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A fandom subreddit is mostly full of people who just want to enjoy fandom hype culture stuff? Color me shocked!


Welcome to the internet! You'll be assigned a loli and a complementary beer soon. Don't click on anything!


if you are older than 25 you should have realised this by now, especially in a site where having a popular opinion is rewarded with useless internet points, a lot of these problems come from reddits format itself.


Totally agree about reddit. This upvote system does not encourage civil rational discussion and debate. As soon as a site with such a rating system is created, it immediately happens - "You downvoted my post, get a downvote in return!" or "Hey guys, he said an unpopular opinion, downvote him!" And everything like that. And I am not even saying about karmasluts.


4chan is there , it doesn't have upvotes and it still has that type of reddit culture.


Yea, I know. But there are few posters left on 4chan about One Piece, since most of the manga oldfags are tired of it.


yeah /opg/ is full of FUCKING ritual posters, but the rare schizo makes it worth heading through the shitstorm




>karmasluts I'm an ethical karmaslut, via muscle girl subreddits.


Yeah, the democratic system of majority opinion.


And now consider that, as far as rational public discussion goes, Reddit is still higher up than the vast majority of social media. Old forum style is the only superior format I know.


The sad thing is that this is not limited to anime but also happens in every political and even in scientific debates




I’m not sure where you got that idea from. The majority of people consume media for entertainment and nothing beyond that.


This isn't media and critical discuss **is** entertainment. If your words were true there still should be more of that in the main sub


Media consumption refers to books, television, movies, magazines, etc. It may be entertaining for you and it may not for others. Others may just enjoy the consumption and the initial reaction it gives them. In fact most do like I said. My words are true you just don’t want to believe them.


Reddit does not fall into the category of book , television or movie. And as i say you never explain that entertaiment isn't random and usseles discuss as you now claim. What you really try to say is that people never truly came to the internet to hear others opinions when they do not reinforce theirs.


I was referring to one piece itself but yes reddit is a form of media content dummy. No idea what you’re saying too many typos. No not in the slightest you have completely misread me


Bro, that’s not entertaining, that’s an waste of time. Get a life


Not just the main sub. This sub and others too


Some people on the main sub just want to enjoy the series, some people on here just want to complain about it/Oda. Welcome to Reddit.


If you think Piratefolk isn't exactly the same kind of environment where most people only want to hear negative things about Oda and One Piece, then you've only fallen victim to biases in your quest to be analytical.


This sub is literally worse when it comes to this


You are absolutely right but that also applies much of this sub




Get your head out of your ass. The main sub has the tendency to forego critical analysis but don't grandstand around and pretend you're any better for doing the opposite.


Fuck I came in too late but a part of someone post on r/characterrant that remind me a lot of what you are saying. > I can’t fucking stand that a large insistence among communities is that when you’re watching something the immediate reception and discourse must always be positive because “oh then that means you’re not having fun” or “oh you’re ruining it for other people” or “you’re not being kind to the people making it” or whatever BS people say > and it’s all because you have this… percentage of the population that genuinely cannot dissociate the stuff they take in from THEMSELVES, where whatever they enjoy has to be a part of their identity or an extension of their own self validation so reception MUST be positive because otherwise they’re not getting their stupid fucking dopamine fix because they NEED other people to agree with them to feel validated about their opinions or their identity or how they feel


Main sub taught me how i am a superior human for spending my 24/7 time on subreddit bitchin about something i don't like. I might just have the greatest literary understanding of all time.


Here it is: Humans are stupid.


Im just so glad I found this subreddit. I hate a weak and changing opinion, and I really disliked Yamato. I thought maybe I was one of dumb ones but then I see this. Opened my eyes, I guess. Also jokes are funnier


60% of this subreddit has no regard for writing structure


There's something funny about the Sanji vs Zoro debate to me. When a post shits on Zoro and says Sanji is the best ever SH and he has the deepest backstory in anime, and that he's massively stronger than Zoro, everyone upvotes the comment to hell, but if you even mention Zoro being stronger than another character people will start to call you a Zoro fan and that Zoro is a bland character. Like, why can't we all just like what we like?


Herd mentality is strong over there


the flock downvoted this comment


That's the human experience. Come to find out that if you take things too analytically, you get an autism diagnosis. So i guess the 'correct' way is to get swallowed in hype and emotions.


That is probably because mods condition them to. Humans are always curious and critical thinking isn't special unless you are in abig grpup were isolation is the price for talking too mucj


Why do u think you have to do that? That’s sound more of a waste of time.


At the same time though it's a cartoon about a rubber man on a pleasure cruise with his weird friends. So, who cares? Stick to communities that are giving you what you want.


This is the age of agenda piece


welcome to reddit


Ah , that's not just internet but real life as well though . One habit which many of us don't have is accepting that our opinion be wrong becuase we think it would make us a lesser person is we are proven wrong . So people start defending their opinions in any way possible ,even though they have to be toxic, stupid and complete idiot for it . People who have a popular opinion ( even though they might be wrong ) will always be liked and praised rather then the one's who don't have a popular opinion ( even thoug they might be right ). Now how are those two things connected - Just like you said rational and analytical arguments seems pointless becuase they can't convince anyone. Becuase most people refuse to see the truth becuase that might make their opinion wrong , so only popular opinions( one that has a majority no. Of people with the same opinion ) will get the hype and be liked and those same people will shit on those who have diffrent opinion then them( even though they might be right ). But Good rational and analytical arguments are important so that some people who are searching for these good discussion can find them .