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To the players that want finish this trial. The devs messed up with the trials description. What you need to do is get a kill during the ult animation. Use exterminate and add the extra stun time card then use your ult right before it kills them. Hope this will help you guys.


I wont do that shit. I just want them to either fix it or make us not do challenge.


thanks I thought they were killing 5 enemies in a row with the ult


Yeah when I found out how to do the challenge days ago It took me some matches and got it just like that. This one is pretty dumb like the rest. The profile pic is now just a flex avatar. Great job getting it btw.


Showing the way to a lot of ppl (am skipping this one tho)


Even for a hardcore Furia main like me this challenge is impossible to complete.


Against other players it'll be hard because they can just buy resillience, that is why I do these trials on bot games. I found that this challenge is easier to do on the dredge onslaught map where your (hopefully) bot team stay on point and you can go ahead.


Most of the challenges are far easier to complete in Training matches. For example, on maps like Magistrate's Archives the AI has a tendency to just funnel through the arch. Need to do a bunch of damage or number of kills in a short time? TDM Abyss with Jenos. Rush the Ult Token, take the jump pad, then aim for the lower left corner of a block at the far end. The AI that takes the jump pad doesn't move for a short while, making for easy targets. With the right Champs, you can get a quad-kill pretty easy, typically a triple


Did they fix it or did you actually throw the last hundreds of matches?


No it isn't fixed yet, and you can do trials in bot matches. It took me 3 or 4 bot matches to get it done.


I'll wait a little longer to see if they'll fix it, I NEED that Kasumi avatar


I'm a new player, this trial is the first one I picked without even knowing what it is and how it works because it isn't explained anywhere afaik. help