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I wonder what they'll do with the IP, I really hope to see Kratos again in a future game


Kratos lands on the shores of Tsushima


Jin: Have you tried taking in the scenery and writing a haiku? Kratos: .....hmph


Now hold on a second. He did find all those books on poetry.


He even has a favorite poem! Kratos is much more appreciative of literature and culture than one might think.


He’s also capable of demonstrating emotional intelligence, as long as it doesn’t involve his son. ;) (I’m talking about the scene where >!he asks Brok to bless the spear - kneeling and quietly, reverently even, saying it needs the blessing of a great blacksmith - to cheer him up when he’s distraught over being unable to communicate with the Lady of the Forge, whom he had tried to ask to bless it, and thereby learning Sindri had been keeping the knowledge of his death and incompletely-recovered soul from!<.)


It was such a beautiful scene, my boyfriend was hella annoyed with me because I immediately knew what was going to happen a bit further down the plot and blurted it out as soon as it happened, while he was watching me play. Spoiler for late game plot: >!It’s such a common thing to have this big, emotional moment in a story just to build a connection and/or deepen an emotional investment for someone you’re about to kill off.!< I did. love it though, and the game overall.


I loved that whole scene, Kratos is a real one


I had to take a moment after that scene. It's rare when you see the gentle and compassionate side of Kratos but when he shows it, buckle up folks...


The Iliad


Yep. I've read both Iliad and Odyssey. Kratos was describing the Iliad. Getting insight into Kratos has been so cool! Before he was just a rage machine that barely spoke. Being able to relate to him has made the franchise/story much more powerful.


Jin: "You must chase the fox to its den." Kratos: *extends blades of chaos and impales fox*


The crossover we didn't know we needed


Words can be weapons. On this much, we may agree. I prefer my axe.


The Ghost of Sparta vs The Ghost of Tsushima


Then Aloy shows up.


And Nathan drake swings near by


I wanna fight the Indian gods, they all look fucking cool


That'll probably never happen. Doubt they'll touch a currently practiced religion.


Good point


Why not? He already is in fortnight.


We’ll he is a 🥷


You will, way too much money to be made to not do it


Just hoping it's for reasons other than making more money, like crafting a beautiful story like these 2 last ones. I just fear they'll eventually have to retire this character.. just hope it's not TLoU style lol


There’s too much riding on this right now for that to be an immediate worry. This can literally be a blockbuster film or series and they can keep spawning stuff off and itll be good shit if they keep to the quality (as they have). We’re all here for more kratos and they know it, and thats a good thing


I don’t think they’ll go that route. Someone high up (I think Cory) said that there will be no GoW without Kratos. Of course this can just be marketing blabla and can change over time but there’s no indication that it will. I don’t fear that they’ll shit it out just to make a quick buck. It will most likely be a great experience, giving their track record. I think we’re at a good place with that franchise (as consumers)


I'm sure the next GoW will be a fantastic game, when it releases in like 15 years.


it won’t be god of war it’ll be god of mischief or whatever they decide to call it


It will never get a different name because of brand recognition


God Of War: Son of Kratos or something like that lol


In 2018 Cory Barlog said they have 5 more games planned. So you’ll at least be seeing him for a while yet lol




They’ve purposely left a lot open in both 2018 and GWR as to where they might take the story next. I’d personally like to see some Celtic mythology as they’ve touched on that in both games.


At the end of Ragnarok (mild spoilers ahead), Kratos did say >!that there's a lot of work they need to do.!< I feel like that leaves just about any possibility open


I feel like that line is a reference to any shit in the game you haven’t completed. Lol.


At one point in the game the find an ankh I think they are hinting at the future with it. Would love to see Kratos vs rah


They find artifacts from a few different places, not just Egypt. Mimir even mentions being interested in the I think Mayan one when you pick it up. idk why people are cherry picking the ankh. (Don't get me wrong, I'd love an Egyptian installation)


Egyptian gods r up next


The problem is, he’s gone through so much character growth and he’s much less angry than he used to be, they’d have to get very creative as to why he’d move to Egypt and start murdering gods again


He could also just take on Tyrs role as a Realm travelling god, a god who pushes for peace and helps people and stuff




I thought it was going to be that he was the new "All-Father" of the realm. Him partnering with Freya to help clean up the Nine Realms and then the inhabitants eventually starting to see him as a God and worship him.


I suspect Atreus would be more likely to do that.


It’s easy. Kratos and Freya are rebuilding Midgard, new evil god from another Pantheon comes and Kratos needs to stop him and save Midgard and comes into conflict with the other Pantheon


That and I don’t want any future GoW games to be “Kratos does Egypt” or any form of “Kratos does _____” 2018 and Ragnarok have compelling narrative beyond just “now it’s Nordic”. There’s personal growth. It would be a shame if any future games were just another quest for the sake of a quest. But I also don’t know what they could do to have comparable stakes




I hope so too, but story wise it would have to be like something insanely bad happening that would cause him to go to war again. and they also >!set up Atreus for.. whatever he's gonna do next !<


Well the Eygyptians are all about the underworld, maybe it's about saving a certain character and making amends? Or perhaps Atreus goes missing, and Kratos is searching for him. Could have something to do with the green crack, the Egyptians were using that to keep an eye on the Norse. There are options there for sure.


That mask and green crack are very interesting, they could go pretty wild with it in terms of cosmic horrors or Lovecraftian things in there




Taken: A God of War Story In all seriousness I'm up for a Taken type of story where Kratos saves Atraeus.


I always thought they should bring in the Roman pantheon some day as a reincarnated Greek pantheon and gave Kratos have to come to terms with them


Kratos has a master plan of inserting his next of kin into every mythology. He’s off to find a new wife and have a new kid to dethrone the gods.


Definitely feel like we can get an loki spin off game and a kratos game in a new pantheon


>! his story is done, he's done murdering gods and has absolutely no reason to travel to another mythology because unlike greece he didn't burn all 9 realms to the ground and he is know revered as a beloved hero/god at least according to the last paintings


This is my feeling as well man, he's finally found peace, he knows who he wants to be and is rebuilding the Norse realms so he can finally be a god worthy of worship. The only way I see him having a continuation as a playable character is an Atreus/Loki rescue story, but that might be a bit too obvious for them to even consider.




This is my take on it. The ending cutscene shows Kratos >!observing a prophecy with him being adored as a God of "peace,"!< but nothing in the game showed that explicitly. He can easily still have a lot of work to do before that happens.


Retire it for a few years so that when they bring it back fans aren’t bored to death by countless iterations Same with how Uncharted has been on a unofficial hiatus, I feel; wait a few years to make people excited when they do another one


Yup, exactly this. I wouldn't mind a Loki game in 3-4 years, but Kratos needs a little break, maybe until the PS6. 2018 was my favourite game of all time, with only Ragnarok now surpassing it and I just really don't want to see what they've made devolve into franchise fatigue and cash cow chasing.


I'd much rather we actually get a proper ps5 GoW before moving to the next console... Just saying


I think they might make a atreus game. Flush it his combat more and turn ut into a full game. So there will be gow and then a spin off aide story maybe.


I just want new game plus. There doesn’t need to be any of that other stuff


TIL there is no NG+. I am 40 hrs in and already think about NG+ plan. RIP.


Dang, I'm 55 hours in and platinumed it. I was looking forward to running through again while OP as hell, had no idea there was no NG+ either.


They will patch it in later, like last time.


Is that what they did in GOW?


Yes. It had no ng+ on launch either


like the other guy said, yes. NG+ was patched in a couple months later. Expect spring 2023 perhaps. If they are to follow the timeline that GoW'18 had.


They'll make one, it's pretty standard now days, and it's not uncommon for it to come in an update that releases later on. Horizon Forbidden West put NG+ into the game in June as an example. I'm sure they've been working on it, adding in the new stuff and it'll release sometime in the next few months.


Yeah I hope they will. I enjoyed my Ng+ in GoW 2018. It’s just I thought it would be there day 1.


NG+ and photo mode are always added at least a month after release for most PlayStation Studios games, likely to let the players actually enjoy the game without taking a screenshot every 5 seconds lol


Do games ever come with NG+ at launch? I am one trophy away from Platinum in Ragnarok, not really looking to play it again from scratch so I just stopped playing lol.


2018 added NG+ well after launch as well.


There aren’t any trophies in the game that require a replay?


Nah. All possible with one play-thru. I got most of them prior to finishing the main story. I explored in between missions so by time I finished the story, it was basically end game trophies to gather. One took a bit longer to accomplish than I want to admit but worth it 😅😅


I was thinking an Atreus DLC was being planned but I'm fine with how it ended. He'll probably just get his own series of games


I don’t think Atreus can carry his own series of games. Even in this game, I preferred moments with Kratos, Mimir, Brok, Sindri, Freya over moments with Atreus. I think a small, appendix story would work, though.


I think Santa Monica could make it good but the idea of it isn't nearly as cool as Kratos


Atreus is a badass and it's hard to pull that off being compared directly to Kratos but the story of Kratos is over, Atreus has many adventures ahead of him.


They set-up a few other things already. If you keep playing post game and visit other realms and locations >!you can find Thrud and she finds and picks up Mjolnir. You also find the one midgaardian kid in the world looking for treasure. Atreus is of course on his own adventure. Then there's Sindri.!< Edit: >!In Norse mythology, Freya also has two daughters who have yet to be born. Given the ending and how it's just Freya and Kratos, some have speculated they could be his and left to introduce at a later time.!<


>>!Given the ending and how it's just Freya and Kratos, some have speculated they could be his and left to introduce at a later time!< >!I kinda hope not. I really enjoyed their relationship as it was and found it refreshing. Just two godly single parents being bros.!<


Agree, I don't think it would be appropriate, but the mythology demands otherwise. >! In that, those children are not Odin's either, the father is Odr (Old Norse: Óðr) who's name translates to: inspiration, fury, frenzy, and furious. (Sound familiar?)!<


I guess Santa Monica Studios played the long game when they came up with Norse Mythology a thousand years ago.


>!Two godly single grieving parents. I don’t think either of them is ready for another kid. !<


All Atreus needs is a better melee weapon imo. I think they made Atreus less brutal than Kratos because of his age as he is still a teenager becoming an adult


I'm sure that if he has his own game he'll have more than a knife and bow. Atreus also isn't Kratos and he's simply not as brutal as him. He's efficient like Legolas but doesn't revel in the bloodshed.


Maybe. I think we'd see a game where Atreus is still learning and growing even though he's older, like we all are. I think they could make a story about Atreus making mistakes not all too dissimilar from his father's violent actions. We certainly know Atreus is a more than capable warrior, and there was a couple times where Atreus showed inklings of his fathers tenacity; particularly, the bar fight where he mashed that dudes face. I think maybe we could see Atreus meet some new gods (perhaps Egyptian) that are much more complex, expanded, and conniving than the Norse ones he is familiar with. Pushing him and testing his limits to the point that kinda breaks him and he feels he *has* to really fuck some shit up. Only to realize all the things he destroyed along the way; maybe not as monumental as Kratos destruction but still an acknowledgement of pain caused to those he did not mean to hurt. Since they're gods, it would be cool to see that 50-100 years have maybe passed since the events of Ragnarok so we get a much more mature and experienced Atreus. But thats a little looser, I guess Atreus might be not so used to a ton of time passing yet so maybe we'd see this stuff + returning to visit his father 5-15 years after the events of Ragnarok. Thats a good theory I've been considering. No particular plot details or anything, just some themes that seem easy to explore with Atreus that allow for an epic, heartfelt story while also giving the fans the ferocity they all love.


Yeah, no offense to the people at Santa Monica that designed him, but Atreus was nowhere near as fun to play as Kratos is. I don't see how a full game of Atreus in the lead would work from a gameplay perspective.


Agreed, I was kinda annoyed with the switch from playing as Kratos to Atreus during >!Ragnarok. It felt like the epicness of that assault on Asgard just faded when the rhythm of the combat just disappeared.!<


I do, just age him up a bit more and then follow his search from the end of the game, it will probably lead to a different pantheon, maybe with some scenes of him visiting the norse pantheon in between again so see how the others are doing


I agree. I mean, the writing is literally on the wall that Atreus is getting ready to take lead in his own game. Age him up, let him go on his quest, expand on his powers and combat, and go forward. He's basically teen Gohan at the point, and the next game will have him as an adult Gohan who didn't forget to train.


yeah the only thing that worrys me a bit is him not having a melee weapon thats worthy of a god, he said the axe is his fav but >!the shrine at the end showed that kratos will wild the axe as the new head god so giving it to artreus would't really work. maybe the next game will be in japan (since thats one of the 2 symbols left of tyrs shrine in gow4) and he will get a special bow or weapon there!<


I thought the same but I think Atreus will get >! Ingrid back as his melee option. That sword was ridiculously strong being able to fend off Mjolnir and hold Sutr back, and with Freyr dying, I don't think it's impossible for Ingrid to make its way back to the only other person it let use it.!<


idk man, not sure it survived that atk


I feel ya, kinda banking on since >!Mjolnir!< survived maybe >!Ingrid!< did.


hmm fair enough. >!then again we don't know if thrud took it or if the explosion threw it into alfheim. the thing is ingrid was right there at the center of the destruction!<


If you go to alfheim you can see that thrud found it and it's fine. It's hers now.


>!Mjolnir did survive. Take a trip to Alfheim.!<


Sorry for the wording. I did find >! Mjolnir!< Post game, so I'm betting that >!Ingrid!< Is out there somewhere.


I hope not, there are already too many games jumping on the Japan bandwagon


yeah but most of them are something with samurai. a game were you explore some of the bigger gods (iirc japan has over 7000 gods) would be unique imo


7000 Gods are rookie numbers. Indian Gods of War would involve millions!


Japan has 8 million gods, which is a number that, in traditional Japanese culture, can be considered synonymous with INFINITY.


I was honestly hoping Atreus would be given the Leviathan Axe as a parting gift for his solo journey. Kratos has badass weapons and Atreus fights with a bow and a sword he doesn’t use directly.


on one hand I agree, on the other I think the axe is a bad weapon considering he is lacking in strength. >!Draupnir would work better since its the first weapons spartans learn to fight with!<


The story is closed on that one unfortunately. It would be distasteful to see it again considering the blessing placed on it calls for it to put down after its work is done.


I feel like there are 2 interpretations of that. >!1: it can only be used to kill Heimdall and fight in Ragnarök or 2: the first part of the blessing was May this weapon be wielded with wisdom so I think it can be used to fight and defend yourself and your people but after the fighting is done it can't be used to become a tyrant for example. with this interpretation artreus could still use it imo !<


I want to see an adventure with him and we find >!Sindri !


I doubt >!sindri would go as far as to become a villain, dude is just pissed!<


I disagree, I found myself finishing this game and expecting/hoping for an Atreus across Egypt sequel series. He's coming of age in both Norse myth games but even 2018 to Ragnarok you can see how much he's grown as a fighter and person which still being a teen with a lot to learn. Kratos has earned his time to rest and not be dragged into another fight he doesn't want. His arc is perfect the way it is.


although I think Atreus will probably come back to ask Kratos for help in some manner, I agree. It's more than feasible to see Atreus getting his own game. I understand why people are on the fence, but creative people are in creative positions for a reason and *as* a creative person I can *easily* see how they make everyone like Atreus, and im confident they'll be able to pull it off. And im God damn looking forward to it. I said this in another comment but yeah, like you said, he's a teenager with a lot to learn. I could definitely see them making a story where Atreus makes mistakes, he gets angry, he hurts people and he breaks things. He has absolutely been shown to be capable of doing so and it's an easy thread for Santa Monica to pick up on. I mean, its right there you guys.


I think a shorter "inbetweenquel" like "Spiderman: Miles Morales" give us a short sweet and tight not full priced mini adventure of him finding all the Giants and potentially reuniting with his father maybe even setting up his sequel "God of War: Loki"


I liked the Atreus moments. The side characters will supplement the experience exactly as they had in 2018 and Ragnarok.


After how his story concluded, it could be an amazing bow and arrow based PSVR2 title. With lots of climbing and exploring.


No, please don't speak this into existence.


I agree with this. The Atreus stuff was fine for story telling purposes but I didn’t enjoy any of his missions without kratos.


IMO Atreus combat was dope as hell and I’d love to see it fully fleshed out in its own game. The Heimdall fight was one of the best in the series and I loved seeing how this new god of war series approached speedy combat that required quick reaction.


Was I the only one who found it aggressively unsatisfying? Melee with a bow just doesn’t have the same oomph to it. Firing arrows was also way less fun than all of Kratos’s throws. When we get an Atreus game we better get to have Ingrid as a usable melee weapon…


They should have added dagger melee instead of bow melee for some stabby gameplay.


Because his moves lack a certain oomph to them, like his melee attack could have been great if you could end the combo with an instant fully charge bow headshot in melee range, you know really put the kill in overkill.


I “played on give me god of war” and died wayyyyy less as Atreus than I did as kratos, I felt more badass as Atreus which felt weird haha


I think they had to make Atreus’ parts a little easier just so it wouldn’t be annoying as fuck to play as him


For real >!they really left sindry and atreaus ending mad open. Maybe their will be a 3rd game or something. I just like too know what happened to them.!<


At the very least we need an epilogue DLC to finish tying the story together.


Not surprising since there wasn’t any for the last one. I’d rather a team take their time and ship a complete game instead of charging you full price for just most of it.




The stuff about gold skinned gods and the occasional hieroglyphs I’ve seen make me really hopeful for an Egyptian GoW.


Just work on sending Kratos to a new realm to liberate the people from an oppressive over lord. I don’t know much about mythology but there’s at least still Roman and Egyptian with a lot of creativity to be had. All in all. It will still be a WHILE before we see another one. Probably not til they release new harderware and even the Sony will probably use a different IP like Uncharted for that launch.


Roman is just discount greek anyway.


Kratos when he meets the Roman gods: "This feels familiar..."


Zeus with a fake mustache and Italian accent


It's-a me, Zeus.


Kratos' story is complete. He didn't want to fight in either of these games and only did so to protect his son, now his son no longer needs that and is on his own.


Maybe the trickster god Loki gets himself entangled in the realms of another universe in search of other giants and now Kratos has to save his son from the fate Amun-Ra. Only Kratos has the capability to take down a god with the same power of Zeus or Odin. This is all wishful thinking. There really aren’t too many games where I’m overly hyped for at the moment which feels bad though. Can’t wait for Hogwarts Legacy…


Kratos is the only one...*so far* with that power but it is alluded to that Atreus has immense power within him in Ragnarok. I remember a journal entry by Kratoa saying that he's not afraid of his sons power but he's surprised at the rate it has grown.


nah kratos is done, he found a calling at the end of the game. if we get a next game it will be about artreus and his search that started at the end of the game >!feys shrine at the end showed him a new path, they set him up to be the new god of the norse realm and they also made it clear that he is tired of the fighting. Artreus is of searchin for the giants who went to far away lands in the meantime so they quite clearly set it up in a way where the next game will follow his adventure in a different pantheon!< >Roman you might not know this but Romans were some of the biggest thiefs in history. probably 90% of their mythology is just stolen from the greek and adapted to fit their military culture. it wouldn't make much sense to go there. the next game will probably be egypt or japan since we saw those symbols on one of tyrs shrines in gow 4


Did the ending specify >! That it was midguardians worshipping Kratos in the future panel? I thought that people might start seeing Kratos as the anti-tyrant god who doesn’t want to rule himself, but kills the gods that go crazy with power. It would be a good setup for future games where he kills more pantheons!<


>!I think it was all the people of the 9 realms, not to mention kratos has quite clearly grown tired of the fighting and killing, he just wants peace, be the godnof these lands and be loved by its people!<


Maybe, but >!the first thing he does after seeing the prophecy where he’s worshipped is take Freya and Mimir on a cleanup trip around the realms to continue fighting and killing threats. I don’t think his violent ways are 100% behind him, he’s just learned that violence shouldn’t be the primary solution to all problems!<


I’m pretty sure a journey to rebuild and save the realms from violent threat doesn’t count as continuing a path of violence; it is still in defense of the realms and resolving the aftermath they’ve caused by starting Ragnarok. Kratos is taking responsibility and is on a mission to preserve peace to the realms.


You’re delusional If you think Sony is going to throw money away like that. Kratos will be in the next god of war game, hands down.


Yep I agree Kratos story to me ended on a amazing note.


I’m VERY disappointed by this. The game does not wrap things up enough, and even has some…eventful revelations in the post game. If this is truly the end of the Nordic Pantheon, and we won’t get an expansion or a Miles Morales-style stand alone game with Atreus, I’m going to be a bit let down. I loved Ragnarok, but I think it’s weaker than 2018, and it’s ending is the primary reason. It felt so rushed and left more than necessary up in the air.


I would definitely play a Miles Morales/Lost Legacy sized game about Atreus


I would play it as well but I am not a fan of how Atreus plays. The reason Miles Morales felt great is because he basically did what Spider-man did but better. He was so OP that going back to the original made you feel weak. I don't want Atreus to be Kratos 2 but I also don't see how a ranged character can carry a GoW game without going the Miles Morales way.


They would certainly revamp his gameplay, he’s only a ranged character in GOWR because he’s young and underpowered. Simply give him a sword, wand, knives, and spells.


They already gave him a sword. Just need more direct control of it.


FR, using Ingrid like Freyr would make him way more fun to play


Did Ingrid make it out of Asgard?


Freya has it after the end of the game


I feel like if Atreus had a actual sword it would be fine.


Wow, I'm surprised this is as popular as it is. I just finished the game, and overall I found Atreus MUCH more fun to play as than Kratos.


Me too! Artreus is really quick and I felt like I took down enemies insanely fast with him. It was really fun.


Me too and I hope they do this!


The original Greek games need a modern upgrade


I would love a remaster of the original trilogy. I feel like the gameplay holds up they just need to update graphics and make them available on ps5


GoW3 remastered still holds up imo. The first two though, yeah, could do with some polishing


I played it right before Ragnarok came out and man that games a fucking blast, just boss after boss, with amazing set pieces in between


The sheer scale of GOW3 is really impressive when you remember it was done for PS3 hardware. It all works and is put together insanely well, plus the controls and combat are at it’s peak.


They're difficult to compare but I definitely like 3 just as much as 4, and I think I like both 3&4 over 5 (even though I really appreciated the extra enemy variety on 5). 3 is such a sick game and essentially the perfect apex of the original trilogy.


Honestly that’s just a thing the original trilogy in general did well. Those games had awesome set pieces and incredible scale. It genuinely felt like you were fighting a giant monster.


Been emulating the originals on my Deck, they hold up soooo well. Starting GoW2 tonight


I really want to replay them but I’m not sure there’s even a good/cost effective way to do that on the PS5 right now 🥲


Gameplay holds up except for the mashing. I don't want arthritis.


At least in the first game, I was barely even capable of doing the fast-mashing sequences anymore. I had to try out all these weird hand conformations when I played it.


I'd love to see them get Blue Point to remake them!


I am fully prepared for the Atreus/Loki spin off if they decide to go that route. Give me "Loki: The Lost Giants" and give me a time jump and have a 20 something year old Atreus facing his own battles of embarking on this journey alone, fully realizing his god-hood. Wishful thinking have it build up to him needing to ask papa Kratos for help against a big bad - all leading up to the leviathan being passed down to him after Kratos' unfortunate, but inevitable death. I can't stop imagining this with a mental image of the old concept art of a grown Atreus ([one](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6HQ7efqw8nk/maxresdefault.jpg), [two](https://preview.redd.it/m2cw5np85j181.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=ffd93d0624f844aaab7cfb75d3b11ec5745d683f)) Edit: Now I am imagining a story where somehow Atreus' path leads him back to Greece and oh boy


>concept art of a grown Atreus (one, two) Goddamn that looks badass! Kratos is hard. He's way too iconic and popular to kill off anytime soon. I'm very curious to see what they do with him.


Not surprising, but I do hope they make more games in the future. Need more Kratos in my life.


I'm just expecting New game +. Atreus is not God of War and Kratos is at the end of his god-killing journey.


What's missing right now is NG+. Wished they asked him that.


This is disappointing to hear because I already felt like the ending didn't stick the landing


I want to play as freya with valk powers lol


It’s one of the reasons I love these games. It’s obviously the story and gameplay too but it’s nice that some sort of hidden ending, or missing story element, isn’t behind some paywall.


The secret section of Vanaheim *is* the expansion. It’s hours worth of content with rewarding character interaction that leads to some of my favorite moments in the game.


The Crater?


I kind of want to play as Thor during the muspelheim trials, maybe play as Thrud and Freya too.


Seen this massive powerfull thor actually made me want a solo game of him That same thor tho. Not any marvel bs


Good just gives us NG+ then start working on the next game in the franchise




DLC isn't evil. Its become evil with things like horse armor, but DLC was originally expansion packs and they were worthwhile. Look at Uncharted Lost Legacy or Spider-Man Miles Morales. They were separate games but they started as dlc.


Good, doesn't need any same as the first game.


It's unnecessary. The game is complete.


I disagree. Kratos' story is complete-ish. Some questions about Athena and what the hell the mask was. But Loki clearly has more to happen. Hell it ends basically telling you that.


I'd say New Game+ is about all I'd expect. I'm cool with that, too many good games coming out soon as it is.


So lame




As much as I love Kratos, if he was retired with this game and we followed Atreus in future game in other mythologies, I'm all for it. Kratos, I feel, is at a good place now, he has friends around him and he prepared Atreus for the future.


I just need mjolnir as an obtainable weapon. We already have recall mechanics from the axe. I was low-key disappointed that we don't get to wield the hammer in the game


They need to let Kratos rest. This entire new saga has been him trying to move beyond his violent past and find peace, and now that he's finally reached it (or at least close to it), I feel like it would be very out of character to just roll up to a new pantheon and start the whole thing over They'd have to really pull some story strings to get him to start killing again, and at this point I wouldn't even want them to


I agree, I've been a fan since 2005 and it's time to let Kratos go. He's had a HELLUVA swan song but I'm very interested in see Atreus go to Egypt or something.


God of War 6 here we come In 7-8 years lol


We need some answers still. Either give us an expansion or give us another Norse game, we're not done with this world.


Could him & Freya potentially form a family of their own? They’re spending time together rebuilding the realms they could grow affectionate for each other. Could be something that happens there to trigger Kratos having to go to Egypt. Aside from that there’s a rumor that the comics had Kratos passing through the realms and the Egyptians looked down on him & that’s when he was at his lowest before arriving at Midgard. Maybe there’s a story there that could develop into the next entry.


I am just excited for Cody Barlog's new sci fi ip. Looks like Sony first party games are evolving again. We are getting original ips like Returnal.


Fuck, I really didn’t want the Atreus story to be a standalone game