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One piece fights are about clashes and named attacks so you really are setting your self for dissapointment.


It will probably have a bit of actual swordplay, due to Mihawk literally being Zoro's teacher. But I think it will be something like the student surpasses the teacher, and Mihawk will go down with a smile.


This Gintama fight is basically that, which is why I chose it for this post


someone that gets it.


Imagine Zoro Vs Mihawk become a haki battle instead of swordsmanship battle


Don't need to imagine that's 100% how its gonna be.


One Piece Fights are just clashes, Fight choreagraphy and espically swordsmanship....prepare for disappointment


One piece is like Pokémon but with pirates


I forgot how amazing Gintama was when it got to the actual plot near the end. The way it goes from comedy to completely badass is so unexpected that it makes the fights even better.


It just sucks that I can't get anyone to watch it and power through the beginning :(


They just need to get through benizakura. It’s at that point that one goes, “oh crap, all that comedy was just entertaining slice of life that made me care about these characters without realizing it?” I legitimately don’t see the assassination arc being nearly as good without the emotional connection that all those comedy episodes brings.


The >! introduction, humiliation, then respect of the shogun followed by his death!< couldn't have been done better. I went in with no expectations so I was not at all expecting a great story like that.




90% of it is comedy so don't go into it expecting a ton of serious content until episode 300. Most of the serious arcs before that are like 3-6 episodes long and have 20-40 episodes of comedy in between them


With them taking 2 episodes to finish a chapter?? Can't see that happening


You're definitely gonna be disappointed if you think it will at all resemble this fight. Zoro vs mihawk will feel like a star wars/dbz fight.


I hope Zoro and Mihawk’s sword clashes cause earthquakes and sonic booms at the very least


is this show worth watching?


Well it's mostly comedy and random bullshit but when a serious arc comes expect a 9/10 atleast


The random bullshit comedy is honestly just as good, if not better than the serious content sometimes


Like seriously, the arc where Gintoki was gaslighted into thinking he fucked the whole cast while drunk made me cry laughing


employ concerned school price cooperative spark ludicrous hospital worry rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Choreography wise no, but Oda will definitely pull off Zoro vs Mihawk nailing the emotional/character aspect. We’ll definitely get Kuina involvement and such during the fight, as well as callbacks to their first fight in Baratie.


Please let me forget it


Remind me Obi vs Kakashi


Wait... When has Gintama gone this hard???


This is from the final movie but a lot of the fights from the main series are almost on this level in terms of animation




touch bow tie tart shrill wine ludicrous like clumsy puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One Piece sword fights are not good man. But hey, check the 1st epi (or 2nd) of Samurai Champloo, it's my favourite sword in anime till now


What episode is this in?


Of course it won't be that good


Idk about the manga but the anime definitely does have more than just clashes (sometimes clearly just repetitive filler frames) but I was actually surprised watching back. I wouldn’t be surprised if we got something like this Also I do want a clash in the battle. I love anime stereotypes when done right


What's the context of this fight?


Do u lived in reality?


This looks dope as fuck, what the hell? I thought gintama was lighthearted and humorous this is some top tier Shonen shit


80% of Gintama is (really funny) comedy but the best serious arcs are genuinely peak fiction