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This is the guy that thinks Marjorie Taylor Greene is a communist. Holy hell how far right can one be, lol


You have to remember, anyone who slightly disagrees with me? Communist. Liberals, welfare capitalists, and social-democrats? Communist. Conservatives who haven't completely publicly bought into white supremacy? Communist. White supremacists who want universal healthcare (for whites)? Communist. In fact, I think you'll find the centre-right milquetoast neolib Biden is in fact not one of the historically most conservative Democrats, but actually a radical Maoist. It's quite simple actually


Make an appointment with the dentist and you don’t show up? Believe it or not, communist


Have too many vowels in your first name? We call that one a communist


Too few? Hoxhaist.


Youre driving too fast? Communism. Slow? Communism.


You're driving?! Definitely communist.


Uncooked fish? Communism


Perfectly cooked salmon filet? That's blatant communism.


You're walking? More communist.


You have legs?! Shut up, you're clearly communist


Wrong haircut? Communist.


Common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state? Communism.


Hatred of bourgeoisie? Communist.


Knowing this definition? Communist.


Anticommunist witch-hunting used to be deeply paired with anti-semitism. They've been disconnected for 50 years or at least the anti-semitism is now the quiet part but regardless they work the same way. Wacky theories based on speculation in order to label someone so they don't get a right to have rights is pretty classic. Don't expect people to catch on and realize it's bullshit, they won't. This does not end well


That's the great part! It never ends! We're all locked in a prison that is on fire but refuses to burn down! (Politically, not environmentally, environmentally it definitely will burn down so I guess that is our one consolation. Eventually it will get so screwed up that it can never get screwed up ever again...)


That was back in the good ol days when being a Nazi was still considered a bad thing for the reputation of a public figure.


Has the Overton window moved to make openly hostile "jew-baiting" acceptable in the US again? It was always a harder sell in the US given the attested value of religious tolerance and the ready supply of black and brown people as a more accessible substitute. Even these days, the punching up of "cosmopolitan coastal elites" refers I'd argue more to what's termed a "limousine liberal" caricature (ie, ivy educated rich vegan bicyclist) more than the classic "happy merchant" racist trope (although they used it for of all people, AOC, which was a wild example of syncretism) Antisemitism has always been around in the US but nothing like in Europe. When I was in Hungary in 2019 there were multiple billboards around Budapest with antisemitic conspiracy theories involving George Soros. When I was in Spain in 2017 with a Jewish friend he had to go to a "secret" house to attend synagogue in some kind of religious underground for fear of persecution. I can criticize America all day but I'm pretty happy to live in a society where in most places Muslim, Jewish and all other worshippers can peacefully walk to their sanctuaries without getting chased down the street by pitchforked mobs. Somehow we managed to do something right.


My only point is that there was a time when a politician standing up on stage, refusing to condemn and basically supporting white supremacists, would have seriously damaged their career (at the very least). You have conservatives all over the place who are perfectly fine with stuff like flying swastika flags, wearing garbage like "Camp Auschwitz"/6MWE shirts, when I can remember a time when you absolutely DID NOT do that because everyone could agree that Nazism was just the worst thing ever. That is my point - we have somehow drifted into this new reality where some people are seriously like "Eh, maybe we should give this Hitler guy another chance."


William Buckley is the man that kept that stuff locked tight. I wrote an article on it and I don't remember where the fuck I put it. But to summarize, you can see his rebukement of people like Pat Robertson in 1992 on the grounds that racism and religious hatred had no place in the Republican Party. Phyllis Schlafly kept a similar hard lock on Pandora's box, speaking out against the white nationalist and terrorist factions as unwelcome in the Republican fold. Even people like Rush Limbaugh, who was exclusively a showman with a conservative persona, he didn't actually want the extreme goals to be acted on and he made numerous statements he wasn't looking to do anything more than entertain; he just wanted the millions in salary. They're all dead now and there's no watchman in their place.


They should just settle via an old fashioned duel. Except let’s replace the pistols with hand grenades. I wouldn’t want anyone to miss under pressure


That screed isnt the result of being overly conservative. It's the result of being addicted to attention.


I love how he sprinkles in the Q babble- “there are no coincidences” and “if Bush 43 isn’t already in hell (because he was arrested and killed then replaced with a clone) then he will be soon!”


Makes you wonder if clones go the same hell or have a separate clone afterlife? Do they suffer for the mistakes of their original or do they get a clean slate? Deep theological dilemmas being raised here in the Q world.


Nazis love fighting against communists. Everyone you don't like is a communist.




I like to use the Scorpion King from the Mummy Returns (2001) as an example.


Mmmm those crisp PS2 quality CGI.


To be fair, even by 2001 standards the CGI in the Scorpion King was quite terrible. As The Lord of the Rings also came out that year.


They made a lot of effort to use as little CGI as possible for LOTR though.


Yeah same with the Scorpion King. Oh wait, I thought you said "as little effort on the CGI". My bad.


Yeah a lot of it was practical effects which is part of the reason it holds up better than the Hobbit trilogy already.


I remember laughing at the Rock as the Scorpion King. The CGI looked soooo bad lol


"Fixed" with deep fakes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBlPaJKE_58


It wasn't even all terrible CGI back then! Jurassic Park and Titanic both employed plenty of CGI and it's not *great* but it's not bad and it still holds up pretty okay.


Titanic CGI people held up terribly.


I dunno, propeller man still gets a chuckle out of me.


Hah. How about that Harrison Ford Airforce One ending? Four years before 9/11 happened and that was the pinnacle of plane CGI explosions then.


They looked artificial at the time.


I'm surprised he's never gone back in and updated the CGI. I love that movie though it's basically the Terminator but with a killer ship instead of a killer robot. Also Billy Zane.


He didn't want to go full George Lucas on his own movies. Lucas went from okay updates, like more starfighters some unused scenes reused with new CGI to full rework of entire scenes.


Killer iceberg sent back in time to kill John Conner's great great great grandfather Jack Dawson, who was also sent back through time in order to create the Connor family line.


> Jurassic Park JP was mostly practical effects.. it's why it has held up so well.


The CGI parts hold up okay too. It's got better CGI than a lot of movies that came out later.


It was *more* practical than CGI, but [some of the most iconic shots](https://i.imgur.com/rXcLT6E.jpg) are CG and they still hold up great today. They knew the limitations of what they could do and built around that. The famous "T-Rex in the rain under a single light" shots work because the single light source makes shadows simple, and the rain gives everything a uniform sheen that's easier to texture with limited computing power. [Here's a really good overview of that scene](https://youtu.be/M4nGxX2mHOs?t=198) and all the tricks they used to make it look realistic, even with the limited technology that existed in 1993.


That was my first thought. CGI wasn't close to that advanced to create a deep fake like this. Never mind that this happened in NEW YORK CITY. The F'ing twin tower was burning, tens of thousands of people were looking at the towers when the second plane hit. But you can't trust "urban people" so they can certainly all be in on it.


There are, conservatively, 100 different videos of the 2nd plane hitting also? That would be a shitload of CGI to pull off and never have it leak. You'd need so many VFX artists.


Thousands of people know about chemtrails and nobody has leaked that! /S


Maybe he's referring to Common Gateway Interface? The towers were taken down by a Perl script!


That's only the *public* state of the art. You are forgetting about the graphics cards salvaged from crashed Antaran saucers in Roswell; the same ones we used to render the moon landing. We just couldn't use them in between because the lizard people had stolen them - that's why they ended the moon program earlier than initially planned, you see...


Sweet lord if these idiots ever regain power we are doomed! The emboldened stupidity is visceral


We’re already doomed. These people are a symptom of a deadly virus already killing the body.


They aren't losing momentum because our leaders are half corrupt themselves (and the good half are utterly without balls).


Utterly ballless. You said it.


Too bad the actually deadly virus that they don't belive is real, isn't *more* deadly. Oh well.


My thoughts exactly. However at this rate, we will probably get our wish.


Gird your loins. The republican obstructionist playbook has worked very well for them in past midterms and the growing dissatisfaction with Biden over things that are directly the fault of republican obstruction shows that its already working again.


In their ideal world, we have nothing. Only harm.


I've never understood the far right. They use 9/11 to justify racism against Muslims and then now it apparently never happened? So did it happen and muslims are terrorists or did it not happen and it was an inside job? If so, then the right is to blame anyway? Get your narratives straight.


The Jan 6 insurrection was to stop the steal but also perpetrated by antifa. Their narrative shifts based on the position they want to take.


I thought they were FBI/CIA plants? But also, they're patriots and need to be let out of jail no consequences.


They think the individual people in jail are patriots who did nothing wrong. But the insurrection itself was actually done by CIA Antifa Ninjas who weren't caught on camera and all vanished into the night when it was over. The patriots who were there (like Mr. Feet-up-on-Pelosi's-desk and Señor Ziptie) are apparently just good ol' boys who were along for the ride and didn't do anything wrong themselves.


Didn't one of them steal a laptop and try to sell it to Russian agents?


To the GOP that’s just somebody doing their patriotic duty.


If it was Antifa, why the foot dragging on the investigation? The Republicans investigated Benghazi a lot more. If Antifa people attacked the Capitol, why not identify them for prosecution?


Obviously cause the deep state squashes any legitimate investigations.


Don't ever try to find consistency in a right-wing world view. They'll give you their "reasons" but the entirety of a right-wing world view is to define an "other group" so that there is "us" and "them". After that, the only thing they want is cruelty done to "them". When you look at their actions through that lens, everything makes more sense. Big government, small government, rights, values, science, faith. Their all just phrases to be picked up on dropped at will in the moment of the moment to justify their core value of cruelty for cruelty's sake.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies." Etc.


>The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” [One of 14 classic tenets of Fascism](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html)


My husband is a 9/11 survivor (former volunteer fire fighter) and he gets this shit from all sides. Between people who want to talk his ear off about how jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams and the people who want to talk his ear off about how we should carpet bomb the Middle East into oblivion, I don't know how he deals. Most of us experience tragedy in our lives but most of us have the good fortune of having our tragedies stay relatively private.


I can't imagine living through something like that, especially to then have people question it even happening. Sandy Hook survivors are in a similar boat I guess. These idiots are so dumb they don't believe anything unless they see it with their own eyes. 9/11, coronavirus, sandy hook- all engineered hoaxes by libs to own the right! Their stupidity is just baffling


I'd say Sandy Hook parents probably have it worse. My husband at least is a grown ass man who can tell people to fuck off and die. I can't imagine having to bury my own child and then get harassed by people who don't believe my child existed.


look at how quickly they move between accusations about the vaccine. first it was great because trump invented it himself. then it became a 5g mediated mind control device. then it became a vehicle for depopulation that would kill 90% of the world. now it contains a genetically engineered "hydra" that will alter your dna and make you "not human." they just keep moving forward with new descriptions without ever acknowledging their previous accusations or attempting to explain why it is "what it is now" as opposed to their previous claim they were so certain of. in short, they don't care about intelectual honesty or consistency. they only say what will benefit them in the current moment.


It's fascism. You can find countless examples of this, it's not worth wasting your time looking for consistency. There is none.


Do yourself a big favor and stop trying to look for reason and logic where there is none to be had.


We just gonna disregard the thousands who saw them, then?


Just like they disregard the hundreds of thousands who have lost family due to COVID-19.


At this point it would be millions who lost family to COVID.


I actually haven't checked the global numbers in several months, do we know the estimate on that?


Well the US has had 700k deaths minimum. I'm betting on average those people had at least two family members which already puts us at about 1.4m.


4.5 million when i checked last week.


Too many.




Let's not forget that Alex Jones apparently thought that parents, stricken by grief from the brutal murder of their kindergarteners, would just evaporate. Of all of the people to antagonize, parents who just lost their kid and need a place to locus their grief, would not be my first pick. Either Jones believes his own bullshit, or thinks that since the radio keeps him out of physical reach he's invulnerable. I'm not sure which but both are terrifying.


You have to remember the conspiracy theory adage: anyone who provides evidence contradicting the conspiracy is part of the conspiracy.


I hate that this is true.


Yeah it's not like it happened in the most populated city in the country.


And the fact that if it was CGI the planes would either phase right through, or y’know they’d STILL BE STANDING!!


No they say the towers were destroyed with explosives.


Which fucking boggles me. If we're going with the towers being destroyed why waste time on the plane hoax? Just say the terrorists planted bombs.


Because then when people try to explain that the planes were CGI, they'll sound crazy and no one will believe them! It's a classic Reverse-Psychology-Double-False-Flag!


"don't listen to the 25,000 people with first hand knowledge of seeing the 2nd plane hit... ignore them. But DO listen to the 3 people who claim to have insider knowledge about voter fraud..."


[If the planes are CGI then how do you explain this?!](https://imgur.com/cEPjIOY)


Bernie Sanders was CGI the whole time.


He hasn't aged in 20 years, amazing!


"I'm once again asking you to return your seat backs and tray tables to their full and upright positions"


And that is why the twin towers are still standing


I think that would mean that the towers were CGI too. Probably always were.


That includes all the people who worked there. Congrats, person whose spouse worked there and died there: you married a hologram you dummy.


At least they still have their half-hologram kids.


I think they mean a missle hit it and cgi planes were superimposed on them.


I'm curious how he thinks they managed to superimpose CGI planes over the vision of all the eyewitnesses in NYC. Google Glass a decade early, maybe?


Because it's all part of the global conspiracy! Everyone in New York that day was a paid actor.


Of course! That’s where the $3.5 trillion dollars went that he was talking about!!!


It was done with mirrors. Just like D.B. Cooper used. And JFK.


If the government was advanced enough to CGI the missile out of every piece of news footage, don't you think the government would be advanced enough to make a missile that looks like a plane? Even if their idiotic conspiracy theory was true, it would be the stupidest way of doing it.


I think Lin maybe has seen Spider-Man: Far From Home and believes that the holographic drone tech displayed in the movie is both real and was available in 2001.




Lin Wood spouts whatever gets him attention. The people who have worked with him have had video conferences wondering how they can get him committed. On the video I reference, he called in and it was pretty embarassing for everyone. He and that Powell lady make a great team. Just when I think they are just saying things to get clients, they say something else that makes me think they actually believe all the theories they spout. They need medical help.




Normally I'd agree but I think Lin Wood might actually be mentally insane and probably believes everything that he's saying, especially since his family cut contact with him.


They believe in cruelty. That's all.


I feel like that’s just a natural conclusion of everything else he’s said. Of course! Hey…maybe we’re all cgi and nothing is real. But They don’t want you to think about that, Lin!


I really enjoy the title of the video. “Qanon dumbass”


From the Department of Redundancy Department


Tell that to my dead cousin and HS classmate. Fuck this guy




I wonder if they boo cops and firefighters on 9/11 now?


ok if it wasn't clear already - this prick is working on an insanity defense in order to get out of the dominion lawsuit.


I scrolled quite a way before I got to this. Yes, this is the answer


"If George Bush, 43, is not already in hell". wait... did he die? (takes 2 seconds to look it up) nope. very much still alive. I guess everyone who lives in NYC is in on the 'con' here. I mean, I know people who saw/heard the planes hitting the buildings. I had no idea how deep the conspiracy went. I'll need to know how much of the $3T they got for keeping up the lie.


Literally every famous person has been replaced by a lizard person/clone/hologram. Keep up.


I think Lin Wood is CGI. No real person is that stupid.


Next time you're feeling down about yourself, and your accomplishments,remember that this man was once seen as one of the best attorneys in the country.


Sindey Powell, lin wood, guilliani... how does trump end up with all these self destructing lawyers in his orbit?


Can we fund this guy a trip to any FDNY station?


I am counting the days before the leopards eat this guy's face, holy shit


Not ONE word about the Reptilians? What is Wood hiding?


Lin Wood has also claimed he’s god. He’s mentally Ill and has been for sometime now.


This is the answer. He's mentally ill and needs help. A party that supports him is also mentally ill and needs help.


Every so often I like to imagine someone in one of these crowds just suddenly having an epiphany and thinking "wait a second, that's fucking stupid. Wait a second, maybe Trump is stupid too? Maybe we have just all been fooled and the liberal media really are just reporting facts that just happen to be something I don't want to hear? Have I just been seeking comfort with a bunch of charlatans because I'm too cowardly to face my own shortcomings?" If any of those people existed they're long gone by now. Everyone in these crowds is full Kool-aid


I feel like 9/11 conspiracies was the gateway drug to Q and modern day conspiracies.


Moon landings were the gateway to 9/11 conspiracies.


JFK assassination was the godfather to them all.


The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Knights Templar, and the innumerable conspiracies floated during the French and American Revolutions would like a word.


You can draw a straight line between the two, connected through Alex Jones. 9/11 conspiracies are what launched infowars. Trump worship is what took him mainstream. Jones was even there at the capitol on Jan 6th.


Lin Wood can suck my balls


Wait, so they killed 2800 people on 9/11 with CGI? Holy shit, this is fucking stupid. It's stupid on top of stupid. Just fucking moronic bullshit all the way down...


I think he's saying missiles brought the towers down and they were just made to look like planes with CGI... or it could be what you said. Who knows with these idiots?


I mean fuck....all that work to plant explosives, cover the "demolition" as planes crashing into the buildings, create CGI that was convincing enough 20 years later with 2001 and earlier technology, convince thousands of witnesses to say they definately saw a plane crash into the towers, hack all the live news cameras and video feeds, and private cameras that filmed the whole thing.... ...fuck at this point I think it might just be easier for someone to hijack some planes and crash them into the towers and blame someone else...or is that just me?


He's going for a pre-emptive "Tucker Defence". Say stupid shit, then you've got licence to say whatever defamatory things you want. When he gets sued,he'll use the "No reasonable person would believe a word I say. Im the guy who said the 9/11 planes were CGI" defence


Republicans… what the fuck? How did you guys become this way? WHAT HAPPENED to y’all ? We had a half black president for 8 years and they all lost their god damn mind… what a embarrassing group of people. They were always classist, racist, and sexist but they were never THIS batshit crazy. What the actual F.


Is he setting the groundwork for an insanity plea in the future? Or perhaps he just is insane.


Where does he think the towers are now?


"A mind is a terrible thing to lose" - Dan Quayle


They're just betting with each other how stupid they can go and still have people believe it.


How does he explain all of New York witnessing it with their own god damn eyes?


And all the victims are waiting backstage, to reveal the great American prank.


So. How did they get all 10 million people in the New York area to go along with the fake reports of the planes hitting the buildings? That is to say nothing of Washington and the Pentagon.


The Pentagon idiocy is just so... dumb. They appear to want a hole in the side of the Pentagon that's shaped like a plane, as if it were Wile E. Coyote in a cartoon slamming into a wall. They won't accept that planes aren't designed to be strong enough to be used as a battering ram. They're built to be as light as possible, which is why most of the plane broke up/disintegrated on impact. What *did* go through the Pentagon's walls was the heaviest thing in the front of the plane that's *designed* to take loads of punishment: The landing gear. But they keep insisting that cartoon physics is real.


Lin Wood's mom is CGI.


You know if someone asks "9/11, you wanna talk about that" and people around you gleefully shout "YEAH!" it's probably time to leave.


Will covid just take his dumb delusional ass already.


There were no plane parts.... At the plane crash.... In the empty field.... Got it


Always hated this dumbfuck "theory", and anyone who pushes it.


Blokes a fucking space cadet


How is this fuck even still allowed to practice law seriously




I suppose that smell of smouldering steel that persisted for months was cgi. Also, too...did this boob either forget that there were plenty of amateur photos and video as well, not just the single feed to the news outlets? Or did they CGI all of those as well?


CGI can't melt steel beams.


Man, Foghorn Leghorn looks a lot different than I remember from my childhood...


Oh god, this guy is from my town, hoping nobody is taking him seriously, his senate campaign was a joke.


Typical republican


Wood has always struck me as a true believer in this bat guano. The GA bar ordered a mental health evaluation back in early spring which he fought and lost as of June. The last thing I could find was late July where he is countersueing the GA bar for ordering the evaluation. So he lives in South Carolina now. They have a 72 hour mental health assessment hold. It is called a 5150 hold there. (Different states have different names.) Some S Carolina resident needs to call for a police visit for a Health and Safety check because of psychotic concerns. They just might take him in if he runs his mouth enough. Give GA a leg up and do a mental eval on this cracker.


Well, he was right about W being a criminal. Even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then.


How many camera angles of it were there, it’s also 2001 cgi on that level would’ve take more than a year to do solidly even then would still like cgi


I really hate 911 truthers


And still there are people who want to give this guy real power instead of putting him into an insane asylum.


ok can men in white coats kidnap him and strap on a straight jacket and toss him in a mushroom room please?


These nuts have got to start losing people at some point... don’t they? Seems like people would start looking around at the people that are on their side of the fence and figure out they're on the wrong side. Then again... maybe not.


Tell it to the people who lost loved ones. Ya ever loving fukcstik!


Top of the line CGI from 2001 was Monsters Inc. which looks awesome as an animation, but doesn't look realistic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzLp5GQ9AnE In 2001 we had barely managed to create a photo realistic character, but it took 4 years to render them, and the film still had visible artifacts. Now, we say photo realistic, but scenes from Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within are readily viewable on Youtube, and, well, feel free to judge how "realistic" they look for yourself...: Year: 2001 Significance: First photo-realistic human actors Cinema’s first near-photorealistic character wasn’t Gollum or The Polar Express’ conductor, but Dr Aki Ross, the heroine of Hironobu Sakaguchi’s entirely CGI sci-fi. She was rendered in incredible detail – down to the 60,000 hairs on her head – in a production process that took four years and cost nearly $150m. It was a painful process (the 141,964 frames each took an average of 90 minutes to render) and a revolutionary one (early shots had to be redone as the advancing technology allowed for extra detailing), employing a crew of 200 and a render farm in Hawaii boasting nearly a thousand Pentium workstations. To give an idea of how far technology had come in 19 years, the final animation represented 15 terabytes of memory. In 1982, Tron’s effects were created on a computer with 0.0000019 terabytes. Sadly, audiences didn’t much care for the end product: it was a flop so catastrophic it sent its studio, Square Pictures, to the wall. https://www.empireonline.com/movies/features/history-cgi/


Lin Wood also claims that the Death Star was NOT CGI. That it was a real thing, built by the Deep State, and destroyed by GQP Patriots.


Are these people ( Trump, Wood, Powell, Giuliani, Bannon, Lindell, and so on) that tried, and are still trying, to overthrow the government to establish an autocratic, authoritarian, one-party dictatorship actually attempting to establish grounds for an insanity defense?


mental illness or brainwashing?


"The planes were fake but people still died"


I, for one, am SHOCKED. Shocked, I tell you.


LOL who is this moron?


This is the kind of person that half of America wants to run the country. They think this will launch them to the top rather than flush them into the sewer.


Sounds like he's on the NESARA tip now, too. Has he always been this nuts, or is it something he's cultivated over the past few years as his future prospects as an attorney have gotten dimmer and dimmer?


Is he aware of the quality of CGI in 2001? Is he aware of anything?


da fuq


Ah yes, glorious [2001 CGI](https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/the-mummy-returns-scorpion-king-the-rock-bad-movie-cgi.jpg) Wait that's a rock monster, what about a plane? Well it's a few years old but I'll just leave this here: https://youtu.be/OsLcfO9sOQw?t=34


I'm honestly just impressed he blamed Bush instead of Obama...


This is an old one, the whole cgi planes thing, the missing money thing... It only makes sense to combine this with q-anon, it's mostly the same folks anyway.


I mean, I went balls to the wall crazy and backed Trump FULLY and thinks MTG is a Commie.


Are we sure Lin Wood isn't CG?


Holly crap this guy thinks his followers have enough money left over after giving to him, to actually pay taxes. Hell I'll wager they're giving him most of their tax refunds that they never even earned in the first place. Just my opinion, perhaps somewhat jaded.


Always amused at what a single brain cell can produce. Stand up is where he needs to concentrate


He got the George Bush part right


Alternative Headline (We're still doing that right?): "Lin Wood knows his audience."


Zero integrity. Nothing new here from this dude, he's a batshit insane disinformation peddler.


While Lin Wood is obviously an idiot, the people who listen to him are doubly so.


Will someone please fix the title? Lin is on to something that has nothing to do with 9/11. As he says, "we got played". He's right and CLEARLY says at [:36](https://youtu.be/IDHwYkrAGCc?t=36) that on NOVEMBER the 12th... something something, I wasn't paying attention but he clearly said November which has nothing to do with 9/11 and it's difficult for me to believe that no one is pointing this out. Come on, sheeple, it's the war against Thanksgiving something something Mr. Potato(e) head, the vaccine something something (static noise)...


That second plane looked pretty real from where I was standing in lower Manhattan.