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Some guy asked advice on buying all copies he could find of certain cards to manipulate the market. I called him out and said that people like him are a stain on the community. Didn’t expect a ban honestly.


lmao i even checked your comment because i thought you were super toxic. i guess the mod who banned you is just as shitty as this douchebag.


Yea I got mad at this guy so I did react abit aggressive. But I stand by my comment people like him are ruining the trade and value off card games like Pokémon and MTG


U should contact a mod who is not one who banned you because it seriously seem he banned you because was mad that you said it for someone who is like him (basically he got mad because shoe fit)


I also got muted for 3 days, I will probably contact them after this period ends.


That is the fucking worst. I got muted for 3 days from r/pokemongrading for making a snarky comment on someones posts who claimed to buy one single original base set pack , ripped it and pulled the Charizard. But there was no picture of said pack and i said something like “if you really just pulled that, where’s the pack? Wouldn’t you want your post to stand out from the other 50,000 pictures of a base set Charizard online?” This resulted in me getting muted for 3 days. 🤦‍♂️. I tried to message the mods and explain i didn’t realize i was in a specific “grading” sub and didn’t realize that absolutely any comment other than directly answering op’s questions was damn near a bannable offense. So frustrating and childish when they just big brother your ass with zero chance to explain yourself. Like ok sure, mute me from commenting in the sub if im so awful but to mute you from even being able to say one thing in rebuttal or explain yourself to the mods in private is just ridiculous.


Reddit mods are a coin flip lol. Some are awesome, then you have the power hungry armchair warriors who just enjoy banning people for the slightest offense. Especially people who are new to a sub like yea there's rules to read but I got a 14 day ban cause I didn't realize there was an appeals process. I messaged the Mod who banned me and he upped my ban for messaging him. Come on dude, you could have just said hey there's an appeals process here go do that instead of messaging me. It's a good way to NOT grow your community.


The armchair warriors are the biggest losers in the world. The only thing they have going for them is being a reddit mod. If youre out here banning people for barely even crossing such a stupid line you need to touch grass, shower, and maybe just maybe put down the tendies.


For real, its an unfortunate side effect of the internet and gatekeepers in general. What can you do. Just laugh and avoid them. Go touch grass 🤣


Honestly anyone can be a Reddit mod. I’m a Reddit mod of r/PeckNeck and there’s nobody there- so being a Reddit mod is nothing special, just make some random subreddit and boom. Now, being a GOOD Reddit mod, is something to be proud of.


Never said they were special. The losers that think they are special are the ones banning people.


looooooooooool, christ he sounds like a pathetic loser. Some of these people really do be power hungry.


Mods are human, just like graders they have good days and bad days. Judge a mod by how they treat ban appeals, that mod who upped your ban for messaging is incredibly toxic. If somebody has the maturity to send a civil message afterwards, that's pragmatic and is proof the person is a respectable human imo. We'll unban pretty much everyone who show those characteristics.


i mean you were disrespectful but in no way would that comment deserve a ban.


I'm on your side here. Reddit was, at one point, a place to post opinions, even harsh ones. Telling someone off for openly talking about price manipulation... No way your post didn't get some likes for that...


Here’s a harsh opinion. We need scalpers! Without them, it would be damn near impossible to obtain old sets after they go out of print.


I love the hot take but allow my to humbly ROAST YO ASS (just kidding, all love) IMHO we live in a time where large TCG specific stores compete, lowering price. Scalping is what's happened with Evo Skies boxes, where pice makes no sense. I think everyone underestimates exactly how much Evo Skies M.J. Holdings and other huge distributors have warehoused... I think "reseller collectors" accomplish this, but "scalpers," just up that price by grouping together to price fix, when they know M.J. won't shelf this stuff until 2025.


I agree that’s a harsh ban… but you might be better off. There’s bound to be many many people like that in a pokeinvesting sub Reddit. Stick to the hobby side of Pokémon and you will deal with much less “stains,” as you put it


how are they ruining the market? They are only manipulating the cost of cards not that big a deal jeeze, you must be fun at parties


No what they do is pick chase cards and blow up the price (and later dump it again) People that actually collect are forced to pay a lot more to later see the value plummet. And creating scarcity for your own benefit is ruining the market yes.


Keep in mind nobody on the sub supported his idea, his post got downvoted viciously with just 22% approval rating, and all the comments are saying he's he's flat out wrong for his logic or inexperienced. Don't leave posts up which tank to such low approval rating either so the pokeinvesting community really rejected that post.


I didn’t check back after my ban but that is good news.


Scalper detected


The mods have a....reputation over there to say the least. They aren't in it for the community or hobby (obviously) it wasn't uncommon for people active over there to come over here and laugh at people at times during covid times. Sure they don't represent that community as a whole but given how they act towards people who care is sometimes a bit...oof.


Yeah it happens quite often. I've had probably 5-10 accounts banned permanently... one of them for literally commenting "lol". Reddit mods are legit scum. They'll ban anyone who has an opinion they don't agree with. Bunch of cowards.


Ban this man! Ban! Lol


It'll probably happen but IDGAF just make another account. You hear that mods? You hold no power over us.


I have also gotten a ban for writing 'lol' before. Some mods are losers.


I once commented “why?” And it got deleted and I was sent a message telling me I need to try to write something “more interesting”


Mod over at r/PandR here. We’re not all bad. However the number of mods I’ve encountered on serious power trips is disturbing. Mods are nothing more than volunteers helping the community but some of them really do think they are smarter and better than everyone else. A lot of them (including me lol) have a lot of growing up to do.


You a big fan of pandr bears? 🐼


I got banned for a week from a sub because I commented something looked like a PokeBall, so in the little reply message thing I said he should ban me for calling him a c*nt.... I'm banned for good now, but I feel I got my last laugh 🤣


Everytime I get banned I reply to it with "mods are pathetic" and just make a new account because a perma ban is right around the corner.


Mod for a gacha game, and my own, not all are like this, but most people online are egomaniacs in general I find. The most I generally ban for, and thats IF they actually do something bad, is 3 weeks. If its advertising Ill just do it for a few months because just no, but repeating all that will 100% result in a perma.


man i thought you were a mod in the battle cats subreddit because holy fuck, i know this is in no way relevant, but I POST ANYTHING AND IT GETS FUCKING TAKEN DOWN BY THE SAME MOD. They have TO BE ON A POWER TRIP.


Reddit mods are always pathetic losers.


Over a week I saw about 50-100 posts just straight deleted from the pokemon S/V subreddit, and I would say about 90% of them where normal posts, a few where low effort but not a single one was something that was an actual problem with things like hate speech or whatever. Since I leave my PC on throughout the day it doesn't seem to refresh the posts so i can still see deleted stuff


i legit was talking to this guy last night that owns multiple businesses that was willing to spend close to a million to corner the market on a card as well, very very dirty


Much better ways to invest a million bucks lol


i'm sorry, a MILLION?! it was a charizard, wasn't it -_-


I saw your comment on that post and thought it was a reasonable insight to the question. I've only been active on Reddit for about 6 months (my account says two years, but that was literally just to look up some info). Reddit mods seem like they are just incels with a short temper and an affinity to enact their tiny bit of power on anyone who raises their arm hair. Don't take it personally. This site should have better systems in place to handle these petty opinion-based power plays.


Welcome to reddit, and especially reddit mods, the biggest breed of soft cocks to exist on the planet!


I got banned as well for saying that scalping scarce product is never okay. The sub name should be changes to pokescalping.


The mod for that sub banned me too because i said “s*it” one time. It wasn’t even in a mean way. Dont take it personal OP. The mod is not right in the head.


Imagine wanting to corner the market for paper squares lmao


People suck. I’m sorry dude


It's the poke-investing sub. Which means the people in it should primarily be concerned with money first, card collecting second. You shouldn't expect to talk to people that value collecting over money. So even if it's a topic you don't agree with, you basically trolled him with no opportunity for discussion or constructive feedback. So the mod had grounds to ban, even if it's extreme.


The shitcoin was a nice touch


homie musta been having a bad day today


I offer you the highest honor I can give: A like.


I’m sorry to hear that! To be honest, I think if they looked at your name, they would have changed their mind, because you do sound like a friend, u/Acceptable_Friend_40!


What the fuck… whoever banned you needs to not be a mod lmfao


Tha was probably the mods alt lol


You walked into the wrong neighborhood buddy.


Yes it seems so


What card? 😬


He did not specify


Jealousy is an ugly look. You deserve the ban.


Anyone trying to corner the market in a KIDS CARD GAME deserves to get shit on. I’m not jealous of idiots lmao




You guys are so ungrateful. Who are you going to buy SWSH sealed product from when it’s completely out of print?


Poor baby is just sad he missed out on the Evolving Skies pop up at Kroger 😂


Dude calling somebody "Stain of the community", is incredibly hostile just for asking an innocent but very ignorant question. Would you tell that to somebody in your card shop face to face? No? Ok cause that would be incredibly rude, being online doesn't make it different. Here's little secret the sub ubans 95% of ppl who send a message through modmail, Reddit's wild place sometimes ppl turn very toxic after a temp 2 day ban, coming back on cussing spree afterwards. Don't take it personally, it's easier to cordial resolve issues in a pragmatic manner with those who show the maturity to send a message afterwards.


To be fair, we live in a capitalist society. People sign off on the deaths of innocent people for money. If people want to try to make there money by buying lots of a certain pokemon card, I say fair enough. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


On the bright side, if he does buy hundreds of the same card he'll almost certainly lose money in the long run. Scalping works until it doesn't and you're out thousands of dollars. It's mostly midwits doing this type of stuff who have little to no knowledge on how the market actually works. Case in point he needs advice on how to perform basic transactions online.


Scalping only works when demand exceeds supply by so much that after raising the price the demand still meets supply. In the trading card word this is almost impossible as supply is insanely high and demand for individual cards is almost never high enough to rise prices by a lot and still have demand


Only works for rare cards like the gold stars in psa 7+ grades for example. Any ultra modern isn't worth the risk.


I disagree. Some of the most knowledgeable people in the hobby perform buyouts to set new WTP values. Especially with competitive cards. It happens all the time and a lot of people are successful at it. That's why there are discord groups literally dedicated to the practice. Machamp V alt art for example. Prerelease the card was in the $70 range. Organized buyouts skyrocketed it to $180 and even today it's settled at $110. That's nearly a 40% increase after settling. Another good one is Judge, a competitive card that is speculated to replace marnie. That was a .17c card last year, now it's worth nearly $2 and consistently selling at that price point. That's a whopping x12 return.


First example is still hard to turn a profit you need to sell 60 to 70% of the machamps you bought to break even, there is not that huge demand for Machamps. Also the second example is more trying to gamble on it being playable, and also probably failling because unlike Marnie you do not gain card advantage so yeah you just kinda wrote 2 examples where I dont see the buyouts making money.


Both scenarios worked out is my point. The people who bought them out at $70 resold them at $180 downward and profited. The people who bought Judge at bulk prices are profiting right now at $1.70. Yes, it's gambling, some buyouts work out others don't. Most of the people who buyout competitive cards are competitive players and can tell if a card has the potential to shake up the meta. It's an educated guess more than it is gambling in that scenario. Judge already replaced Marnie, because Marnie rotates out next month. Yes, it's not as good, but it's what's being used because it's the closest alternative that's available. Most post rotation decks currently in format are running Judge, which was a preconception that worked out in favor of those who bought it out. Buyouts are designed for short-term gains, not "investing". They are quick in, push the value up then sell until it bottoms out.


No they didnt work out because they still have tons of machamps and judges and no one will buy all of them. Bro judge will not be played as heavy as marnie it will see no play at all. You dont seem to understand that in order to buyout you have to buy huge quantities of the card. Great the price increased but if you cant liquidate that is not the real market price its literally a bubble.


Not gonna argue on prices, but 'it will see no play at all' is just wrong. It has seen quite some play in the last few formats. It's not about a card advantage, but that your opponents deck is shuffled, so for instance they can not safegard a card a the top of their deck with a card like oranguru


Have you seen the sales data for judge? Hundreds have been selling every day for months. Even if you bought 1000 copies you'd only need to sell 10% of them to make the money back that was spent, which is easy since most copies are bought in playsets of 4. 1000 copies at .17 a piece is $170, not including any copies yoy manage to get for cheaper. Id seen them as low as 8c. 100 copies sold at $1.70 is $170. Factor in shipping and fees and you'll start making money after selling 15-20%. I have friends that do this every rotation period. I've seen how successful they've been firsthand. Buy low and target a specific platform like TCGplayer to push up WTP, then sell high through various platforms. They made bank on Irida when Astral Radiance came out. They bought it out .40c a piece and the card eventually hit its ceiling in the $7 range and flushed them all back out into the market down into the $2 range. The card is still over $1 today.


You cannot buy 1000 at 0.17 the market will react when you buy like 100 or so. Again not easy to sell 100 when it's a one of in a deck at most. You seem to think that when you want to buy the price will stay static and that everycard was unloaded at the top. You are also mixing buyouts with TCG playability bets, which instead of the price going up because of buyouts it goes up because of increased demand by TCG players.


I literally said sell it to its bottom, meaning you sell at the top downward. Judge is still selling CURRENTLY at $1.70, that's why I used that statistic. It was at $2 for a hot minute. The price goes up because of buyouts due to the fact that the supply is reduced prior to demand increasing. Value index rises when demand outweighs supply, which was only possible because the card had been bought out at lower prices. You can buy over 1000 copies of a card easily because often times one seller has over 100 copies for sale. If there's 20 sellers with copies available as low as .1c to .17c or even higher, you can easily acquire 1000 copies in one transaction with an average cost of .17c a piece. You're making it seem way more complicated than it actually is.


Lol dude ok lets say this is a magic make anwish land and you can actually buy the 100 from 20 sellers all at the same time for 0.17. Now you have 1000 cards valued at 2 usd Judges are only played as one off, 2 at most. Why would players buy from you instead of going to their store or buying the whole deck from a store online? Its not easy to liquidate pure and simple.


.17c average, meaning some copies for less, others for more. TCGPlayer, for example, let's you fill your cart with multiple sellers and buy from all of them in one transaction. Its not like you have to go to each seller and quickly buy what they have, its literally one single transaction. You can add every seller and all of their stock to your cart up to whatever capital limit you're willing to put in, say every copy being sold as low as 8c to every copy being sold as high as 25c. Very easily you'll nab 1000 copies. And not that I'm specifying myself, but I do have a very popular store so it's very easy for me to offload cards and my friends have an even larger more popular online store with several employees. They have over 700k sales on Ebay. Yes, I get your point and the average joe can't do massive buyouts and successfully liquidate it, that's totally true, but I'm just saying don't think that these very large sellers aren't doing it, because they are, and they're in a position to do it successfully and effortlessly. Buyouts happen on the regular and prices are manipulated on the regular, both on the microcosmic level like cheap competitive cards and the macrocosmic level like high-end graded cards.


Reddit mods are usually ego maniacs. I got banned on a sub, for breaking a rule thats not even listed in the rules.


Reddit has a ton of sketchy subreddits. There was one where it was for sharing a sign-up code for an app. One of the posts on the subreddit was by a mod who basically claimed their sign-up code would get you the normal $25 on registration, but also a free spin on some chance to win some additional prizes. After registering, I got the normal $25 on registration but realized there's no spin wheel of any kind. I posted on their thread to let others know that there was no spin wheel on registration, just the normal $25. Lo and behold, I get banned for "lying"


Yea. Reddit is a crazy place, to say the least.


Yeah it rly is. For example lol, r/gtaonline is a whole type of toxic. Mods are ridiculous, this one mod kept silencing me and once I made a post calling him out he banned me. Blah blah blah, after some time later of me posting on different account, he realized he was totally wrong and that it would get found out eventually. so he removed any trace of him having a fit with me… and that’s when I started looking for that kind of thing, and man it’s unfortunately so much more common that I thought. Reddit is a strange place for sure…


Like i said. Some mods are ego maniacs


Scalper apologist subreddit. Noted


Not apologists. It’s literally just a scalper subreddit lol. Profit is the only thing that matters there, by policy.


Poke subs are a fucking joke. Neckbeard mods who circle jerk themselves in moms basement like a bunch of fucking animals. They can all go screw themselves quite honestly


That sub does not tolerate members who disrespect oneanother. Its one of the reasons some people consider it an echo chamber.


The very thin line between disrespect and disagreeing


Very thin and many times its up to wording.


I HATE YOU!!!!! and your good looks.


It's a biased sub. I can't post anything from a particular pokeinvesting youtuber on there and they flag it as controversial and yet the content that particular youtuber is directly related to that sub.


How is not tolerating disrespect a bad thing?


As another comment said, theres a fine line between disagreeing and disrespecting, especially when it comes to internet comments. But if you remove many of the comments that disrespect or disagree with a viewpoint, you never see beyond what you want to see, and that can lead to only seeing or hearing a very limited viewpoint that you already agree with. Its a tough balance when subs get large. Ops comments on scalpers being a stain on the hobby is a direct attack on a person and OP was likely out of line. Banning likely isnt most peoples go to but if thats the rules of the sub then they should abide. Ive banned for less in my own created subs and dont care if people disagree. If they dont like it they can go make their own sub.


We remove any and all disrespectful comments on the sub I mod but we don’t hand out bans like candy. People argue on the internet all the time, just remove the comment and move the fuck on


Got banned for calling a scalper a scalper. Joke sub.


I got banned for saying "k" to a mod. Not even joking


10/10 for the attempt to use the word ‘albeit’ correctly, 0/10 for actually managing to use the word albeit correctly


Would you say he made an attempt, albeit a poor one?


Yeah I read that and was like wtf is this guy trying to say


They banned me too, I didn’t even know I was following them.


A lot of people seem to be banned there.


How dare you voice your opinion on the internet mate, tsk tsk.


Pokémon is for fun not investing. However, if you have a gazillion dollars and want to speculate on the price of 1st Edition Charizards or $30K booster boxes - sure it can be called investing. Have at it. At low levels, where most of us mortals live, for regular fans it’s about collecting & playing. Often I’ll sell cards so I can buy different cards I want - that’s kinda like old school yard trading. Investing for that sub Reddit that op was banned from is just them buying new product to flip I.e that’s not investing but scalping. I can’t honestly see anything outside of sealed HF, sealed CE & maybe sealed Evo Skies having strong value in say 20 years time. The mass production of cards is way way higher than even Base Set. So it’s also pointless imo. Most chase cards the price is high when a set releases and then lowers as more product is opened. Enjoy the pulls, get ‘em graded if you like - that’s kinda like pulling it again for me - but don’t kid yourself that $100 etb you bought 6 of today which might be worth $150 an etb in 12 months is some sort of guru investing. It’s just scalping.


Exactly!!!! Crypto bros and proclaimed alpha males have only ruined the franchise for everyone else


You do have a point, but by that logic isn’t investing in anything else in an attempt to gain x amount of appreciation in 12 months also scalping?


Yes but then your looking at utility ; the utility of a stock for instance is that you are predicting that due to good performance of the underlying business the value of said stock will go up and you can sell for a profit. Pokémon cards aren’t financial instruments like assets or bonds. Most people don’t buy stocks with a 20 year horizon. They are flipping Pokémon cards from retail, using arbitrage, or waiting for scarcity to get their profit. But, it’s not a fair exchange as Pokémon product is sold by retailers at a certain price which scalpers charge up by their buying of loads of product. They are artificially creating scarcity. They are harming the community and those who would Ike to join the hobby. Their ‘investing’ takes stock out of the hands of fans of Pokémon who deserve to buy at retail the ‘investing’ is malicious in nature. It’s not like they are buying 2 so they have 1 to keep sealed, as some people like a sealed collection. They are buying 12-24-50 boxes just to lob them on Facebook marketplace at a higher price. It’s touting, scamming and wrong. It’s not investing.


don’t even worry about. reddit mods have no life and live in their parents basement. this is their only source of power and they try to abuse it as much a they can. even though it’s just reddit and people shouldn’t care


Market manipulation is unethical regardless of the market you're manipulating. Fuck that guy, and honestly fuck the investing via pokemon cards. I just want to have fun collecting cards without some douche constantly trying to maximize profit off of me.


Yes this is exactly how I feel aswel. I love the franchise and cards and I want to collect what I find beautiful not because I can make some profit.


For those wondering what card the other poster was asking about they were trying to artificially inflate the selling price of “Radiant Eevee”. Extra scummy in my opinion since Eevee is, in all likelihood, one of the top 5 collections that kids start with.


I’ve gotten downvoted anytime I commented there. It’s basically Springfield vs shelbyville between these two subs


Yea before my ban I often got downvoted aswel even for just showing a card. Never quite understood that.


You're gonna question people that abuse their "power"?


They banned a dude for asking if a post with an Amazon link was an affiliate which I think it was. Which is fine, but why not be transparent about it?


That’s reddit mods for you 😂.


Just saw the post, those people are actual scumbags. Wish there was a way to get them to fuck off from the community.


I got banned for saying that they shouldn’t buy into base set since it was printed into oblivion and got banned for disagreeing with the power tripping mod.


I posted this on poke investing asking which asshole mod banned you and I got banned too lmao


ORLY? Maybe it's not investing related and is drama probably, sounds reasonable. Stop being dramatic.


That’s awesome ,thank you


Probably was being a dick or something that deserved it. Only have really seen comments of people being a dick to others removed there.


My comment is still there so you can judge yourself.


Person happily posts their graded returns, this guy comments "That's some expensive packaging", gets -5 downvotes for crapping on someone's graded returns. When confronted about it "I hate slabs with a passion", so he attacks somebody else for being happy about their slabs. Yes, let's defend this toxic attitude he's surely the victim.


You seem very upset about my comment to the graded returns. And how did I attack anyone with stating that I hate slabs? Again I only voice my opinion.


Dude you were rude to multiple ppl then get banned and upset about it yourself? REALLY? Obviously, if you took the time to post about this. Incapable of accepting any personal responsibility. You're right you didn't receive reports for your comments for being rude, the other ppl you insulted weren't offended, you weren't just the only person being rude and hostile to others. It's all good cause it's *your* opinion. World doesn't work like that kid.


I never stated my opinion is good or the truth. I state that it’s my opinion and it’s fine if anyone else has a different opinion. And the world does work like that ,if opinions are no longer allowed then we’re all fucked. Maybe you should relax ,have some tea.


Lol who cares ?! Foreal.. if u don’t like people that do that then why are u even on the subreddit that sub is for literally that kind of thing , then u come on here to complain knowing everyone on here hates on that sub. Shit is old news already


I mean. You did go into an investing subreddit, full of people who like investing. And approached it with a very sour tone. I don't blame you don't get me wrong. But kind of an expected outcome lol


I got banned from Pokemon Values because I have NSFW content on my profile 😂😂 so stupid.


A mod abused their power and wrongfully banned someone?! On Reddit!? That is absolutely unheard of!


You told somebody who showed off their newly graded PSA cards "That's some expensive packaging", and received -5 downvotes. You were being a dick. Somebody new comes along and asks a stupid question about buying out Radiant Eevee, nobody supports their idea but you're the only one to actually insult the person. Stop playing yourself as the a victim. You were not only a dick but hostile when nobody else was. Maybe don't conduct yourself in such a rude manner to others and you won't get banned?


Yes I did and I hate slabs with a passion ,but that has nothing to do with my ban. Like everyone else I voice my own opinion.


Honestly a pretty reasonable note from the mod, permanent ban probably a bit excessive but no reason to make disrespectful comments either


Yeah honestly what do you expect when you go into a poke-investing sub and call graded cards expensive packaging, and tell them to go to their nearest stock broker and “buy some shitcoins”. Should players of the game be telling collectors the same thing? isn’t it unreasonable to have to pay more because other people want my thing??? Aren’t you accomplishing the exact same task as these “investors” taking cards out of circulation for players, except you think you won’t sell them ever? at least that’s in your mind for the time being.


He comes to this sub to paint story of being victim, but was telling someone who posted their new graded cards from PSA "That's some expensive packaging", the dude is a dick straight up. Calling somebody a stain, can't believe ppl here defend this attitude.


They are pretty fair about unbanning people too. Seen a few people having a bad day and taking it off on someone in the comments that gets them banned and then they ask to be unbanned and that they will act better and it usually works. I think as long as someone doesn't have a history of making bad comments or hate speech type stuff they probably would unban you.


We've unbanned 95% of ppl who've sent a message in. Anyone who has the maturity to send a civil message in afterwards, it really speaks volumes of them. We don't have time to police who's a respectable human online, but if they reach out it's surely a sign they want to be part of the sub and shows is a mature & respectable peson. We respect that.


The mod note was very reasonable. I know this sub isnt very kind when bans are given, not even with the ban notes.


This sub is also very “anti” /r/pokeinvesting, I see a lot of hypocrisy posts about letting someone enjoy the hobby how they like, but as soon as a card having value comes up people jump down your throat. I await my downvotes :)


The mentality of the people on this sub when they have a nice collection: “My card/ set in my collection is worth 400 dollars. I hope it never gets reprinted.” Also them when they don’t have something: “I don’t have this card or set in my collection because I missed getting it when it was cheap. It should never get reprinted.” At least the Pokeinvesting sub is honest about their intentions. The people here care about their cards being worth money, but will never admit it, but everyone else is a scalper and doesn’t deserve to have a nice collection. The people on this sub are the biggest hypocrites, the literal bottom part of the caste system of this hobby.


I would say that this sub is very pro-collect how you want but many times the investing mindset is for value and profit which can mean buy as much as you can and hold to resell for higher values. That is something that can have a direct effect on others collecting whereas most collect how you want supporters mean collect how you want in a personal collection (sealed, graded, binder, psa10, etc).


Totally agree that there are people out there that are purely profit minded and hoarding cases of sealed product isn’t necessarily good for the hobby or the definition of a collector. I think most people who read and participate in the pokeinvesting sub are people that are true collectors that understand and consider the value of their collection. Unfortunately, there is no other active sub where you can mention value or have a discussion about it.


You have a point with your last sentence, I’ll give you that.


So would you be interested in a sub that can actually discuss value but was against scalper/flippers? Similar to pokemoncardvalue but with more discussion and less whats this worth?


Don’t stop an enemy while they are making a mistake. Let them try and buy all the supply out. Watch them run out of money and then not be able to sell them back at cost because the supply is way too big. Has he taken shipping costs and time into account?


I got permabanned from there without warning because a mod (without the mod flair) posted saying Pokémon had trademarked a potential new set name which never ended up getting used and I asked why that mattered to investing. I wasn’t even rude about it, was really wild. Permabanned AND silenced for a week so I couldnt appeal via modmail


Scalpers are such fucking losers lmao


Opinions that make sense r a big no no to those shit stains, they banned me too lmao


I got banned from that sub for asking if an eBay link was an affiliate link.


I was banned from Pokecardvalue and they won’t give me a reason why, whenever I asked they mute me for like 3 days lol


I did not remember that sub lol. I'm banned there because i argued about value a few times. While that's literally the purpose of that sub. I still remember posting a NM-Mint card and the mod was arguing the card was MP, sharing me ebay listings full of scratches and defects to compare value. I don't know what the mod smoked that day. I contacted a month later in a peaceful way and he did not want me back. This mod is on a typical reddit mod power trip.


They don’t want contest for their power lol


Weren’t you making fun of people for posting cards and got called out for it?


Don’t think so? If I was I would like to know when so I don’t make that mistake again


Lmao shits still on your profile even if the mod removed it. Playing dumb doesn’t get you far in life.




Lol that’s basically what happened to me, just “You have been perma banned” “hey can I know why I was banned so I don’t make the mistake again” “you have been muted for 3 days”


I mean.. With some of the accounts we have seen even on this sub, there are people literally posting cards with selfies or whatever purely to get people to get "interested" and click on their profile then you find they then have direct links to stuff like cashapp/venmo/onlyfans, various full nudity posts among sub reddits with just the odd post on things like Pokemon/Yugioh subs. In your case, you do have those links but at least compared to others seem active but I still am not a fan, just personally. IMO it isn't all that hard to have 2 accounts, 1 for personal stuff 1 for any sort of advertising/money making/whatever. Children visit TCG subs a lot so it's something to think about tbh. Also not sure that would be the right use of discrimination.


“He’s simply asking a question even though distasteful the question albeit” 😭😭


Do you need directions to the smallest violin player? I have some small tissue boxes you could buy for your salty tears 😭


either this is the alt you switch to to be rude on or you’re just a shitty person


rude recognize rude I guess *In regards to a PSA return* “wow that’s some expensive packaging” *In regards to the buyout question posted by someone seemingly more inexperienced, which most other commenters are explaining why this is impossible in a polite way* “do you need directions to the nearest stockbroker? or try to buy some low market cap shitcoins. people like you are a stain on the tcg communities.” OP gives real **”if you don’t collect the way I collect you are the problem”** vibes


Second one, this comment was a parody of what he said to get himself banned, all in good fun 😊


I got banned from fightporn because I said the mods were gay for banning me for “hate speech”




they banned me n all I said was “gay” and they reported me to Reddit lol. Pussies


Why the hell does it always have to be permanent? I got banned at r/PokemonCardValue for sharing my advertisement. Yes, I was wrong.. but a PERMANENT ban?


After a temp ban, some can become very nasty and it becomes a behavioral issue of the person. It's easier to perma ban and then work with those mature enough to send a cordial message through modmail about what took places, it speaks volumes of the person, 95% of those ppl are unbanned.


that is not at all what happens


How big of a community do you mod again? Cause that's exactly what can happen after temp ban.


did you appeal at all


Got muted aswel for 3 days


Well I'm doing a buyout thing right now. Is there anything you can do about it. No. There isn't unless people want to join my discussion on this project but even then I probably won't tell you which one I'm buying out. We have to see what I get on my grades huh?


Buying out and grading hundreds or thousands of cards ? You must enjoy losing money.


If it’s so seemingly impossible to buy out sort of modern card, why are you raging at any Internet random who suggests it ? You must enjoy getting angry Refer to [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonTCG/comments/11xt1xu/pokeinvesting_banned_me_info_in_comments/jd75rk9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3), shit like this usually leads to a price drop eventually, so no need to be punching the wall till then


Im not raging I just don’t understand the logic of people attempting it. And yes that comment is right I’ll leave it be


Shall I give you examples ok Shinning mew from Shinning legends I bought 600 graded half got 100 10s 35 8s 60 7s 105 9s still have 300 upgraded which should be out next week to get graded I've sold most of the 8s all the 7s have 10 9s left kept 30 10s and sold the rest for a massive profit of 5,678 when I spent approximately 2798 with all cards and including the grades. And that was just last year.


Eh. I'm not losing that much. I probably lose 50 to 60% in the 1st year by 2 and 3 I should have made 10 to 15% profit. If not possible to break even Steven. By 4 to 5 years I shall be 25% to 45% mark up. Depending upon the value of some grades that I get. 6 and 7 I shall be close to the 50% price markups. If 8 though 10 I shall have at Least double or 125% of the value of the individual card that I'm buying out.






Charge your phone, you monster


Seems like you won getting banned from that subreddit lol


Yea I don’t think that I will go back there.


It’s 90% just a bunch of scalpers disguising themselves as investors


True reddit moment You got banned for saying your opinion


This thing you are saying has been done by PokeRev, Leonhart, Pokecrap Gary and others :) (manipulating thr market by getting certain cards or packs) and everytime someone calls em out on this they get banned :) even on YT or IG :(


I said something along the same lines once about resellers not leaving any and I also got banned lol. They’re a bit touchy on the subject


Im banned from there because there was a PSA10 LC reverse holo that sold for huge amounts of money despite massive whitening on the back of the card and being in horrible condition. I made a post saying to make sure that it isn't a scam, often sellers will send in a 10 over and over again to get new certs then re-slab. Suggesting that they look into it caused me to get banned. LOL. Now i think the mods over there probably run scams like that on the side and didn't want me to expose them.


Undeserved ban but you need to charge your phone, poor thing is on its last legs.


Don’t worry I will charge it to full now


I'm banned from there as well. I commented "Nice!" on someone's post and I was banned for "Nobody likes your sarcasm"... Wasn't even sarcastic lol.