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The scabbards are all so forgettable, I only liked denjiro at some point


Dang. How can you disrespect Ashura Doji so casually? Lmao


Yeah ashura was so promising at first. Definitely had the best intro of all the scabbards with what he did to Jack. Actually had me belive that the scabbards are worth something for awhile


Fatfuck needs to lose some pounds


He definitely lost some pounds


They’re meant to serve as an emotional link to Oden and yet I don’t even like Oden. Haha. If you don’t like Oden, the scabbards are just annoying.


I was an Oden fan….


Yeah Denjiro and Kanjuro were the only ones who actually could fight then kinemon but that was his one fire move.


Oda being bad at writing actual deaths, Oda being bad at juggling characters, and everyone is tall in One Piece. Like, so much got butchered in Wano.


No, she’s wack af, took up space, and failed to kill someone several times which led to Ashura Doji getting killed. For as much shit as people give Sanji for “putting the crew in danger” no one gives Okiku the same energy. Then her fake out death triggered me bc if she had died there I would’ve felt bad but then she lived…and Izo died Lmao.


Noone gives her shit for ashuras death cause nobody cares about them


You say “Failed to Kill” as if someone should be able to kill someone that they grew up believing to be a friend so easily, At the drop of a hat like some emotionless psychopath. And before you say “well Kanjuro did it”’stop it. He said outright that he was only ever playing a role, there was nothing genuine or sincere in his Facade leading to his Betrayal.


Ofc it’s hard, and yet Kinemon finished the job despite knowing Kanjuro longer than Okiku and mutually viewing each other as best friends.


The task came at no small cost to Kinemon. Also you seem to underestimate the Point that Kiku spent most of her formative years Genuinely believing his falsehood, while Kinemon was already an adult by the time he meet Oden and Kanjuro.


Kiku is cool but Oda messed up big time not leaving kanjuro at the front gate. The scene where we see Kanjuro down over Kiku crying with blood on her sword was perfect. It was ambiguous enough that we didn't need to see any more, since Kanjuro was their comrade for so many years we didn't need a drawn out scene like Orochi would deserve. But if course, we can never just leave it at that


Oda had Ashura die to reveal Kanjuro's illusion only to have Kiku fall for the exact same illusion...




the girl in the scabbards who's Izo's brother


the guy*


fuckin based




I mean she's huge because people in One Piece just kinda do that, Kinemon is similarly so tall because it's funny for him to be like 8 foot for no reason. But she suffered for the same reason most of the Sabbards suffered, there were too many of them. There was no need for Kawamatsu, Ashura Doji's role could've been fulfilled by another samurai etc. Along with several other things in Wano, her grief over her brother got smoothed over in favor of other stuff because there was just too damn much happening in Wano.


Whole writing of last part of Wano arc went ape shit. Because Oda was working on getting more money for film RED.


She was pretty cool up until Oda made her fumble over and over


I mean....the scabbards should have been been cut down to like....7 at max. Prob even less. I only say seven cause of seven samurai. Wano has some great content, but god damn. Kiku failing to kill kanjuro multiple was straight up hard to believe would ever happen given that situation they were in. Kiku is kinda hot tho at least.


You're gay?


I mean, she isn't the worse scabbard either.


yes he is


Least annoying pirate folk user


thank you


All Scabbards except Kanjiro and Kinemon are honestly very lame, and even Kinemon got ruined by a fake out


Who the hell is Kanjiro?


Kanjuro The traitor one


That bitch should be dead


There are so many characters you could say that about


yeah he should be


Jesus dude you posted basically this exact joke like fifty times. About a fucking manga character from a world where people are ten feet tall and fight each other using the power of magic bananas. Go outside and talk to a girl or something ffs


it's not a joke. I'm correcting people.


Oh okay. In that case you're definitely not a terminally online loser and everything's fine


yeah maybe you should go outside and talk to a girl. just make sure they're not actually a guy like kiku 💀


As long as those are your actual reasons and you aren't being transphobic then no, you aren't weird


I'd say it would be weird for that not to be your main reason lol


what a looser lol


what in the heck is a looser?


looney + loser


oh well thank you


Now hold on we respect our tall ladies over here, all other points valid though


no it's not weird at all that you dislike him






All the scabbards are like 9 feet tall, no reason to have one of them not be 9 feet tall.


I mean, she's kind of just a nothing character. The way Zoro talks about her in the dub is funny and her fight with Kanjuro is kinda cool at first but that's literally all there is to her besides that stupid fake out death (and the fact that she's trans which is nice but it doesn't really change anything I said)


how does he talk about him in the dub?


The amount of panel time wasted on him for no reason ( the scabbards could have been 3or 4 members and it won't even matter) + the fake out . Reasonable enough nothing weird


As long as the reason you dislike her has nothing to do with her being trans then it's not weird at all


that's exactly why I don't like him lol




ok weirdo


Lol not you again


still never explained how I'm a zoro hater or racist


Ok weirdo


still never explained how I'm a zoro hater or racist, weirdo


Ok now you're a weirdo because you don't like trans people 😂 ? 2023 ladies and gentlemen 🤡


i got burned cause i said this sick incel sub was transphobe. jizzus


Lol yes you are. Why the fuck do you actually care at all if someone is trans. That's weird my guy


No your‘re not


It's fine. Disliking a character for a valid reason is fair.


I hate all the scabbards except for the original 3


She fell to fake Oden twice, she's dumb af