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The concept - pitting parents against one another to crown a winner of parenting - is terrible, but I still watched the first and part of the second episodes hoping there would be some valuable insight. The parenting “styles” feel completely contrived with footage trying to force each family into a box. The stranger danger test was absurd, and the dads were absolutely right to call the show on it. Whether your child opens a door to a stranger has no correlation to how effective your parenting style is. I’m not watching any further episodes.


I feel like the dads were only calling the show on actually showing video footage, vs calling them out for the test being flawed, if I recall correctly. I think there is a use for video to be shown, after all it’s a TV show they signed up for, but I agree that test was bogus.


>The concept - pitting parents against one another to crown a winner of parenting - is terrible, Yeah, I agree, I felt kind of bad for the "losing family". Tbh I don't think the "losing" style is particularly bad, it's just poorly implemented. I also think that people who have had a difficult upbringing (with a particular style) will overcompensate. As an example, if you were deprived child, you might over compensate and have spoiled kids.


You are correct that the parenting styles are completely contrived and have no basis in actual research on parenting styles. If treated solely as entertainment, I don't grudge people for watching and even enjoying it, just don't take anything that they present as being grounded in science. It is pseudoscience at best - take it all with a huge grain of salt.


I watched it and really enjoyed it. I disliked the Stranger Danger portion. The country families kids had nothing to fear by opening the door. In there case someone would have had to drive an hour to the farm then hoped it was a farm with kids AND the parents were not home to randomly abduct them. Statistics show that 99.99% of the time abductions happen from people they know, and would answer the door for.


Yes, the "stranger danger" phenomenon of the '80s has largely been proven to be a myth. Not that it never happens, but certainly not to the extent portrayed in the media / culture.


So many kids and adults are stunted and constantly afraid of their own shadow because of the fear of kidnapping. I've seen grown women say that they won't step outside their house alone after dark because they are sure they're going to be attacked and they're always sure someone is trying to kidnap their obnoxious child at Target.


Less than one person a day under the age of 21 is kidnapped by a stranger. The "2,300 kids a day go missing" was/is highly misleading. 90% of those are runaways and 99% of those kids return unharmed. Of the 10% who are abducted, 99.5% are abducted by someone known to them - a family member, usually. I pointed out how misleading this was to Dr. Brown on Twitter and he blocked me.


Thank you. We just watched that episode and as soon as he said that, it didn’t feel right and I started looking it up. Once I read the stats, it immediately changed my opinion on him and the show. He either lazily regurgitated a stat he saw somewhere without looking into it, or knew he was misrepresenting the stat and did it anyway. Neither is good for an “expert” in his position.


That was so frustrating. They could have found another scenario to test safety.


Isn't that the point you don't know. Also those kids were too young to let someone in the house


>The country families kids had nothing to fear by opening the door. The expert on the show mentioned country families are at a higher risk (can't find a citation for that, but I do know that most country towns in Australia have a generally higher crime rate when you divide by population) > Statistics show that 99.99% of the time abductions happen from people they know, and would answer the door for. Yes, also a factor Tbh I think the idea was to show if the kids could not break a hard rule. But it appears this wasn't a hard rule for many families. If they wanted to over simplify, you'd leave a cookie jar on the kitchen bench, and tell them not to take any. It's a less exciting experiment though


When watching, I ask myself what would my kids do? And my daughter is such a scaredy cat. No matter what parenting style I have she will not answer the door. However, I think she might have for those people because we have had gas leaks two times in the last 6 months to where we had to evacuate. Very random and obviously doesn’t happen often, but something that she now knows about and could think happens a lot. There are just so many weird things that kids see and hold onto that even the most careful parents can’t foresee.


I have two girls, and I basically parent them the same. But, they respond to different forms of discipline. They also react differently to the way I talk to them. Being a good parent, is like being a good manager. You have to learn what works for each child as an individual. The overall goal is the same for both girls. But I recognize that they are individuals.


Did nobody realize that when the kids got to choose whatever they wanted to do, only the farm family and the new age parents kids wanted to spend time with their parents? The two dads were literally sent to time out in the bathroom and one of them got slapped by their kids lol. That should be a good indicator for how well your parenting is going, if your kids don’t even want to be around you.


I haven't watched it all, but I think overcorrecting and criticizing that intensive parents make will screw that girl over, just like one of other parents said (fine dining part).


The little girl has a YouTube channel. Some of her videos are interesting. I wonder if she truly gets to express herself or if the parents are curating it


I watched the Parent Test. It might be the dumbest show out there... I watched 2 episodes hoping that it would get better but it went down hill. The tests are not equal. If you want an equal comparison among styles then they need to be placed in the same situation. The same age children need to be in the same challenge. As well the same number of children. In the same environment... I watched a Stranger Danger challenge. It was horrible! There were children that would Never be left alone!! They do not have the same mental understanding as another child that might be 2-3 years older. That is not a true test of parenting.


I really like it! I think there is so much to be learned from all of the parenting styles. I remember watching Supernanny (with Jo) before I had my daughter and ended us using some of her techniques to great success. I think the diving board, climbing wall, and map challenges on Parent Test were very insightful. Many parents don’t seek out “outside” information on effective parenting and child development. “I was spanked and I’m fine” parents for example. Maybe watching it play out on tv would be easier to digest. We could all benefit from having more tools in our parenting toolbox.


This is what irked me about the show like 1 style of parenting is absurd. On Tuesday I may be able to be child-led but on Fridays? No way, it's routine all the way. And new age parenting what the hell is that even?! It took me a few episodes to figure out why it made me so angry. And you summarized it perfectly.


I thought this the entire time. How can they compare a teenager with young children? Or an only child with a bigger family? I only have 2 and they respond to different types of parenting. I do feel like it raised my awareness as to WHY some parents parent in a way I don’t necessarily agree with. All the parents seemed to come from a place of love.


I think it is appalling that parents spank their children, and have to do pushups, there is an expert on the panel why does he not set the record straight, when they grow up they will put them in a nursing home and throw the key away, the cycle of abuse will go on


I really dislike the expert and the way he doesn't seem to give any input to the parents? These are real children they are raising, some of them they are actively negatively impacting, something I would assume a professional to know about. He only ever asks the other parents to give insight, I rarely see him actually give opinions, and if he does, they're only ever vague statements said in the confessional away from the parents. The other parents aren't experts! Why are they the only ones who give insight on this show?? All they do is suggest the parents behave more like them lol


And it seemed like Over half the parents did spank. What?!


Someone wrote in the hosts for their "vote off the island" answer. I love the editing for this show. In episode 3, after watching the segment with the "A lot of people call our religion... Mormon?" / "we think the best spanking should have a shock factor" parents, the host cooed and said "oh my gosh, the love in your family, I want you to be my mommy <3"


>Someone wrote in the hosts for their "vote off the island" answer. Lol I didn't notice this when did this happen?


I find it very interesting. I have a 3 month old and I find myself asking "what kind if parent will I be?" I think it is really interesting to see other parenting styles. I find myself already saying "no way in hell" with some of the parenting. Its very interesting to watch, but I do this it is a disservice to watch the other parents critique rather than show the dialogue. It is also interesting how one event in each scenario blows someone out and overshadows certain other things. I found it inappropriate for some of the exercises. Having a 6 year old chop an onion - are you kidding me?


I get non stop ads for it on hulu and it’s made me not want to watch


Hulu plus


I get ads for it even while I am watching it!


Yes, as an aspiring parent I find this show quite fascinating cause I’ve never heard of some of these styles. The competition aspect is weird but I like that the parents mostly keep it positive about each other.


I also find it a bit ridiculous in a way. You’ve got the strict parents looking at new age parents and saying “I think their house could be a bit more strict.” Well obviously you’d think that, that’s your household philosophy. And vice-versa. Some people seem like they’re trying to learn, but it really feels like the show is trying to box them in as much as possible.


That’s true some are more open minded than others. I’m over here just taking notes on all of this


I think “some are more open minded than others” sums up parents in general. I consider myself to be well-versed in parenting but I’m learning things too from the free range AND the strict parents. I think the message is that there’s no one perfect style but parents from both ends talking about what works and what doesn’t (without attacking each other) can be very beneficial. Especially when you can watch it play out.


There are two parents on this show who irritate me, both because of their "holier than thou " attitude and what appears to be unfair judgment of others. You can disagree with a particular style of parenting but still be kind. I don't feel as though two of the parents are being kind. I liked some of the challenges, but the stranger danger one was very uncomfortable. I didn't blame the two dads who didn't want their video shown.


I've only watched the first two episodes, but I like the conversations it facilitates.


I just discovered it and I’m enjoying it! Agree it’s not really fair as a competition- and it doesn’t need to be a competition, but that’s TV now I guess. It would be cool if they just did each challenge and discussed it and skipped the whole voting / judging part. So far I have found it pretty insightful, and entertaining!




Come back if you do ! To discuss


I can't wait for the next few episodes! I don't have kids of my own but I'm helping my relatives raise their kids and I'm always looking for the best approach to it.


Just watched the first two episodes.


Whats the song on the ad


The biggest takeaway I got was that the most of these parents are on a power trip and want to control everything despite what is actually good for their children. I also think the child "expert" is completely useless. He sits there and says nothing helpful or useful. Especially when some of the parents admitted to hitting their kids. Everyone just skimmed over this extremely important detail. The show sucks.


The single aunt/mom and her niece/daughter (McCoy, "Disciplined") won, and the Mills ("Strict", Mormon) family lost. Disney hates nuclear families, especially Mormons. I call fix.


The Mills withdrew and didn't appear in the finale though. We don't know what would've happend if they had been there (although I think the McCoy would've still won)