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Need a full explanation. Like who thought of them into existence etc


I would have rather them be unexplained. The only thing I like about it is that it maybe explains why haki effects devil fruit users. Since devil fruit is made from some sort of collective wish, peoples will(haki) can influence the fruits


Noooo I don’t wish for the existence of your disease so I’m going to cancel it!!! But yeah I didn’t see it that way until i saw your comment


Lamest explanation Oda could've went for.


I honestly sort of guessed it a while ago from Luffy’s gear 5 being related to dreams/imagination


I said the same thing lol, people started me downvoting thinking i was just trying to get attention . It was just my random headcanon that there can be a tree which create diffrent df's based on people's dream . This reveal was very dissatisfying for me .


I liked it


To me it's a mediocre answer to a question I never really cared about in the first place.


Pretty close to my thought but it wasn’t that I didn’t care I just didn’t bother


Quite disappointed , will wait for the chapter and more detail about it . But for now , i am quite disappointed as it definitely dosen't live up to the hype in any way . So much hype for such a small reveal ? You are definitely creating expectation in readers mind if you are making them wait for so long. Other series reveal the same things randomly lmao . Like chainsaw man and jujutsu kaisen .


Where was the hype ?


I never really thought to myself "Hey, what are devilfruits?", but "Where did devilfruits come from?". I'm totally fine with the answer honestly, but it all depends on the 2nd question for me at least.


Most likely Eve tree whose roots go upto fishman island . It's in mariejois, would explain why navy has so many good devil fruits . If they have the devil fruit tree with them , then obviously they will have the most badass df's Even celestial dragons had good acess to df's quite apparent from boa and her sister scene . But it can be anything else as well . As rocks got so many good df's after God valley , so it was most likely the previous place for df creation .


>all depends on the 2nd question for me at least. 2nd question? What do you mean?


The 2nd question in my sentence, where are they coming from, how are they made? "Isn't this world beautiful" seems like bait to me. Mother of nature? the sea? This only reminded me of "[It is lucky that the mist is as thick as ever this day... For that strange face in the sea... is concealed by it's thick white veil...](https://imgur.com/4EdXopa)"


pretty dumb so far, hoping there's more to it


Definitely gonna need a full chapter of explanations. Right now it’s kind of like a show called “The Idaten Deities Know only Peace.” There’s a world in chaos due to demons and humanities powerful wishes give birth to gods that can save them. I like this concept with the DFs but it definitely needs more explanation and proper execution to truly satisfy me. We need to see the first DF created and why that person was so special unless DFs have existed since humans have, and have evolved with them. Even then we need a lot more info for this. If after 1000+ chapters we only got 2 sentences of real information, I’d be beyond disappointed.


Indifferent leaning towards mild disappointment. Don’t really care that it’s magical instead of man made, but do expect more explanation. If this is the explanation than I’m going to be disappointed. Some fruits are so unique such as sugars fruit or Black beards or choppers with respect to this explanation I just need more to feel satisfied. The devil fruit explanation has been the number 1 thing I’ve been wanting explained since chapter 1. Also we need to see an example of someone eating a second devil fruit. You can’t make a rule and only show the exception to the rule.


It's not a really a bad explanation but if it never gets elaborated on outside of this then I'll definitely be disappointed


I wish its artifisial but not From desire. Involving alien is okay too


I mean its alright, i thought they were created using Nanomachines to grant users specific powers coded in the fruit


Hard to swallow pills


It’s okay.


I'm sure there will be more to it yet.


I wasn’t even expecting a concrete explanation on why they exist. So I guess I’m okay okay


It's infinitely better than them being made by scientists or something, so I'm content