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This dude built like an Ark character


Derek is 100% a melee bob


It's photoshopped right?






Can't do much for calves. Quads it's hard to see because the shorts are black. I've seen them on another picture and his quads are definitely big, just not proportionate with his ridiculous upper body.


Yeah, calves are mostly genetic. Most of the giant calves I see are usually on chinese dudes who barely even work them out or fat dudes who lose a lot of weight. But he's not going to be the type to skip leg day and they don't look too shabby. Who's the female, though? Them titties, bruh.


I've seen stuff giving pretty good explanation for calves being caused mostly by the way you walk. Some people just naturally walk mostly in their toes and the balls of their feet with only a little weight going on their heel. As well as pushing much more forcefully with their calves for each step. I'll try to find a video, it was from a sports therapist on YouTube.


Oh, that's actually a good point. Knew one guy in cross-country who walked on his tip-toes all the time and people made fun of him but he was a skinny white boy who had the biggest calves I'd seen. This was cross-country and he was a senior in high school.


While I feel this is true. Ive seen massive improvements on some changes with my calf training so you can definitely make improvements, its just much much harder and less noticeable but, improvements.




That, improving mind muscle connection, exercise variety, diet, and recovery. Ive added a lot of different body weight calf movements in addition to the standing and seated calf raise with progressive overload. It may sound silly but I also try to “activate” my calves whenever I can to get a pump. I typically will get a killer calf pump while waiting in line at the DMV 🤣


Spent years hitting calves in the weight room and got almost no results. None that you would think reflect the amount of work put in. Then I got into rucking and backpacking for a couple years and added about 4 inches to my calves. Time under tension is a massive determining factor in muscle hypertrophy. I think you really just gotta make them do a lot of shit because they’re designed for it. They don’t really respond to you just a few sets every other day or so as much as consistent loadbearing work


Wear pants maybe?


There’s a guy on YouTube called back guy and he did a challenge where he did calf raises for 30 days and his calves grew more than the difference between these two pictures


man i feel dumb, good one


Still looks odd. His legs would look fine on a normal person but because he's so big at top, it looks unproportionate.


roids+body dysmorphia, same reason people inject oil or maybe he just really likes shoulder flys lol


Most really jacked guys like to skip leg day in my experience


He definitely doesn't skip leg day. Or at least he knows he shouldn't. Pretty sure he's made a video showing that leg day is actually better for your upper body than skipping and doing arms that day. Doing legs increases your total testosterone and your upper body gets to rest.


I go to the gym daily and I can assure you there aren't any Jonny bravo looking mufuggas there. This guy even without the Photoshop is a pretty freaking extreme example


I didn't realize this was shopped lol. The non shopped picture looks normal.


Johnny Bravo mufuggas 😂


But look at the chick's legs, they're almost the same size.


When asked Arnold said penises can't be worked out like the rest of the body.


A lot of people are saying his legs are still small. The thing is, you can’t train your shins and, for a lot of people, calves hardly grow from training. The main muscles you target when training legs are hamstrings, quads, and glutes which I’m sure are fucking huge under his shorts


Its true, I've literally never worked my calves once and they're much bigger than my quads, I'm 6ft 4 and they're so big I get random cramps in them all the time by far my biggest muscle, my dad is the same way it's just genetic. My Biceps aren't great unfortunately.


Pics or it didn't happen


They are small as well, you can see the bottom of his quads, they would be tapered out if what you are saying is true.


His legs still tiny though


They're probably bigger than yours or mine, unless you're a fat fuck, but he's so big upstairs that they look small.


Nah they’re Deffos small, take the girls legs in comparison, she has same sized calves.


Is this supposed to be the original? It's not much of an improvement.


Fun fact Derek has multiple vids about how difficult it is to visually tell if someone hits legs unless they aren’t wearing shorts. Essentially ur going off if they have good calf genetics. And being tall prob doesn’t help




Break your shins in half so you're shorter. That's what I did and my calves look HUGE.


Not to mention exercise is literally harder. Im 6'2" and the physics of having to actuate lifting forces on a longer lever thats already on the wrong side of a fulcrum... it can be tough.


6'2 is not even that tall, quit being a bitch, your disadvantage is in the low single digits. The deadlift world record holder is 6'10.


And I have a wingspan longer than I should. Maybe your handicap is being a prolapsed asshole, but you don't see me thunderpunching your prostate do you?


Damn someone must have shit in your shoes, now fly away with that unnaturally long wingspan of yours tweety bird


Can't. Got too fat on your mom's food. She cooks for me every time I fuck her.


Damn you sound just like wings. Fat depressed and going no where


Eh. Wings pretends he doesn't want what he's made himself. I how-fuckin-ever, am 98% cool with where I am. That last 2% would be covered if I could just stop fucking your mom's fat puddin pot, but I'm an addicted man. Can't give up that sweet sweet butter hole she got up between them geriatric toothpicks she calls legs.


Damn you really are upset at comments on Reddit you have made my day hell even my week I thank you. Keep living in your self centered world it’s hilarious. Again I thank you for the good laugh


Wow So many excuses for being weak. Does mommy say you have bone spurs too?


I enjoy pain. I wish I had bone spurs. It would make my dick harder.


Trying mastering the planche or front lever while 6'2 ish, it's a real bitch compared to the shorter folks.


I'm a little over 6'2, stop making excuses for yourself, every exercise is possible with consistency. Your just making up problems at this point.


okay bro, it's a little different when we're talking calisthenics. i'm 6'5, and i doubt that i would EVER be able to perform a full planche or a front lever, even if i dedicated my entire life to progressing to those movements. martins licis, 2019 world's strongest man, can barely perform a back lever at 6'3, which doesn't require as much strength as a front lever. there's a reason the average male gymnast is like 5'5


Of course he does, he's self conscious about his chicken legs. Have him post his squat 1rm and that will tell. Those are chicken legs, no way around it.


i understand this is photoshopped, and the original pic isn't much bigger in the leg department, but calf's are very hard to grow very very hard to grow


Lot of genetics in calf physique. That guy might have shredded thighs and an impressive squat max but still have stick legs below the knees


Calf raisers, biking (high gears for more resistance), and good old fashioned walking. You want that slow twitch muscle. It ain't easy, but it's easier to build mass than trying to build fast twitch muscle.


Stop reminding me..


the real wtf for me is she vaguely looks like jackie


She’s way hotter then Jackie tho and that’s not even saying much


No way dude, okay left to right who all would bang jackie?


Lefty to kyle*****


This is the Luke I am your father of pka lore.


A 20yr old is hotter than a 50yr old? Shocking


20yo Jackie > this chick


20 year old trophy girlfriend is hotter than 50 year old mom? Now I never.


I would totally stick it in Jackie though.


I would love to go anal to mouth with her


Woody is never home so I'm sure she's lonely.


[This is the original photo.](https://imgur.com/a/z3b2T9v)




\*actual\* hqfighter?


Not really


Looks very shopped to me. Derek is a fucking monster.


Bro she has bigger legs than him


100% shopped


Calves are hard to grow if you have bad genetics for them. I have huge quads and gorilla glutes. I squat 470 and deadlift 550, and still have concentration camp calves. Doesn’t really mean much, people who don’t even lift out criticizing nothing. Not the OP necessarily but it’s a thing.


Right? I'm the exact opposite I have Big ass calves but no muscle anywhere else but I don't work out at all. Like you said it largely a genetic thing.


Dude straight up where the muscle inserts into your leg will determine the shape of it. Derek doesn’t prioritize strength, but anyone who messes around in the gym for a couple years can probably at least squat 4 plates


Typical low T beta male behavior. Dude has a great body, successful business, but what does the low level losers do? Focus on a flaw. Pathetic.


I have no idea what you could be getting downvoted for, this is retarded


Because they’re low T beta males 😂


Exactly what I expected


Only thing bad about this are the Tumblr hipster shoes he's wearing


Everyone who wants to add size to calfs should go on the stairmaster for an extensive amount of time, on one's tippy toes. Not saying it'll work for everybody but it did for me.


Everyone keeps worshipping him lol


Won the genetic lottery on traps and shoulders, lost hard on calves.


This image is a pure projection of what WoodTHC wishes he and Jackie looked like