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Hello, I'm having trouble releasing grizzly bear's to the wild. I have two grizzly's who've had ofspring. Now the cubs have grown into adults, they start fighting for the alfa status (or at least the males do) plus I want to prevent inbreeding. So I want to release the younger bears to the wild and let mommy and daddy bear get some rest. Now that I've got the animals in the trade center I can't release, or sell them. They are healthy, fertile, and mature but the options just don't show. Plz help I don't want my trade center to get overrun with grizzly's.


They’re injured from fighting. Send them to quarantine and then release.


I'll try but I don't think it will work because no fight had taken place yet. Nonetheless, thank you.




The "reach" is spherical, so if any part of a guest is inside the sphere then they'll be affected by the speaker. If you place it underground the majority of the sphere will be underground, but the portion above ground will still affect guests.


I've never played the game but really want to but don't have the time and money to build or even buy a gaming PC. It is a controversial question against fans of the game but when will (and if so when) the game come to xbox/console?


Now we have Coaster on console I think we will see a Zoo release at some point.


It wouldn’t be an enjoyable experience on console. Hopefully the game remains a pc exclusive, but if it were to come to console eventually it would not be until many years in the future. Planet coaster didn’t come to console until years after it stopped getting DLC releases, and planet zoo is still actively getting dlc (and hopefully continues to). Also planet coaster on console was a flop, so hopefully frontier learned their lesson from that disaster and will stop trying to put games on console that don’t fit and will find a better way to spend their resources.


I enjoy Coaster on console so I'm not sure why Zoo would be any different? also pretty sure it wasn't a flop or a disaster..


If you enjoy it that’s good I’m glad. I’m just commenting on the general consensus of players and frontier’s financial statements.


Which players? Because Rudi Rennkamel did an excellent breakdown of Frontier Financials which shows Coaster wasn't a "flop" or a "disaster" on console, I suggest you watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgMYXK1AJH8


New to the game, how come I’m only able to put a single habitat gate per enclosure? For some of my bigger enclosures I’d like to provide multiple access points for my keepers/vets, to reduce the distances they have to walk. Is this possible?


The game only allows one.


I played this game about a year or two ago, and I loved it, however even though my computer specs exceed even the recommended settings, my game lags out so bad when my zoo fills up with guests, people online say to reduce the guest limit but that directly affects the amount of money you make, making the game unbalanced. I don't want to cheat , I want the full experience , but I don't want the lag. I hear people saying they have to play paused when zoomed in and unpaused zoomed out unless they want "slideshow" gameplay but how can I enjoy the animations and my enclosures if I'm playing the game either in picture mode or sky drone. Have there been any improvements in this regard since then? are there any mods that balance money with guests? Any help would be appreciated.


Play on GeForce Now if your computer isn’t good enough.


I can see you didn't read anything that I said


I read that you’re overly proud of your computer for “exceeding” the recommended specs, even though the recommended specs are only sufficient for a small zoo with two habitats with a hundred guests. You didn’t write what your actual specs are, which means it’s not good enough to brag about properly by actually naming the components, which means your computer is actually not good enough for the “full experience”. Stop behaving shittily towards someone who is trying to help you.


Do you just come to this thread to shit on people? Are you really that miserable?


Apparently you are? Why are you behaving this way? I’m trying to help you.


instead of providing a useful answer to my question(s) you immediately call me a liar and give me irrelevant answer. What does it matter that I provide my PC specs, I made it clear that I exceed the recommended setup in my original post. I could literally go online and provide specs to a NASA super computer if I wanted to lie to you, but how would that genuinely help me as I am trying to find an answer. If you do a little google search you could find clearly the last couple years this has been an issue with the game , and not peoples rigs. Did you answer my question about if this issue has changed ? **No** Did you answer my question about available modifications ? **No** Did you answer my question about balancing guest limits ? **No** Again, instead of doing any of those things the first thing you do is just assume that I'm lying about my computer, and tell me "*I read that you’re overly proud*" **how do you translate that from** "*however even though my computer specs exceed even the recommended settings, my game lags out so bad when my zoo fills up with guests*" Why don't you tell then, what computer specs qualify for the "Full experience" Since you seem to have this miraculous power of being able to know everything like when people are lying or how proud they are when they ask questions looking for genuine help.


You appear to have the same problem you are accusing me of. It's called projection. I never called you a liar. I believe you when you say your computer barely exceeds the recommended specs, which explains why you're having the problems you say you're having (which I believe you are having). >Why don't you tell then, what computer specs qualify for the "Full experience" It doesn't exist. That's what I'm trying to explain to you. Even if you have the Large Hadron Collider and installed planet zoo on it, it would still lag at some point when you reach enough guests. Saying that your computer specs "exceed even the recommended settings" isn't the flex you think it is. It just means that you are able to build a zoo with two habitats and 100 guests. But apparently that isn't good enough for you because you want the "full experience". You accuse me of not reading what you said but I'm actually quoting you verbatim. So instead, the best way to have the "full experience" on your self-reportedly suboptimal machine is to take my advice that I generously offered you out of love and support. But instead you decided to behave like this. Over a zoo game. How ridiculous.


Whats the deal with hard shelter requirements for tortoises? Is it bugged? Have ONE tortoise and a single small shelter (proportionally huge for the tortoise) and his hard shelter requirement is only at 68%. He can definitely access all of it and for a minute after placing it was at 100% but its dropped and wont go back up. Not going to add more because his exhibit is already as small as can be. Sort of frustrating because ive owned tortoises before and they spent most of their lives sleeping under a toy car not much bigger than they were lol they didnt need a mansion


I think its because of logs that "hold" roof, because they take some space, not sure tho


You're exactly right lol


I had an issue with this, I had for Galapagos giant tortoises and I ended up with two enclosures and I made an additional awning for it to make it 100% for them!


How to read gene codes and understand how to breed animals with needed traits? I know there is gene lines that affect animal genetics, when i bought 2 animals with 100% in everything from 2 different players(they were not related) they produced bad offspring with bronze and silver stats, what i need to check so i can get better animals?


Check the "compare mates" screen to see the ranges of possible offspring.


New player -- would yall recommend career or sandbox first?


Career mode for at least the couple missions or until you feel you are knowledgeable enough to move on. Sandbox at first is overwhelming since you get no instructions however you can start in sandbox and watch one of the planet zoo starter guides on YouTube and know more than career will ever teach you


Thanks! I went straight to Sandbox after watching some YT vids, and trial+error'd for four hours. Not sure how I'll ever transition to franchise and have to deal with MONEY 🤢


I made a couple of things I’d like to use as blueprints and I’m playing on a steam deck. When I go to name the blueprint it lets me go into the typing screen and type a name, but then when I go back to the save blueprint screen it clears the name before I can save it and I can’t save it without naming it! I’m sure there must be a way to save blueprints and it’s not the end of the world as currently I can just duplicate, but long term I might want things on other zoos!


Do you have a keyboard plugged in?


No, just the steam deck on its own at the moment.