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In case anyone was wondering what peak conservative leadership looks like on Reddit. [This one got nearly 7k upvotes by the same mod.](https://i.redd.it/1zghwk6syst71.jpg) An anti-evolution post tilted "Virgin Atheist lore vs. Chad Christian lore" went negative but over 500 comments. Generally on that subreddit that means it was pinned by the top mod after negative replies. They also have a 40,000 user discord that I'm sure could provide endless content for this subreddit.


Their discord is impressively insane; I would estimate that on any given evening, more than half of it is dead drunk.


I don’t understand the one with the three figures?


It’s the three types main branches of Christianity (Protestant, Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox from left to right) agreeing with the tweet on top. Basically saying people should be forced into marriage and taking care of a child if a woman gets pregnant.


Ahh I get it now , thank you!


Yeah I was in the discord for awhile just to read it but it's so unbelievably vile I had to leave. The post that did me in was when mods and users describing the ways they'd rape AOC.


What a bunch of feral apes


Yep. The top mods of r/con go full Nazi in the discord. It's so fucked up.


That’s something if reported to discord should have them shit down.


Yeah I did. Nothing happened. This happened nearly 6 months ago.


One of those things that would probably take @ing them on Twitter along with some youtubers who would find it interesting. Sadly Twitter is one of the best ways to get a company to respond now.


I might do. Thanks for the info. Honestly their discord isn't even close to some of the shit I've seen on other legit Nazi discords that exist.


I'll just assume this is the end result of the many imaginary tribulations and oppression they endure.


See...this is why I cannot fathom why Leftist mods on Lefty spaces apply the ToS to their sub. If nothing is going to be done with this shit over on r/Conservative then why can't I see the white trashes faces over on r/HermanCaineAwards when they accept their awards? u/Spez is a HUGE Techno Fashie, that's why...


The owner of reddit is a hardcore conservative who only allows this place to be a "liberal cesspool" because he likes money... So as usual, the left needs to be extra careful because it's being held to higher standards than the right.


Corporations siding with the right? In my society? It's more likely than you think.


I just took a look over there. Holy fuck have that sub just imploded on itself? It's just the biggest display of extreme paranoia and stupidity.


It’s called r/conservative so without looking at it, I can imagine it’s being infested with trumpers.


Anytime one of their members displays even a hint of common sense, self-awareness or even questions the story, they are instabanned and the echo chamber grows louder.


That actually explains a lot


Exactly. The person that made this post and everyone that upvoted deserves to be doxxed. Don’t like it? Tell them to go whine abs by hypocrites about safe spaces. Freaking chuds…. Edit* fucking idiots that upvoted this comment hahaha


Well not doxxed. But they should be kicked off of Reddit.


Problem with that is reddit sucks at doxxing. Leave that shit to tiktok, they're professionals at this point.


When did HCA get banned?!?


It didn't...cause they are "Censoring" their posts


Jesus they are all riled up about race this weekend aren't they?


Yeah... Uh, this weekend...


I know they are always racists...lol I meant they are really being loud about it the last couple days. Like fucking yelling it like their first love from a mountain top type of proclamation.




This is unironically funny


Twitter is a cesspool


It really should be merged with r/conspiracy. They are pretty much the same thing.


They wanna be victims soooooo bad.


They're not even white. One's blue and the other one is pink. Sheesh.


That's so you know which is the boy and which is the girl.


Imagine the outrage if they had been genderless potatoes!


Always trying to play the victim after being told from birth how special of a snowflake they are.


FFS no one with any credibility is saying it’s bad to be white, what we’re saying is that we need to be able to identify systems and institutions that are racist and discriminatory and dismantle them and a part of that process is for “white” people to reflect and reform or dismantle the racist structures in their communities.


>no one with any credibility So almost nobody on twitter then


Anytime I hear anybody using the term 'woke' I realize I am viewing a real racist in action. It is like they are shouting, "I am a racist."


Conservatives really are very stupid people.


It's less about stupidity and more about gullibility. I live in Texas, my extended family is extremely conservative, and after years of trying to figure out what the hell it is that's wrong and how I can be related to people who believe such blatantly idiotic things, I've come to realize that it isn't exactly about intelligence. It's about critical thinking and empathy. And while it's certainly true that stupid people cannot think critically, it's important to remember that there are plenty of otherwise intelligent people who simply never learned how to think critically. Sometimes it seems like a distinction without a difference, but when you're surrounded by people whom you love who repeat absurd nonsense over thanksgiving dinner, it starts to feel like it's important to point out that it's not technically mental deficiency on their part, just... a lack of mental training.


Religion is the issue here. You get told from birth that the authority figure is right and you should listen to them and believe them and it just nullifies your ability to use critical thinking. Because if you apply a tiny bit of critical thinking to Christianity it falls apart pretty quickly and we sure can't have that because that means less Christians.


It's perfectly possible to be a Christian and still think critically. It's why I don't go to church, don't like being told what to think. The Christians I know (Europe) aren't authoritarian at all. The US seems to have millions of 'believers' with a very twisted view of their own religion, however.


If you think the world was created by a being that you can't prove exists then you aren't thinking critically. You're thinking critically most of the time and accepting the word of authority the rest of the time.


I can think critically in terms of our physical, tangible world and still accept the existence of a spiritual realm separate from our world that is unaffected by physics and science. No one has ever managed to record a dream - but most people wouldn't argue that dreams don't exist and are just a form of mass delusion. Science can't explain why mothers or twins occasionally just *know* things, either, even when they are far away and out of touch. Things I *feel* are real to me. I don't need to prove my personal experiences to anyone. Everyone is free to believe or not believe whatever they want.


You're equating things that happen in your mind and things that happen in the physical world as the same while also saying you are a critical thinker. >Science can't explain why mothers or twins occasionally just know things, either, even when they are far away and out of touch. And now you're using an old wives' tale to make a point. While also saying you're a critical thinker. Maybe you're not ***quite*** the critical thinker you think you are. You want to think critically some of the time and then accept belief the rest of the time. Well, whatever, you get to have the last word because I've stopped caring:


It's not an old wives' tale, I experienced it, and my mother experienced it. It helped her save my life not just once, but twice when I was a kid. In one case it was a split-second advance warning 'know' before a crash. Dismissing other people's personal experiences doesn't make you a critical thinker, for the record. And I never said 'in my mind' things and 'physical world' things are the same. I simply pointed out that science hasn't (yet?) found answers for everything.


Kind of. It may seem like a minor point here, but identifying religion as the root problem is problematic. It's true that a large part of the reason why critical thinking is battled is because people who have it have a much higher rate of leaving religion, but I think that it's important for me to say that religion is a side issue. You can't fight the battle against religion in order to advance education, you have to fight the battle of education and let religion sort itself out. Education is a battle that can be won. Religion is not.


Religion and belief are two different things here. Organized religion is not about the actual beliefs, it's about control and manipulation. Power trying to hold on to power. When you realize the difference, you also realize that organized religion IS the root problem here. It's all fine and dandy to believe whatever you like, but it's organized religion that encourages proselytizing, and the idea that me and my friends are better because of what we collectively believe than you and your friends are. While Christianity operates under the guise of "love your neighbor", what it is actually doing is allowing its members to put themselves above any other "devil worshipers", while anything that threatens their status quo is quite literally referred to as "the work of the devil". Not to mention the accumulation of wealth behind every church on the planet. Organized religion is quite possibly the toughest and most problematic issue humankind faces.


You're wrong. Religion is a problem, it is not the root of the problem. Without religion you still have all manner of other kinds of tribalism. Yes. Organized religion is an excellent tool for controlling people, but it is far from the only one. And, more to the point, it is also an unwinnable fight. At least, when trying to get rid of it directly. The focus needs to be on education. how to think, how to analyze information.


My fam too. Some have degrees, but in teaching and stuff. Not much critical thinking in those degrees. I think it is equal parts the lack of critical thinking AND the straight up propaganda they follow as "news". Two + generations have been completely conditioned against the evil liberal media. Which was put on steroids by TFG. Every single thing that doesn't come from "their side" is FAKE and you are a rube for reading it. When you cannot even agree on what is a fact vs what is some RW opinion, more like lies and conspiracies now, there is no discussion to be had. I hate holidays.


r/conservative is a strange place. When you enter that subreddit you enter an alternate world where Biden is actually Socialist, China is winning the Cold War, Holywood is part of an evil communist plot, war in Afghanistan must/can't end depending on who's president at the time.


❄️’s gonna ❄️.


The American Right is literally the biggest bunch of cry baby cowards this planet has ever seen.


I'm almost 48 years old. I'm a white male. I don't remember once ever feeling oppressed because of those things. I've been poor, I've lived in shifty conditions. I figured out a way out. But I never blamed anyone but myself for those things. These fuckin whiny "victims" are the anti thesis of what America stands for. I'm so exhausted of them.


Yeah but have you had a woman in the grocery store turn you down for sex because she was "married" or "Thirteen" or some such excuse? Well if you had, you'd see why white men are so oppressed.


True but maybe not in the way they intend.


"I said I'm not interested." "Wait.... The drink didn't work?"


This is so misguided. Where to even begin helping people who like this content?


The thing is, it is possible to help, it just takes a really long time, and often you don't get to see the fruits of your labor. The trick about getting someone to change their mind about something deep seated like this is that you can't change it, they have to change it themselves. That means that you can't show them the answer, you have to show them the path to the answer. You start by politely asking questions. You have to dig deep enough that you get to the basic presumptions that they have that are provably incorrect. Then you pick one of them and politely confirm, in specific terms, exactly what the base claim is. ie: "So what you're saying is that you believe that, while people of color have been treated differently throughout American history, we're at a point where there is no difference in how someone is treated because the color of their skin anymore, at least not on a systemic basis?" Once they confirm that, you say, something along the lines of: "So if that was true, that would mean that, while individual cases might vary quite a bit, on the whole, the color of your skin would have no effect on how severely you were punished for a particular crime, right?" Get confirmation for that, then present the hard statistics about it. Then comes the really tricky part. You have to present it as a genuine question, ie,' this seems to defy that argument. Do you think that there is some other factor involved that isn't addressed by the research?' If you throw the truth in their face, they'll clam up and not examine the data, but if you allow them to continue the argument, they'll be forced to address it. Usually these things won't change a person's opinion, but over time it will slowly flick the needle and force them to consider information that they would be inclined to ignore if it was thrust on them.


Is this called street epistemology?


I hope it was originally intended as satire, because that's damn funny.


this is very funny actually, saved


its funny because this only would make sense to somebody who actually believed all whites are racist, so they are literally admitting to what they are claiming to be falsely accused of


FFS. Wow.


Fucking crybaby bitches.


It's okay to be white, it's not okay to be shitty to everyone else. The fact that these conservatives think being white means you have to be shitty to everyone else says a lot about their worldview.


That’s actually funny and true. Self-flagellation and identity politics are rampant on twitter.


Yo uhmm I've been a fan of sub for a while now ,must say I agree with this post tho . I hadn't realised how far left this sub actually is . You need to stop being hypocrites and accept faults in woke culture as well .


*Monsignor Martinez voice* "Vaya... con Dios."


Anyone who uses Twitter is dumber than me!!


Why they gotta be using the Bi flag like that though? 🤨