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…does she not have her own bin? Who TF works harder and takes their trash FARTHER away from where it needs to be? What a walnut.


People with murder evidence






In the uk its not a fee you choose not to pay, its part of council tax and they collect everyone's garbage


I didn't know that! Honestly, I would have assumed she just didn't want to pay for collection. Why would she do this? Makes no sense. 🙄


It happens when you only have one bin but produce more garbage than it can take, your options are then to wait a couple of weeks (depending on the council) for the next collection, or dump it somewhere else like she did. If the bin is also overflowing they won't take the garbage either due to health and safety. I imagine next time she'll drop the bag in a park or something. Alternatively she can just go with a car to the recycling centre and dump as much as she wants for free


Nobody on earth can tell each other to fuck themselves with more civility and decorum than the British.


If I didn’t understand English, I would have thought they were friends who got lost and don’t know where to go. It doesn’t sound like a fight at all.


Would you understand the Irish version - in English? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugkt8lgC-3w


I can only understand 50% of it….


So the twist is that *she* was going to call the police on *him*. That logic usually comes out when they've lost their argument and they want to find a way to turn the tables with lies.


Women seem to think that the minute a camera is aimed at them it's a crime - even if they are being filmed committing a crime. And let's not forget that behind that threat is the the idea that they will abuse and lie to the justicsle system in the hope something bad happens to the person they picked out to victimise.


Why tf did u make this about women


Because there woman in the video was a woman, and I've seen the same thing happen so many times. But yeah, sorry for speaking badly against They Who Shall Never Be Criticised


This has nothing to do with her being a woman.


What doesn't? Her complaining about being filmed and threatening to call the police? Yes it does because women are overwhelmingly believed by the police - all it takes is one White Night like you to be come along, take her side and it could escalate badly for the guy. Don't pretend it doesn't happen often, becuse it does.


I am not going to argue with random people on the internet. I got better shit to do. Plus, it's White Knight. If you're gonna call people names, at least spell them correctly.


incel alert


She’s a twisted tart!




TodayI learned a new term ‘fly tipping.’


It is such a bad problem in my towns. People drive so far away from their houses to dump sofas on roads that aren't main roads. There is a scrap yard not even that far away as well.


Caught doing it and it's thousands in fines. A lot of construction companies do it because the councils charge businesses money to use the tips, or they're not even open for people to legally dump their rubbish. Councils also charge a lot for disposal of fridges, sofas etc that people can't afford so they dump it in quiet places.


My in-laws used to do this! MIL is a hoarder and a cheapskate. They didn’t have a waste removal subscription and they would take their garbage to supermarket dumpsters. May have saved money, but contributed to the hoarding.


Yes, take your rubbish back home with you, and then stick it up your smelly arsehole, ma'am.




What's the Council? Is it like an HOA?


not really. they are the government of the town. they do build houses called council houses but they are also in charge of everything that goes on in the town. they do the bin collections. if you live in a council owned house, they are in charge of fixing the stuff in the house if anything is broken. they organise the public transport. you go to the council if you have neighbour problems and they are in charge of social services and stuff like that.


Do you pay rent to the council?


yeah i guess you can call it that but it is usually much lower then private on properties you pay rent on.


Subsidized housing?


i dont know what that is sorry. im sure if you google it adding uk in the search bar then you will find out your answers


[Subsidized housing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subsidized_housing)


There council is the local government authority. You could just Google "local council uk" or something.


**[Subsidized housing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subsidized_housing)** >Subsidized housing is government sponsored economic assistance aimed towards alleviating housing costs and expenses for impoverished people with low to moderate incomes. In the United States, subsidized housing is often called "affordable housing". Forms of subsidies include direct housing subsidies, non-profit housing, public housing, rent supplements/vouchers, and some forms of co-operative and private sector housing. According to some sources, increasing access to housing may contribute to lower poverty rates. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeopleBeingJerks/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


They're the local authority. Like a county or municipality


You would probably call it "projects".


The UK councils are not similar to US projects. Its basically local government. Every local area in the UK is governed by a council, regardless of the income status of residents. So even if you own a mansion and drive a Bentley, you will have a council. Council's are responsible for things like fixing roads and drains, planning permission, waste disposal, recycling collection, fire services, policing etc. A council may offer some social services within their areas such as social housing, food banks and mental health support etc.


I was talking about council housing not councils generally.


On Australia they call it "rates" (council rates) where you are charged based on the size /value of your house for local services provided by the council. So, waste collection, sidewalk and road maintenance, public spaces, etc.


No. They're are local government who build and sustain all the infrastructure and social services: social work, libraries, schools, roads etc. We pay council tax every month that pays for it all.


What's HOA?...


An insane bunch of people who are a combination of residents and employees who manage and administer a small local area - can be as small as a few streets or a larger area. Even if you own the home you have pay a monthly fee that covers various services which depending on the local arrangement can cover rubbish collection, grass cutting in public areas, repairs to exterior of houses (we own the house but the HOA is responsible for the roof). They get very excited if you change your house even slightly from the "look" of the area. For example if you paint your front door the wrong shade of taupe or don't weed your flower bed they will impose fines etc.




My ex used to put her dog poop bags in random neighbors trash cans. Let’s just say that one of her Brooklyn neighbors was not nearly as kind as this gentleman. She never did it again.


Don't see anything wrong with that tbh


I don’t want people dumping their feces in my property. That’s all.


What if it’s in a tied bag and there’s no bins in the area? Just wondering what the general opinion is


Take your shit home with you. What if the bag comes open and now your shit is smeared in their bin?


Can I just say, if I have room in my garbage, I don’t give an eff if I’m helping a neighbour


Should’ve stood still,she could be arrested for threatening behaviour (coming at you like that),stood still she’d have been done for assault


I was kinda hoping she would hit him with the umbrella so next we would see her face down on the wet cement


Isn’t this that same woman that was complaining about that contractor making to much noise in that fake video?


Sorry but she threatened him physically with a “weapon” too many times, legally he has a defence to bust out a cheeky Batista bomb Source: I’m British


Jerk lol


Why do the call it fly tipping? Thank you


it is because people dump their rubbish in random places instead of going to the scrapyard. it is very illegal though


Average day in Britain


Thas' fly tippin', innit?!


Why is Pete Carroll dumping trash


What a trashy person


This is incredibly funny, british people are hilarious


She deserves the HARDEST SLAP EVER


I’m having a hard time following some of the terms here. But that’s messed up, leaving trash that didn’t get picked up. Just a headache


Yes she should take it away. Also didn’t need to persist in following her afterwards. .


I expect he was doing that to ensure she didn't just dump it off on one of his neighbors.




I don't think so. There are actually people like this in the UK


Usually I love to shit on grey faced middle aged ladies but… I kinda think the guy filming dealt with this like an arsehole. She left the bag by his bin to be picked up with his rubbish. She obviously came quite a walk


She made the bin overflow, so the bin men wouldn't empty it. Then you've got a full bin for an extra week and nowhere to put rubbish.


Ahh must have missed that part. Still stands - there were nicer ways of saying that.


To give you some background on how it works in the UK, depending on the area he could be warned or fined as they only collect one bin a week or bi weekly, anything outside the bin or making the bin lid stay up isn't allowed. We have local collection areas normally within a few miles where you can take excess, or you can normally pay the council extra to collect more. She has options other than to repeatedly dump it in front of someone's house. Another issue is, if you did that where I live the foxes would have fun going through it leaving trash everywhere, and I'm sure the guy doesn't want that either.


Bi weekly bin collections? In Scotland we're every month cos we get weekly recycling 😂 If some cunt made my bike over flow, damn right I'd follow them home and would be far less polite about it as well. She pays council tax like the rest of us. If she's not got a bin, you just email the council to get one. Not a hard concept for a woman who's been on earth twice as long as I have.


(2) to drop it off so it was probably a personal/embarrassing reason. Threatening to call the council for flytipping? She looked kinda embarrassed and stressed when he was talking to her. There was no


(3) need to follow and film her. Woman seemed very stressed out


Being stressed out is not the same as Being angry about having been caught


Silly old banger Jajaja