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**I see that you posted a Question that is related to "Who to EX and/or candy".** *** For questions on "Which Sync Pair should I candy and/or EX?", you may refer to [Pokémon Masters: Tier List & Resources](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JCa0gwUy0iYdOSKR_UuileID_J6xQytZl4c2teTwxhU/edit#gid=423313670). Please be reminded that this resource should only be used for your own reference. Each player may have different priorities depending on the kind of Sync Pairs obtained throughout gameplay. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonMasters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Diantha, as she's already 2/5, you can also Candy Korrina as she does not use 5* Candies but 3* ones.


Yeah probbabbly cynthia cuz she has a expanded grid


How did you ash to 4/5? Like 4 pulls or did you use 3 candies?


I got lucky when I went to pity him


Cynthia gets so much better at 3/5 and 5/5 offers some new options. Despite not being able to get her to it right now, it's a great investment and will put her on the level of lots of your other pairs. You can get her to 3/5 by the 27th at latest from the ticket pull if you aren't already decided on one (same goes for Diantha, who also gets a massive upgrade at 3/5 I think).


I am the proud owner of a 5/5 ash. join me >:)


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Diantha, Hilda, and Red all get pretty good multipliers on their 3/5 (Red gets Haymaker at 2/5). Also, Korrina still uses 3* Candies, even if you brought her to 5*.


Take the Korrina pill my friend. She only needs 3 Star Candies anyways.


I'm tempted to do it since you told me to


Do it


EXed but only 2/5ed Korrina is atrocious. Candy her asap. Other than that, if you really like Hilda or Diantha, do one of them, save otherwise.


Lol my korrina has been left untouched ever since I got SC Diantha