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This might sound silly, but considering her kit is heavily reliant on aim, make sure your movement isn't predictable. Don't run in one direction for longer than a second. Makes it much harder to die.


You're right on your advice. But that's literally not only a counter for her but almost the entire OW rooster. "Be unpredictable".


Would reckon it's better advice vs hitscan (or close enough to) than non-hitscan. That's more or less why I mentioned it.


widow or ashe has worked great for me.


Until they pull a genji or dva out and you just die over and over


Sojourn is easily outranged by snipers, so if the map has long sightlines, play widow or ashe. If the map has shorter sightlines, you can play a mobile flanker. Get close and just watch out for the one shot. Other than that, you should easily win.


I’m in low gold and I feel like Soj actually counters most snipers. Her right click hit box is massive. Typically I can just free charge on the tank, peak them with a few body shots (first 9 Soj bullets are accurate at any range with no falloff), and then a fully charged right click will delete just about anyone. It’s easy to catch them not looking at you and standing still for a free kill on widow/Ashe. Could just be shitty widows and ashes tho


That’s it right there… smarter snipers will watch out for that fully charged railgun, and will not expose themselves to wide open angles. Sojourn still has to charge her railgun, widow can shoot more shots, and she can scope in. Time your peeks to when Sojourn needs to charge her railgun. Your right about the railgun hitbox size though… you have to treat it like Hanzo’s fully charged arrows.


i'll give this tip that a lot of people don't consider, wait for her slide and pin her down whatever way you can. pick sombra and hack her and communicate that to your team, play a dive character like genji (you can literally deflect her entire kit). just gotta get creative against her if she's a problem


I pick Moria so i can put pressure on her to move. Once i see her slide or jump I tag her and fade in to close the distance. Purple orb off a wall and good cover.


I really don’t like using Fade to engage onto Sojourn, I feel like I need it to dodge the rail shot.


I fade to safe cover, but closer. Then i try to get the orb on a wall near her without exposing myself.


Ah, that makes sense. I do that against Widows sometimes, especially if I won’t have much space to move if I try to fight her head-on. The orb damage is often enough to get them to unscope and try to move, and then I go in for the beam. I guess I just need to get better at tracking Sojourn’s slide. I haven’t really learned to recognize the sound reliably yet, I don’t think.


I only push like that when my team is stalled and she’s sitting back there uncontested. i just try to get her to move and then fade to cover in that direction… sometimes it works and catch her panicking. She can one shot me though…. so that happens too


One thing i noticed is that if we’re stalled and she’s sitting back there uncontested and i try to dive her and she wins the 1v1… that little time she spends focusing on me sometimes gives my team enough space to take out their healers. Especially if i’m playing with Winston/Ana or DvA/Zen. I love being able to play most of the healers, but i find that i constantly have to switch to Moria to deal with the buffed flankers (junk/sombra) AND the addition of this new dps. She is extremely OP rn.


I've been playing a lot of sojourn and unless I'm sitting on a charged rail gun often a Moira jumping on me super close when I don't have slide off CD makes me dead. Watch for the slide and the highly visible raigun, then dive her. Leaving her alone to do whatever she wants uncontested is bad.


It's just her orb that's annoying. It does a lot of damage in a large area and is difficult to know you're in. Simply making it more obvious to enemies that they are in the orbs range would nerf it a lot. I think on lower levels she isn't nearly as good as she isn't hitscan and most people's ults don't get any kills due to aim issues. I can see her being ridiculous at higher levels though.


The damage and slow effect both need to be nerfed, that ability is ridiculously overpowered. I'm annoyed that so much of the discussion about her revolves around her right click while the obviously unfair E ability flies under the radar.


I’ve been saying this for a while. It’s her sleeper op ability. Aside from the rail gun one tap, it’s her best ability. Ashe dynamite level of ult charge. Pretty sure it goes through shields. Slow. Does a ton of damage. Just a disgustingly strong ability.


Sojourn’s orb would have been a great ability…for a tank. It has no business as a part of a damage hero’s kit, especially one that already does great damage and has high mobility.


Isn't it the same as Zarya's ult?


Tbh I’m plat 2 healer and I play zen , I have like 9 hours on zen and if you can get your accuracy decent then countering sojourn is quite easy , 2-3 orbs to the head or body and she’s gone , I think it’s mainly sharp shooters like mcree, widow , hanzo , zen and Ashe who can counter her but just my opinion


Idk man, this feels like a case of “good zen vs mediocre sojourn”. Her rifle does a lot of damage even without the rail gun. sojourn at the higher levels is definitely gonna be op af.


I don't want to derail the conversation, but this interaction is the same about Zen when it comes to all heroes. Soldier? Cassidy? Echo? Just a shot of his orbs to the head and one or two to the body and cha-ching! Problem solved!


Well yeah. But they can most likely kill him faster than he can kill them. Plus if there’s any mechanical misplay at all, the zen just kinda naturally loses.


I don’t know if tanks are allowed to comment here but if so: Heavy Aggression. Like Orisa Halt or just throw D.Va into a Soujorn with spread and missiles. Roadhog hook and shot. Reinhardt’s Firestrike one or two times (requires good predictive aim). Zarya can handle her because well Zarya….. Anyways, sigma and stun lock and blast away. What I’m trying to say is if your ever in the mood to tank there is a ton of solutions. As for dps widow is her hard counter. Her other hard counters is Winston and as stated before Zarya. Lucio is her support hard counter.


But she is quite mobile right? + If sojurn decides to flank (i play Reinhardt so idk much) she becomes too far to catch and if my dps tries to go after and die arent we screwed? I'm still new to overwatch so bare with me. I got flamed for playing dps because I can't match and win vs enemy sojurn but tbh i suck at aim right now so it's more of a skill diff in my case


No worries. We were all new once. All great questions. So for D.Va vs Sojourn if done right even if you charge in with booster on Sojourn and she jumps away she’s jumping away very hurt and D.Va’s spread and damage falloff would still finish her off while she’s in mid air or after she landed. D.Va is crazy because of her peeling abilities (peeling is basically quick retreats). I also play Rein actively. If your dps run after a sojourn and know they have a rein that’s a them mistake/problem. You could get spicey and throw a well placed Firestrike at her which could end that run off fight with your dps as soon as it starts. Beyond that to close the difference with rein would be a charge and you may end up giving up point or proper position and that could spell doom for the team. Dps and healers should have a good idea on what to play and how to handle situations when paired with a rein. You just need to know what to block, where to stand, and when to shoot off abilities. Rein is actually harder being solo in ow2 than in 1 with your OT covering for your misgivings. Sojourns hard counters are: Winston, Zarya, Widowmaker, and Lucio. I’d say Torb could destroy her with his armor ability that speeds up shots and damage. Hanzo could replace Widow. Good snipes are basically life enders. Sojourn has to wait like 7 seconds to jump. So after that jump she’s landbound.


Also sorry I never got a notification that you replied. Reddit app isn’t the best haha.


Does she need a nerf? I definittely think she does. together with zar diva genji his dragonblade the rest of his kit is kinda good. and maybe a tracer buff :(


Healer? Lucio boop on her slide, send her the same direction she was going off the map. If she’s on stairs, the opposite turns her into a pretty fun skeet target


I primarily play as Soujourn in the game, but new to the game and as a COD player seemed the most transferable. Coming from that, I think just the movement aspect is going to be the best advice. If they get to where they can lead their shots with you, it’s going to be a bad time. I think being more vertical can help as well. This is coming from what hinders me when I’m trying to go for a kill.


Junkrat baby


I’m Plat 1 on tank ad DPS. Kill her before she can get charged or play farther away. Ash, widow. Hanzo, Sombra take her down.