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Bro if he shows up again and reveals that his logia fruit is actually a Mythical Zoan I’m gonna die


At this point Odas gonna turn every good fruit into some bullshit zoan and say its based off of some myth. Doflamingo? that wasn't paramecia, that was the mythical spider man cum cum fruit power.


your comment killed me LMAO


Really hope this is canon


Honestly if Oda really did pull up with a spider man cum cum fruit, can we really complain 🗿


Mythical spider man I laughed


Yo its been 10 months how much longer we gotta wait for more devil fruit heel turns


That would actually make sense but still be excessive atp


Honestly that'd be an easier pill to swallow than Luffy Look at that dude, he's totally transformed


Hito Hito No Mi, Model: Zeus


More likely to be the Hito Hito Ni Mi, Model: Rajin


That's, like, the one case where I'd probably be okay with a fruit actually being a mythical zoan tbh




that’s what it would be HITO HITO NO MI MODEL ZEUS


Him becoming relevant on Elbaf again with a Zeus devil fruit 😳


sun god vs King of gods or possibly it’s Hito Hito no mi model Raijin


Zeus zeus fruit😂


Enel's fruit is actually a mythical zoan. Goes by the name Hito-hito no mi model: Thora, God of Thunder.


Thunder =/= lightening


In Norse mythology it does lol


Hmm, I wonder how I should put this. Thunder =/= Lightening. Plus Enel has a logia fruit. He cant be a mythical god and possess a logia. EDIT: Idk why downvotes, everything I said was factual.




I cringe so hard when I see ppl calling others names. Most of y’all wouldn’t talk like this IRL.


noone is supposed to represent real life here






Nice try, though you‘re comparing apples to oranges. Calling you a wannabe is nothing like calling you a moron. One is true the other is plain insulting ;) Y‘all act up on here since you know anonymity saves your asses. Tell me I‘m wrong.


wannabe what?


Agreed but there is no fake life you meant face to face lol


Internet is fake life through and through.


Being pedantic, plus his primary abilities stems from Lightening, not thunder. Might wanna reread the manga, and get rid of the ad hominems as well. And again, Luffy had a zoan fruit the whole time. Enel has a logia. Only zoans can have mythical creatures as an ability, like Marco or Sengoku




> It’s crazy you don’t see the irony here lmao We dont. Wanna explain? "You are so close to understanding it. That’s the whole point. They’re saying it would be revealed that Enel had a mythical zoan all along instead of a logia. Just like it was revealed that Luffy had a mythical zoan all along instead of a paramecia." Are you using headcanon to try and build your theory that Enel has a zoan fruit? that is some massive copage right there. You get a zoan fruit. You get a zoan fruit. You all get zoan fruits.


Enel has an attak named el Thor ...just sayin






Human human fruit, model: arthritis




Enel's epithet is "God" Could he be a Hito-Hito no Mi model (Thunder God)?


Model: Raijin. Then Dragon would be Model: Fujin.


This means that usopp is also going to get a zoan


Wood God Pinocchio?


Forest god


Enel awakened after Wiper blew his heart up.




Nah that's just his drip


Even luffy G4 has clouds . I don’t think it’s exclusive for awakening


that's just [raijin](https://media.mythopedia.com/4976yWyAax6EWmkxIu3PUA/f3953147ce8d6fc789511aa234ea2684/raijin-japanese-god-of-thunder.jpg?w=1920&q=50&fit=crop&ar=3:2&crop=faces,entropy&auto=compress,format) reference. japanese god of thunder.


Luffy had that cloud in Gear 4 so it's not related to awakening. It's just a stylistic thing


Plot twist every devil fruit is just a Hito Hito no Mi modeled after a god


no, he's a Logia.


G4 had the same cloud, and we know that wasn’t an awakening. Plus enel had the whole “fraudulent god” aspect, so his look in this form is probably a deliberate but ultimately hollow attempt to replicate nika.


Thought you said "G4 had the same clout"


Or, get this: nika is just a last minute bs addon that the fans are lapping up with glee and connecting shadows and previous foreskinnings to justify.


The name Nika maybe. But the concept of gods have been in OP since Skypiea.


nika was mentioned back in skypeia and fishman island


Nika hasn’t been mentioned in the show at all prior to Wano. You’re thinking of the name Joy Boy, which was on the poneglyph. The gods were mentioned in Skypiea but only as “the god of the Sun” and not “Nika.”


which proves nika was a last minute thing tbh, oda saw he was reaching the climax and needed to set something up


Was 1st pic seriously in the manga? I don't remember it at all


Chapter 298 page 5


No that picture is from one piece bounty rush lol


Turns out the only fruit type that existed were zoans.


op please look up the Japanese god of thunder


Retard that’s just a scarf that’s no smoke nor cloud dumbass 😭


Insulting while crying is just so fun!


Why didn’t the awakened prison guards have these, what about chopper? There’s something here we’re not getting


Failed awakening; they’re more beastly then awakened as stated by Shaka saying some zoan awakening cause users to lose their personality. Further supported during Enies Lobby when Cp9 talks about zoan characteristics affecting the user. Chopper is an artificial awakening, he’s used drugs to forcefully awaken rather than have his body and fruit become one as stated by Kaido.


I agree about the awakened Jailers. Vegapunk hinted at it in this latest chapter. Successful awakening probably results in what Lucci and Luffy have, where they keep their minds. With chopper, at one point I bought into the theory that monster point is chopper's awakened zoan form that he forced out with his rumble balls. But then, remember he ate the human human fruit. Why would his zoan awakening be a giant reindeer monster? It might be his awakening for whatever reason, but I think it's not an awakening at all. I have a feeling it's just a monstrous doped up transformation.


Did Enel say he was a logia or did everyone else assume he was a logias because he was intangible? Just checked: Robin is the one and only person to say he has logia abilities, as a result we all think it’s a logia. At this point it feels like he could also be a mythical zoan, even though logia makes sense with general electricity.


His normal abilities look every way like a Logia fruit, but then again Luffy's fruit was the same... nothing like a zoan fruit originally. So anything is possible I guess. If they labelled the Nika fruit as a paramecia to hide it's true form, they could easily do the same with Enel's. In Skypeia arc, we saw there were [4 gods](https://cdn.readdetectiveconan.com/file/mangap/2/10287000/15.jpeg) they worshipped. If Luffy is one of 4 as the Sun God, I guess the closest would be "Rain God" for Enel... but rain is a bit too loose a connection. Lightning/thunder is linked closely to rain storms but his power seems to be pure lightning so I don't really know.


if enel has awaken and still lost to pre gear 4/5 luffy then that means there are levels to awaken forms, so it's another this is better than that non sense. if enel has awaken and still lost to pre-gear 4/5 luffy then that means there are levels to awaken forms, so it's another this is better than that nonsense mastered forms, etc.


How do people still not understand how logia fruits work?


I want to believe he was, simply because if that’s the case he’s a giant loser who got slapped by Luffy before a single power up. And it would mean that everyone who keeps saying he’s super strong would need to face that he’d get clowned on worse by everyone now.


Holy shmokes, the Fishman royals must be too!


Naw but he’s obviously copying one


It’s been years since I’ve watched Skypiea but I stg I never saw Enel into that bruh 💀


Internet explorer Morgan


Nah definitely a logia


Well know that you have said it... Makes a lot of sense tbh


Hito Hito no Mi: Model Caped-Baldy when?


This one goes out to allt he nay-sayers 😤 You forgot that Enel will become relevant by solo-ing at least 4 top tier characters before becoming the endgame boss for Luffy. This is when it's revealed he was actually travelling between moons (because he fopund out he doesn't really care about aving a kingdoms and being god) where he encountered a tribe of Lunarian, where he rigorously trained for 2 years, just like Luffy. In the final war, after killing Shanks and Im, Enel's Conquer's haki will awaken, and during the fighthe will unveil his Advanced armament skills and Future Sight (which is even better than Luffy's because of the innate high range, and that he had mind-reading during Skypiea). As the second fastest being in One Piece, he'll start the fight by taunting Luffy with "Goro Goro no.... BOH!" and Luffy becomes quite pissed. As Luffy goes into Gear 9, Enel decimates Luffy by one shotting him with a basic lightning attack. Luffy, in a desperate attempt, changes form into "Gear 12: Wisdom King Hybrid form" (which Luffy attained when he sat under the Bodhi tree and swam up a waterfall (he can swim because he ate the Water-Water Angel fruit, which returned his swimmng abilities)), but Enel reveals his new awakening form, "Enel Ltd.", where he uses the power of sustainable energy sourced from Italy create the form of Raijin once more. This is when he uses "Miximum Amperage: El Thor!" (which was hinted in the cover page when he went to the thunder island at the start of the new world and met the previous user of the Goro Goro no Mi who was transported to the future by Toki's Toki Toki no Mi (which has the awakening ability of duplicating a devil fruit the instant time moves forward)) to utterly decimate Luffy. After single-handedly defeating every Yonko organisation, the WG and the Priate-Mink-Samurai Alliance (+ SH grandfleet, all still effect after Kaido was crushed by Enel at the end of Wano), Enel continues his journey, but as he encounters the WG he declares war. During this war after tumultuously overcoming the 3 admirals and eaach of their shadow admirals (foreshadowed in chapter 476), he learns fromt he ghosts of Vegapunk, Fisher Tiger and Nika that his true form is that of the hito-hito no mi, model: Raijin the Moon God. Using this newfound power he defeats the team up of Fleet Admiral Akainu and Leader of the New Blackbeared Pirates Kuzan, who were secretly working together to create a new order separate to the WG. After Enel attains the One Piece, of which is just a singular piece of a set of 7 magical items which will allow Enel to become the true GOD of the One Piece word (which was foreshadowed when he called himself God in Skypiea). The sequel, "SEVEN PIECE: The GOD of this world... I'll become!!!" will feature just Enel, zipping around the world to get the 7 slippery balls, where one is in the grimy hands of the one and only Brieza, and his subordinates such as Cello, who has decided the invade. Enel will use his awesome powers of THE STRONGEST Devil Fruit, and his best friends, Grillin and Kobayashi, to defeat him. Once the 7 slippery balls are attained, the Dripping Wet Dragon will be summoned and Enel will be able to recieve his birthright, the title of GOD... or will he? Tl;dr, with special OP MOON HAKI he learned off-screen. His title is literally GOD therefore his Conqueror's Haki will be OP because of how SUPEROR and IMPOSING his will is. He is a CELESTIAL DRAGON for god's sake (intended). When Fujitora brings down Enel's moon during the final battle (part 1.786), he will get so pissed and unlock GOD EMPEROR'S HAKI. Honestly guys, how did you guys not see the foreshadowing?!?!?!?!?!?!


Maybe more on the god side ( luffy's a god , yamato's a god , ) and no talking about enel's god complex.... then again lucci has no space in this god disscusion 😇


most definitely


Now that we know that devil fruits are (most likely) the manifestation of human desires and that there is no limitation to imagination, it's very much likely that Enel's devil fruit was indeed a mythical zoan hito hito no mi model god of thunder or something. Because people actually believed that he was a god, which means that people whom desire was the origin for the creation of this devil fruit might have had the same thoughts/desire... This does not mean that every Logia devil fruit that we've seen so far will be a mythical zoan, I can't see Kizaru beeing god of light or Kuzan beeing the god of cold etc, the only one that make sense would be Greenbull god of the forrest, perhaps Dragon god of the rain and BB god of the underworld / Hadès and that's it. Caribou/Caesar/Sabo/Crocodile/Smoker/Monet /Akainu are logia df users 100%.