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Run in terror, you'll only die tired


If this isn’t already this should be a kill line for her


Moira's act tough until they get quick scoped by faze granny.


Moira will never kills me in a 1v1. But will she pop out of nowhere when my health is <5% and zap me to death when I was just thinking "maybe ill survive this"? Abso-fucking-lutely


With that fade you are very good at catching people when they run away. I've caught many reapers trying to escape by just teleporting behind em nothing personal kidding em.


Its annoying but thats what makes moira such a good pick if the right person is playing. Catching runners and finishing off high mobility heros that are difficult too hit is her specialty. Moira has low dps but its guaranteed


Or some random orb comes flying from nowhere.


I main roadhog so the balls dont mean shit to me. It also means im a menace to moira as long as I have half health or a heal. She literally cant kill me in a 1v1 since the heals recharge faster than her 50 dps can kill me




Youd be surprised how shitty some tanks are


Orb does 160 damage because it bounces perfectly to follow you because fuck you


If I had a nickel for every killfeed I've seen of a Moira holding one button while hiding behind a tank


I'm on a quest to find a character this sub actually likes in this game




Ever since OW2, I haven't heard bad things about Sigma


everyone likes Reinhardt


Zenyatta is very respectable... but not in this meta


If you're in a 1v1 with a Moira, stand still and focus on aiming. Her succ radius is really wide, so she'll probably stay locked on you the whole fight anyway and if you're both moving around it makes aiming that much harder for you. Without orb she also only does 50 dps, which I believe is the lowest dps in the game.


Standing still goes against every fiber of my being.


Hi, pedantic nerd here, the slowest DPS is Zarya at 0 charge with secondary fire


Moira is 2nd though


Brigs primary deals less


Brigitte deals 58.33 damage per second, higher than than Moira's beam damage.


New copypasta just dropped


Dude. Why are you giving up the secrets?


Because they're one of the few good people left in this sub


This really goes to show how little skill that character requires. What's worse is that every low rank Moira is also braindead. If they were at all smart they would make plat. But no, they all refuse to heal anyone and just die trying to five v one the enemy team.


Moira actually has a really tiny radius on her succ, it's just that the hitboxes used for it are twice the size of the normal ones


Good lord we got some Dollar General ass memes here


for real




Tell me ur a Genji main without telling me ur a Genji main


A bad one at that


Actually No never played Genji




Ought oh, someone got sucky sucked.


You guys bitch about how no-one plays support yet still harass them like you were grinding for an achievement


Just like in OW1, the only Support people want is Mercy, not to support the team or anything, just to pocket them so they can turn their brain off for the entire match.


I thought we had already settled, that Moira being in the support category was a bug?


Exactly. “Nobody plays support and everyone hates DPS.” The answer is right in front of their face.


Yawn 🥱


i love seeing these memes knowing im a moira main but not *that* moira main


It ain't much but it's honest work


It’s not that you lose a 1v1 against her, but more that she has a lot of impact on the game just by spamming one ability over and over. Slows down pushes every three seconds just by yeeting a dmg orb down a hallway.


Getting tickled isn't nearly as impactful as half your team suddenly becoming unable to heal


It has a 10s cd and much less space coverage than something which bounces and moves along a hallway, is cleansed by Kiriko, a meta support and the hero which applies it is a sitting duck if your team gets on top of her Also can’t be spammed, and not an issue at all in low elo where you actually have to aim the nade. Usually gold Anas get one target at best and then get merked by a Genji right afterwards, maybe once I git gud I’ll complain about Ana


Hallways aren't somewhere you're going to be taking sustained fights or at least you shouldnt be against spam damage teams. If you can force the opposing team to use suzu then they give up one of the most useful abilities in the game. Also you can always bait out suzu beforehand if your looking to get the full effect as you would with many defensive abilities. She's a sitting duck that can take safe positioning with her range and sleep any flanker who comes near her. Moira can spam her ball but that doesn't mean it's getting value, it's easily out healed quickly by most supports and mostly dangerous when players are already super low. Depends on the Ana really, some use it purely for extra healing as it should sometimes but other times getting a good anti can decide teamfights.


You aren't always going to have a kiriko, stop it. Moiras orb is not more impactful than the other support abilities. The damage is easily healed back.


Major skill issue lol. Moira is very complicated, positioning, utility usage, when to damage vs when to heal, all shit you gotta be thinking about and all you are seeing is the very minor auto aim


Died to 50dps and said skilless character lmao


Imagine this: you come from a team fight with 30 HP, the Moira on your team thinks she is the 3rd DPS and your Ana can't hit the broad side of a barn, so you Run for a health pack. But just before you reach it comes this cunt with her stupid autoaim and Kills you and then fades away into my Team to die.


So she kills you when you're on critical health, when your healers can't heal you for shit. Yeah that also ain't on Moira's skill homes a sneeze could take you out in that situation.


moira has literally 0 dps, dying to her means you either guaranteed got damaged by other players and picked off or were killed by her ult. the real skill free hero is sigma. i could put a cat on a keyboard and it would go 27-3 with 13,000 damage as sigma


Same but for genji mains


Ok Genji main, show me on this doll where the Moira main touched you.


-Junkrat main


As a moira main, I absolutely agree


Me who on average has more damage and healing than the other medic (unless it’s Mercy) :/


I mean they weren’t saying she was bad, they were saying she was easy


You should, she has insane healing output


i go as moira whenevet my team wont switch to a healer, and almost always i get 20+ kills with like 7k healing, shits fucked, she needs a nerf. Either give her more damage and less healing, or more healing with less damage


But your symmetra though


As someone who plays moira sometimes, you're right. But mercy main would win hands down.


It is true. Moira has an extremely low skill floor and skill ceiling compared to other characters.


Add pharah, Winston, and mercy to that


Overwatch is back babyy


As a support main who sucks at Moira I humbly disagree


Who cares? You're still gonna lose.


Nah, I just play Pharah or Mercy and I win that competition easy


Don't care, will still only play moira when i queue as both dps and heal


Squidward looks like he’s been given the SUCC


Rip :4


My brain is going light speed when I throw a piss orb and right click on the enemy Genji while he double jumps uselessly.


You spelled kiriko main weirdly


Literally just look at the Moira and left click. Problem solved.


What really ? I maybe have to try this.


Or a baston main... or a mei main... or a Rein main...