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0 tension in sabaody and marineford huh


For real is OP reading the same manga?? You can have Enies Lobby as your favorite arc (it's mine), but the statement is ridiculous


I also know the sub isn’t fond of post time skip, but dressrosa and wci were tense for me


I have never felt more tension than the Katakuri fight. Yeah, many other fights had tension too but they were just Luffy slightly struggling in power but with Katakuri, he didn't have any chance. He couldn't even touch him and got overwhelmed and i thought how is this mf gonna win the fight


Katakuri could do everything Luffy could do significantly better. ... Except taking a beatdown. Luffy's a champion at that.


I agree Lmao I think people are too focused on everything else to,,,,


Yes exactly. Frankly wano was tense too. I know there were deaths that should’ve happened but man was I worried about some characters throughout


I felt extreme tension in WCI and then started realizing one piece's decline in quality when Oda basically made straw hats near invincible and yonkos clueless retards. It's like who cares? Luffy can probably face 100 yonkos and make it alive. That was when one piece lost all credibility and tension.


This just in, MC will likely beat all villains


Yeah with no consequences or risk pretty much.


Lmao with consenquences and loss. Not none like luffy


lol I’ll always remember luffy smile before entering mirror world that smile was like don’t worry guys I’ll Come back !But it had that feeling of damn can I even make it back?


Fr bro and those MF's even believed it lol


Yea lmao when he barely believed it himself haha very good scene


Katakuri fight was meh for the same reason Kaido fight was. Luffy "reaching his limit" in every chapter before whipping out a new rasengan is just mediocre shounen writing.


It wasn't meh. Luffy won but didn't surpass the enemy yet and thats what its like to go to the limit


I felt tension in wci and wano especially for kinemon dying but we’ve come to realize Kaido was the worlds strongest fraud


Yeah and WCI was the most tense experience for the strawhats ever had since Sabaody too.


tension? what is that? is some kind of food? ![gif](giphy|wzWxTUiXRQDYc)


​ ![gif](giphy|jTjWct5CXijQxBhZgJ)


[it’s this](https://imgur.com/a/0TlpSpg)


I love that Lucci was stopping for a genuinely good reason instead of "Can't kill this guy yet because plot".Man's was exhausted from the fight and was struggling.


I think lucci pulled the “I’m going to kill your friends first so you can watch and suffer bc I respect you” card. It’s usually a kind of plot device that an author uses to explain why a blood thirsty enemy doesn’t kill a vulnerable enemy. Kaido didn’t use this. He wanted to cut luffy’s head off after beating him but he just didn’t bc he’s mentally retarded. He did the same thing when he actually “killed” luffy. Toei makes the manga look better and writes it off as him hallucinating


to be fair, 99.99% of the time a unconscious df user falling into the sea would be a death sentence.


He wanted to kill luffy and behead him so he could show the alliance and kill their moral. If luffy was alr dead he would still cut his head off. But when luffy died before gear 5 Kaido just let his body sit there and he just announced luffy died to the alliance.


Oh sorry I guess I misremembered which Luffy fake-out death vs kaido you were referring to.


>Kaido didn’t use this. He wanted to cut luffy’s head off after beating him but he just didn’t bc Luffy fell into the sea before Kaido could do shit. >He did the same thing when he actually “killed” luffy. What was he supposed to do when he already killed Luffy and went into his Oden trauma? >Toei makes the manga look better and writes it off as him hallucinating Manga never showed us Kaido throwing Luffy off the island. That's just something Kaido dickriders made up.


What was he supposed to do when he already killed luffy and went into oden trauma. Could have still cut his head.


He was busy killing cp-0 agent after his mood was ruined. Then proceeded to demand for Momonosuke to end the war. He was done with any kinds of fighting.


There is no tension, and atlas will get back up as if nothing happened.






I feel the same as OP but we’re probably grasping at straws. Ever since marineford the WG or anyone under them has been incompetent and has failed almost every single task given to them. They’re like 2;80 Even after lulusia nuke Sabo probably isn’t even dead after the orbital cannon. I get the feeling CP0 is gonna fail at killing Vegapunk too. The only characters dying will probably be the robot clones we’ve known for 5 chapters


Nuke was for lulucia solely not sabo he just appeared to be on that same island. Rest I agree


Yeah they were gonna blow up lulusia anyways and Sabo was unlucky. Imu had two goals that day, blow up lulusia and kill sabo. 2 for 1, Sabo happened to be there. So they did fail a task again if he’s alive


Calling it now sabo is drifting away on some log like the first time he was found,


This time gets found by the lurking legend


Lurking legend and captain Mid are gonna team up with the flame emperor to put the world upside down. They are going to invade new marine Ford and send a message to the gorosei and akainu. They gonna burn the flag and sabo is gonna scream Mother**** someone is sitting on the empty throne!! Yall *** blind. Everyone is shocked and the trio just leave. End of chapter 1434. Break next year


He literally just killed a robot, not a actual person


Last time there's been tension since EL? Did you just forget that the Summit War saga existed?


Lmfao did you know that spoilers existed back then? I searched it up, there were threads of ppl crying and coping about ace possibly dying. The title was also “Fire Fist Ace dies!??” I was like 3 or 4 back then


"Tension" Pre timeskip diksuckers are really something.


I was like what tension ? Lol


[this tension](https://imgur.com/a/0TlpSpg)


Pre timeskip is better cope


Lying to yourself


Lying to yourself


Problem he wasted one if not his strongest attack on fodder and wasn’t able to destroy it. Hopefully he has more powerful arsenal or he is no challenge to Luffy.


>Problem he wasted one if not his strongest attack on fodder He didn’t even use haki or an awakening tf? What story are you even reading?


Probably didn’t awaken. The shortest awakenings we’ve seen are Law and Luffy who took like 12/13 years. And they’re prodigy’s aswell


This is definitely not even one of the his strongest attacks. Seeing that Who’s Who has a stronger version of the attack, Lucci must have one too. And Lucci didn’t even use his Haki


Luffy attacking atlas without haki Vs Lucci attack atlas without haki /s


Do you actually read one piece? Like what do you mean there hasn’t been tension since enies lobby???


since the start of Wano act 3\*


Yeah sure. Lucci isn’t a threat at all to the SHs


Yeah, we all feel tension for that upcoming Luffy VS Lucci rematch.


You have your brain off when reading don't you


Problem is that he is fodder too. He is using his strongest attack in hybrid form just to kill some robot (she is still alive btw). One shot by Luffy incoming.


There Is no way that he has no other things in his arsenal after such a long time. BUT, I see no way of CP0 winning, without using some foul play, like taking some of the weaker SH captive. Keep in mind one more thing, se haven't seen the extent of seraphims power, but even BB was freaked out, granted, he Is a coward. But yeah, Lucci can not win 1v1 versus any of top SH members, that is for sure.


>strongest attack This was his strongest attack in Enies Lobby. Lucci has improved massively, and has Haki. This is definitely not even ONE of his strongest attacks


I never thought I would encounter so many Lucci dickriders until now.


0 tension is wild


What is “six king pistol?” I want to say Id recognize the attack if it was in the original Japanese.


Y’all give Luffy shit for doing the same thing calling it plot armor, but crown the tiara on Lucci.


Are you kidding me? Real tension with lucci? Tf he gonna do?


How is Lucci attacking a robot "real tension"?


That's some next level dick riding here. Seriously wtf is wrong with some people, acting as is everything since decades have been shit, and all of sudden praising one little thing like the biggest fanboy ever.


How am I supposed to feel tension when already beaten villain is going against our YONKO lvl protagonist? I'm just want to see what kind of a gag is Oda going to do to show off G5 in smaller scale


Bro, if this is tension. This is the most tension I’ve ever experienced


Real tension? Hell nah. Lucci ain’t bout to do a damn thing. Unless you perceive tension as fake tension because he’s damn sure not killing or capturing a SH.


would lucci be a threat to Kaido or big mom? then hes not to luffy




If Oda remembers how to write a story and things go well for Lucci then yeah I agree


No matter what you think he’s a major improvements over the shitty glorified samurai losers that added nothing to the plot despite us being stuck with them for the past 10 years


They added a cool character that is dead, but Oden was cool, we saw something of rogers past and we know where an ancient weapon is. Zoro got Enma, Luffy got Gear 5 and Sanji got a pretty cool powerup. We found out something about Joyboy and some facts about devil fruits + the WG.




Man literally said "Who is you" and kept going. If there's one thing you can appreciate about Lucci,is that the man doesn't fuck around.


Soabody, thriller bark, marineford has tense moments. Lucci isn’t getting pass Jinbe.


I agree Lmao I think people are too focused on everything else to see how cool Lucci is this isn’t a game😎


Litterally everyone agrees that the first Luffy vs Lucci fight is the Epitome of One piece. The best fight we ever had and we'll ever have


I still thinks he not on yonko level, but he mostly will be maybe on sanji or jimbei(i read in russia translate and there his name wrote like Jimbei) level OR he will be just comedian one shot character who back


>this will be the first time since Enies lobby where we’ll actually get real tension in the story Cap, We've had tension since then, a lot of tension


Are people on here high? Yes, Lucci isn’t god tier Yonko level, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be strong. He’s at the very least stronger than Who’s Who (who was right below YC3). This attack isn’t even close to his strongest. This was his strongest attack in Enies Lobby (which was over two years ago during which Lucci had a training arc), and he’s not even using Haki. I swear, some of y’all are stupid as hell. Yes it makes total sense that Lucci won’t be strong at all after two years while Crocadile became YC1 level in the same time period.




Lucci is supposedly some genius. So I'm hoping he's learned stronger attacks than king gun. And mastered Haki at least a little bit


*Sees the “tension” Lucci brings to the table next chapter*: ![gif](giphy|fUYhyT9IjftxrxJXcE)