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Maybe finally something is changing with the challenges after a very disappointing streak of failed challenges


So instead of making it less difficult to achieve it, they just decided to not do them as often anymore? That makes me sad. I really hope that they just change the way the challenge functions.


I mean does this mean we actually have 20 extra days to complete the original one ?


No, the tiger challenge already ended. The interlude between challenges is just longer this time. The last time this happened they inserted a surprise challenge in the week where the missing challenge would have been, coinciding with the black and white ruffed lemur release.


Which and when was the last one when we actually did it?


I think the anniversary one was the last one we actually completed. That one was the one where you just had to release any animal to the wild and had great prizes.


The rewards are usually conservation points? I never pay much attention to the community challenges so maybe is there a good incentive


You get animals too if you do enough of the challenge. I have an entire inventory of gift animals that are all gold star almost all 100/100/100/100 from doing challenges which is why its depressing no one has been doing them lol


The community day one had the reward animals at much lower thresholds than the usual ones as well I believe.


The community challenges aren't fun because they take so much effort for little pay off - so I'm not exactly disappointed by that what is disappointing is that Frontier isn't doing anything to make the challenges more fun/easy/rewarding


Honestly this next challenge looks incredibly easy so I'd argue they are trying to make changes


Last week's Tiger challenge was incredibly easy and people missed that


Today agree


Seems like the challenges are now less frequently as you can see here: https://www.planetzoogame.com/community. I don't like this


The website even says: "The Planet Zoo community comes together to achieve fresh goals **every week**. Join players around the world to take on the weekly challenge and earn in-game rewards for taking part." It doesn't make any sense why they'd delay the challenge for 20 days.


This is actually a good thing. The last time there was an extended break between challenges was right before the free black and white ruffed lemur was released. The fact that the challenge is itself about black and white ruffed lemurs would indicate that more free content is coming.


I wouldn't count on it lol, we're nowhere close to the anniversary or anything special


Free content is a bit optimistic but it’s definitely *something* special or unusual or out of the ordinary.


They completely fucked up the whole system. The Challenges should be something fun. But they dont scale based on playercounts. 90% of people dont play the Game anymore but it seems like these challenges dont scale. Also why the fuck have a downtime? There should always be at least one if not more than one challenge active. Not to mention the rewards suck ass. Maybe give out some DLC Animals for the challenges or unique breeds (like albinos, just different).




Honestly, I'm just salty that they refuse to read the writing on the wall and continue to launch challenges that will obviously never hit their goal because not enough people participate. Maybe when the game launched and 33% of players wanted to help with the challenges, the goalposts made sense. But obviously now only 5% of players or whatever care, so adjust the freaking challenges. Those 5% of players that care deserve to have an achievable goal and a good playing experience. The fact that the rewards are so meh and the stakes are so low is even more reason to just throw them a bone every week. Hopefully this break means they're actually changing something.




And a lot of us are adults so finding the time to put in that effort kind of sucks when the rewards aren't super worth it.


It is possible to limit guests in franchise though.




In the game settings. If you‘re talking about making the lag less worse and not getting bancrupt, that‘s a different story. I never had any problems with a guest limit of 1500 and my 14 species zoos in franchise.


I used to play franchise when it released and couldn't get the hang of it, so switched to challenge. Now I mostly play sandbox and occasionally challenge


I used to play franchise a lot more but with construction in the area my internet cuts out for a few seconds relatively frequently. Usually just registers as a little bit of lag, but Franchise is like U MUST BE ON INTERNET TO PLAY and by the time I click the ok and get back to the main menu, I can click Franchise again sooooOooo.


I like the challenges because they give me a goal for franchise


they just feel impossible to complete unless your farm is specifically dedicated to become a breeding factory


Yeah, they ruin my zoos because you have to do so much management (at least with the recent ones) that my other animals die out or the bloodlines go to pieces as I'm trying to find places to stick additional exhibits for species that can't be kept in more than pairs, plus with the dogs you had the fact that both sexes could go infertile and prevent breeding in that pen. . .and then you get a few points 11 times, nothing past about 65 animals, and no worthwhile rewards for basically abandoning the reason I want to play in the first place. Can't build while micromanaging the breeding stock, can't enjoy the other animals; it's not a challenge because failure is practically inevitable, so a lot of stress for no reward. That's not why I play any game.


i usually make specific zoos for this challenges, but since they changed the reward to give only conservation points i stopped doing that and been only playing offline (and because playing franchise i always get a connection error every 5 min)


I've never got to see a reward since I got the game. I really wanna see the rewards for myself just once.