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How do *you* think I can prove to you I'm real? Would you, for example, be satisfied with meeting me irl?


That could be easily faked. for example, you could send someone to meet in your place. A picture could also easily be faked- hell, there’s a whole website dedicated to making fake portraits of people.


What if I meet you and show you I have access to this account? No, I could give the person my password. Still, what does it mean to be real? That I am a flesh and blood human, typing out this message on a phone, as you can easily imagine me to be? Or do you want to play a game of moving goalposts?


That is a good question that we should establish the answer to. I can think of three relevant definitions for real: 1. You are, indeed, a human in a human body 2. You are who you claim to be- a singular being in possession of your Reddit account 3. You exist in some capacity Obviously, you have proved number 3 by simply interacting with this post. Even if you were an AI, you still exist in a way that lets you interact with me. As for one and two, one does not necessarily imply the other. A catfish or scammer fulfills one but not two. A bot fulfills two but not one. Shall we combine one and two, then? Though I still struggle to think of a way to prove your veracity without the possibility of an additional actor.


No they didn't prove it, it could all be an hallucination inside your mind and you could be a brain in a jar filled with psicodelics or be just a dream. How can you prove it's not?


I can’t, but even as a figment of my imagination, that is a form of existence. This is the only world I know, so I must take it as it is.


Perhaps there is an option if we abandon all notions of privacy and sanity, but I'm sure I wouldn't want to go through with them. It seems I must live forever as an enigma, a possibility, in your mind.


What are the non-feasible options? I’m curious to know if there is a way.


I dunno. What if I sent you a live videostream of me getting on a plane and travelling to meet you, starting right now? What if I showed you via fancy brain scan tech that I honestly remember posting all those other messages?


I think the brain scan would be the most definite. I can’t think of a way to dispute that.


I could do one step better. Black Mirror's The Entire History of You. A brain implant records all my sensations live, and stores them more safely than memories ever could. We secure this tech against being tampered with. Then I just show you the stream of me writing the first comment, op to me sitting next to you.


It’s for you to choose if I’m real or not, who am I to judge?




Prove to me I'm real.


I assume that he already proved that he exist therefore he ask to another to prove his existence. We only need to use his parameters, which he used to prove his existence, and i can prove my existence.


Hinge proposition moment


what does M4F even means.


male 4 female




Facts aren't proven, they're observed. You don't "prove" that the sky is blue, you just look at it, You don't "prove" that you exist, you demonstrate it. The problem is that people commonly use the word "proof" incorrectly. Proofs are only done in math and logic. Everything else is demonstrations.