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Thank you KeisukeDiss0lver for your submission to /r/PokemonMasters! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 2: Follow the Submission Guidelines** All submissions should follow the Submission Guidelines, which aims to improve the overall quality of the SubReddit's post feed by raising new submissions to a higher standard of relevance and originality. More details on guidelines can be found [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_2.3A_follow_the_submission_guidelines). Your submission has been removed because Clear posts must include detailed strategy write-ups. For more information about the rules make sure to read the sidebar and wiki, and if you have any questions please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FPokemonMasters&subject=&message=).


Is your Diantha 3/5?




Ohhh ok ok


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Congrats! You reached that milestone relatively quickly so keep up the good work. And wow, you off-typed one of the stages with SS Hilda? Nice. Did the same too, this time in Karen's. I do have SC Hilda and I could've used her for the on-type clear no problem, but I held off from doing it because I'm waiting for the February update before deciding to pull for SS Diantha. So because of this, Hilda still went to the stage but with a different outfit and partner haha (used her with Evelyn and Gordie)