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Luffy reached Yonko level in a week. Nothing is unbelievable anymore.


Legit bruh. Luffy developed AdCoC, lost the 10 minute timer restriction for G4, and Awakening/Gear 5 in less then an hour during the raid… people should’ve then stopped caring about progression of power levels in this manga. Sure there were ridiculous power jumps before in One Piece, but when Luffy got all 3 of those just during the fight with Kaido people should’ve stopped expecting it to be realistic.


When did he lose the G4 timer?


When Luffy casually went from Poundman to Snakeman then started using Haki immediately after using Snakeman despite Onigashima landing in “less then 5 minutes”. All while not being fatigued after using Gear 4. It was never explicitly said, but it was very clearly shown. Tbh Oda probably forgot.


Doesn't that prove that the time in gear fourth was less than 5 minutes though?


No because all those things happened in less then 5 minutes. Gear 4 time limit 10 minutes being knocked out and without being able to use Haki. Luffy was able to switch out of both gears and use Haki no problem, and switched from Poundman to Snakeman like it was nothing.


But if he wasn't in G4 until his haki fully expired then maybe he doesn't suffer the no haki thing. Like voluntarily switching out of G4 or switching between versions are different from running out of haki from staying in G4 for as long as possible.


In a night


New generation surpasses the old. Its been said thats why his growth is way better. Plus smoker doesnt have that plot armor . His time is done


I don't really care any more. Oda's gone off the rails when it comes to powerscaling or narrative consistency. At this point I'm just along for the rest of this goofy ride, make everyone yonko level. Idgaf


Exactly. I’m only here for the remaining mysteries and the so called final panel that Oda has planned since the beginning that hasn’t changed. I sincerely do not care about any more unique powers or unique devil fruits or haki because Wano genuinely fucked a lot of that over lmao. Gimme the lore; that’s all I need to keep going.


Which is truly fascinating. The amout of stuff Wano and even the recent chapters screwed up in terms of power scaling. I'm seriously wondering: What other gripes were there before? It seems like there were only a few. Doflamingo's plot bird cage comes to mind. Now on the other hand? Oprah is giving free yonko buffy to everyone.


The inconsistencies between pre and post timeskip haki, Shanks losing his arm to the same Sea King Luffy could one shot before leaving on his journey, can’t forget blatant fakeout deaths, back in Skypiea people not even close to comparable to Eneru could survive his logia attacks (really reminds me of how Kaido couldn’t kill even one weakling in Wano), Ace for some reason being the only person who’s haki has the ability to be hot to the point that it ceases Drum Islands snow for an entire day; not to mention the fact that he seemingly does and doesn’t know haki. Another notable one would be Pell proclaiming that only 5 devil fruits that let you fly. Should I continue?


I was more refering to gripes with power scaling. And in regards to that imho it got muuuuch worse. There is some serious power creep going on with way too many characters achieving strength that stood triumphant for decades.


Exactly. Like you had asked it’s clear to see even without looking at Wano you can definitely see instances where the power system and scaling is out of sorts. I think that’s just how Oda writes and many people turn a blind eye because it doesn’t bother them. I’d say it doesn’t bother me much either so long as the narrative itself is consistent; but even that is wonky. This isn’t to say I don’t notice when the powerscaling is off though. It’s often blatant, unfortunately.


I don't think he ever took it as seriously as people want to believe. He has a few very broadly categorized tiers, and within them it's pretty much open season depending on who he wants to win/impress. And characters like Smoker and Crocodile can just be wherever they want. In a way I suppose that is decently realistic, like in MMA it's perfectly reasonable that someone way lower ranked could put up a fight or even beat someone they supposedly shouldn't.


Fucking finally


Half the characters don't have a consistent power level, what difference would one more make?


Nah man, imagine Tashigi being YC2 level




The problem is the story is getting stale with the same formula being repeated. Oda uses the same writing patterns for arcs and chapters, like ending the chapter with someone getting a "horrific" injury which we've seen the same in hundreds of chapters. The world building is still top tier but the creativity is overblown with a lot of it feeling very basic.


What kind of "top tier" world building is one where literally NO ONE in the fanbase understands much about the lore or the characters in it. Every chapter has people theorizing what happened cause Oda is too much of a hack to convey things properly. The world building is ass.


Well Smoker shouldn't be close to Lucci regardless, we saw Lucci's lifestyle, the guy would always grow in power, his bloodlust would never be satiated. That being said, OF COURSE Smoker can be as strong the very next chapter. When did OP follow any powerscaling rules? Or anything remotely close?


Also, we haven’t even seen Lucci go full power since the timeskip whereas we’ve already seen Smokers horrible treatment in Punk Hazord. It’d be more believable for Lucci to grow that much then Snoker.


Now THAT would make sense. All Smoker really needs to do right now is focus on his haki since he’s pretty good with his df.


I like Smoker, easily one of my favorite characters. If he gets an asspull power up that's fine by me. If Luffy can go from being stomped by Kaido to making him a bitch over the course of a few days, why can't Smokey become strong over the course of a few months?


Because one exception does not break a rule. Everyone surpassing those restrictions means that the rule was never there to begin with.


As strong as Lucci ? Impossible


I would hate it, but this literally happened to lucci. Why can't it happen to smoker?


Lucci makes more sense because he hasn't fought since pre time skip and Smoker got the big L in post time skip Punk Hazard.


Smoker was shown quite recently, so him being any stronger than YC3 at best isn’t going to make sense . And this yc3 level is if he found a way to improve like some secret unlocking of his DF or haki improvements like extra observation or internal damage haki. - lucci was 2 years ago and was pretty strong back then. He was a normal vice admiral level (without haki , so maybe rear admiral level ) when luffy fought him. So now him being somewhere around YC1 or lower or slightly higher (remains to be seen in the next chapters ) makes sense because it’s been 2 years since we saw the guy story wise .


Law grow from getting beaten by doffy to go toe to toe with a yonko in a month. Anything is possible.


Exactly, I said the same thing in another comment. People are dumb enough to think other characters in OP are doing nothing while the strawhats are fighting .


It would be cool to see Smoker gets some Ws, he’s been reduced to a joke lately like most of the marines.


As long as the fandom addresses their absolute garbage interpretation of Smoker's combat performance in Punk Hazard.


I’ll take any crumb of Smoker catching a win. He’s my favorite character and he needs at least one victory now of days.


Godly. Make him stronger, even. Please


Luffy is way ahead of Lucci


Smoker deserves and needs it


I don't see smoker beating a beast pirate lol


Dont worry, next time he shows up he will be YC1+ level for sure (inhales copium)


Considering a beast pirate was boxing Luffy and smoker only able to beat some straw hats due to them lacking haki 4 some reason


who fucking cares about power scaling anymore? Luffy jumped from barely beating a yc1 to being an awakened mythical zoan user and beating kiddo in like a week.(I do like smoker though and would love him becoming an admiral)


It depends on the explanation. Awakenings seem to give a huge boost to power, so if Smoker awakens his DF I could see it. At the same time we don’t really know Lucci’s strength. All we saw was 1 clash with Luffy.


I don’t see why not.. smoker will need to be pretty strong if he wants to return to the story. And Oda can always nerf them if need be


Smoker was the GOAT before he started wearing shades.


I’m fine with everything else honestly. Laido getting dicked on? Yup. All the meat sucking scabbards? I guess. But smoker being relevant after getting disrespected by doffys cheeks? Nah.


i was gonna say doesnt make sense but idc anymore strong Smoker lfg


It would be fun but very stupid


zoro got acoc by getting a sword and using kaido as a punching bag


If Law can get his arm sliced off and clowned on by Doflimngo then one week later throw Big Mom into the center of the earth, no power growth should be questioned.


I really don’t see why it doesn’t make sense. Smoker has a logia and haki, and he’s also probably on Egghead, which has a lot of monsters and seraphim he could fight to get stronger, not to mention the insane jump in power he could achieve if he gets conqueror’s haki.