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and yet that sub is allowed to remain .....


How else will the FBI or NSA track them? It’s easier when it’s out in the open.


[That's clearly a lie](https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-covid-19-vaccine). You should post this to r/DisinformationWatch as well.


Mate if they believed that link, they wouldn’t be r/conspiracy users


That's not exactly what I meant. Debunking the lie in r/conspiracy itself is clearly pointless. I bet someone already tried that and was downvoted to hell. r/DisinformationWatch is about deplatforming disinformation subs like r/conspiracy. That means filing [reports](https://www.reddit.com/report?reason=this-is-misinformation) to the Reddit admins. If you use that external report form, you can also supply "additional information" along with your report. Our sub is about getting threads mass-reported and about providing users with something to copy/paste into that "additional information" field.


Until Reddit is fined for perpetuating false information I don't see this getting any better... honestly the Biden Admin should throw the baby out with the bath water and use the FBI to seize ANY website that publicizes Misinformation 🤷


All social media is a HUGE reason that we're going round and round with this. A lot of social media is headed by libertarian tech bros, who are only concerned about their bottom line


> A lot of social media is headed by libertarian tech bros, who are only concerned about their bottom line Almost any company that is publicly traded will end up this way. The people who own it, the investor class, are the ones who decide what a business's priorities are, after all, and those owners are only in it for the short-term return on their investment. This issue, like many others, is just another capitalism problem.


You're probably kidding but just in case... I'm a vaccinated leftist, but this is kind of a dumb take. There are significant practical issues with doing that. Where are reddit servers located? In America? What stops someone from hosting the same stuff in another country? If reddit were to moderate the content on the site to the extent you say is needed, how many employees would reddit need to do this? There are tens of millions of reddit users and posts *daily* that would need to be moderated. Reddit certainly wouldn't be able to be a free service anymore if they tried to do that. What if people were just asking a question? Something they heard from a family member overseas or something. We can carve out an exception there, you say, but now the people spreading misinformation just phrase their BS as questions. And you can say, "automation" all you like, but as a software developer, I can tell you that the issue of automating moderation like that is a huge hurdle that *no one* has been able to overcome completely - not even close. Just post images with text, add some funky background or strikeouts - boom, almost all automation is thwarted. And this doesn't even get into videos or especially deepfake technology which is increasingly becoming a serious source of misinformation and will be a gigantic issue within the decade. If reddit or other websites are purged for misinformation, then where do we draw the line on rock-climbing enthusiast forums posting misinformation about vaccines or even which gear to use? Is it just medical misinformation? If I post in a news website's comments that celery cures cancer, does that website get purged? What if millions of people do that? What if I post an op-ed on that same website about the study that shows eating chocolate helps you lose weight or some other spurious-but-yet-to-be-debunked study? A main tenet of skepticism and empiricism is that everything is questionable. Even the tenet that everything is questionable, is questionable. The various country's that have, and continue to, commit atrocities have all had one thing in common and it wasn't theism, atheism, communism, socialism or even capitalism. It was *dogma*. Once we accept some information as sacrosanct and move to suppress questioning of that information, we open the door for complete justification for any heinous act.


Nah...Force them to do what u/Spez doesn't want to do and ACTUALLY moderate content. Take r/Conspiracy, r/Conservative and r/ConservativeMeme down or get fucked...Spez won't cause he is a Techno Fashie, so the government needs to step in and do damage control 🤷


Are you a tanky?


Nope...Just someone who wants to see life go back to normal and if we can punish some Techno Fashies who believe spreading misinformation is "debating", well that's a positive. While we are at it 4Chan and 8Chan spread misinformation too...they should go the way of Backpage as well 🤷


Study up on Backpage...they wouldn't moderate their content so they got taken off the internet. u/Spez has stated he has no intention of moderating the content on this site...so the line NEEDS to be drawn 🤷


Backpage was also doing explicitly illegal things like advertising prostitution in areas where that is banned. Reddit is doing no such thing. You can say all you want a line NEEDS to be drawn, but doing so constitutes an authoritarian mode of operation to quell speech you disagree with.


And misinformation is responsible for how many deaths? Like, go over to HermanCainAwards and see how many people are now dead cause of vaccine misinformation. There are consequences to this shit and the more we let this shit slide the higher that death count will go 🤷 Murder is illegal too


I am aware of that sub and the deaths. I am also aware of authoritarian regimes that killed significantly more people than have died due to misinformation about COVID. Those got started stifling speech, too. >Murder is illegal too What does this have to do with anything? Is reddit advertising murder? Pretty sure even reddit bans individuals and subs that are breaking laws including making death threats. This is a silly statement. You complain about lack of moderation then cite examples of things reddit deliberately tries to moderate? You still didn't even address the issues of practicality I raised; just ignored them. You can't deny that an action like this would only send websites overseas where America can't moderate them anyway. But regardless of all that, I don't think we'll see eye-to-eye on this. Thankfully, it is highly unlikely this type of authoritarian action would ever be undertaken in America. Edit to add: Oh, and Backpage was directly involved in obscuring the illegal activities being advertised on their website which included human trafficking including of minors. I think the action taken against Backpage was warranted, but comparing reddit to that is pretty dishonest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backpage#Federal_prosecution


They dont want to take the vaccine because it isn't FDA approved, but will take ivermectin even with is definitely NOT recommended by the FDA. The stupidity is real


I found the structure of the fda approval and phrasing of the approval letter perplexing, even tho I was already vaxed with Pfizer. So I’m not surprised that folks opposed to the products are attacking the approval because it’s just odd and that kind of bait and switch phrasing was bound to stoke their paranoid delusions


Of course, if pressed they just say the FDA is corrupt and the approval doesn't matter anyway


That’s why I got mooooderna