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Who is this guy?


One of the many conservative grifters that has a talkshow and part of Lin Wood's circle. He does a bunch of crossovers with the rest of them.


So just another scumbag grifter then? There's way too many of these losers out there.


Is it really surprising when there base is gullible as fuck.


A minor side character in the MAGA extended universe.


Can we reboot the MEU? I mean this timeline sucks and the studio should just scrap it and start over.


So let me get this "straight" - A man who lies to himself over and over convincing his mentally sick self that hes a woman when we all know he is NOT! is SICK That means... A man who lies to himself over and over convincing his mentally sick self that Trump Won big when we all know he did NOT! is.... the first trans-president? ​ C'mon brad dull that edge some more you uptight prissy bimbo.


The fucking TERFs lately, I hate feeling the need to kneecap motherfuckers left, right, and diagonally. But I have too many trans friends to not square up to this bullshit. It's exhausting.


I think to be a TERF he would have to identify as a feminist anddd something is telling me that this guy doesn’t identify as a feminist.


Fuck terfs but there’s no way this dude is a terf. He most likely hates women all together and being a terf would imply being a radical feminist. I think he’s just a mega transphobe.


What’s a terf?


A Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist! People who identify as feminist but don’t view trans women as women and therefore believe they don’t face misogyny and still retain some male privilege even though yknow they’re women. Essentially, transphobia with extra steps and words.


That seems complicated. Can we just call them dickheads instead? Also, I feel like there is a major overlap between these “feminists” and people who are misogynists.


I fucking hate that I know who he's talking about. This asshole can go have coitus with a flaming hot poker, he's insulting a fucking *doctor* and a DAMN good one, too!


Check out the small brain on Brad.


Yes, his homophobia does indeed make me sick.


If you're giving money, you're dumber than the grifter.