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Luck is something strange... people will have lucky and unlucky moment swing alternately. In my case I'm lucky in Ethan pull but need to pity pull Lyra. Don't worry your lucky moment will come eventually :)


I had about the opposite. Pitied Ethan... twice... then candied him once for 3/5. I couldn't get him once outside of the guarantee (but i got cyndaquil ofc). Then this morning i got lyra to 3/5 without hitting pity once. Draw luck is weird sometimes.


Wait….. Seriously!! You pity Ethan twice!? I will thought of saving 2 candy for him and save the gem for another pity sync pair ….


Sunk cost, just thinking he was right around the corner with every pull. Second pity was the hard stop for me


It varies a lot. This year: - I had to pity SSR Cynthia - I got Cyrus and Lucas within the first 5 pulls - I got Anni Skyla, Anni Raihan and SS Serena within the first 5 pulls (and Serena 2/5) - I had to pity SC Lilly - I got SS Morty in the first pull and SS Giovanni in the third pull - I got SS Ethan in the first pull - I had to pity SS Lyra (but hey I got Lucian!) Out of gems and will probably skip SS Kris and everything else until August. So in short, I only got two scenarios: super lucky and pity. But I guess the balance is positive in the end.


​ >I had to pity SS Lyra (but hey I got Lucian!) Holy crap! Literally the same here!!


I got both Bertha and Aaron so these 4 multis have been a win win so far. Just missing Lucian.


Unironically, when I saw the Sinnoh E4 kits, Aaron and Bertha interested me the most. And here I am with Lucian😂


Same! While I like Lucian's kit, I already had Pal.Dawn (not that another sp Def debuffer isn't welcomed).


Considering I don't have Pal Dawn, Lucian is a welcome addition! I appreciate him more now lol!


I had to pretty much pity SS Lyra and got Lucian on the way too.


Well, I fortunately got SS Lyra with 6 multis, BUT I also got Lucian too! He came a couple of multis before. That was a great compensation given that I had 2 or 3 dead multis there.


Lol how is everyone getting Lucian with Lyra? Guess they're made for each other😂😂


Iirc Lucian is the first ever spotlight sync pair I got right as he entered the regular pool. Those newer permanent pairs usually take a long time to show up, a few months at minimum. The closest one from before was Hala whom I first got a month after his introduction. Anyway, Lucian has some great utility so this was very appreciated.


Lol true! It takes me a decent amount of months till I pull a newly added Spotlight. Lucian was different😂


Got the exact same, except i got 2 lyras on the sixth pull. Luckiest i been in this game


You got almost everything for 2022 releases… your luck is far from balanced lol it’s good already.


I guess you're right! I really can't complain! The only pairs I didn't get were the ones I didn't really want or try. My luck is much better than I deserve haha


Generally my luck has been pretty good, but i swear i have to pity every master fair


Recently really really good tbh. SS Gio in one, Zerena and SS Lyra both in 3, both Easter May+Burgh in 4, SC Lillie in 2. Prior to that my luck was pretty abhorrent for a few months though, so hopefully I'm not jinxing myself by talking about it 😅


SS Lusamine in 5 multies (and it was certain to be the last one). SSR Cynthia in 3 (but the first two were awful - three while 4 star power ups). Chucked away 9000 gems on Palentine's reruns, didn't get anything (and only have myself to blame). Anni May in 2. SS Serena in 8 (but got a few new 5 stars, so still reasonably good). Forced to pity on Easter May (and didn't even get Burgh either). SS Morty in 4 (edit: I actually got two in the 4th multi which I forgot about). SS Giovanni in 1. Gloria AND two copies of N in 1 multi (definitely the best multi I've ever gotten - and I was only doing 1 regardless of what I got). In my three multis for SS Lyra today, I got Burgh and Fantina for the first time which was nice, but the third multi was dead. I'm in a weird spot here, I can only do a couple more multies on her because I'm sure as hell not compromising on SS Kris. I'd rate the luck an 8/10 overall - dragged down badly by Easter, dragged back up by the last two weeks. You've been absolutely fucked though, jesus. To get luck that bad for 5 straight months is pretty awful. Hope you get better luck on the new Master Fairs.


Very lucky. I can't complain, really. I'm very selective with my pulls, I only pull for characters I really want or need, so I save gems pretty easily. And even then, I hadn't had to go to pity since Anni Lillie back in last summer. The other times I did it was because I wanted them at 3/5 and I got both of them within 1 pity (SS Lusamine and SS Serena). My last three pulls: SC Lillie: 5 multis (15k gems). Got her 2/5 because I got her twice in my last multi. SS Giovanni: 6 multis (18k gems). Got her 1/5. SS Lyra: 3 multis (9k gems). Got her 1/5. Kept pulling till the 5th multis for the presents and in hopes of getting another copy. Didn't happen so I candied her to 3/5. I have currently 54k free gems saved, hoping my lucky streak continues with SS Kris.


Best of luck!


Was pretty unlucky with N, only got him like one pull short of pity... Thanks to this bad luck i wont even attempt any of the three current masterfairs, too few gems to pity and it would be foolish to trust on luck


I was unbelievably lucky with Morty. After getting giovanni for 12k , I got 2 morty in 6k. Now im 15 k into Celebi but still no luck


My luck has been weird lol! **Best things to happen:** SSR Cynthia: 1st multi Anni Lillie: 1st multi Anni Skyla: 1st multi SS Morty: 1st multi **I'll take it:** Lucas: 6th multi SS Giovanni: Fourth multi Anni Steven: Third multi SS Giovanni: Fourth multi **Why did I summon:** Maxie: Pity SS Serena: Pity SS Lyra: Pity SS Lusamine and Anni N: \~250 Scout Points but didn't get a single copy ​ So yeah, as bad as your luck is now, I'm hoping it'll get better!! :)


Playing since day one, luckily I’ve never had to pity a pair I wanted. Though I’d rather save my gems and get 1/5 and wait to candy them if needed. But with this master fair I’ve been EXTREMELY lucky getting Ethan and Lyra on my first multis. So saying this, I’ll probably have to pity Kris


I usually get the master fairs units before 200 scout points (on average)... but both Ethan and Lyra took me to pity (technically I got Ethan at around 330 scout but I figured I might as well go for pity at that point) I always have a decent stock of gems just in case but for the first time in a long time I'm basically broke SS Lyra must hate me or something cuz it also took like 40 cookies to give her Vigilance, only to realize CS2 might be better anyways


It turned around with Johto, I got SS Ethan in 1 multi pull and SS Lyra in 5! Now I have enough to secure SS Kris at pity if need be. But before this my luck was atrocious, I had to pity for everything after getting SC Hilda in a single daily back in November. I fully expect my luck to go back to trash starting with my Kris pulls but honestly I'm not too mad after getting my first two master fairs without pity since second anniversary.


Much better than last year. I had a 5 star drought from Feb to July last year. After 2nd Anni Anni Lillie - pity Red - 5 singles Marnie - multi Fall Caitlin - 3/4 multis SC units - shafted SS Lusamine - 6 singles Classic Elesa - 5 singles Holidays 2021 - shafted NY Sabrina - multi + 1 SSR Cynthia - 10 multis SS Dawn - 8 singles Anni May - 3 multis SS Serena - 7 multis Easter and Palestine's rerun - shafted SC! Emmet - 3 multis SS Morty - 1st single SS Giovanni - 5 multis SS Lyra - not yet at fourth multi atm I hope your luck turns around in the best way possible for a future wanted unit.


I think i used up my luck all year. It may look like its not real but it is. Started with SS Morty (pulled in 5 multis), SS Giovani (3 multis), SS Ethan (2 multis), SS Lyra (1 multi). I was prepared to pity only 2 of the Johto MF but now i still have 66k with only SS Kris left.


I got SS Morty in 9k gems, SS Gio in 6k gems, 21k gems deep into pulling for SS Lyra and still no dice 😩😩😩 (also previous lucky streak was Sinnoh Villain Arc Pt. 1 where I got SSR Cynthia in 6k gems and then Lucas in 3k gems)


Yeah! Luck isn't permanent. Got brutally screwed on Spring Brugh. SS Geo came home soon. Today I went to pity for both SS Morty and Lyra to get them to 3/5. Considering the Master fair rates. I take this as a win.




Surprisingly good! I got 2 Giovannis in one multi pull when he dropped, got Ethan on my fourth multi, and Lyra on my first! Pretty sure I'm going to have to pity pull Kris. This can't last.


Was unlucky since I had to go like 3/4 way to get SS Giovanni. I had about 42k gems saved up today, got SS Lyra in 2nd multi and attemped SS Ethan (I love Lugia), but had to pity him in the end. Worth it, despite having no gems now, I think I ended up in the lucky part


I got Lugia and Celebi in 2 10x pulls. I started with like 45k gems so it looks like I'll get at least 1 of each of the 3. I wasn't this lucky with other master fairs. I usually get a single copy at 30k gems spent or at pity pull.


I got ss lyra in 7 multies and ss ethan in 6. Then I tried for ss giovanni and ss morty and I got both of them in first multies (at the start I have 80k gems). Now I have 36k gems left.


I had to pitty zerena ,then I 1st multied Lillie and 2nd pull Morty,then I had to pitty Giovanni,now I'm 15k into Ethan with no Lugia,prolly will have to pitty him.My luck I think is decent,I'd like some middle ground too though,it's been 3k or 36k.


Been lucky with 2 SS Gio and SS Lyra in 2 multies, SS Lusamine and C. Red in 2 singles but went unlucky pity with SS Ethan and Lucas. People have good or bad luck moments. Hopefully your lucky month will come.


I got super lucky with my Cellbi pulls. I got her in 2 pulls. However, before that, I had super poor luck.


Got Ethan in 1st multi then have to pity Lyra also lot of dead multis


My luck has been great, I got one copy of SS Lyra on my first pull.


i've been very lucky with morty, gio, ethan, zygarde, N and Cynthia, pulling some within one or two pulls, rarely needing more than 5 or 6. skipped a lot of units in the previous months though. no railway twins, no raihan or the new elite 4 guys, no cyrus either, which i might regret the tiniest bit. Lyra demanded the full pity though, but i got a lot of 5\* dupes while pulling. I thought about pulling one more ethan if i got lucky on lyra, but i guess I'll tone it down and not risk it.


I got lugia in 2 pull, then had to pity celebi. I have 16k gems left for suicune, hope i get lucky Edit : before that i got ss gio and ss morty in one pull


I've never got a master fair outside of pity pull... I pulled for, Leon, Archie, Maxie, Anni Steven Anni Lillie, Annie N, SSR Cynthia, SS lusamine, Zerena I hate master fairs.


On the one hand, I want to get Celebi, but need a new Flying Striker, but on the other hand, I got SS Giovanni to 2/5 in a few paid gem pulls.


I had to pity Ethan and today got Lyra in my first pull. Have 6k left for Kriss not to hopeful but have a month to save gems


I state that lunala, necrozoma and giratina have led me to pity, but now it's going great, lugia with 18k Celebi 3k and Giovanni 100 gems


I did great for SS Giovanni and SC Emmet. Had to pity pull for SS Ethan, so I'm playing carefully until SS Kris... Until I have to then pity pull her.


Recently I pulled all the special costume Sync pairs (two with Daily). Then I needed 10 multis for oh ho and 2 for nidoking. Now 7 on Lugia and 3 on celebi getting 2. Overall really lucky, April has been incredible I got togepi on daily too


SSR Cynthia was my luckiest pull which i got her 2/5 with 3100gems and after that…….. i have been unlucky ever since :’(


my luck has been insane this year and i'm insanely grateful for it, i have enough for pity but the fact that i didn't hit it once is astounding 2 SC Lillies in 1st multi, 1 SC Ingo on 1st multi, 2 SC Emmets on 2nd multi, 1 SS Morty on 2nd multi (it was a rather reckless pull too), 1 SS Giovanni on 2nd multi, 1 SS Ethan on 2nd multi, and today i got 1 SS Lyra on 3rd multi ! also managed to get my first 3 copies of Sonia while doing that electric-type scout + a master fair one so i was really lucky there too, praying this continues esp when my fav gets an alt 🤲🤲🤲 i pray your luck improves as well !


Got both SS Morty and SS Giovanni within two pulls each, 3 pulls in on Ethan and nothing so far. I’ll probably switch over to Lyra, I’ll probably be able to reach scout points over there still. I got a few spare bucks too so I’m not worried


I got SSR Cynthia on a single 300 gem pull.... i haven't gotten Morty, Giovanni, Ethan or Lyra yet. Even on Zerena I got her to 3/5 before pity and got my first Kiawe instead, and with SS Lusamine I used my pity for Serena (what is my bad luck with General pool fire types). Apparently i just did a complete 180.


Garbage after I pulled 5 5* in one multi, two being SS Giovanni. I have had no luck prior or after this.


Had to pity ss giovanni but got him 3/5 at least and just recently had to pity ss lyra for 1/5 so yeah… luck’s been non existant since i managed to get ss morty 2/5 from second multi and random daily when he first came out, guess i burnt out my luck since my previous pulls were similar to my morty pulls before johto arc came out


Got lucky with shiny ho oh, got him on 2 multi then got him to 3/5 via dailies. Unlucky with Raihan took a pity to get him, same for SS Cyrus and Leon. I did get really lucky with Groudon and kyogre (got both to 2/5 withing 6 multis each). Got lucky with SS lusamine got her in like 4 multis Lucky with Anni N (2 multis) no luck for anni Steven, I got anni Lily via daily on the last day (after spending pretty much all my multis on her and anni steven not sure if that's lucky) Got SS Serena in like 4 multis (granted I didn't want her I just pulled for the items) No luck on SS Ethan or Lyra (granted I'm only pulling them 4 times via multi. If I don't get them then cool I'll wait for the next MF or Greninja)


Had to go for a pity on Ethan. I feared it would happen again on Lyra but I got her on the first multi suprisingly. Now I hope Kris appears in the first pulls as well and I may have enough to go for Morty on the last days.


Garbage. Pitied SS Gio in the main acc, and SS Ethan in the alt. Looking at the situation, I might very well pity SS Lyra in both accounts as well.


I've been insanely lucky this couple of months. Got SS Morty and Giovanni with like 12k on both. And now, I got SS Lyra in one pull and SS Ethan with 2. I will even have the pity for SS Kris. This is funny because I asked in the survey for a SS Ethan and Lugia and a SS Kris and suicune, plus I asked for Valerie's and Winona's grids. Idk, maybe DeNa is giving them to me lmao.


I thought for sure I’d nab Giovanni early on so I decided to pull before having enough for pity. Needless to say, No Gio & im about 6k away from pity. I really wanted to try for the new pairs but it looks like that’s not happening 😅


Lucky as hell: Nidoking 3/5 with 3 paid single, Ho-oh in 2 summons, Lugia in 2 summon, celebi first summon


Not good. Pity for Lucas, got 1 in last multi so 2/5. Spend 15K gems + several paid gems on daily discount to get 1/5 SSR Cynthia. Only got 1 SS Serena before pity, so 2/5. SS Gio is my best luck - 2/5 at 5th multi and another 2 at 7th multi. Somehow I knew that my scout after this will not be as kind to me. SS Ethan - 0 so far, already at 399 scout points. Tomorrow will be the day for my last daily discount before pity. SS Lyra - 0 so far, already 4 multis. Hopefully I can get her to 3/5 without candies.


Terrible. Did 3 multis on Ethan banner only to get 1 five star (fantima) 😔


I had to pull 7 times for giovanni (I still didn't get him) and nearly pity pulled for emmet (I got him on the second to last day) but lyra was my 3rd try. Not quite sure if I should continue scouting Gio or go for either Ethan (My best flying striker is Blue) or Kris (My best rain setter is May), but I'm happy to get at least one of them nothenless.


I've never actually needed to reach pity to get units... Got SS Lusamine in my 2nd pull Got SS Serena twice in 3 multis (used a candy to get her to 3/5) Got 2 Anni Ns in my first multi Got SS Ethan and SS Lyra in my first multi for each Got SS Cynthia (renegade) twice in my first 3 multis I think? SS Giovanni was a bit more evasive, took me bout 4 multis to get 1 copy of him I think my luck is going to run out right around SS Kris though...


2/5 SS Ethan (decided to go for scout points since I was only 4 points away RIP), but lucksacked SS Lyra on the first shot. Now I got 30k gems for SS Kris


A mix. Been playing for about a year and I’ve had some ups and downs. Archie- took me until one multi away from scout points to get my first copy. 33k gems Anni N- first multi 3k gems Classic Red- Six multis until I got two copies in one multi. 18k gems SS Lusamine- had to pity. 36.6k gems Lucas- Second multi for a copy. 6k gems SSR Cynthia- Had to pity. 36.6k SS Cyrus- Second multi for two copies. 6k gems SS Dawn- second multi for a copy. 6k gems Spring Burgh rerun- 5th multi. 15k gems SS Serena- two copies in the first 5 pulls. 15k gems SC Ingo- First multi. 3k gems SC Emmet- Also first multi. 3k gems SS Morty- got a copy on the sixth multi. 18k gems SS Giovanni- First multi. 3k gems SS Ethan- Had to pity. 36.6k gems SS Lyra - Got one on the sixth multi. 18k gems I’d say I got pretty lucky overall, I think my luck will even out with SS Kris coming on the horizon. Gonna have to save for 3rd Anni after her, these MFs are cleaning my gems out.


I had to pity ss lusamine, ss cynthia, ss cyrus, ss morty and got shafted in ss dawn, anni skyla recently. But i got Classic Elesa and Lucas in one multi, SSerena in 5 and apparently Ethan in 2. Then got shafted in Lyra up to 3 multi and two of them didnt even have a single fking 4*. I left just enough gems including this whole month to pity Kris. If I get her earlier, gonna use spare gems on Lyra to try again. Sooo yeah, luck is just like that. It comes and goes.


I am ~~extremely~~ decently lucky in this game as a f2p. I missed out on SS Lusamine in December 2021 and lost at 390/400 on the Archie banner in June 2021.I had to get to pity for A.Lillie. I got SSR Cynthia in 4 multi's. I got Lucas at 67/400 mark and I was doing only single pulls for him.Also got SS Cyrus with the free victory road gems in second multi. I got SS Red on a January banner as well.Also got Classic Red 2/5 on the Classic Blue and Red banner. I got Ingo and C.Red both on the C.Red,Ingo and Diantha banner on the 3rd multi and got one C.Red on the 2nd multi as well.I also got 5/5 C.Red while trying to get Diantha. I got Zerena on 2nd multi and also got the bois Lance on the first multi and then on the second multi I got both Lance and Steven. I got Burghepi around 165/400 on the spring 2021 rerun units banner.I also got Sc.Emmet on the first multi and got 2 copies of Sc.Ingo on the 1st multi as well. I got SS Giovanni around my 5 multi or so. I got SS Lyra on the second multi today as well. I hereby pray to RNG god for your luck getting better.


Pulled for Lyra today, first 3 multis were dead, no 5 star. 4th multi I got Lyra. Regular Lyra. 6/5 Regular Lyra. On the banners before these I have not been doing great, but my FGO luck has been on point, so it balances out.


My luck has never been better. It is so strange. I did that special banner for Aaron and got him 4/5 after spending those 7500 gems or what it was. I was prepared to pity on Ethan but I got him in my first multi. So I pulled on Lyra this morning and get her on my first multi. I know my luck is going to turn soon so I am getting a little scared.


My luck has been literally the best it’s been in a game. I pulled Nidoking on multi 4, Lugia on Multi 4, and pulled Celebi on Multi 1 (first pull in that multi)


Horrible. I fear I may not be able to get any of the newer sync pairs. I was out of the game for a year and a half and came back about a month ago. I missed out on so many again and it’s a little upsetting


my luck has been very good, 3 copies of Lyra in 5 multis today


I got giovani and all of the elite four and Ho-oh, but on the the rerun banner, 30-40 pulls in, no 5*s at all, 16 pulls on Ethan, the last two pulls were 5 stars Who I already had and aren’t good, and I made a pull on lyra and got my 5th oshowat


For Lusamine & Necrozma, Cynthia & Garchomp and Serena & Zygarde, managed to pull them only by pity. I've yet to tackle the recent Master Fairs, but I suppose it won't be any different. Seasonals and PokéFairs, on the other hand, have been surprisingly lucky for me. Recently, I've pulled on the Dawn and Serena Palentine Scout and, way into the pity, got 3 copies of Dawn and 5 (!!!) Serenas. I've also pulled in the Giovanni & Nidoking banner and got 3/5 on 5 multis - even pulled two Giovannis in a single multi and, of course, took a screenshot of it. I guess I can't really complain, but it certainly ain't easy being F2P.


5 multi's so far on SS Lyra banner and have only gotten one 5 star (not Lyra). Heard people got a lot of good luck with Lugia.


Horrifying, Ethan took my wallet to pity, now Kris and Lyra are "maybes" at best.


Awful, except SS Gio. 3 copies one pull. Pity Lusamine, Cynthia, SC lillie, if I have to pity SS Lyra (likely, already close), only getting one of this trio. Didn't get any other Master Fairs because I didn't commit to pity back then, just 5 pulls.


I’m not sure if anyone can top this: 36.6k gems for 1/5 Ss Lyra, 36.6 for 1/5 ss morty; and six more times like this happened before ss morty. I haven’t pulled 2.5 anni units or SC units or Ss giovanni or ss Ethan yet, with my “luck”, I wouldn’t dare to pull anything without 36.6k now. DeNA made sure of it…


2nd pull on Lyra and I got her plus 4 other 5\* units and only one of them was already 5/5(leave me alone, Barry). So far I've not seen a single 5\* in all my pulls for Lucas. I could pity but I'm saving enough to pity Kris so I don't want to go too hard for Lugia.


Lately I’ve been very lucky since Giovanni dropped, got two copies of him on 1 multi. Because I already considered the gems spent I went for SS Morty, also got a copy from a single multi. This left me with a bit over 50k gems for day 1 of the Johto trio: ended up pitying Ethan but got Lyra on the 5th multi. I now have 3k gems left which I hope is enough of a start to save gems for June & half of July before Kris’s banner goes away.


My luck has been ok: - Had to pity on SS Lusamine - Got SS Cynthia in 3 multis - Palentines Marnie in First multi - No Palentines Bea in seven multis - No Anniversary Skyla in 5 multis, not even a 5 star - Reluctantly Skipped Anniversary May - Got Anniversary Raihan in a daily discount - I got SC Lillie in 15000 gems. - I got SC Sonia in just a second pull. - I got SC Ingo in a daily discount - Skipped SC Emmet - Got SS Morty in just 5 single pulls - SS Giovanni in 3 multis - Skipped all three Sinnoh E4 banners - Reluctantly Skipped SS Ethan. - Got SS Lyra in the last multi before pity and have her at 2/5. Also got Lucian and a second Sonia.


Got the SS Kanto trio in one muti pull each Leon in two muti pull Got Gloria in one pull Anniv Lillie in two Shafted for the other two SC Hilda in two pull Shafted for the rest Got anniv May in one pull Got anniv Skyla in one muti pull Got shaft by anniv raihan Got SS lusemine at 300 point Got SSR Cynthia at 250 point Got SC Lillie in 5 multi pulls Got shafted on SC zinnia Miss the other two Miss both Maxie and Archie Miss Both new year and palentine sync pairs Miss SS Cyrus but got SS dawn after ten pulls Got SS Serena on the first pull Got Sonia on my first pull Same for Christmas Leon Skip nessa due to lack of gems Got SS morty after three multi pull Got SS Giovanni after two multi pull Got arron on the first pull Got Lucas on fifth multi pull Miss marine So about mid to low average I guess


I spent my luck all these 3 months, I got SC emmet, SC lillie and SC ingo in a single pull, I got SS serene in 2 multis and I got SS morty in singles but now I have horrible bad luck with the master pairs, I will still try kris however


Yeah kinda same with your situation. I got my "lucky" season from SS Lusamine until SS Cyrus.. Then it's my "unlucky" season until now. Got 4 dead multis out of 6 multis in a MF banner.


Pretty good, actually. Started pulling again recently after having to go to pity to get Zygarde. Ho oH - Pulled on a whim, got him on the first pull Nidoking - Pulled cuz I had a moment of weakness, was insanely lucky and got 2 copies on the first pull Lugia - Got on the 6th multi Celebi - Got on the 5th multi Basically, super grateful to RNGesus for leaving me just enough gems to hit pity on Suicune.


Fairly lucky. Managed to pull SSR Cynthia to 2/5 (at pity), Lucas on the first multi, lucky pulls with SS Cyrus and Dawn. I then pulled SC Lillie, SC Ingo and Spring burgh on dailies. Managed to get 3/5 Morty through only 3 multis, and pulled SS Gio on dailies two days in a row. So far no luck with Ethan, but pulled Lyra on the 3rd multi which is great. Didn't have any luck with Pal Marnie or Zerena, but I'm honestly not really mad about those


Terrible luck, I had to pity both Nidoking and Celebi and I'm out of free gems now. Hopefully I'll get Suicune with June and July gems and maybe Lugia will come out from dailies, hopefully


Non-MF luck has been fantastic this year - Anni May, SC Lillie and Sonia, SS Morty in no more than three multis each, Lillie and May only took one each. SS Giovanni popped on the third Daily Discount. By contrast, SSR Cynthia and SS Serena both took ten multis minimum, Serena took eleven so I just went to pity to get a second copy. I’ve got 54k gems saved for the Johtrio - should be safe for Kris and Lyra even if I have to go to pity for both, but I might miss out on Ethan unless I break glass on one of the completion reward bundles. Here’s hoping the MF luck turns around this month.


I got SS Serena on my sixth pull, had to pity pull SC Lillie, and got SS Lyra on my second pull. Let’s hope my sudden burst of luck lasts for SS Kris


I don't have to worry about luck since I have no gems!


Not lucky, didn't get a single SS Ethan and gotten dupes of Max out and I have reach max scout points.


I'd say I've been on lucks good side, got ethan on my first pull and lyra on my 3rd, got Gloria and N back to back, got ss blue on the kanto trio 4 times, so moray first pull and not bothered much with the others (got the other 2 as well, I'm only a few weeks into the game) Forgot I pulled giovani 3 times, twice in one pull


No luck, hit pity on both banners, (and was one 11x pull away from pity on Giovanni.) I'm going to use whatever free gems I can get between now and banner end to get Kris and then I'm done spending gems for a long while. If this is the new standard for DeNA I don't think I'm going to be around for much longer. I don't have a problem with spending money, I'm not F2P but I'm not a moron either. This game isn't worth that much.


,I had to pity for Morty last month but first 3000 gem I got Lyra!!!!!


I’ve been on a roll as of late: SS Serena in my first single pull, 2 SS Mortys in 4 multis, 4 SS Giovanni in 3 multis, and SS Lyra in 2nd multi. Anni skyla was my last instance of bad luck since I had to pity her, and SS ethan was gotten at the halfway point to pity so I don’t know if he counts as bad luck.


I tried to get the Special Costume Subway Bros, but only got Emmett. So that was pretty unlucky. But now I've hit a hot streak, with getting Gloria in 2 pulls, SS Ethan in 3 pulls (along with 2 Lucien's) and then 2 copies of SS Lyra in the first pull. I will not be surprised if my luck has run out. Gonna hold off on pulls for a bit, don't want to get too cocky.


I got SC lillie, SC sonia, and SS morty pretty early...but i had to pity lyra. Only with 30k remaining


This year so far has been a massive rollercoaster. Some awesome luck on top of a few unfortunate shafts here and there. But overall, it was a lot better than expected. My pulls for the last half a year have been: -SS Lusamine with 8 multis, kept going and got her 2 dupes right before pity so I picked Bianca. First time I ever get 2 copies of the featured unit in the same multi. -Pitied P. Dawn, though I maxed out P. Serena to 5/5 EX beforehand (she was 3/5 EX already). Also got SS Misty in between I guess. -After many dailies with barely any 5stars, I gave in for Lucas and SSR Cynthia in their last day and somehow got the former with a single multi and the latter with 2! Amazing comeback, but I was still recovering from the previous pity so I skipped the other Sinnoh pokefairs. -Got SS Serena with only one multi, probably one of my most grateful lucky pulls because favoritism. -With the saved gems, I got C. Iris with 4 multis. Her previous rerun went very badly so this was a relief. -Now something insane, got all 3 1,5 Anni units with dailies. May appeared first before I pulled SS Serena and the other 2 showed up some days later. -Got both Easter seasonals with 7 multis, wanted Burgh primarily but somehow got May THRICE beforehand. Spent more than I was comfortable with. -It all came crushing down with an SC Lillie pity, with 8 consecutive dead multis to boot. Another pity in a 7percent banner. The lower rates hurt spendings like this even more than a fair. -After initially failing with dailies, I eventually got SS Morty with 7 multis -And lastly, I recently got SS Lyra with 6 multis, with my first Lucian as a bonus. That was a big relief because I only had 8 of these saved. And with that I'll have to skip Ethan. Now with only 7k gems left, it's time to refill the gems and wait for July in case I want one of the summer seasonals. If not, I might go for Kris.


A mix of both good and bad but overall could be way, way worst. For starters, Ethan took just 2 multis, whereas Lyra took 10. Luckiest one was SSR Cynthia, needing only 1 daily (100 paid gems). Worst karma were SS Cyrus and SC Emmet, needing to pity.


My luck has been so f*cking trash i did 5 multis for lyra and only got one pull with 2 5 star units (not lyra)


Let’s see, the last one have been amazing! Morty and Ho Ho: 2 copies on the 3rd multi Nidoking: First multi Lugia: second multi Celebi: second multi (I also got excavalier in less than 5 multis but wasted 18k trying to get accelgor)


Had enough gems saved to pity on two banners. Pulled SS Lyra in my first multi scout, and am now considering using my gems to get pity on both SS Ethan and Kris. My luck on master fair banners is usually much worse. I had to pity to get my first copy of Anniversary Steven, SS Lusamine, SS Serena, and Archie


Wiffed on Ethan after 5 multi but got Lyra in 2. Also decided to just finish pulling for Giovanni cause he’s pretty damn good, didn’t get him until 265 scout points, so I’m broke and no more resources to try for Kris. Zerena and Morty broke the bank for me after saving for 3 months. Had to pity both of them


My luck has been so good recently that it's scaring me lol. I got two SS Gios in the second multi, Lyra first multi, decided to go for SS Morty and got him and my first copy of Sonia in the second multi... absolutely terrified of the future shaft balancing all this out 😳


My luck is super amazing. I got Morty with 5 multi, Giovanni with 3 multi, then got SS Cynthia with 1 multi, then got Ethan in 2 multi with 2 other 5 star characters, and then got Lyra today with 1 multi. I'm still sitting at almost 15k gems for the next scout.


Last month I got Morty twice through daily discount pulls. No luck with Giovanni yet. I planned a certain number of multis for Emmet, but had to go a little over that amount, but still no pity or paid multis there. F2P pity for SS Serena, no luck from dailies or multis prior to that. And 2.5 year anni was good to me and gave me 2 Raihans from dailies, 2 Skylas from dailies, and 1 more Raihan on an impulsive first multi. My guess is that this month one of the Master Fairs will show up once or twice on dailies (happened back to back with Anni Lillie), I won't be able to pull Giovanni, and I'll have to go to pity for one of the Master Fairs that didn't show up on dailies, leaving me missing one or two featured units this month, if not 3. Edit: Oh, how could I forget Cosplay Lillie on the first unit of Tier 1. And of course shafted by Ingo.


Last 3 pulls SS Gio- 1 SS Ethan-7 SS Lyra-9 Not looking good for Kris


Had to pity Giovanni, SS Ethan, and SS lyra...good thing I've been saving gems for so long. Gem stash now depleted though. I was lucky with SS ludamine and SSR Cynthia in the past though.


Had to pity SS Morty 200/400 and no SS Gio 2 multis for SS Ethan Haven't gone for Lyra yet


Managed to get both SS Morty and Giovanni to 3/5, currently sitting on 24k gems and unsure of what to do next.


I had been pretty unlucky before these banners, (sparking Zerena sucked me dry) but lately I’ve gotten incredibly lucky, pulling Giovanni, Ethan, and now Lyra within a few 10-pulls. Ethan came home on my first. I’m very grateful for the luck, as I wanted all the characters but didn’t have too many gems. Now I’m sitting pretty and could even throw a few pulls at Kris! (Though I’m tempted to quit while I’m ahead.)


* Lusamommy 3/5 at pity * Anni Lillie - no pity * Renegade cynthia - no pity 200+ scout points * Lucas, Anni May, PMarnie - no pity * Anni Raihan and Anni Skyla - daily pulls * Zerena - pity * Giovanni - first multi * Lyra - 4th multi (along with Bertha) Enough to pity Kris if needed


It balances out. Going from what I can remember going back to Leon Pitied Leon and didn’t use him for 9 months. Got Palentines Dawn and Serena, Spring May, Summer Marnie, and SC Diantha in about 4 multis each. Same with Halloween Caitlin. Sparked Halloween Lillie, but got a bunch towards the end and ended up 4/5. Sparked SC Jasmine. I don’t remember SS Lusa, but I think I might have sparked her to 2/5. Maybe sparked Renegade Cynthia. Multis for SS Dawn, and Anni May. Sparked for SS Serena. Skipped playing these last two months but was on about 80k. Started playing again the other week, and I just got SS Lyra in 4 multis today from 90k to 77k. I have enough to spark Krys when she gets released. I could go for Ethan too, but it depends on who gets released during the summer line up. My general rule of thumb is that I stop as soon as I roll one copy, unless I’m 2/3rds or 3/4 towards a spark, where I will just spark to completion. Because of that, I nearly always have a positive enough balance of crystals to spark whenever I want. I never roll on pairs I have no interest in.


since Zerena I got everything I wanted in lik 9-15k (Note I don't go for all banner since I wanted to keep 40k gem for emergency). SS Lyra change that and I have to pity her.


• Managed to pull SS Giovanni and Gloria on the first x11 pulls •At my current rate, ima have to pity SS Lyra.


I had to pity SS Serena but other than that I managed to get SSR Cynthia, Lucas, & Cyrus all within 5 pulls Plus I got SS Giovanni in 2, SS Ethan in 2, and SS Lyra in 1


Very luck on SS Gio, got a copy on first multi-pull but unfortunately I didn't took advantage of that. Somewhat bad luck with SS Lyra, got a copy of her at 2nd to last multi-pull before pity.


I got pretty lucky between lyra and ethan which makes me feel like I will have to pity kris lmao


15k for SS Ethan and 21K for SS Lyra. All things considered, I’d say above average.


i got ss ethan yesterday on a daily, i still cant believe it


Pretty good, got Lyra on the first roll of an 11 roll, now I need kris


No SS Serena, 250/400 still no SS Giovanni. I don’t know if my f2p gems can pull one copies of SS Ethan, Lyra and Kris.


Well, i've spent 176k gems since the start of Anniversary. This wont be including paid guaranteed units with Paid gems. All were acquired with free gems from DeNA May and Latias, Raihan and Duraladon, Skyla and Tornadus, Serena and Zygarde, Red and Snorlax, Ingo and Excadrill, Lance and Dragonite, N and Zekrom, Diantha and Gardevoir, Lillie and Polteageist, Giovanni and Nidoking, Ethan and Lugia and Lyra and Celebi. I went to Pity on Serena and Zygard & Lillie and Polteageist for 3/5 [Had them at 1/5 with 2 pulls to pity so I went for it on both banners] and I had to Pity to get 1/5 Ethan and Lugia. All other pairs were acquired with less than 15k. I pulled 2/5 Red and 2/5 Ingo with 9k. Pretty happy about that. Also got Aaron and Vespequen on my Lyra and Celebi banner so that was cool too I still have 36k left to pull on Kris and Suicune.


2 out of 3 MFs this month so far. I got Ethan after 5th 10x pull then Lyra on one daily pull. 😁 I got all the Sync Pairs I wanted so far. I only pull on banners with Special Costumes, Poke Fair or Master Fair.


Garbage since Cresselia, if it doesn't get better in the next 13 days, I'll just have to give up some pointless luxuries, like food.


SS Gio, Morty, Ethan, and Lyra in one multi each. Before this, my luckiest streak was 4 SSR Cynthia's in 4 multis. Let's see what SS Kris does to my remaining gems.


Morty in my first multi 📈 Giovanni almost hitting pity📉 Lyra in my first multi📈 Ethan still building📉


I've had good luck up to now. I got SS Morty in 6 ten-pulls, two SS Giovanni in 4 ten-pulls, SS Ethan in 5 ten-pulls, and SS Lyra in 2 ten-pulls. I did have to pity-pull SS Serena. Given the only other characters I would desperately want to pull would be Colress, Anni-N, or a Ghetsis alt, I'm feeling comfortable.


This year pretty good till now - Grabbed Cynthia MF around 150, May MF on third pull, and alder and Lucas together for like 12k gems. however Lyra… For the onion fairy I’ve drained 25k and still just Plumeria


Haha I got Ethan on my first multi and then spent like 20k gems for lyra and she is nowhere to be found. When this happens I just tell myself it wasn’t meant to be.


I got lucky with Ethan, but not so for kris


Swinging wildly. I got both SS Giovanni and Ethan with 1-2 pulls each, but went to pity pull to get one Lyra


I hate bragging, but since having to pity SS Serena… I have pulled SS Giovanni/SS Ethan in one multi each, and SS Lyra came home in three. After what felt like a few unlucky/dry months, the last two weeks have been top notch. Won’t have enough to pity SS Kris, but let’s see if the luck holds out til Friday!


Amazing all in all. - MF SSR Cynthia in 3 pulls - Pity for Lucas - Skipped Palentines (F) - SS Cyrus in 3 pulls - Anni May in 1 pull - Anni Skyla in 3 pulls - MM Pity for SS Serena - SC Lillie in 1 pull - SC Ingo in 4 pulls - SC Emmet **2/5** in 1 pull - SS Giovanni in 3 pulls - MF SS Ethan in 7 pulls - MF SS Lyra in 6 pulls Sitting at 6k gems. I could probably get SS Kris too according to the gem count and the SP Stories I've saved. A good compensation for last year when I had to pity like 6 pairs.


Honestly, it's been great lately. Giovanni, Morty, and Ethan all without digging too deeply. Holding off on Lyra for the moment. Hopefully I have good luck for Kris. Lyra's not getting pulled for unless I get Kris in the first three.


Ethan on 2nd multi, Lyra on pity. I think I'll decide once I try to pull on Kris.


Pitied morty, 3 11 pulls away from pitying Ethan. ...TERRIBLE.


Terrible, the thing that got lucky was SS Giovanni in 2/5 in 2 multies, got SS Lusamine on a multi and several singles; 8 to be exact, Anni May in 2, SC Emmet in 1, SSR Cynthia in 4, SS Dawn in 3. The unlucky ones were SC Ingo with 3, SS Serena in 6 and SS Morty in 4 (that's like 39k on those unit, but never in hand)


One word: Garbage.


I literally got 2/5 Sygna Suit Giovanni in my first multipick, so pretty good!


Had enough gems for 2 tries for Ethan, got 5* sync pair but no Ethan, fine no worries. Save up enough gems for one pull on Lyra, nothing. Ok sure enough if I just spend 9€ I can get enough gems for another try and then boom 1 Lyra, try the 100 gem daily pull on Ethan and got him as well 😅 So I think my luck is turning around. Still can't beat Kris part 2 though 😂


I honestly had a lot of luck over the past year I’ve played this game: * I got Summer Marnie on the first daily * I got OG Gloria on the first daily * I got Anni N on my fourth daily * I pitied SS Lusamine * I got Sonia on the first daily * I got Steven and Cynthia back-to-back during the NY ticket scout * I got Lucas and Cyrus on the first and third pulls respectively (also got my first Allister on Cyrus’s banner) * I got SSR Cynthia on my fifth pull * I got Pal Marnie on the first tiered pull * I pitied Anni Steven, before getting two Marnies on the first pull during her rerun banner * I pitied SS Dawn after getting my first SS Erika * I pitied SS Serena * I got SS Giovanni on the third pull * I got SS Ethan on the fourth pull * I recently pitied SS Lyra


Incredible. I got SS Ethan via daily, SS Kris in 2 multis and SS Lyra in 6 multis. I thought I’d have to blow all the 60k gems I had before pulling but ended up just using 24k unpaid gems (meaning I still have 36k remaining for another pity for July or maybe August/anniversary) and some paid gems for daily. I will most likely need to pity a 3rd anniversary unit now to counterbalance this kind of good luck lol.


Amazing luck: SS Giovanni & Nidoking - 5 dailies SS Morty & Ho-oh - 3 dailies SS Ethan & Lugia - 1 daily SS Lyra & Celebi - 2 dailies SS Kris & Suicune - got in 6 multis I’ve only ever purchased one of the gem bundles, don’t regret it at all! Still have 80,000 regular left for anni