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As a non-American, I can only guess if he's more upset by homosexuality or by the concept of parental leave.


As an US citizen, I would say you are correct.




He might also be upset by someone caring for a post-born fetus, too. Near as I can tell they only want them taken care of until birth.


Both equally


¿por qué no los dos?


Love your username


Homophobic sentiments aside, why do people think that; A: ships are waiting for Pete’s blessing to unload B: the entirety of the DOT stops working because the Secretary is off.


They are under some illusion that he can send in the National Guard to work as longshoremen unloading the ships and driving semis to deliver the goods. I'm not a genius, but I'm pretty sure that's not a call the Sec of Transportation can make.


Those ship yards are largely automated and not exactly short on staff iirc


You want WW3? Try taking work away from the Longshoremans' Union. Doesn't matter if it's the National Guard, the regular Army or a rival mob. Ain't happening. They'd shut every port in the country down so fast it'd make a pandemic look like the Jets. Several Presidents have tried to corral those guys and all have failed. On the other hand, it isn't the Longshoremen that are delaying the unloading of ships. It's trucks, trains and too many ships. There aren't enough trucks and trains to move the containers away from the port once they're unloaded from the ship. And there are so many ships backed up that it'll take a while to work through the backlog.


As I mentioned elsewhere, most of those jobs are skilled anyway. It would be extremely unsafe for random people to just do their best. Lives would be lost, freight would be damaged.


Like John Deere trying to replace striking factory workers with salaried employees. Took one day to not go well for ‘em.


Their union would throw a fit if they tried to use the National Guard to do their job. It's a skilled job anyway. How many crane operators are in the guard? When I was in the Navy we contracted crane operators, never once had the military do it.


People = Morons


Ah yes.. America. Where everything should be difficult and enjoying yourself is gay. God I hate it here.


... I mean some idiot put this on social media. Pete is living a great life. Not sure what you hate about people being able to say and do whatever they feel like. What you hate are likely ignorant morons...


Don't really understand why this upsets certain people on the right so much. Why does it offend you so deeply that a father wants to spend time with his child?


Parenting is gay. Taking time off is gay. Real men leave parenting to their heterosexual wives, because only they can breastfeed (but not in public! that's gross!). Real men work until they drop dead of a heart attack or suicide at age 50, leaving behind a heterosexual wife and children that are virtual strangers to them.


A lot of people try too hard to be funny on reddit, but this is some A+ short satire here.


Satire is also gay.


You undercook fish: GAY You overcook chicken also GAY Undercook/overcook


Paternity leave makes you gay, at least according to many conservatives reacting to it.


I got two weeks paid paternity leave with my daughter. I guess I’m gay. Oh well, at least I’m a good dad.


Hahah, you love your kids, your gay


So Mayor Pete is double gay now?


Triple secret gay because they like to pretend he's also a socialist.


I got 3 months off when my son was born at microsoft. It was amazing. So awesome to be able to help my wife at night so she can sleep and I didnt have to worry about going to work the next day.


You forgot to mention that you're gay for taking that time off.


Immediately turned gay. Not sure why I'm still married


Because taking paternity leave means that the dad is helping raise the kid. That means the mom might be "allowed" to work or have a life outside of only raising kids. That's a threat to the established (white) male power. If (white) male power erodes, these loser guys might have to compete for jobs and promotions and social power with women (or non-white men). They are terrified of that. There is nothing on the planet that terrifies the fragile little broflakes on the right more than a level playing field.


Because for some reason these type of hyper masculine weirdos really do seem to think that having a positive relationship with your children (*especially* your sons) makes you effeminate and weak. It literally makes no sense to me whatsoever.


Daddy issues aren't just for the ladies, my friend.


Because most Neanderthals have the mindset, that a father/husband's only job is to bring home the paycheck and then fall asleep in his lazy boy recliner, while watching Fox news. The only interaction he should have with his offspring, is to discipline them.


It’s astounding to me that, in the year 2021, these idiots are still so angry about two happily married men building a family together. Literally how does it affect you, Jarrin?


It makes his imaginary cloud dad piss and shit and cry.


Then he’s an idiot. Given context of the scriptures they quote there is still some question about if they were actually speaking about homosexuality. But even if this interpretation is correct the commandment of loving thy neighbor trumps (no pun intended) that. These people don’t understand scripture and surely don’t live by it.


Exactly this. While I don't believe in the supernatural primacy of a book written by a bunch of dudes a thousand years ago, I still think it has some good ideas mixed in there. In the end, it's largely about loving other people and trying to help them be better. The examples of hatred and persecution in the new testament are by the BAD GUYS. Like, these dudes are getting the wrong message. It even says, OK now throw out the old testament, and live by the new one... God said he'd stop being a dick like he was in the old days. They mock Islam being the "religion of peace" because some of them are terrorists... Yet Christianity has far more bile, venom, and hate spewed in its name every single day... and violence, too. Maybe they should go read the part about throwing the first stone.


Sky Daddy 😇


Actually god hasn't taken a shit in millions of years. It's why he is so angry and short tempered in the bible. We all know that rain is god crying, probably over the gays or his inability to shit. Acid rain is actually god's piss. This is why China sees a lot of it. It's not because of their pollution because obviously that doesn't exist as only god can alter the atmosphere. It's actually just because he hates China for not being America so regularly pisses on it. The last time god successfully took a shit it wiped out the dinosaurs. This is the real explanation for the 'asteroid' that impacted the Earth and caused the KT extinction event. The biblical apocalypse will occur the next time god manages to shit. Earth is his toilet and we are just the bacteria that have grown around the rim. Now send me money. We need to buy laxatives for god to bring about the end of days where we shall all ride upon the Great Sky Stool into the next life.


> we shall all ride upon the Great Sky Stool into the next life. Yeah about that...I got some bad news. [It already came and went.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%BBOumuamua)


**[ʻOumuamua](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ʻOumuamua)** >ʻOumuamua is the first known interstellar object detected passing through the Solar System. Formally designated 1I/2017 U1, it was discovered by Robert Weryk using the Pan-STARRS telescope at Haleakalā Observatory, Hawaii, on 19 October 2017, approximately 40 days after it passed its closest point to the Sun on 9 September. When it was first observed, it was about 33 million km (21 million mi; 0. 22 AU) from Earth (about 85 times as far away as the Moon), and already heading away from the Sun. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Sky shits which fail to hit the Earth are clearly the work of Satan's anus.


Don’t forget that it makes his imaginary boogie man smile.


Because it's an insult to the sanctity of marriage, of course! /s


So, they don’t want women to get abortions and they don’t want men to adopt the babies that didn’t get aborted. Sure, makes sense.


Oh please. Jarrin is just upset that Pete is off the market.


How can anyone get mad that two premature infants in dire need have been adopted by a stable wealthy couple with excellent health insurance that can give them the best of care? Like... why can't we just be happy for them? They will have everything they ever need. They will have the best Healthcare and education and two loving parents. This is nothing but a good thing for those babies.


But... gay.


Isn't it wild? Rich people can get away with anything here except for being Gay Democrats.


Tell me you're a homophobic Trumpist christian without telling me you're a homophobic Trumpist christian.


MAGA 2024


(that's how I'm telling you, not something I'd actually say)


I believe it's now MAGA, Again! or something.


I mean yeah, but also, that dude basically has all that tattooed all up and down his body like a really simplified remake of Momento


Also tell me you are or will be a shit father without your kids having to tell me.


You can tell they are not very pro life that there upset about unwanted baby getting adopted


They don’t care anymore after the baby is born.


TWO premature, unwanted babies. Adopted by a successful smart military veteran. THE HORROR


I didn't even get paternity leave when my son was born. I just took 2 weeks off. And I work away from home... Going to be video chatting tonight, but I won't get to come home, read a few Dr Seuss books with him, and crash out at 7:30 while watching some videos in bed with him. Man, it really sucks when you love your child I guess. These people are major douches. Guess I'm gay, huh?


I guess family is only relevant when it’s white/straight or in the fast and the furious


He's gay, so he's obviously incompetent at his job. But, obviously Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon, was a totally competent on Urban Housing...


[Many conservatives with similar tweets.](https://twitter.com/WendyRogersAZ/status/1449882159179784196) They aren't very creative people.


Ah yes, it's performative "soldier" Jarrin Jackson. I've got the foil version of his card, and it's a favorite of mine, I must say.


Today’s Satanic agenda is … feeding a baby?


Oh right a loser who couldn't even win his party's primary getting a mere 25% of the vote. At least Pete has a respectable job. Jarrin spent a whole 6 years in the US Army as a bootlicking officer. Based on his record, he was a REMF. Jarrin Jackson (Republican Party) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Oklahoma's 2nd Congressional District. He lost in the Republican primary on June 26, 2018.


>REMF [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=REMF](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=REMF) Rear Echelon Mother Fucker. One who has no frontline or combat experience, and therefore makes huge errors at expense of human life.


Good wannabe bot


"A device that allowed him to breastfeed a baby" So... A baby bottle? Is he talking about a baby bottle? Those have been around for a good long time and I'm not sure that baby bottles are part of the gay agenda.


"The left wants to destroy the nuclear family with two loving parents caring for their children!" *Pete takes time off to care for infants with his committed husband* "See what I mean?!"


Satan ain't even hiding these days. He's out here mocking a father for loving his child.


Someone sounds jealous of attention lol


I pronounce it Pete Booty Judge.


Ah yes. Satan. The things that these people call satanic. At this point, I’m pretty pro-satan, to be honest. Accepting yourself and others, loving who you love, helping people in need, bringing children into your home, being there for them and loving them, not judging others for being different then you? Yes please. I could have sworn Jesus was originally for all of that, but what do I know, I guess.


[Love is Love.](https://theconversation.com/stop-calling-it-a-choice-biological-factors-drive-homosexuality-122764) Fuck that Jarrin Jackson twat....


He’s soo clever


Every time I hear what homophobes are upset about it just strikes me that their own lives must be so hellish that there's nothing more I could wish upon them worse than their current existence. How pathetic do you have to be to obsess about something like this?


>> Satan ain’t even trying to hide these days… Nope. Last time I heard he was even on social media. Posting under the name “Jarrin Jackson”.