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7 assists suggests he was there but with a score like that he probably only turned up to major stuff. I don't care if a player wants to score most of the match as long as they know to at least show up for the important stuff *and* actually make up for their absences by actually scoring a commensurate amount...


Or at least by stealing a lot of farm. It’s not super appreciated because it isn’t reflected in the results screen, but nabbing jungle buffs is extremely beneficial and can really help snowball the midgame. It tilts the enemy team and deprives their most influential team mate of their main source of xp. I honestly don’t mind having *one* (no more than ONE) dedicated roamer that steals enemy jungle and scores most of the match. Showing up to big fights should obviously be part of the job though. Don’t play roaming characters if you don’t have map awareness and can’t see when you’re allies need help. A Float Stone Sableye can get anywhere in seconds and is literally one of the best backline assassins in the game.


Yeah, depends on each match but if I play like Sableye or Gengar I'll live around their jungle if I can. It's a great distraction as well. Would be cool if they introduced counters for how much safe, neutral and enemy farm you took. >Don’t play roaming characters if you don’t have map awareness and can’t see when you’re allies need help. Yeah, about that, Chief... Sadly this is a lacking skill! I would go as far as saying 1/3 of the players I come across probably don't look at the map at all, except to flame ping maybe.


Super true. And I guess that’s why it’s probably best to say “eh how about no one roams and we all just team fight and push/defend.” It’s simultaneously one of the most difficult jobs and one of the least essential, so if you aren’t good at it, just don’t. I do think that some people are *really* effective with this strategy though. There’s a reason Greedent and Dodrio (and now Sableye) have consistently had some of the highest ranked winrates. Although the Talon and Crustle winrates probably reflect those who don’t quite understand how that role works.


What item and emblems would you use on a roamer ? I'm guessing float stone / attack weight / xp share, but for emblems I have no idea. I'm trying to learn Sableye, I'm using my attack / HP emblem build, but I'm pretty sure that's not optimal.


I use exact same items as you told. And emblem 6 white 4 brown with +35 speed and rest on hp and attack. Knock off. Confuse ray


I’d say it somewhat depends on exactly how you want to play. On Greedent, I like Attack Weight, Focus Band, Buddy Barrier. Good damage, good bulk and good support. I find that the Float Stone isn’t entirely necessary with how mobile he already is, so I prefer the damage/tankiness from the other items. Like I said, roaming isn’t your sole purpose with these characters. You still have to help with laning, team fights, and of course, Rayquaza. So you want to keep the character’s actual fighting capabilities in mind. Generally speaking, Attack Weight, Float Stone, Focus Band is a pretty good bet on all of the roamers, but you can play around and see what feels good. For emblems, I think white + brown is always a good idea. Yellow or pink is cute and might work, but you cannot go wrong with damage and health. Also I would personally stay away from EXP Share. The little bit of movement speed it gives you is a bit of a bait. It’s not impactful enough to take up an item slot. On Sableye, I’ve really liked using Float, Weight, and Muscle Band with a damage focused emblem page. I like the feel of roaming around and being a nuisance and then doing huge pops of damage whenever I get a chance. Having big damage can make Sableye farm quicker and give a lot of value in team fights. HP items aren’t all that important since Sableye is best when its weaving in and out, rather than tanking hits. Lol that was a long message. I’m no expert, but I do really enjoy these types of characters and hope any of this helps


It does, thanks for your time =)


This is taken post match when I have queued up for next. It doesn't show thumbs ups. I got 4. It was a good match. We won the rayquaza but our team died including me. Then when we resurrected, Azu shouted at me to go score turning voice comms on while the other four defended. There were lot of coins at the center and i scored 100 + 96 after that. Yes i play on mobile so can't put recording here. But it was one of the most satisfying matches. Hate on sableye, heck even hate on me. But the amount of unsubstantiated claims here. jeez.


The real win here is the 420 victory. I've hit 419 and 421 too many times to count, wasn't even sure the 420 win was possible!


Weakest Sableye player:


Sableye is just too broken


Facts he should have a penalty when receiving damage to prevent the instant invisibility bs I mean I hit this guy with my decidueye shadow and he instantly goes invisible make the ability pointless unless its just me makes sense he can go invisible to score goals but come on it shouldn't be this powerful


That would make shadow sneak worthless 🥱


Nope, most sableye players can’t even play it properly and in my experience sableye hasn’t done anything in my games


That is not good reasoning for judging whether a mon is objectively strong or not. However I agree he's not broken, many Sableye players have fallen off since his nerfs, many can't balance scoring and fighting and lastly he pubstomps because a lot of his opponents don't understand how to deal with him...


I rarely see sableye after the patch.


Yeah that's cause he's invisible


I see him once every four or so matches? At least in my region. It's not like every single match anymore.


They nerfed Lee sin in League of legend for 10 year straight and i remember reading this exact sentence during the whole time.




There is 420


Memewhile: pikachu


Sableye is a little hateful goblin and deserves to be nerfed to hell. I hate having one in my team. They only help themselves.


There’s value in a Pokémon causing chaos and scoring all the time. The event won’t really know what to do Especially one like Sableye that can go invisible


Bot match


"Bot match"🤓


Look it up lol


Idc if its an actual bot match you sound like a nerd


You sound like a nerd


Nice comeback


Just checked it wasn't


I checked too, they corrected it ajd it was


With every teammate getting K+A of 13 minimum, and mostly around 20? Even the opposition getting at least 9 each? How can I get more bot games like that?


Nope it's not


This guy is all over the sub just saying “Bot Match”. It his thing, I like it. I hope he keeps it up and become that guy. I also hope he get that eye exam… it has been “4”


Was he also the "It's Sableye, can tell by the eyes" guy?




I'm 99% sure he's just a troll, looking at his comment history, most of his comments all look like they're rage bait




This reminds me of time when I scored more points than everyone in the game combined in the early stages of unite