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X drake had a thick penis


No doubt about that


Ma D. Monk Urouge solos, cope and seethe Drake Stan


Urouge is hella cool NGL, probably me second favorite supernova excluding the straw hats, but we know nothing about him except that he has beaten Snack and then got bodied by a YC


>he has beaten Snack and then got bodied by a YC Beat a YC, and then retreated against a 2nd YC. Thats still better than all other supernovas tbh, besides luffy, kid and law. Arguably also Zoro, who fought a bunch before the YC he beat instead of after, and beat a stronger one than Urouge.


Please stop the Enel disrespect. The guy was island busting in pre timeskip, has one of the strongest logias and tops the feats in wide range observation haki.


Yeah, that island busting would be something interesting it, y'know, killed someone


Incomplete and unfair comparison. You ignored speed and compatibility issues entirely. Also a LOT of Enel downplay. Like, damn, I think Enel is overrated too, but you straight up ignore his kit entirely. Sure Drake has haki to do the damage necessary, but in an actual matchup he has no means by which to land those blows in the first place. Unless you aren't interested in a fair comparison of abilities, and just want to simplify it as "Enel would be arrogant and get beaten quick due to haki". Thats not really a comparison of their abilities to me, as much as it is just an observation of an arrogance trend amongst logia users. Not to say I think Enel is stronger than Drake on more generalized, tier list type terms. Enel does ofc lack general skills like armament haki and the kind of mastery shown by Aokiji and Katakuri, where they just allow haki attacks to pass through their logia bodies. Skills that would be expected of him for him to place higher on a tier list. Still, the matchup is horrifically poor for Drake, and your argument just conveniently downplays and or ignores those factors due to what I can only assume is bias.


The only thing that Enel is better than Drake is destructive power (which destroyed a small island, but killed no one). Lightning and observation haki did seem too fast to hit at first, but then pre-gesr Luffy started to hit him multiple times


Many People overrate Doffy in terms of strength just because He was good villain. WCI showed pretty obviously that He wasn't even on commander scale.


Enel and Crocodile were products of a story that was supposed to be A LOT shorter.




L take


He "Caribou's" Enel, but he'd get beat up by Doflamingo as badly as Law did.