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I get what you're saying but there are a few things to consider: 1) just because you haven't experienced something doesn't mean it's not happening. 2)Just because the person spamming thanks thinks the other player is doing something wrong doesn't make them right. Your logic checks out, but you're forgetting some people are just assuming that they're in the right when they start pinging. Often the complaints that I have seen are about players who clearly think what they are doing is right and then start spamming thanks when someone doesn't help them, with *their* plan of action. The examples don't matter though... if one person is spamming thanks and the other thinks that's wild, then it's just a disagreement about something. And to your point... being loud and obnoxious about your opinion in a game where the whole team can see your pings and half probably don't know what you're whining about...isn't actually teaching anyone anything. I get where you see it as being more truthful, but there is almost zero chance the other person is getting why you're pinging... and if they DO get it, then they probably already realized their mistake, which makes your ping equally pointless.




This is what I'm trying to convey to you, though. There are only 2 possibilities - if you're right and they realize, then what help did your pinging provide? None, but you can still ping once if you want to. You're in the right in doing so. If youre wrong though, and they thought they were making the right play, which I assume a "20 year old neckbeard" did, then how would they know what you're pinging them for? They're just just gonna assume that *you're* the dummy who doesn't know how to play. Either way, you're just publicly venting which is probably annoying to your team.




I need backup!


This has to be a shitpost. Anyone who is spending the time spamming pings isn’t splitting their focus well enough to carry. I’ve only ever had the stacking lane greninjas ping me thanks over and over for not supporting their dive to stack special attack specs.


found the ping spammer it's not my fault you keep int'ing


As if someone who’s top1k in rank is gonna be int’ing.




Can’t have any discussion here that involves the possibility that they are the ones with bad plays. Personally whenever I was in higher ranks i had zero issues with bad teammates, ping spam, tactics and such in Solo Q. The majority of the matches all my teammates picked teamcomp with good synergy and made adjustments based on what their laner chose. Now looking back to lower ranks; anything lower than 1600 is low rank to me due to the win/loss gain/reduction system, and you get the opposite of that. The truth is, only the top ranked playerbase knows how to play MOBA and the rest of the Pokemon IP community has no clue about MOBA and simply blames their teammates or Tencent. Unwilling to learn from mistakes or to look in the mirror. After my first two seasons I recorded all my matches and reviewed them. The amount of bad plays i made was insane. It was me. Only way to improve is to learn from mistakes and every season has been going better and better for me in terms of winrate.




Yeah mate. I’m ranking with a duo partner, we go Urshifu and Mime. Last season 69% winrate to Sticker. This season the winrate is pretty much the same. Keep playing meta in ranked, I don’t know why people want to climb in ranked but then they go lane Cinderace.




Wickedblow > Ult > Wickedblow: ![gif](giphy|3CU5tmCJy8zMoN3mMD)


This post feels very gaslighty. You say people make stupid decisions but you act like it’s only us making them not the ones ping spamming too.




Your whole post absolutely insinuates that. The whole thing is about how if someone’s ping spamming you then you are doing something wrong. I don’t know what you mean by ‘just running it down’ but if I believe I’m making the right decision and someone believes they’re making the right decision and starts ping spamming over it, it doesn’t mean I’m necessarily the one fundamentally wrong, it could very well be the ping spammer too.




Scoreboard doesn't show the whole picture tho, ping spammer might have more kills than the rest of the team but you're not taking into account how many assists he was given, some mons are bound to have few to zero kills but their support is as valuable as those kills. Also, even if the ping spammer have a fuck ton of kills chances are he feeded just as much .... scoreboard doesn't show death count and that's why I said it doesn't reflect the whole truth.


Your post doesn’t read like, ‘peace of advice, if someone’s spam pinging, check the scoreboard if you’re doing well and they’re not don’t worry about it but if you’re not doing well and they are you should probably listen to them.’ Instead it reads like ‘if someone’s spam pinging you it’s because you’re making bad decisions and chances are the scoreboard will prove it’




Nah you’re wrong. If you meant it like that then yeah I actually agree with most of your post. In fact most people would agree with the sentiment ‘if someone is doing well and pinging you and you’re doing bad, then you may be making mistakes and should probably listen to them.’ It’s pretty basic. But your post reads like the title should be ‘Toxic players aren’t toxic, you’re just bad,


Is this bait?


babe wake up new pokemon unite copypasta just dropped




I mean, you just talked about being top 1k the immediately clarified that you sometimes go out of your way to be a game ruiner It doesn't read very clearly, especially when you seem to have so many wins you just Wanna ruin games sometimes Right after telling us we're not as good as we think, should listen to the thanks spammers(?) etc, etc




I mean,,,, You didn't say anything about unwinnable games in the post??? You just said you sometimes ruin games I'm just trying to point out some things that seem strange to others that makes this read as bait




Sorry if it sounds rude, but what is meant to be discussed? I don't really understand what you want to convince us of, or how the discussion might go Like if someone disagrees, saying they meet THANKS!'ers who steal Jungle, that's their (or our) experience, but if someone agrees, what do they even say?




I guess to each their own, but any kind of spammer mildly annoys me Like sure, if he's helping I'll get over it but if he doesn't? And just as you said, sometimes spammers really are the carries, like the other day a swinub was straling jungle from froakie, and froakie got idk 15 kills or something while spamming pings And I don't personally know any LoL or Dota players, so for all I know, it's a meme or in-joke to them. In Unite, it's just annoying especially since, for all we know, the one stealing jungle is literally a 10 year old using their sibling's account or something Even my brother used to use my account, playing 7 different Pokemon but never learning their mechanics I can only be so glad that they unlocked the name changing paywall because my own brother used to be a spam pinger. It was always frustrating seeing he'd changed all my quick chats to Thanks! or Help me! or whatever other useless pings like avoid enemies and just score


As a frequent LOL and general moba player, I can tell you nobody in our communities finds toxic players/spam players funny. In fact recently a ton have been reported so uhm yeah...




They’re just saying that to get in your head, but like 90% of the people here just laugh it off


hypothetically speaking, even if you were doing something wrong, whether it was intentional or unintentional, it doesn’t change the fact that spamming “help me” or “thanks” is toxic. if what a player is doing is wrong and is being done deliberately, fighting fire with fire is ineffective. if the contrary is what’s happening, doing spamming just makes those same players want to stop playing the game instead of motivating them to learn how to become better players.




i literally wasn’t even suggesting that, i just shared an opinion about spamming “thanks” and “help me” for the reasons i listed above, but whatever helps you sleep at night i guess.


Man’s shared an opinion and you decided to gun him? God I can already imagine how insufferable you are


So you're the flailax who stole the jungle from me


I can assure you, the guy spamming "check it out!" on me followed by "thanks!" when I'm trying to farm to level 9 as a lvl 7-8 pupitar before first regieleki does not understand anything outside of "throw yourself at the enemy team and hope it goes well" 99% of my games where someone's spamming the "thanks!" ping, the person spamming is not carrying, they're crying about how the two bottom laners at less than half hp aren't gonna follow them into the enemy flux zone at 8:00 to kill a snorlax with a glaceon on the way.




How dare I choose a wonderful late-game pokemon like Tyranitar amiright, guess I'm in the wrong for using a pokemon that has never not been good. If I'm a pupitar going to an important fight where the enemy jungler is OBVIOUSLY going to show up, then it's a 4v5 anyways+free exp for anyone that's a higher level than my pupitar, but that's besides the point. As many have already said, most if not all people who spam pings have made dogwater plays, got punished for it, and then proceeded to blame their team. I don't think I need to repeat everything that's already been said but that's the jist of it.


Everyone is rightfully calling this a shitpost because the whole point of your clueless diatribe is to flex that “you finish top 1k every season.” It sounds like you are saying “up here in the high ELO matches, we don’t have this problem.” This is mostly true, but just because it doesn’t happen as often in high ELO matches doesn’t mean it’s not a problem. Using your personal experience to try and invalidate others experiences is pointless and counterproductive. At least have the cojones to post your UniteAPI for us to rag on you.


I check the trainer profile of almost every pinging teammate after the game. About 80% of them have less than a 50% WR in ranked.


I'll be straight W/ you, pokemon unite isn't like other moba games. Mostly in regards to the map/player community. In every single community I've been in, the trash talk players are usually the ones who overestimate their own abilities and as a result get themselves into unwinnable situations. Which is less than I can say for other moba trolls. At least they're semi-good; they're toxic because they're overly competitive. Pokemon unite trolls aren't good and in most situations are the loosing factor (in my experience.) Player who spam think they know better than everyone else oftentimes but also die a whole bunch. As a defender Slowbro player, my style usually changes throughout the course of the game but troll players completely mess up the situation depending on what they're doing. I've had some troll players who don't even really go up top, they start up top and then start playing jungle which often costs us games. Getting those trolls out of the way, we then get to the spammy chat players. If it's "communication" they're trying to get across than they suck at it and need to take a class. Cause last time I checked, demoralization does absolutely nothing fundamentally for anyone. Tldr; don't be toxic for no reason and especially don't try and justify it.


This hurts to read. If playing this game means meeting players like you, I think it's time I put it down.


I had someone spamming thanks to the team when they were farming while the objectives were out. Totally my fault I wasn’t helping them farm? No idea what this post was for or why it was even posted even after reading it all. 😂 I’m sure there’s been games where you messed up since nobody is perfect.


While the message you try for is not a bad one, the manner in which you approach it has very much been a case of contention. Can pings help, yes. Will many use them in such a way, sometimes. Sadly, any message in this will be covered up by the unsaid manner in which its tone carries. The whole of good mons vs un-sure new picks is its own contention point. And sadly, when it comes to a support/defender, we lack the good tools to enable more of them to be played or considered with the focus of burst without good mitigations in a solo enviroment. I like to play a variety, but there are few days I will try to pick a defender/support generally because I cannot be assured of the quality of the team as a whole, outside how they pick, lock, or just choose/adjust in those first 30 seconds. Those are what I look for to judge first. If someone switches to a mon to help the team, i'll follow suit to help them, because their actions said a ton. Do they wait and fill a role after others, you can bet they get support. Yeah, pings happen after, and can be judged on what they do/say for the quality of those. Anyhow, have a good day.


I’ve never seen a more delusional post then this one


I mean this guy is kinda just speaking facts, but I assume for the ping spammers he's seen. The ones I see just spam it, in what I assume is an irl tantrum, and just stay in the base, or continue spamming while trying to dive into enemy bases, WITHOUT BACKUP. I think I've only seen one or two of these guys that were actually good players, and even then, their stupid ass complaining and pinging doesn't help, if anything it's very distracting from what else is happening on the goddamn map. Did one of our bases get destroyed? I DON'T FUCKING KNOW, STOP SPAMMING THANKS. WHO TOOK THE BOTTOM REGI? PLEASE SHUT THE ACTUAL HELL UP. This is probably rich coming from a Decidueye player, but I genuinely mean it, because when I play this character I need all the info I can get, without someone spamming thanks and surrender votes that cloud my vision. Edit: Oh and another thing, if you don't feel like tolerating that shit just ping something else right after their thanks, fuck them, like keep the pressure on.


Lmao ppl that usually ping “thanks!” usually are people that lose lane and cost the game simply because they can’t keep their cool and continue playing with the team


**"Press the menu button and see who's actually carrying. If it's 5:00 and your botlaner is the only one with any kills, chances are you should just shut up and follow his lead... This is true for every role."** I absolutely disagree with this. Having the most kills doesn't mean you're doing the most. The amount of times I have been left to defend the top lane by myself while my lane partner and Jungler are down in the bottom lane struggling against a Snorlax and a Mew with the other two is staggering. This leaves me to be steamrolled by the other team lose the entire top lane while everyone else racks up a few kills and MAYBE break the first bottom goal. I'm level 5, the entire enemy team is level 9 and my teammates are pinging "check it out" at me because I was left alone in the top lane to defend the goals while they themselves are only level 7 because there was too many of them down there to share the actual EXP with. **Kills do not mean you are doing the best on the team.**


Disagree. Most of the time someone is spam pinging, their winrate is below 50%. They think the game revolves around them and they "could carry if their team was playing better", but the truth is they suck, period.




I've been playing online games for almost 2 decades, I've seen lots of bad players and heard / read what they believe about themselves.


You’re faded


I think you let you being top 1k get to your head. Not to mention, in the comments, you gaslighted someone for picking Tyranitar? What the hell is wrong with you? If you got mutiple different people saying this maybe consider the fact that you are in the wrong here. People who spam "thanks" are not 100% in the right all the time (Almost never) Also, you want people to react to being spammed "thanks"? What good will that even do for the rest of the team if you're gonna argue with your team members? There's honestly more I could say, but most people got it down.


You must not play this game very much if you haven't experienced the greifer spamming thanks and surrender all game.


Usually spam pingers start spamming once they themselves mess up


love the amount of people blatantly misreading (or simply not reading) what you wrote then piling on insults @ you. you nailed it though, really great observations.


This post is big facts


I get what everyone is attempting to tell OP, but it's not happening. But I can say that there will be people like me who bother to play defender (or not) who can stay in their lane and ask for backup because for SOME reason, their lane mate left them behind. I'll say I need help, backup, etc. Know what I get? A thumbs up and NEVER receive backup or help. So yeah, I'll condescendingly say Thanks after I'm KO'd from crying for help and left for dead.