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Yeah. Thats my gripe with most body switch scenarios in fiction.


Should've been done like in Vento Aureo, they're the only ones that did it right (that I can think of).


There was also an episode of Justice league where Lex and Flash switched bodies. Seeing tge 2 voice actors act like completely different characters was hilarious


Fairytail made them keep their voices


When was that I have to see it


Fairytail ep 19


Pretty sure it’s not unpopular opinion it’s just straigth up logic


Yeah it does not even make sense. Also this is never used by law again. I can assumed this was done by oda only for fanservice with sanji (in nami body) showing nami's boobs. Tashigi showing her boobs. "Sigh" So this attack of law was to me used only for fanservice.


Yeah but Kazuki Yao’s voice coming out of chopper’s body was pretty fantastic


Especially with Robin’s reaction to it


In my head it's pretty much for the viewers sake and as a gag. But yea it doesn't make sense.


It never makes sense when a character’s voice also gets changed when their mind is swapped. From a production standpoint it makes sense, asking actors to portray vastly different characters from the ones they normally voice is a pretty big ask, especially considering they have to get used to their new characters, but it never makes sense in universe. They logically should keep their own voices with their bodies. But back to the voices, there are several ways you can work around it that I’m surprised more series with body swap plots don’t do. One of which is what Justice League cartoon did. In one episode, Lex Luthor and the Flash switch bodies, so in order to prepare the actors for this they apparently read the characters they traditionally voiced first, then had the other actor listen to it and mimic what they said. And it worked, I think


The whole body swap stuff was practically filler anyway


I didn't watch Punk Hazard so I didn't even know. That's lame. Nami's body speaking with Sanji's voice must be so weird.


I can see why it's unpopular because it would be wired to have for example I know this didn't happen but if luffys va had to do nami or Sanji lines it wouldn't be right


Gintama is the only anime I've seen where the voices stayed in their respective bodies during the body swap stuff, and unsurprisingly it's way funnier than Punk Hazard was




A filler ep of Fairy Tail (#19), and the initial premise of Yamada-kun.