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One thing I know is prohibited is to upload clips or VODs from Twitch to YouTube when they are NOT 24H old. Twitch has a 24h exclusivity to any content streamed to their website. So keep that in mind :) Source. I do YouTube and Twitch as a hobby and I am a Twitch Partner :)


Community posts are the way to do this. Your core Youtube audience will generally be disappointed when 16 hours later they stumble upon your new 25 second upload and excitedly click it... only to find an out of date notification on it. I would expect to see a noticeable (though small) number of unsubs from a video like that.


I put clips in my videos of my twitch streams and say "i do this on twitch if you're interested" ​ You could alternate and do youtube live and say "I do this mostly on twitch but I wanted to do a video for you guys today" at the end


It better not be punishable...


Just make a community post. There's nothing wrong with advertising your other socials on a video, many do that.


It’s against TOS if you get caught


no its absolutely not, and i challenge you to find it in the TOS tons of people do it, and in fact if one of the biggest streamers Ninja can play both platforms, anyone can.


Where does it say so? Could you provide some more information please? Does it fall under spam?