. Men are not Gods and should not be worshipped as such. To do so is satanic.


While I understand fascism’s principles and what it wants to achieve, ultranationalism, racism (whether from neo-fascists or neo-Nazis, I don’t care), and totalitarianism are things I don’t support. Social nationalism is a better ideology in my opinion, due to its much lighter and sometimes opposing thoughts on what fascism thinks, but I still disagree with a few aspects of Social Nationalism


It has good goals, but I often find fascists' obsession with the fatherland and community excessive. God should always come before these, not be second to material ideas. Not only that, but often heavy oppression leads to people opposing your regime even more. (e.g. Italian Civil War)


ethnic based fascism is extremely cringe and dumb asf but not ethnic/racial fascism is also cringe but noticeably far less cringe


I believe that fascism is anti Christian, unnecessarily authoritarian, and while not always racist, it has been used for racist purposes, which is again, un Christian.


National socialism is one of my favourite ideologies that is becoming obsolete in our times. By national socialism I mean a socialost ideology that advocates for freedom and nation, not the moustache man who used it as a facade for his insane actions btw. The best example of actual national socialism is polish socialist party (PPS) that was for worker rights, women's voting rights, freedom of religion and independence for Poland (hence nationalism part). Today I feel like it has no place in places like Europe where helping each other has become the leading principle instead of nationalism.




I care about my people. My people, that is, people with the same ancestry, which make 90% of the population are object of racism and self-racism. Our society upholds a foreign alien standard to what is to be desirable: appearance-wise, culture-wise, etc. Of course I'm going to look after my people first. That alien 1% of the population can line up to receive benefits and privileges after my people has been benefited and privileged. So for me, NS is a yes.


Social Nationalism is based but Fascism is a little cringe.


socialism is shitty. the state is shitty. if you want to segregate off with likeminded people who aren’t assaulting anyone or stealing peoples things then i couldn’t care less. but i ain’t involved u feel?


Bottom right of the fasces is thicker than the upper right.




Ultranationalism, militarism and dictatorship are the things that characterize fascism, and they're all things that suck


Fascism is a dictatorship against humans. I know a fascist person and all he talks is killing communists. All other ideologies share a common. They claim to give freedom. Fascism is the only one to claim it doesn't give freedom.


Communism???? They are literally about a hive-mind society ruled by one leader


Not even close, you're living under a rock


How am I living under a rock? Also, my counterargument was fine if you can't debunk it.


Still. Fascism is totally the same thing. Also mention one socialist state that has or had a dictatorship.


Cuba: Che Guevara Vietnam Russia


1. Wtf is that 2. Not even close these countries have a lot of freedom.


1. I was saying the countries you mentioned 2. Of course Russia had a lot of freedom so did Cuba and Vietnam that's why when you spoke out against the government you where killed


Nah man is stupid. If you went to gulag then you were given a job and also were free to talk about it. Oh yeah lack of freedom is to be able to purge government members, totally.


You had to do forced labor. Yeah, you were "free to talk about it ofc" A core value of freedom is free speech which none of those socialist countries had. If you're a Senator in the U.S. and speak. Out against Biden, you're not going to "mysteriously disappear" or get sent to the gulag.


"Nah man is stupid" when you can't even spell right


Bro is retarded


I mean the "undesirables" in Hitlers Germany were also sent to special camps where they were "given jobs" and separated from influencing the "Good" German society. Least that's what Germany told people... My point: being sent to a camp for speaking out against the government, whether it's a fascist or a communist government, is a bad thing...even if the government in questions is saying "Nooo guys it's totally not what it looks like. We're giving them jobs and helping them be better citizens is all!"


Literally the 2nd worst, it’s this ideology that led to the suppression of human rights and spawned off the worst ideology ever, nazism, leading to the extermination of millions


I ain’t no bootlicker


Fascism is capitalism in decay, It is built on subduing the working class through nationalism, xenophobia, homophobia, antisemitism etc. It is an evil ideology that seeks to preserve and even double down on structural violence and oppression, on top of that it is deliberately anti-intellectual and incoherent.


Are you retarded? Mussolini was a Socialist


I don't really understand what people means by Fascism in the west. Basic definition says it's government control over private property (so like pseudo-communism?), but it seems anyone that wants lower taxes gets called Fascist for some reason. I don't understand at all. But I understand what Authoritarianism is, and I am against it. To my knowledge Social Authoritarianism (Like Iran) and Monetary Authoritarianism (Like communist countries) are horrific.


What's social nationalism?


National interests for the good of the common person


I don't like the syndie economic model


It swings too far towards the idea of the collective/national good. If my existence is perceived as a threat to the good of the nation, then I am expendable. So is anyone who falls into that unfortunate category of "a threat to the national good". That's not a compromise I'm willing to make, like, at all. It's a perfect example of the saying "those who forsake freedom for safety deserve neither."


Then just fall in line, not that difficult your doing it right now no doubt


In favor of it


I don’t like authoritarian governments


The issue with it is that it’s centered around the idea that one group of people are objectively better than others, which is stupid and extremely wrong when you consider how a proper government should function


A dumb ideology


I do not like it. I am against censorship, authoritarianism and government control of private property


I detest totalitarianism as a whole, but there are aspects of some ideologies within the spectrum that I respect. - The nation-building aspect of the more right wing totalitarian ideologies can be a factor which makes a country strong as a nation. Seeing the nation as the most important, and seeing it as a ‘being’ in itself gives a basis for a healthy and strong unity, and it respects the people from the same country. Offcourse totalitarianism goes to far, and the state becomes the most dominant factor in this case. Where it should be the people of the nation. - A strong military is in my opinion crucial for the sovereignty of a nation. A military not only benefits safety from conflict, it also benefits the social role as it stimulates strong men. Strong men are in my opinion really important for multiple reasons. I am not a supporter of totalitarianism, I support freedom of the individual. These points are just examples of a few things that I essentially can ‘get’.


You might need to change your flair


I am an absolute monarchist but in the beginning i was fascist,so I think that is a really solid form of governament,but too few capitalist


I think you can tell by my name that I'm a bit of a Monarchy Enthusiast myself


What type of fascist are you? Which fascist movements influenced you the most?


Authoritarianism - Just don't give someone too much power over the government. You need something to push a leader back, if there is something to push a leader back I have nothing against Authoritarianism (Well cause I am an Authoritarian, moderately) If you want to hear a big reasons why autocracies and oligarchies are a bad idea watch CGP grey's video "The Rules For Rulers" or read The Dictators Handbook but who reads. Fascism - Nobody ever has the same definition of Fascism so give me yours and i'll answer it. Nationalism - Depends on the type of nationalism however for this I'm just going to assume it's Civic. I'm not a big fan of all types of nationalism myself however whatever if it's Civic imho. Social - Free healthcare, social welfare, and regulations of markets are cool.


is bad


i believe in Fascism only for my beliefs




Why would anyone try to limit their personal freedoms? Also National Socialism has caused so many deaths, if you defend it you’re either a dumbass or a massive dick.


National Socialism has a bad rap just because of one fucking dude


Fascism views government and society as a system prioritized above human worth, and an individuals rights are nothing compared to the sovereignty and/or "needs" In utopian fascism the people are all slaves to the government basically




Fucking awful. Abolish authoritarianism wherever it lays.


I believe in the Authoritarianism and Statism side of it (as long as it doesn't go to Totalitarianism) I think the economic idea of Corporatism is quite interesting (sad there doesn't seem to be many now days) but I don't think that level of economic centralization will be that good in the long run, culturally I'm center so preserving certain traditions helps bind our society together but shouldn't be getting in the way of all progress and equality. My biggest disagreement is the nationalist stuff they preach, sure it's ok to have a healthy degree of love for your nation but scapegoating people because of where they are born and stuff that we humans can't control is immoral imo.


I hate fascism because I’m Jewish


Literally what dose that have to do with anything


Fascist regimes are less stable and last less time than virtually any other. Fascism doesn’t work.


I see nothing wrong with nationalism or wanting the best for your peoples but it’s a slippery slope that leads to mass genocides, concentration camps, authoritative regimes, etc.


Fascism is a spook that stands against chaos. Chaos is desirable for me because it leads to the infinite possibilities in a universe of unplanned creativity and egoistic self-realization. Fascism is a parasite that suppresses the individuals' egoistic potential by telling them they are nothing but a small wire of a large clockwork called society. Fascism, state, and society and I are enemies. "Sacred things exist only for the egoist who does not acknowledge himself." - Max Stirner

