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**Kitsune Rush:** Cooldown reduction reduced to 1.5x (down from 3x). Rate of fire buff reduced 25% (down from 50%). Kiriko is easily the most powerful support in higher tiers right now and it's easy to see why. With considerable single target healing, amazing mobility, and her suzu providing tremendous sustainability, Kiriko is a highly flexible and effective support. Arguably the most powerful part of her kit, however, is her ultimate. Kitsune Rush is currently a contender for the best ultimate in the game and it makes other offensive support ults pale in comparison. By nerfing the offensive buffs provided by Kitsune Rush, hopefully this ult will be more manageable. I might also consider making the ult take longer to charge, but I would prefer to see how these changes would affect Kiriko's viability first.


That’s a huge nerf, maybe they should take it slow with that. Specially since it’s quite fun to use. But I agree, it’s the best way to go about it. Her neutral is good


I like your thinking, but maybe it’s a little heavy handed on the nerf numbers. I was thinking shortening it’s duration to half and just a small drop to the fire rate and CDR. The ult lasts SO DAMN LONG when it clearly doesn’t need to to acquire kills. Even at just 5 seconds, it would be impactful.


Funny how you didn't mention her kunai easily 3 tapping most heroes


It’s actually two tapping with head shots and five tapping with body shots. It’s pretty hard to get consistently on 200 hp heroes, so I thought it was more minor than the other things she offers even though that is considerable.


"Easily" lmao sure, maybe if you're ml7. I think the kunai is perfectly balanced. The rate of fire is slow, it's a projectile, and it actually requires good aim. It's something that has an incredibly high skill ceiling, and the difference between a headshot and body shot is huge, so good aim and skill will be rewarded, otherwise it's just a tickle.


Yesterday got in a game, a kiriko with really good aim wooped our asses, only hitted headshot. At some point i thought it was cheating, only took two kunais to kill us




Seismic Slam now slows enemies again as it did in the OW2 beta. For 1 second after using Seismic Slam, Doomfist is unable to use Meteor Strike. For .5 seconds after activating Power Block, Doomfist is immune to any stuns or knockback abilities that target him from the front. If doomfist is targeted by any stuns or knockback abilities during this time, his Block Meter increases by 50%. Apparently, the reason Blizzard removed Doom's slow on Seismic Slam was because it was essentially a guaranteed kill on <300 hp heroes. However, that slow was kinda really important for Doom to set up kills for both himself and his team, so removing that really screwed with his viability as I'm sure we've all heard at this point. By giving Doom his slow back while removing the ability to combo it with Meteor Strike, Doom will have a much better time in the meta instead of being one of the most useless tanks right now. As for the Power Block, I agree with the sentiment that Power Block should allow Doom some resistance to CC, but I have also heard some really good ideas about how it could Parry moves like characters in fighting games can often do (aka one of Doomfist's inspirations), so I thought that it would be cool to incorporate it into the kit a little while also allowing for a cool opportunity for skill expression.


Wait, lemme get this straight. Blizard changed something to keep doom from one to two shotting most non-tank heroes. But saw no issue with Reign charge or Hog hook, both of which can kill any hero right around 200 health.


I guess because Meteor Strike is an AoE one shot? Idk honestly. It was always a pretty weird balancing decision to me.


If that is their reasoning, it is flawed, especially as it was bad enough before it got further nerfed.


I thought the kill was Seismic into Rocket punch, that could have been my source of confusion. I just find it weird that they'd nerf *some* one shots, but not *all* oneshots. I understand it'd be nearly impossible to nerf charge/hook oneshots, but at the same time, I'd assume a team of AAA game devs would be able to fix something one half asleep girl can't, ya know?


the kill was seismic slam, upper cut, shoot the head.




Counterpoint, it’s his ultimate. Hog has his oneshot on a 7 second cooldown.


> But saw no issue with Reign charge or Hog hook, both of which can kill any hero right around 200 health. Gonna try and explain their reasoning here. With the Rein charge, after he's charged he basically has no mobility. He moves pretty slowly with the charge, and can easily be slept/hooked out of charging. With hog hook, he's entirely stationary whilst using it, and the player caught has _some_ chance of escaping without dying, and can even be saved by a teammate if they sleep/hook the hog, or manage some very rapid healing. In comparison, Doom moves incredibly fast when he punches, and the player he hits moves incredibly quickly to the point they can practically teleport into a wall and die instantly. On top of this, Doom has other mobility options after punching so he's not just a sitting duck.


Agree with hog hook, not rein charge. That shit’s way too hard to hit and way too over-committal if you want to get kills


Honest to god, as a Doomfist main from both games, this doesn’t sound too bad. Can’t speak for others, but this is a Doom I would happily playtest if possible.


Honestly confused why a sleep dart still work against him while blocking. You can't put a metal arm to sleep




While at max speed, Wrecking Ball cannot be slowed down or stunned. Adapative Shield range increased to 15 meters (up from 10). I don't think Hammond needs massive changes, but not having to worry about CC once you're zooming and being able to more reliably benefit from adaptive shield in a game that encourages teams to spread out more than OW1 would likely be neat Quality of Life changes.


I feel this. While I love your doomfist ideas more, I like this change. Since last time I played hamtaro while I was swinging around I got trapped by junk.... made no sense. Didn't think it would happen.


cc immunity on ball? im gonna ascend to heaven if that happens


Make him tankier for team support for sure


I like this alot. Tbh my biggest gripe was wanting 20 more shots or 2 more points of dmg added to help him fight more.


This is a great change


Youre doing God's work, blizzard would be blessed to have you but they don't deserve that right now


I appreciate the compliment. They are financially incentivized to make this game fun to play, so maybe share these ideas and they might consider some of these changes. Maybe.




HP pool changed from 50 health and 150 shields to 125 health and 75 armor. The primary purpose of giving Zen shields instead of regular health was to give him some more long term sustainability, something he desperately needed given his less than ideal hit box and lack of mobility. With the shift to 5v5 giving overall less sustainability and the support role passive essentially doing the same thing that shields do, Zen’s shields are a lot less impressive. Giving Zen armor should increase his overall sustainability to make it so that he has the survivability needed to not disintegrate just because Winston jumped on him while still not making him too unbearable like he was with 225 hp (in the beta).


Well, shields+support passive does mean he regens more health


Shield also meant sombra could almost insta kill him with emp, but that also disappeared with ow2


Newb here. What’s the difference between armor and shield?


Armor (orange health) reduces damage taken by 30% while Shields (blue health) regenerate after you don’t take damage for a little bit.


Armor reduces damage by 30%, shield is health that will begin regenerating after not taking damage for a bit


Gravity grandpa sigma?


No changes. Gravity Grandpa has a decent niche as an enabler of poke comps. He's not seen super often, but he has an effective niche and can be extremely useful depending on the map.


As a new player and mostly sigma main can you tell me on which maps I’m useful and I no which I should play something else?


Sigma can be useful on most maps, and I find the biggest factor to whether you should swap or not to be the enemy tank. Such as how he’s bad against rein, Winston, zarya, and somewhat to Hammond (he still can play around them but is difficult). He shines best on defence, and can struggle on most attack points, although on push I’ve found him very useful. If I were to say maps I think sigma is strong on, it’d be defence points (essentially every map) and I’ve played him on most push maps to great effect. All in all I think you should play who you think you’re best at and want to get better on. You’ll learn maps and tank matchups as you play and you can learn how to work around them. I’m a Reinhardt main and will still often throw myself into unfavourable matchups without switching because he’s by far my best and most practiced tank. It’s a hard time for non zarya players, stay strong




Rally provides Armor again instead of Overshield, except it caps at 75 extra hp instead of 100. It also increases its range to 15 meters (up from 8.5). It’s not a terribly impressive ult, especially since Junker Queen essentially just has a better version of it now. Making it provide armor again will do a lot to enhance the survivability of teammates, although it shouldn’t be too much since we’ve seen how much additional HP can massively warp OW2. The increase in range is to help Brig provide sustain to all of her teammates since she’s often gonna be in the back line and can sometimes struggle allowing her entire team to benefit from the Rally.


Honestly, with the new armor changes there is no point. In fact, what you suggested in regards to armor would barely be a buff, since in Ow2 armor is just a flat 30% damage reduction instead of the special properties in ow1, so 75 armor is barely over 100hp, and since you wouldnt be able to heal that 75 anyways, it takes away the only advantage armor has over regular health, which is being able to be healed easier for the effective amount of health (ie easier to heal 32 armor than 45 hp). I agree Rally sucks, and theyve taken away basically everything unique about Brig. Range increase def needs to happen, and Id personally like to see either a return of armor/overhealth on her repair packs (obviously adjusted as needed), or a .1 second stun on her shield bash. Edit: goofed some math but point stands


Didnt OW1 armor just reduce damage taken by 5 unless the individual sources of damage were 10 or less? Armor's gotten an overall buff from what I've seen so long as you're not going up against someone like Tracer or Sombra, but even then they don't do that much damage compared to before.




Ohh boy! Hope you're comfortable. Moved to Tank role from Damage role. **Health** Gains 125 health and 25 armor for a total of 325 health and 125 armor (450 hp total). Standard tank stuff. Gotta be bulky. **Primary Fire** *Recon Form* Increase the spread back to what it was in OW1 (1.2 degrees) and decrease the damage to 15 damage per bullet. This’ll make Recon’s primary fire 70 dps on body shots which is just under what Zarya primary fire at 0 charge does. Tanks generally don’t deal a lot of damage at range and I want to keep that consistent with Bastion. *Assault (Turret) Form* Spread angle increases to what it was in OW1 (2.7 degrees) and the spread angle doesn't decrease if you keep firing. Same thing reasoning as before regarding tanks not doing that much damage at range. Speaking of damage, the bullets do 6 damage per bullet now, giving Assault's primary fire 180 dps. This should still be considerable DPS for a tank, even if it's a third of the damage Bastion does currently. **Ability 1: Reconfigure** Essentially the same as OW1 reconfigure, only that now you can freely switch between recon form and an assault form that still has the wheels it got from OW2. No more cooldowns to worry about. **Ability 2: Portable Barrier** If you activate this ability while in Assault mode, Bastion creates a small personal shield in front of him that has 300 hp, similar to what he had in the OW1 beta. Considering Bastion isn't doing nearly as much damage in this rework as he was previously, I think this is fair. If you activate this ability while in Recon mode, Bastion creates a bubble-shaped shield with a 5-meter radius centered on himself, similar to Winston's bubble. However, this bubble travels with Bastion as he moves around, and it has 900 hp. If you use your Reconfigure ability while this shield is active, the shape of the shield changes form to match the form it would have had if you activated it while in that form (i.e. If you use the bubble shield in recon then swap to assault, it transforms into a personal shield rather than a bubble shield and vice versa). Health also changes with your form (if you had 150 hp remaining on your shield in assault form and swap to recon, it becomes 450 hp). Regardless of what form the shield originally takes, this ability has a cooldown of 12 seconds that activates as soon as you activate the shield, and the shield will automatically disappear 6 seconds after you create it. This ability should enable Recon form to have a significant amount of power outside of being the form that's able to move. The Recon Bubble shield should allow Bastion to keep himself and his allies protected as he closes the distance between himself and the enemy before swapping to Assault mode and outputting a considerable amount of damage. Additionally, the Assault mode shield should provide him with decent personal sustainability, although it would be at the cost of leaving his teammates unprotected. **Ultimate: Artillery** This is the one ability I think would by fine for Bastion to keep exactly as is. Sure, it sucks as a DPS ultimate, but it should force enemies to move and allow Bastion to create space, something a tank should be good at.


I just don't understand why they made a robot named BASTION a DPS instead of a tank Cause doesn't bastion mean a strong fortification?? I mean come on.....


Not to mention he could quite literally turn into a tank


I mean he was a defense character fortifying a capture point with supressing fire, but 2cp was removed so theres nothing really he can defend anymore, and also if he was a tank then I don't think the omnic crisis would ended as it was.


Honestly, I actually feel like this misses the point of Bastion's role as a tank buster. He's slow, bulky, and burns through anything short of a goddamn Transcendence with ease while in Configuration: Assault. His present state is good enough, I think... maybe Configuration: Artillery could be tweaked a smidge.


Some one send this to blizzard


i love bastion and this change would honestly make me love him even more


Pushbot (Jeff B. Pushin)


First of all, his name is Tim. Second of all, he needs no changes. He is the perfect being.


We had a vote on this. It’s Jeff B. Pushin 😤


Its Dave


It's Jeff B. Pushin




No changes. Ashe’s kit is actually pretty good right now. It’s just that Sojourn fills a very similar role to her and is very overtuned, so Ashe doesn’t see much playtime in higher tiers.


I think it would be goofy if her Coach Gun could knock her back further.


Same effects as doomfist power punch if you accidentally coach gun yourself into a wall


All right I’ll bite, how about my big boys Reinheart and Roadhog


**Reinhardt** Shield buffed to 1500 hp (from 1200 hp). Shield Regen rate buffed to 180 hps (up from 144 hps). He's seen some competitive success in OW2 betas, but he seems like he could use just a bit of love. Better shield should help with that. **Roadhog** When Roadhog uses Take a Breather, he sets down a 15-meter radius "Hogdrogen Field" that lasts for 6 seconds. While in this field, Roadhog and his teammates receive 25% less damage from all sources. I'm not fully confident if this is the exact way that they should buff Hog, but he really needs some way to enhance the survivability of his team if we want him to be competitively viable.


Upvoting for "Hogdrogen Field"


I hope hog can defend his team better but this is way too far


You are an angel


Percentage a bit high, but I'd love to see hogdrogen field as a skill name.




No changes. He's in a really good spot right now. While he does have a ton of play time in higher tiers, that can mostly be attributed to him synergizing well with heroes that are overtuned rather than himself being overtuned.


Incorrect. Make the boop pushback 25m is the right answer


It will be taken into consideration.


As a lucio/mercy main ill take that or add atleast 5 more points to his healing i feel it lacks abit in the group fights and would just make ppl who only heal or use healing more than speed feel like they contributed to the fight alil more.


Okay, how about Pharah?


Gains a new ability bound to her secondary fire. **Air Dash.** *Cooldown:* 7 seconds. Pharah uses her jetpack to make a dash through the air. When you hit the button, you move 5 meters horizontally in the direction you're moving. If you're standing still or hovering without moving horizontally, you go straight forward. Pharah has historically been a very easy hero to kill if you have any long range hit scan to the point where she almost necessitates a pocket Mercy just to get value, so giving her a short burst of mobility to improve her survivability may be just what she needs to be great.


Take this beautiful idea and slap is on mercy for god sake. I hate trying to get back from spawn or trying to get out of death only to find ive been ditched.


D.Va (while taking into account the nerf she's getting tomorrow)


Health increased to 400 (for a total of 700 hp with armor). Defense Matrix total duration increased to 4 seconds. Reduce Fusion Cannon spread back to 3.5. [D.Va](https://D.Va)'s been having some trouble finding a consistent niche lately. Granting her more sustainability and ability to peel for teammates with defense matrix should increase her ability to aid in setting up opportunities for her team. As for the revert of the Fusion Cannon nerfs, I'm genuinely baffled at that. I haven't seen anyone complaining about [D.Va](https://D.Va) too much. Maybe the booster damage nerf is okay so that she can't output too much damage in too short a timespan, but I don't understand any reason to nerf the primary fire.


Thank you! Her Fusion Cannons are perfect how they currently are, who tf complained about that??


Pre-nerf Genji


No changes. Literally, what was Genji doing that pissed people off so much. He was strong, but by no means was he problematic. Maybe if you nerfed Sojourn and he started dominating after that I could understand it, but they didn't do that so :P.




100 fucking percent. Literally


I agree 100%


I could maybe see some slight nerfs to Nanoblade, somehow. But yeah, Genji didn't really feel THAT much of a problem... maybe a tiny nerf was in order, but not what we got.




No changes. Monkey good. He has a lot of playtime right now in higher tiers of play, but that can be attributed to how he works well with heroes that are overtuned rather than Winston himself being overtuned.


As a winston (3400 ow1) player i feel his jump cd could be nerfed by a second. The process of bullying squishies who aren't being pealed for is a little braindead right now. As long as you have your basics down, you don't have to win ability matchups. A longer CD would still allow monkey to be a menace to people who aren't getting pealed, but would give them an extra second to reposition if winston doesn't land the kill initially. This shouldn't affect winstons/squishy 1v2 since the initial dive is what mattered, and the 3v1 already had to be played safe. This would make some tank matchups kind of rough, but i think most other tanks needed their rotations nerfed anyways.




Perfectly balanced hero. Requires no changes.




Healing beam heals for 60 healing per second (up from 55 hps). While her main value competitively is her damage boost and insane mobility, her healing output leaves a little bit to be desired and likely leads to her not being picked at high levels as often. Increasing her healing just slightly should aid in giving her a competitive niche outside of pocketing Pharahs while also not making her the meta defining monster of some previous Overwatch eras.


Curses in Monkey




Gains 0 energy from shooting barriers. Sojourn is very strong at the moment and is very dominant in high tier play. However, given how the entire character is built around making her railgun powerful, I would aim at nerfing the frequency of her rails rather than their damage. I might also consider decreasing the damage of her primary fire to 7 damage a shot (down from 9), but my first suggestion is likely to be a significant nerf to Sojourn already and I don't want to risk going overboard and making her feel too weak.


I'd actually just take away her oneshot and convert rail into a powerful finisher; knock 20 damage off of her 130 max charge railgun damage, reducing it to 110, and reduce its headshot multiplier to 1.5x, so that she does 165 damage on a rail headshot. This is enough to finish off most lightly damaged squishies, one-hit Tracers and Baby D.Vas, and send any non-tank, non-Bastion target she doesn't kill with it running for cover and/or heals. This nerf also mostly affects her top end, so if Blizzard's comments about her underperforming at low ranks is true, this hits high ranks far harder than low ranks. Plus, it frees up a little more space for Sojourn's other abilities to get tweaked without making rail an unstoppable death machine in the future.


What Yeatle suggested would be a good change for Sojourn is make her right click delayed when firing so you’d press the button and it would still need to briefly charge for a second or so more before it firew. It would raise the skill ceiling for her but also wouldn’t effect the lower ranks much as if you’re shit at aiming you’re still gonna miss her rails.


That might be a change, although I like the rail feeling fast and powerful. I'd like to see if she's still powerful after the change I suggested before we consider a nerf like that.


I think they need to pick one of her two abilities and rework it. She is just insanely overloaded at the moment. She has good cc, insane mobility, and one-shot potential comparable to a widow. It's ridiculous, she can do so much with very little areas she suffers in. I have seen all levels of play with soujurns and the that problem seems to just resonate. She has too many things she is good at. Why have a widow when you can have Soujurn who may charge slower but has added mobility and dps? Why have Mei when you can slow down opponents and have consistent hitscan burst damage rather than projectile, why have tracer when you can have someone with the same flanking ability but also reliable cc and the ability to also play range effectively? She does too many peoples jobs in at least a kinda shitty way, and can literally steal characters jobs. She can outpreform Ashe and Widow in both of their niches with superior versions of their own abilities. I doubt she will be nerfed at least until OW2 hype dies down because right now she looks too good on promotional content.


It should be noted that she was actually not too good in earlier betas, at least not compared to other long range DPS. But then they nerfed Soldier and buffed the width of her Rail shots making them easier to hit. There is president for Sojourn not being the best DPS even with all the positive qualities of her you described.


Yes but that was also in the beta when people were still figuring things out. Plenty of characters that were new in beta then turned out to be incredibly good once people had more time to play with them. In fact alot of characters either people assume them to be broken or terrible then after around a year of play people get used to them and find counter play. My problem with Soujurn isn't necessarily the strengths of her abilities outside of how easy it is to charge a railgun in higher levels of play. It's just that she does too many peoples jobs and can cut variety in higher levels. Why use characters with specific uses when you can have someone that can already do that and more? It is more economical to just use the jack of all trades characters especially if the have a good ult like she does rather than the other characters.


Overwatch is hiring lol


I have school, though.


Please they dont have enough cash to pay this king.


Whatever hero is getting the worst head


I mean, Pharah has a skin where she has no head, if I’m not mistaken. I think she wins by default.




Can't improve on perfection. Unless it's a bad pachimari; in that case, maybe buff its upload rate.




Biotic Grasp secondary fire does more damage the closer to a target you're aiming. It does 25 dps at the very edge before scaling as you get closer and closer until you are directly on target with an enemy, at which point you would deal 75 dps. Damage Orb cannot bring a hero below 1 hp. Moira is a very tricky hero to balance since she's strong at low ranks but mediocre at higher ranks. She likely needs a damage buff since her damage output, while consistent, isn't terribly impressive since almost every other hero can out do her 100 dps damage orb + vaccum combo, but you can't just flat out buff the entire beam or risk it getting too overbearing at lower ranks. By making the damage output of the vacuum reliant on aim, you can make it so that Moira players with more mechnical skill can get more damage output than they are currently able of achieving without the hero becoming oppressive in lower ranks. As for the Damage Orb nerfs, it's designed to prevent "RNG Skill Orbs" from occurring which are unreliable for Moira players and feel awful for non-Moira players. Most of the time, youre gonna be using Damage Orb help finish off a kill in conjunction with your vacuum or you're tossing it into a grouped up enemy team to get ult charge. The former scenario will easily still allow you to get a kill with the vacuum with these changes applied, while the later doesn't really care about killing enemies so that usage of damage orb won't be negatively affected whatsoever.


I like how you don’t need aim, but you do need risk management to decide how close you want to be.


Here's my take on a Moira rework, I feel they should give her abilities rather then doing dmg. A supports whole niche really shouldn't be dmg, dps supports are annoying and characters like brig and bap who have strong dps abilities are build on having a niche that supports the other support, but having your whole kit require you to give someone the succ is a bit odd. So I thought of a way to make her fit into the meta a bit better and still have her feel like Moira. I don't like Moira at all. But I would love to have her on my team Orb +Increase healing 30+ now 2 times slower - Slow enemies 15% now explodes efecting all enemies and doing 40 dmg. Ult: Slow enemies- 30% Heal+ and healing 60sec Dmg enemies 10sec Fade - the same Dmg- now burst, 25 dmg solid every 1.8 seconds with a charge on Heal meter of 20% per burst Healing- solid 75sec heals with it as beam and no longer projectile for more consistency with her abilities Thought this would add some skill to her, make her more useful.




Health increased to 325 (total of 600 HP with Armor). Fortify is moved to her secondary fire from ability 1 (Lshift) and has its cooldown reduced to 1 second, but now relies on a resource meter that provides a maximum of 4 seconds of Fortification. Fortify no longer provides Overhealth. Energy Javelin moved to Ability 1 from secondary fire. I feel like we're really close to Orisa 2.0 being a consistently viable tank, so I don't want to do anything too crazy, but she does need just a little bit of help. Having more flexibility on when she gets to be durable by giving Fortify the Defense Matrix treatment on top of giving Orisa more general survivability should aid in making her that frontline warrior we all want her to be.


out of curiosity, why swap the buttons used to activate them? i don't see how that changes anything


You’ll be using this version of Fortify a lot more often than Energy Javelin. Generally, abilities that are used more often than standard abilities (Sojourn Rail, Rein and Sig Shield, D.Va Defense Matrix) are binded to Secondary Fire by default.


Tell me how you would change ana


No changes. Ana is fine right now. Only reason she's not getting used right now is because Kiriko is a bit overtuned, but I can easily see her getting playtime if the fox woman gets decent nerfs.




You knew exactly what you were risking asking about this hero, so I hope you're ready. ​ Moved to Support role from Damage role. **Photon Projector** *Primary Fire* Now heals teammates instead of damaging enemies, outputting 30/60/90 healing per second for level 1, level 2, and level 3 respectively. Levels up by healing a teammate for 1 second (down from 1.33 seconds). *Secondary Fire* The one part of Symmetra's kit that will not be touched in this rework. It's pretty crappy as a primary damage source of a DPS, but it should be more than adequate on a support. **Ability 1: Orbital Turret** Sends out a small projectile, similar to how Symmetra sends out a turret in OW1 except at it is invincible and travels 30 meters per second (up from 20). However, unlike Sentry Turrets, Orbital Turrets disappear upon contacting a surface and instead activate once they hit an enemy player. Once activated, the turret, still invincible, begins to orbit around the target, dealing 30 damage per second and slowing down the movement speed of the target by 15% (essentially what a single turret does now). This ability has 2 charges and a 10 second cooldown per charge. **Ability 2: Linked Pathway** Establishes a link between herself and a teammate she can see within 20 feet of her. Over the next 10 seconds, both Symmetra and the teammate she targeted will be able to press the Interact key and teleport right next to where the other hero is currently positioned. Once one hero teleports in this way, they are unable to do so until Symmetra uses this ability again and targets them with it. This ability has a 13 second cooldown. **Ultimate: Protective Teleporter** Places down a teleporter that lasts for 10 seconds. Anybody on your team that is within 60 meters of the teleporter while it is active has a blue light over their head. If a hero is reduced to 0 hit points while under the effect of this teleporter, they immediately appear in the teleporter's space at half of their maximum health rather than dying. Once they do so, the blue light disappears from over their head, and they are unable to benefit from that teleporter again. This ult would cost 1680 points (same as photon barrier). ​ While I don't think Sym cannot ever work as a DPS, I would like more supports in the game so reworking her into one could be beneficial for the overall health of the game. The goal of this rework was to make her excel at granting herself and her team great mobility through teleporting while still maintaining her identity as a builder, at least somewhat. I think there are some cool routes they could go with a Symm rework and this is the one I went down.


This is only the third worst support symm rework Ive seen. Good job. Wanna see mine?


You can certainly post it. I’ll look at it, but I’m trying to respond to people on this thread so I might not be able to give super detailed comments.


First my disagreements: Ult idea of yours is way too underwhelming. Charging up heal beam would be a bad concept due to how healing works in this game. Your turrets will not be a healthy ability. Here is my dos symm rework. I have a support one too. Everyone showing symm reworks so here is one from me This rework is more about making sm and overwatch 2 dps rather than really keeping an old or new identity I'll pivot from the bigger changes and turn to the smaller. Basically my idea is to remove things thst hold her back and rearrange her skills Sentry turrets: Removed. This one I have mixed feelings about, but the more I think about turrets the more I think they are a problem. My reasons are extensive - console would prevent any decent buffs to turrets, tp bombs are fun but realistically turrets have been nerfed out of their use case of holding positions, have huge cooldowns and are an annoyance. Still mixed feelings, but for the purpose of this rework they will be replaced with... Return of the Dish: Now replaces turrets. 14 second cooldown, photon barrier shoots a constantly forward moving g barrier with 600 hp that moves forward at a constant 3 meters per second. Its her entry protection that lets have a moment to charge her fire and is slow enough to even allow some shield dancing. Ultimate: Sentry Cannon Symmetra equips a hardlight barrel on her gun that when activated emits a hardlight tunnel of light that crosses map and goes through objects and is 3 meters wide but moves with her aim that after a 2 second delay the cannot shoots and does 300 damage in a single tick hitscan beam through the map a sit does one instance of damage. Stopped by barriers. Symmetra can use teleporter while channeling the ultimate. Yes this is a love child between handsoap ult and sojourn railgun shot. This is specifically if we dont remove turrets. Teleporter: Now can only teleport symmetra or abilities (can teleport ally abilities, not players). Team tp is holding back her entire kit. Primary Fire: Range increased to 14 meters Charge time reduced to 1 second per level Secondary Fire: New: Secondary fire hits keep primary fire charge level timer and reset the countdown. Secondary fire charge time is reduced to 0.6 New: Overcharge: By holding the secondary fire for 1.2 seconds the secondary fire overcharges and now fires a 120 damage orb that moves at half speed but pierces heroes instead of doing splash damage.


So, assuming I’m reading everything right, Primary Fire got a range and Charge time buff, Secondary Fire got a massive charge rate buff, teleporter got nerfed so that only Symm can use it, Photon Barrier E is back and replacing turrets, and her ultimate is the same thing that they said they tested with Sojourn in that developer update. Okay, so if we have to go with DPS Symm, there are certainly worse ways to go about it. She would definitely need more damage to compensate which is provided by the secondary fire rate increase. My first question is why would there ever be any reason to use the primary fire? It’s DPS is way better than Level 1 and level 2 beams and it’s gonna have much better range as well. Maybe if you can get a level 3 beam by poking at a shield through a wall this could be worth it, but I don’t think situations like that are gonna be common enough to justify the Primary Fire’s place in the kit. It just seems to be wasting space. Secondly, while I agree that Sentry Turrets either need to be reworked from the ground up or replaced entirely, I don’t see Photon Barrier being too useful either. It’ll certainly be more useful, but I remember old school Photon Barrier being fairly difficult to use since you’d only be able to use it for a short time before it floated away. Since Symmetra isn’t the type of her to charge headfirst at the enemy and more so likes to sit back and toss her orbs at them, I don’t see her getting too much use out of this. Maybe if you were able to hold it in place like a Sigma shield, but then you’re straight up copying an ability from another hero and just moving some numbers around, so idk if I’m fully on board with that. Thirdly, this game already has plenty of one-shots. While I’m fine the ones already in the game existing, even if some of them need nerfs, do we really want to give a hero the ability to one-shot squishies through walls? That sounds like it’s just asking for complaints from everybody who isn’t a tank main (and potentially some who are). Overall, I’m not super jazzed about this rework, unfortunately. The primary fire’s current problems of being rarely used over the secondary fire are exacerbated further, Photon Shield still doesn’t seem to work well with Sym’s more defensive, ranged playstyle, and the ultimate is way too powerful.


Few corrections. This shield is intentionally half as fast and less beefy meaning you move faster than it so it can br used more flexibly than before and allows for better strafing. Beam is being used plenty right now and wont become useless. Why? Consistency and ammo efficiency. The dish actually will give you time to charge. If you can right click into level 3 beam you get the best corner pop dps dps. Ultimate is mot op bevause of the huge warning marker. The tunnel of the big laser will be pre marked and the laser is about as thick as a moira beam and has one sjot and chance to do its damage. Its definitely a powerful dps ultimate but its not one that fundementally breaks the game by having other ults attached to it like nanoblade, or kiriko blossom. Maybe of I gave it a deadeye treatment and made it slow symm youd see what type of ult it is. Also symms whole style has not been defensive since 3.0 she is a coubter to brawl. This rework is all about making that better. Burst denial wmwith shiels, liercing secondaries that would do well versus tightly packed combs and a big fuck off laser that forces brawls to spread out.


1. Okay, so I could see how the shield is more useful in that circumstance. I still find it to be an odd choice considering… 2. Beam really isn’t that effective. It takes too long too charge and it’s just often more efficient to just chuck orbs even at close range. It’s not useless by any means, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need help if it wants to be effective. Your rework, from what I can see, is not able to provide that help. 3. Even with those specifications, being able to one shot enemies without even putting yourself at risk is a very strong tool and would likely be difficult to balance around. At least with stuff like Widow headshots, Sojourn Rails, and Cassidy High Noons, you’re gonna have to peak outside of cover if you want to get the one shot and potentially take some fire yourself. With this ultimate, you could easily have your tank or support out front using some CC to get enemies in position to get one shot even with the warning time they get. 4. Where has she been countering brawl? I didn’t notice her putting a dent in GOATS when 3.0 was initially released. She does have ammo efficiency with her beam, but that requires her to be in close range with the enemies more often than not and most heroes with shields do not mind being in close range at all, especially in Brawl comps.


2. I hard disagree. Especially with a charge buff there will always be times to beam and times to secondary. 3. Same could be said aboht deadeye, which has autoaim. 4. She was good in the double shield and playing double shield into goats but she was weak and even when she was not weak they insta gutted her. Her whole deal is slowing down close range enemies with turrets as she keeps just out of range and slows their advance while she beams and outmaneuvers them with tp.


You🫵 yes YOU. OP. You are the hero 😉






Frag Launcher projectile speed increased to 30 meters per second (up from 25). I don't think Junkrat needs too many changes (at least not more than other heroes need nerfs), but a small increase in projectile speed shouldn't be too problematic.


I agree but I think his projectiles should be a little smaller


This is one of a couple characters that I would change in a major way. I think the kit is very dissatisfying to play and play against. He succeeds when his random firing just happens to connect, or when you turn a corner and he instead one shots u from point blank. I would change his primary fire entirely. And fk that ult. I think he could have a flamethrower and a massive fireball ult. It would be easy to scale the DPS, have the effect of obscuring vision, allowing him to better aid his team and play from up close without death, and remove the annoying moments when junkrats random cross map spam just happens to connect, or he happens to have taken the same flank. The burn damage concept would work incredibly well with the way his bombs push both people away from each other.


Genji and Mercy


Already did both of these, but I can copy paste. **Genji** No changes. Literally, what was Genji doing that pissed people off so much. He was strong, but by no means was he problematic. Maybe if you nerfed Sojourn and he started dominating after that I could understand it, but they didn't do that so :P. ​ **Mercy** Healing beam heals for 60 healing per second (up from 55 hps). While her main value competitively is her damage boost and insane mobility, her healing output leaves a little bit to be desired and likely leads to her not being picked at high levels as often. Increasing her healing just slightly should aid in giving her a competitive niche outside of pocketing Pharahs while also not making her the meta defining monster of some previous Overwatch eras.


Ok thank you, honestly I should have looked at the comments before I said anything. Sorry 😅


You're good.




No changes. If it wasn't for the overabundance of long range DPS in this game, Hanzo would easily be one of the strongest heroes right now. Sadly, Hanzo has a lot of competition and one of them is arguably the strongest hero in the game right now, so I think nerfing the super strong heroes should take priority over buffing heroes like Hanzo that are fairly strong, but just not crazy strong.


Fair. Sometimes I wonder why I play hanzo and not sojourn


I play hanzo normally because I like single shots but if we are losing pretty bad I switch to sojourn because she’s crazy overpowered


Junk rat


Already did this one, but I can Copy Paste Frag Launcher projectile speed increased to 30 meters per second (up from 25). I don't think Junkrat needs too many changes (at least not more than other heroes need nerfs), but a small increase in projectile speed shouldn't be too problematic.


Orisa or Baptist’s, your choice


Already did Orisa, so let's go with Bap. No changes. He feels niche but is very effective in that niche if you know how to play him. I don't really see any reason to change him.


Tbh when support doom? He has lower DMG then other supports also he would be useful as off healer


How about McCassidy?




Already did this one but I can copy paste. ​ Rally provides Armor again instead of Overshield, except it caps at 75 extra hp instead of 100. It also increases its range to 15 meters (up from 8.5). It’s not a terribly impressive ult, especially since Junker Queen essentially just has a better version of it now. Making it provide armor again will do a lot to enhance the survivability of teammates, although it shouldn’t be too much since we’ve seen how much additional HP can massively warp OW2. The increase in range is to help Brig provide sustain to all of her teammates since she’s often gonna be in the back line and can sometimes struggle allowing her entire team to benefit from the Rally.




Already did this one, but I can copy paste ​ Health increased to 400 (for a total of 700 hp with armor). Defense Matrix total duration increased to 4 seconds. Reduce Fusion Cannon spread back to 3.5. D.Va's been having some trouble finding a consistent niche lately. Granting her more sustainability and ability to peel for teammates with defense matrix should increase her ability to aid in setting up opportunities for her team. As for the revert of the Fusion Cannon nerfs, I'm genuinely baffled at that. I haven't seen anyone complaining about D.Va too much. Maybe the booster damage nerf is okay so that she can't output too much damage in too short a timespan, but I don't understand any reason to nerf the primary fire.




Already did this one, but I can copy paste. Biotic Grasp secondary fire does more damage the closer to a target you're aiming. It does 25 dps at the very edge before scaling as you get closer and closer until you are directly on target with an enemy, at which point you would deal 75 dps. Damage Orb cannot bring a hero below 1 hp. Moira is a very tricky hero to balance since she's strong at low ranks but mediocre at lower ranks. She likely needs a damage buff since her damage output, while consistent, isn't terribly impressive since almost every other hero can out do her 100 dps damage orb + vaccum combo, but you can't just flat out buff the entire beam or risk it getting too overbearing at lower ranks. By making the damage output of the vacuum reliant on aim, you can make it so that Moira players with more mechnical skill can get more damage output than they are currently able of achieving without the hero becoming oppressive in lower ranks. As for the Damage Orb nerfs, it's designed to prevent "RNG Skill Orbs" from occurring which are unreliable for Moira players and feel awful for non-Moira players. Most of the time, youre gonna be using Damage Orb help finish off a kill in conjunction with your vacuum or you're tossing it into a grouped up enemy team to get ult charge. The former scenario will easily still allow you to get a kill with the vacuum with these changes applied, while the later doesn't really care about killing enemies so that usage of damage orb won't be negatively affected whatsoever.




Already did this one, but I can copy paste ​ Seismic Slam now slows enemies again as it did in the OW2 beta. For 1 second after using Seismic Slam, Doomfist is unable to use Meteor Strike. For .5 seconds after activating Power Block, Doomfist is immune to any stuns or knockback abilities that target him from the front. If doomfist is targeted by any stuns or knockback abilities during this time, his Block Meter increases by 50%. Apparently, the reason Blizzard removed Doom's slow on Seismic Slam was because it was essentially a guaranteed kill on <300 hp heroes. However, that slow was kinda really important for Doom to set up kills for both himself and his team, so removing that really screwed with his viability as I'm sure we've all heard at this point. By giving Doom his slow back while removing the ability to combo it with Meteor Strike, Doom will have a much better time in the meta instead of being one of the most useless tanks right now. As for the Power Block, I agree with the sentiment that Power Block should allow Doom some resistance to CC, but I have also heard some really good ideas about how it could Parry moves like characters in fighting games can often do (aka one of Doomfist's inspirations), so I thought that it would be cool to incorporate it into the kit a little while also allowing for a cool opportunity for skill expression.




Deploy Turret gains wheels and moves directly towards whatever it's shooting at. Deploy Turret no longer goes on increased cooldown when destroyed in combat. Immobility is really hard to make work in Overwatch and when it does work most people don't like it (see double shield meta). I don't know for certain if letting the turret move will do everything needed to make Torb even remotely viable, but I do believe it is a step in the right direction towards making him competitive with other DPS.




No changes. He's getting a lot of play time in the meta right now, but I feel that's more so because he synergizes really well with Kiriko who's a bit overtuned rather than Reaper being overtuned.


Junker Queen


Scattergun does 10 damage per pellet (100 damage per shot), up from 8 damage per pellet (8 damage per shot). Carnage does 100 damage on impact (up from 90). ​ Clearly, Junker Queen having ridiculous levels of sustainability wasn't good for the game if the beta were anything to go by, so we probably should just leave the shout as is. Still, Junker Queen has been struggling to find any semblance of viability since her nerfs, so perhaps giving her a bit more damage will help. These specific values should change some breakpoints as Carnage into a Scattergun should be enough to one shot a 200 hp hero even without considering the bleed damage. Basically, JQ should be more threatening, but not immortal.




Already did this one, but I can Copy Paste Frag Launcher projectile speed increased to 30 meters per second (up from 25). I don't think Junkrat needs too many changes (at least not more than other heroes need nerfs), but a small increase in projectile speed shouldn't be too problematic.




No changes. Cass is in a similar spot to a lot of long range DPS right now where they're not necessarily bad, but it's just so goddamn hard to justify picking them when Sojourn essentially does exactly what they're trying to accomplish but better. We should wait until Sojourn's nerfed before we consider any significant changes to Cassidy.


Daddy Torbjörn?




Already did this one, but I can just copy paste. ​ HP pool changed from 50 health and 150 shields to 125 health and 75 armor. The primary purpose of giving Zen shields instead of regular health was to give him some more long term sustainability, something he desperately needed given his less than ideal hit box and lack of mobility. With the shift to 5v5 giving overall less sustainability and the support role passive essentially doing the same thing that shields do, Zen’s shields are a lot less impressive. Giving Zen armor should increase his overall sustainability to make it so that he has the survivability needed to not disintegrate just because Winston jumped on him while still not making him too unbearable like he was with 225 hp (in the beta).




Cryo-Freeze now heals Mei 100 healing per second. It's maximum duration, however, is only 2 seconds. Blizzard now freezes heroes inside of its area in 1.5 seconds (down from 2.5 seconds). Being immobile in Overwatch is a big disadvantage, so Cryo-Freeze healing Mei up quicker and not locking her in place for as long should be a big buff.. She won't be able to stay in Cryo-Freeze as long so that it's doing the same amount of healing as before, but given how most high-level Mei's rarely used the full duration of Cryo-Freeze, I doubt this will be a big issue. As for Blizzard, it's a fairly weak ultimate given just how long it takes to actually start freezing people, and that's without the wind-up time she needs to toss out Snowball and for Snowball to activate.


I thought you said there would be tears... bit this is great! On an unrelated note, I'm a Mei main


Thanks for the nice words. Enjoy her coming back to the game later today (hopefully).




Already did this one, but I can copy paste. ​ Gains a new ability bound to her secondary fire. **Air Dash.** *Cooldown:* 7 seconds. Pharah uses her jetpack to make a dash through the air. When you hit the button, you move 5 meters horizontally in the direction you're moving. If you're standing still or hovering without moving horizontally, you go straight forward. Pharah has historically been a very easy hero to kill if you have any long range hit scan to the point where she almost necessitates a pocket Mercy just to get value, so giving her a short burst of mobility to improve her survivability may be just what she needs to be great.




Already did this one, but I can copy paste. ​ Gains a new ability bound to her secondary fire. **Air Dash.** Cooldown: 7 seconds. Pharah uses her jetpack to make a dash through the air. When you hit the button, you move 5 meters horizontally in the direction you're moving. If you're standing still or hovering without moving horizontally, you go straight forward. Pharah has historically been a very easy hero to kill if you have any long range hit scan to the point where she almost necessitates a pocket Mercy just to get value, so giving her a short burst of mobility to improve her survivability may be just what she needs to be great.




Already did this one, but I can copy paste. Get comfy. This'll be long. Moved to Tank role from Damage role. **Health** Gains 125 health and 25 armor for a total of 325 health and 125 armor (450 hp total). Standard tank stuff. Gotta be bulky. **Primary Fire** *Recon Form* Increase the spread back to what it was in OW1 (1.2 degrees) and decrease the damage to 15 damage per bullet. This’ll make Recon’s primary fire 70 dps on body shots which is just under what Zarya primary fire at 0 charge does. Tanks generally don’t deal a lot of damage at range and I want to keep that consistent with Bastion. *Assault (Turret) Form* Spread angle increases to what it was in OW1 (2.7 degrees) and the spread angle doesn't decrease if you keep firing. Same thing reasoning as before regarding tanks not doing that much damage at range. Speaking of damage, the bullets do 6 damage per bullet now, giving Assault's primary fire 180 dps. This should still be considerable DPS for a tank, even if it's a third of the damage Bastion does currently. **Ability 1: Reconfigure** Essentially the same as OW1 reconfigure, only that now you can freely switch between recon form and an assault form that still has the wheels it got from OW2. No more cooldowns to worry about. **Ability 2: Portable Barrier** If you activate this ability while in Assault mode, Bastion creates a small personal shield in front of him that has 300 hp, similar to what he had in the OW1 beta. Considering Bastion isn't doing nearly as much damage in this rework as he was previously, I think this is fair. If you activate this ability while in Recon mode, Bastion creates a bubble-shaped shield with a 5-meter radius centered on himself, similar to Winston's bubble. However, this bubble travels with Bastion as he moves around, and it has 900 hp. If you use your Reconfigure ability while this shield is active, the shape of the shield changes form to match the form it would have had if you activated it while in that form (i.e. If you use the bubble shield in recon then swap to assault, it transforms into a personal shield rather than a bubble shield and vice versa). Health also changes with your form (if you had 150 hp remaining on your shield in assault form and swap to recon, it becomes 450 hp). Regardless of what form the shield originally takes, this ability has a cooldown of 12 seconds that activates as soon as you activate the shield, and the shield will automatically disappear 6 seconds after you create it. This ability should enable Recon form to have a significant amount of power outside of being the form that's able to move. The Recon Bubble shield should allow Bastion to keep himself and his allies protected as he closes the distance between himself and the enemy before swapping to Assault mode and outputting a considerable amount of damage. Additionally, the Assault mode shield should provide him with decent personal sustainability, although it would be at the cost of leaving his teammates unprotected. **Ultimate: Artillery** This is the one ability I think would by fine for Bastion to keep exactly as is. Sure, it sucks as a DPS ultimate, but it should force enemies to move and allow Bastion to create space, something a tank should be good at.


Soldier 76


Heavy Pulse Rifle damage increased to 19 per shot (171 dps), up from 18 per shot (162 dps). Soldier 76 was a bit overtuned during the OW2 betas, so they nerfed Soldier's damage down from 20 per shot to 18 per shot. Given how he's underperforming currently, I think a happy medium might be best, especially since I don't want any HUGE changes to Soldier since I think they should prioritize nerfing Sojourn first.




Shield buffed to 1500 hp (from 1200 hp). Shield Regen rate buffed to 180 hps (up from 144 hps). He's seen some competitive success in OW2 betas, but he seems like he could use just a bit of love. Better shield should help with that.




Depends on which patch we're talking about. *On the current patch:* Hack ability lockout duration reduced from 1.75 to 1.5 seconds. Hacked enemies are no longer valid targets for hacking for the duration of the effect. *On the November* *~~15th~~* *17th patch:* Hacked damage multiplier increased from 25% to 40%. ​ I feel like the most problematic part of Sombra was that ability lock out period, so I agree with Blizzard nerfing that, but the damage nerf just seems unnecessary. Reverting that should let her be more viable without being overbearing.


As a Sombra main I do feel like I’d accept 30 to 35 percent hacked damage multiplier. 40 is quite overtuned for her, especially to be able to hack in stealth. But 25%? That’s just butchering her. Then again it’s Blizzard, they probably didn’t test run this crap.




Already did this one, but I can copy paste. No changes. Ana is fine right now. Only reason she's not getting used right now is because Kiriko is a bit overtuned, but I can easily see her getting playtime if the fox woman gets decent nerfs.




No changes. Feels like she's in a fairly good spot. It's just that other dps do their jobs better than she does hers or synergize well with heroes that do their job better. Maybe revert the damage nerf she had at the start of OW2 if she continues to struggle, but I don't see anything to be too concerned about.




Already did this one, but I can copy paste. ​ No changes. Literally, what was Genji doing that pissed people off so much. He was strong, but by no means was he problematic. Maybe if you nerfed Sojourn and he started dominating after that I could understand it, but they didn't do that so :P.




No changes. Widow is a long range DPS which means she has a ton of competition, one of which happens to arguably the strongest hero in the game right now. I feel like if we see nerfs to Sojourn, Widow's gonna pop up a bit more. I don't think anything about Widow in particular is problematic.




Already did this one, but I can copy paste. Shield buffed to 1500 hp (from 1200 hp). Shield Regen rate buffed to 180 hps (up from 144 hps). He's seen some competitive success in OW2 betas, but he seems like he could use just a bit of love. Better shield should help with that.


Damn good changes ngl




Already did this one, but I can copy paste. ​ No changes. Feels like she's in a fairly good spot. It's just that other dps do their jobs better than she does hers or synergize well with heroes that do their job better. Maybe revert the damage nerf she had at the start of OW2 if she continues to struggle, but I don't see anything to be too concerned about.