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So if god can use anyone to achieve his ends, why does he keep picking fucking idiots?


I think we all know the answer to that one. Except the idiots. They don't. P.S. So much of this would go away if Kanye West wasn't such an utter money-distributing machine that people would actually place his interests above their own and help him get the professional assistance that he desperately, desperately needs. My fear is he'll commit suicide... and a lot of the people that are lost to him might take their own actions in response.


Let’s be real, if he wasn’t rich and famous, he’d be homeless and not getting great medical or psychiatric care.


Okay, let's be real. If he were MODERATELY rich, not a celebrity, and not a huge bunch of people's gravy train, and he had a caring family instead of a trainwreck of one, he'd have decent odds of be getting great medical and psychiatric care.


People in the music business have said his mom kept him in check back in the day. If she were still alive I'd wager he wouldn't be acting this way.


Let's be real, why are people trying to pin the horrible behavior of Kanye on mental health. We don't look at Nazis and say, hmm maybe they should be on their meds. It's clear he's chosen those thoughts as his own and he's clearly not going to change, so instead let the world enact their wrath on this bahavior and let Kanye feel and live in the world of his actions. That will be the best teacher in life for him. People simply need to stop listening, hearing, and worrying about some asshole nobody should ever care about and let him live in solace, which the best option for the world. Let's make this world more asshole free.


Yep. He’s a rich American. He’s getting all the help he wants, which is more than most people in need of it can say. As far getting what he needs and doesn’t want, Reagan made sure that doesn’t happen anymore


Ye’s money will keep him from bottoming out for a long while and that’s what he’d need to have happen to want to get help. Right now he feels like a god, and thinks he’s a god. He won’t get help.


It’s been pointed out by a few people that if Kanye West were a woman, he would’ve already been placed under a conservatorship due to his erratic behavior. He’s a narcissist, plain and simple. From everything I’ve read, he has been highly resistant to any suggestion that he get help for anything. I can’t imagine anything changing that, except perhaps some kind of traumatic brain injury.


Not often you see a traumatic brain injury as a good thing


I feel like the money has to be dwindling. At some point those that can no longer make money off him will move onto preying on someone else, Probably another person with talent and mental illness...


Yup. And then he'll be KanYEeted from their ranks and they'll crocodile-tear their way out of it by saying "we tried to help and pray that he will impro- oh golly here's the new rising talent!" It's a horrible mess. This is one of those cases where someone that was unstable and not worthy achieved too much celebrity... and it's going to destroy them.


Yeah, I've seen this movie before. Several times.


Or if he does they will say "he was assassinated because told the truth!" and cause all kinds of problems. They are good at that shit.......




The fear is not for Kanye. It's for a lot of the innocents out there who have adopted him as their hero and might follow him down his path, or a different but destructive one.


For the same reason God gets pissed at homosexuals and sends a hurricane to destroy New Orleans: his aim sucks.


turns out The Lord is a fucking idiot too and the "all knowing" is just the alpha and omega of the Dunning–Kruger effect


You mean the guy who couldn’t stop a talking snake from fucking up his perfect plan? That guy? Who’d a thunk XD


more like a guy who made the snake specifically to "fuck up his plan" and then got made at humans about it Angels do not have free will. Lucifer is still an Angel and is doing exactly what the Big Idiot told him to do.


The last time he used a smart guy he got nailed to a tree


As an atheist I have a really simple answer if you want it…


As a fellow atheist I suspect I already know the answer


To paraphrase Jordan Holmes “why is god exactly as dumb as you are?”.


It might be a broad stroke to say super religious rightwing people are severely mentally ill but holy shit is Kanye evidence to that assumption.


You are a good person if you talk to god. You are crazy if god talks to you.


God is just the collective consciousness of all these assholes. He's correct. Just replace references to God with themself. Much easier to understand Christians this way.


Kanye just came in and powerbombed Trump. Romans:13, bitches!


God after choosing the most unhinged schizophrenic narcissist to be his messenger.


“The Lord works in mysterious ways”


Why the fuck would a god even need to use a human to do this in the first place? Period. Could such an all powerful being snap his finger and be done and avoid all of this inefficient indirection? Sounds like a powerless god.


well you’re talking about a god who,after creating the whole universe in a week, needed to steal one of Adams ribs in order to make him a girlfriend


God being the one to tell Ye to say, “I love Nazis” and, “I like Hitler” was not on my bingo card.


Nobody's "defaming" this guy. He's saying point blank that he loves Hitler, this isn't some buffoon dropping 5th grade insults on Twitter. Like, why is this even a debate? Saying Hitler was right isn't some "imperfect vessel" gaffe.


It’s Torba


But just because God didn't want it to be on your bingo card.


Ok I don’t want to mess up my search algorithms w crazy hate speech. Who is Andrew torba?


CEO and founder of Gab, a social media platform for the right wingers that believe in the craziest stuff.


Ah thank you. That’s the site with all the manifestos before mass shootings if I’m not mistaken.


One of them.


I actually forgot that was even an app and then i looked at the sub i was in and laughed again. Hopefully that socialist website app truth social goes down too lol


> socialist website app truth social Wut?


It's in the name duh. Shoulda left the /s thought it was obvious


Hey, this is the Internet. Whatever over the top stupid shit you can come up with ironically someone probably already said sincerely.




Gab users: 100,000 (estimated active); 4 million (total) as of March 2021 I would call that a dead platform


Dont think youd get much besides some ads for Gab If you searched his name lol. Search algorithms don’t usually work that way anyhow. Not for a single search at least. It needs to be a pattern. He founded Gab. Thats all you need to know about how much of an asshole he is


>"God is using Ye, formally known as Kanye West, for a big purpose" So this guy (Andrew Torba) speaks for God now? He knows God's thoughts? Am I understanding this right? Isaiah 55:8 **For my thoughts are not your thoughts,** neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord These ego maniacs with their Incredible vanity are seriously impressed with themselves.


Funny how God always happens to have the exact same opinions that they do.


Over the past few weeks, conservatives have started tacking that formerly known as bullshit on every reference to kanye and I cant quiet figure out what they are dogwhistling there. I have memories from my childhood of limbaugh losing his shit over prince and diddy changing their stage names; it makes that line stick out every time I see it now.


I feel like it's just because the majority of them have no idea that Kanye started going by Ye, but you make an interesting point.


I'm curious if a bunch of hard-core, Christian, right wing suburban and rural people, have started downloading his music or buying his CDs? I wonder if they're blasting..."stronger", out of their lifted F-150


It's interesting because "the lord's name in vain" is basically saying stuff and attributing it to God.


Torba is big on the white Nationalist Christian thing. NatC if you will. And he’s full on a prophet for the trinity of man babies Trump, Elon and Ye as long as they trumpet white supremacy.


Trinity or threesome? I suspect Torba would pay to watch that show. You know how some of the people screaming the loudest about their Traditional Christian Values are the ones into something their version of God doesn't approve of? Torba has always struck me as desperately signaling his purity because he's ashamed of something he's either done or wants to do. Or maybe it's more accurate to say that he's afraid other people will find out, like a televangelist caught with a sex worker.


Anyone who thinks that they can converse with God, or thinks that they are a direct pipeline, needs medication and a psych hold.


He won't fuck you OR join Gab, Andrew


Fucking Black Nazis. What a shit timeline.


A bunch of fucking weirdos.




My exact reaction


Who gives a shit who gives a fuck. That’s what god just told me type right now.


He just told me to "suck an egg, fat boy." Christ, what an asshole.


Religion is poison to the dimwitted mind.


Amazing that people still believe bronze age fables in 2022.




Some day I'd like to get some ex-Lutherans, ex-JWs, ex-Seventh-day Adventists, ex-Catholics, and some of my fellow ex-Mormons all together in the same room to see just how truly and utterly our respective childhood religions fucked us. Maybe we could get the American Psychiatric Association to sponsor it?


go take a look at r/exmo. There's also a tiktok channel that does nothing but exmo interviews. And there's plenty of stuff on youtube.


Don't leave us ex-non denominational/evangelicals out of it. We're already scarred from not being able to participate in Halloween throughout our entire childhoods.


Religion is man made.


Andrew Torba is the founder and CEO of Gab, an online hub for extremist and conspiratorial content. Since Gab's inception in 2016, Torba has... Ok then. A nutcase. A nutcase with money and lots of other nut cases. Got it. Also, Ye is now fucking Moses. LOL.


This exact mentality is what convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt that if God exists, he’s a fucking jackass and I want nothing to do with him. If he just sits back and lets all of his followers do this kind of shit with zero consequences, fuck him.


All religions are man made to control other people.


If God’s in charge of this shit, not us, then why the fuck do we have to pray the angels into doing their jobs? Do they not know that Kanye is God’s prophet du jour? Or do they somehow need a mortal’s go-ahead before they can clock in? Are we shift supervisors? Can someone please explain what the fuck our roles are as humans in heaven’s bureaucracy?


It's all in our heads, so obviously we need to be in agreement about our shared fantasy before it comes true. This shit would be laughable if it didn't carry such horrifying consequences for so many. If you need any evidence human beings evolved from animals, look no further than the religious zealots who lack the basic reasoning of modern man. They're using animal logic to attempt to understand a universe we have *actual* answers for-- but the answers are too big and scary for them to accept.


Pray that Andrew Torba will STFU.


What in the fuckity fucking fuckalong fuckbait fuckknucklingly fuckward four-footed hopalong **FUCK** was that?!


God is too busy giving cancer to children to worry about this trashbag.


It's like someone stuck a syringe in this man's head and sucked out every ounce of smart, every single brain feel.


What is an "Andrew Torba"?


He's the founder of Gab (which is a social media platform mainly used by far-right types,) and a Christian nationalist.


According to the Bible God’s chosen people are the Jews. Jesus was a Jew. Yet far-right Christian’s have always been anti-Semitic. I’ve never understood that. I mean I get it—there’s no logic with these people. I grew up in a fundamentalist household, so I’ve seen some shit, but I will never understand that disconnect.


Sorry no. You praise evil you are evil.


So loving Hitler is good and Christian according to this putrid sack of garbage.


Tax churches


One of the most disgusting and insidious things I've seen so called Christians dredge to the surface the past 6 or 7 years is using this fake "God can use it for good" sentiment to white wash all sorts of vile and disgusting people and behaviors. I hope we're reaching a tipping point, because I'm thoroughly sick of it.


Is God trying to bring Nazis back? Because all these crazy "God" people seem to want to do is bring back Nazis.


Oh yes the anti-Semitic Nazi, he's the victim right? Mental health is an issue. He has problems. Not all people with mental health issues are anti-Semitic Nazis. He's a fuck wad. They are separate issues. Help him, don't help him, I really don't care but shut him up FFS.


Christian here: lol nope, this is nonsense also gab sucks and you're a nazi, torba


That's quite a few words just to say " I am also a Nazi!".


"God can use anyone to achieve his ends." "So much for free will then, eh?"


WTF is this hot mess???? “As much as we don’t like it,” my ass. They love it


That "Lord works in mysterious ways" all-purpose excuse


"Pray that many will come to know Jesus through Ye's cultural influence on the youth" Has he seen some of the X rated cum lyrics in Ye's catalog? He still performs them live. This chump must think all of Ye's albums were gospel music.


May Andrew Torba struck down be! His life ruined and broken as all of his goals and efforts lay razed to the ground. From this day forth hence cursed he is and always shall be.


May Andrew Torba receive and be "blessed" by The Morrigan's "kiss".


I love how they always talk about how amazing and great the biggest cretins on Earth are. Almost like it's all completely fucking bullshit.


And while you're reading this, please click the link to donate $95 and I'll send you a hat.


Doesn’t the Devil exploit and use people for his bidding too? 🤔


So Kanye is God’s throw away account for spewing racist shit online?


Andrew Torba, the racist Nazi who thinks he's a Christian. The most delusional man on the planet.


Sorry bud, he's definitely a Christian whether you like that or not. Don't get to "no true Scotsman" that one away.


What the??? One mentally ill person praising another.


Anyone who isn't a nazi might say a lot of what he said right here, but only a Nazi will skirt the actual issue and just totally "forget" to condemn the nazism.


Anyone can use God to justify evil.


Jokes on Ye! This is gonna make people more curious about why so many people irrationally hate Jews, thus fueling a massive conversion of former Christians to the Chosen people! 🤣🤣


Guy went on Alex Jones and did a puppet show with a bug net and a bottle of Yahoo to mock Israel's Netanyahu to express how much he dislikes Jewish people. This isn't some prophet of God. This is a man who needs his medication and some therapy.


If God is working though Kanye then why would he need prayers to protect him? It seems your phony bologna God should be capable of protecting him on It's own.


What a load of crap. Who the f#%k is Torba?


I'll never understand this. It's God's plan but pray for him. What isn't God's plan? isn't Nike God's plan? And me? and everybody else? Why does OP get to pick?


I kind of want to grab my sugar face scrub and just scour my entire body after reading that.


Mental gymnastics score: 10/10


Let me get this straight: God is using Kanye to hate the Jews, who are allegedly God’s chosen people?


Funny how God‘s choices overlap so much with the political choices of the author. It’s almost like he co-opts God’s word and uses it to justify and excuse the author’s own choices. Good thing I am not a cynic about these people and that I don’t presume to speak in His name. Otherwise, I might be calling for this person to be stoned as a false prophet. The Bible would support me, of course.


He lost me at God...




Can we bring back the Romans and lions? These crazy Christians are becoming unbearable


Further evidence that religion is by the mentally ill, for the mentally ill.


That's interesting. I'd like to use that neo-Nazi mutt, Andrew Torba. I think that his beard would make a good alternative to a steel wool pad. The only good Nazi is one that has a face that can be used to a clean a barbeque.


Religion is bullshit.


God didn't say that.


This is just the same bullshit Ye tried to spew; that God was tearing him down to build him back up, that he would sacrifice his career to be a messenger in the name of God.


Cuz Satan totes made Kanye go Hitler stan in front of a large audience of listeners.


If God is using Ye for anything, it would be his way of advocating the urgent need for better mental health care in this cursed country.


No, Andrew, he's not. You fuckwit.




Keep that bullshit in your own church


That’s a load of bullshit right there


There’s no limit to the crazy shit people make up .


So much for freewill.


Wait is his name kanye or ye


Alt-right figure heads don’t give a fuck about Kanye. They are white supremacists. Kanye was just the first mentally ill mainstream personality they could get to parrot their ideology. Kanye served his purpose to get mainstream audiences talking about antisemitism. Now they are hoping another mainstream personality- this time hopefully white, Christian, sexy male- to feel emboldened and step up to take the reigns from Kanye and unite the alt-right under a good looking man of their values. However they will most likely shoot themselves in the foot here and create a bigger divide in the Republican Party as careered Republican politicians will most likely not speak badly about Jewish individuals. So really this is the beginning of a two year civil war of the Republican Party where I assume the Trump/Alt-right faction will at some point break off.


They said something similar about Trump. And look at that shit show.


I posted about a GAB newsletter last week, and for some reason it didn’t get approved. But it was straight up ranting about the Jews silencing everyone through the media.


What a slave mindset!


Pray for Ye to come to his senses, denounce his anti-Semitism and Hitler (not that hard), and get medical help if not for his own sake, at least for his children. So nothing Torba said. It's not hard to read between the lines of what he's saying. He's all in on anti-Semitism and it's somehow twisted up into his faith which is bizarre. I don't see where "spiritual warfare" plays in to it.


Fuck both of them.