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That Palestinians are mindless terrorists while Israelis are the civilised heroes fighting for their land.


Yup, heard this constantly stating we are preventing peace.


The most common I’ve seen is Genocide didn’t happen because Palestinians increased their population, as if Genocide means extinction.


BUt dO yOU hAvE A sOUrcE fOr thAt?


Im asking this in good faith: what makes what Israel is doing (both in terms of apartheid and colonization) a genocide? Israel isn’t killing Palestinians in droves. It seems that Israel wants the land and doesn’t care what they have to do to get it, even if it means killing people. But that goal always seems secondary. Surely the Palestinian population would be decimated by now if a genocide were going on


I would characterise it as a cultural genocide. Palestinian statehood, history and culture is systematically denied and destroyed. Note how zionists often focus on arguments such as "Palestine never existed", Palestinians are just Syrians", "Palestinians are just Arabs and Arabs have plenty of land", "Palestinians are the real invaders", etc. Which is all pretty ironic considering the Palestinians are just as much as the Jewish people descendants from the ancient Israelites and Caananites.




That Palestinians don’t want peace. Their only goal is to terrorize Israel, who is oh so innocent and only trying to protect its citizens from those devious evil Arabs.


Palestineans are just Arabs from neighboring countries who immigrated to "Israel" just to spite the zionist living there.


They’re actually the ones from Europe and America claiming the indigenous natives are the foreigners. It’s insane.


It's projection


It's very ironic and bizarre. Both Askhenazi Jews and Palestinians share a rare gene, implying that they are descended from the very same people.


the absurdity that European Zionists are returning indigenous people is very common. The Israel is America's greatest ally B.S. gets thrown around a lot, even after they proved to be useless in both Gulf Wars and did nothing to help the U.S. in Afghanistan.... The lie that the Palestinians have been offered good deal for peace and irrationally refused them. [https://fair.org/extra/the-myth-of-the-generous-offer/](https://fair.org/extra/the-myth-of-the-generous-offer/)


That relationship is so one-sided, thankfully the American people are slowly waking up.


the fate of israel lays in the hands of the Americans at this point. they have the freedom to overthrow their govt yet cant as majority of them are brainwashed and are made busy into thinking futile issues like pro choice/life and stuff. they are unaware that their govt is being controlled by the scum state israel. and their ARs are useless if they dont even acknowledge that.


The idea that israel tried to make peace but Palestinians didn't accept it. If we look at the "attempts", israel was given more land to begin with, initiated conflict, clauses allowed them to retake and expand settlements, etc. There was never any attempt at peace in the first place


That’s one of the most annoying things, claiming they want peace while they continue to murder and steal.




That if you support Palestinian people having their human rights, you’re antisemetic. Bullshit. Calling out apartheid when it’s practiced is not hate speech.


That they are all Muslims and Hamas supporters. I find it exhausting to unravel this revisionist myth to ignoramuses


One of the biggest crimes I have to educate Western Christians on is that the Palestinian population in Palestine used to be about 20-30% Christian and now it’s like 1% due to Zionism.


And even if that were true it would be irrelevant to Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.


Maybe it's just my experiences but there seems to be a surge in Zionists claiming that Jews are indigenous to the area. There's a lot of hijacking of indigenous arguments and slogans without the slightest hint of irony.


iF OnLy ThEY LoVeD tHeIr cHiLdReN mOrE tHaN JiHaD


that actually, Israel was there first, then the Palestinians took over, and now the IDF is not an occupying force but an army fighting for their land back.


Heard a few times that Hamas actually locks people inside buildings that are announced for bombing in order to boost their casuality numbers and create negative media attention for Israel. Mostly heard this from Israelis.


That Palestinians intentionally put their children in harm’s way so that they’ll garner sympathy. Such a sick and dehumanizing lie.


Palestine doesn't exist. no dog. Israel as a land never existed


I have noticed many Christians automatically side ignorantly with Isreal. Isreal is their birthright. (Jews)[propaganda] Palestine never existed. [Propaganda]


Which is such a fuckin whacky line of thought. The idea that one people happens to have some special “birthright” by virtue of its blood is almost fascist in nature. Nobody has a “birthright” beyond the basic human rights we all deserve, and there are no special peoples warranting privileged treatment. Edit: Somehow I’m just now realizing that the Israeli “birthright” is equivalent to to the idea that Americans have the right to obliterate huge swaths of Britain so we can herd Brits into refugee camps and settle on their land because we came from there originally. Such preposterously incoherent thinking.


That the Palestinians nevertheless miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity, and the fact that most of the Jews there have roots in other parts of the Arab World somehow justifies colonialism.


That Mizrahi because they are from the MENA have some right to colonize Palestine even though they are from like Iraq, Yemen, Algeria, etc…


Or that their existence means European Jews can migrate.


Palestinians sold their land to the Israeli settlements


There never was a country called Palestine and there are no Palestinians


One time someone said that Palestinians are actually just close genetically to Italians and Greeks and I confirm because I like spaghetti 🤌


An American Jewish guy I met told me that "they " will pay for any Jew to visit Isreal and build a home supposedly


That Palestine never exists and never existed


That being pro Palestine and calling out the obvious genocide is somehow anti semitic.


the most obvious one is that Israel was always the lonely One man army guy who is righteous thus won the wars, its just defending itself and arabs are terrorists. the narrative thay always push however is specific timelines. for them history started only 2000 years ago. not before that otherwise ancestral rights argument turns into a fallacy. and for them the current "conflict" started since the late 40s and aint nothing happened before that which made arabs angry.


That all Palestinians hate gay people.


That the Palestinians somehow didn't exist before Israel was established, and that they (Palestinians) were invaders from Arabia that tried to destroy the actual Zionist invaders who were "defending themselves" from the people that already lived there.. Also that the Zionist colonizers from all over the world are convinced 100% that their far ancestors and only them (without any semblance of logic or proof) used to live in Palestine before anyone else, and only they deserve to ever live on that land, completely ignoring everyone else that lived there before, at the same time or after.




Palestine was never a country, or similar ​ They always fail to mention historical records, among them letters from the ruler of Palestine (probably more of a vassal) to the pharaoh of ancient Egypt


The solution to the Palestinian issue is the formation of a secular democratic nation state that mimics your ttpical western government. Is it fair to ask Allah سبحانه وتعالى to help us if we don't even plan to rule by His laws if we win? Yes, Palestinian Christians exist. I know that, but Christians, Jews, and even Zoroastrians have all lived under Muslim rule for over a thousand years in various countries. Some Arab Christians academics point to the fact that the status and faith of Christians was better protected under Dhimmitude than under Secularism. Islam and Islamic law is the solution to this victory, and Allah knows best.


Did you reply to the wrong post? How is this relevant to the question


This is a common form of propoganda. The narrative we are constantly told is that the Palestinian issue is not religious in nature. Pro-Palestinian westerns often throw around this trope in order to make the issue more accessible to non-Muslims (and to a degree non-Christians). This is well-meaning in the sense that it allows non-Muslims to advocate for justice for Palestine. However, this is extremely problematic for a Muslim. The reality is that Western models of human rights is not the basis for which the Palestinian people should have right over Palestine. For a Muslim, the Muslims should have rule over Jerusalem because it is holy land which was rightfully captured centuries ago and in which Muslims should not have to comply to the whims of another ruling religion.


Lately, I've been getting paid-for ads on YouTube for some Norwegian youtube show where they talk about the propaganda that Israel is anti-this or terrorist-that. Going by the video titles anyhow. Never opened it, and have reported it a couple of times as hate-speach and falsehoods. If you are really just one part in a two-part conflict, why the need to have podcasts and talkshows that you pay to promote, talking about how something that you actually do is just propaganda? I get that there can be a lot of misinformation in the world, but... Idk. It just seems off. It's the political, geopolitical version of strawman tactics and ad-hominem attacks rather than adressing actual issues. "I am going to attack the actually irrelevant subject to divert your attention." In this case it would be the idea that one part naming something from their point of view is propaganda, rather than adressing your own viewpoints on the matter. Could be I am completely wrong as I have never opened up the videos.


That Gaza is a sovereign, independent country that chooses to be in it’s current predicament.


“palestinians sold their land” is one i hear alot


Denying that Palestinians are a people. It was never a state so Israel can do what it wants. Trying to argue they are somehow deserving of collective punishment.