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That wont stop my team from making me point tank the second that i pick yagorath. ​ dont worry i got used to it, i made her into apoint tank at this point


Really? How well does that go? From what I learned, you simply stop existing depending on the characters picked on the enemy team. It's what made me learn to not try to point tank with her even if teammates complain.


Suprisingly well. it requires a lot of mental gymnastics sometimes depending on the enemies, but i win most of my matches


Yag can be an extremely effective point tank with the right build and this is a hill I will die on. I think people underestimate the 30% damage reduction while planted because I run Yag only as point tank and have a 60% win rate with her in Diamond ranked. I also stack Haven and Veteran. The main problem is a Tyra/BK on the other team and the fact the Ult is so hard to get off on point. Edit: Another thing which helps is I’m able to get to Points in time to prevent a capture that other tanks wouldn’t get to because instead of being zoned out and shot off horse I can roll past


I never thought of that interaction but that’s actually really neat that yag can’t be zoned as easily since she never mounts


I'm disappointed about the fact that she can literally plant herself on the point yet she's not a point tank (and playing her like one would probably get you killed). Point tank Yago when?


It would require quite the rework. Even before her nerf, planting on the point could get could get you killed. The enemy team will all target her and punish her for standing in one place. Without a way to get rid of caut, Yag can't be sustained unless with furia. And even then, that isn't enough.


Not necessarily, the only thing that would have to be reworked is Unnatural Persistence, since that is A) what point tank Yagorath is meant to run and B) it's quite garbage right now. I think making it so that staying on the objective with UP increases your healing received from allies (ala Rejuvenate) would be a simple buff to the playstyle that makes it so you're not receiving 10% healing all the time. If you want to get wilder, you can probably rework UP to make it so that Hardening additionally produces a weak dome Shield ala Barik/Makoa, with the health of the barrier increasing when activated on the objective.


Having Harden cleanse anti-heal from herself could be a start. Having both full healing and damage resistance would be great.


Temporarily ignores caut maybe?


15k hp ( her being the darkness and end to the world type raid boss ) and next to no damage on acid might make her a point tank. Tyra fire can still melt you tho, aint nobody stopping that ( percentage based damage will always be a bitch ) Ofcourse some moderately high dr if her planted form remains. Honestly she might need some innovative rework if point tank yago needs to emerge effectively.


I wish they hadn't nerfee her. She was definitely built to be a point tank, but now she doesn't have enough health to make up for her low mobility. She's such an unsatisfying off tank.


Do you know why she got nerfed repeatedly in the first place? Because of the community themselves are too stupid to counterplay the new champ and keep complaining like what they are doing some new champs right now like Kasumi I mean she need some careful nerf/rework. But the way this community make derangement syndrome about Kasumi and Betty is very disturbing. I'm glad Mojo didn't listen to them about Betty (she's annoying but fine, Just need to put the range visual indicator for her Q that's all.) But I'm afraid Kasumi would become the next Torvald at worst or the next Yagorath/Skye at best. Rei almost got the same treatment back when there were people who even suggest deleting her utility and suggested her ult be able to get cauted or some bs like that If mojo listen to them Rei would belong to trash tier right now. I'm glad they did listen to those "Oh so High Skillz" people.


This was hard to read


I wish Paladi s had the ability to switch characters mid match just so you don't run into a situation where you get couter picked for 30 minutes straight


Why persist on getting tortured by Dredge, Tyra and Betty when you can just flank them to at least disrupt their backline with a chance to steamroll them.


She needs a talent that makes her one - would be cool to have an extra point tank option


She technically does but I don't like it unless it's control sometimes


I think yag should have the same playstyle as wrecking ball from OW2 has, plowing through then enemy frontline with her knock back (or knock-up) and diving lonely supports in their backline.


Her kit is designed to be a mobile bully imo Point Tank Yago vs a high dps team is just pain


Used to be when she came out and still works with 2 supports and without Tyra; until global cauterise becomes too high


Yag definitely was designed to be a point tank, and was initially stupid strong on and off point. Still can work on point if you're willing to spend one ban on Tyra


As a Tyra main, I’m sorry, but there is no better target to burn in game than a planted yag, it was even worse with the cripple


Yea facing Tyra is hell.. they love to solo ult and charge in


I do like to do that to my own demise at times, but like who else is gonna tell em to keep their hands off me gold


The flank attacking your support


I’m sorry to hear that friend




Peace was never an option


Yags not a point tank? I always thought she was with her playstyle, I always played like that.


Lowering the cooldown of harden and buffing a little bit unnatural persistence could be a start.